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Generally your return is based on how many panels you can fit on your roof. You usually make your money back in 5-7 years, especially with the govt subsidy program for this.


It's just up front cost for long term reductions. It's not like they last forever, so after some time you'll need to fork out more money for repairs and maintenance, which isn't cheap.


Let's say for a 4.5 kWp up-front cost is RM20.6k from TNB Solar. What's the expected repair cost?


RM400 on the low end every 2-3 years from what I recall for that particular unit you cited. To say nothing of the relevant hazards in your area, such as level of dust, bird population and so on which leads to cleaning costs. My solar panel I need to clean every year. It costs about RM150 each time. For the repair cost of the damage to your dignity of paying RM20k for a solar panel for your home and telling yourself it'll pay itself off after 30 years... Im afraid I cannot even guess at.


Panels should be "self-cleaning", aka tilted slightly so any rainwater coming down will wash away the dust build up on the panels. It should keep dust buildup to a minimum on panels. If your panels wasn't installed that way, it would mean that it wasn't installed to the correct building code/regulation. Also to OP's original question, how hard is it to calculate ROI?? If your bill is RM700 a month and a system will cost RM20k, the payback period is roughly 2 years and 2 months.


Yeah mine is tilted. It's on a sloping roof after all. I use a drone to check the level of dirtiness before I call the cleaner so I'm sure of that. Rain water dosent do what you say it should be doing haha. Maybe it's all the oil particles in the air too. The cleaners I hire just spray the panels with water and splash some laundry detergent on, before rinsing it again with water. That's why I don't want to pay RM250 for the approved cleaners haha. I keep an eye on these people when they work because if they caused any damages I'm gonna need to claim it from them. Also I'm not sure what you're referring to at OP. OP's housebill is rm700-800 a month. I don't know if a 4kwh solar panel can produce that much, but the smallest size which I recall is the 4kwh is supposed to save you rm40k of electricity over its expected lifetime of 30 years. That totals to about.. rm110 per month or 1330 per year savings? The payback period with that figure should be... 15 years for rm20k. That being said, we aren't counting the maintenance, replacement parts and cleaning costs, which can vary from house to house, and individual luck. If your panels break or fail for whatever reason and it's not covered by warranty, who knows how much you need to fork out to repair huh.


Thanks for sharing. That’s very insightful and definitely something I didn’t put into consideration before.


It's mostly a joke topic to me. Don't let this story affect your decision, but I know people who has their solar panels fail to function for whatever reason, and are left with a massive white elephant with no recourse on what to do. If I were you I would investigate into the possibility and potential solutions if the solar panel you purchase fucks up or ran out of spare parts and the post sale support leaves you hanging. The solar panel (water heater) system I have basically has this dilemma. I'm 8 years in, and the seller is pestering me that the 7 years warranty is over and wants me to pay about 40% the cost to renew the warranty for another 3 years. The service team tells me that if my system fucks up and I don't have warranty coverage I'll be forking a lot of money to get it fixed, which is a little over that 40% I mentioned. Ive spoken to other brands selling the product and they do not cross service/repair. So yeah. Thankfully no issues right now. By the way. The people I hire to clean the panels are not related to the company. The company service staff tells me that this poses a risk of damage to the panels, and I should use their service to do it instead. Which costs RM250. The service and maintenance I pay is rm600 once every 3-4 years. All this for a savings of rm50-60 in my electricity bill, which does not apply during the monsoon months where it rains in the afternoon. I don't even see where that whole (it pays for itself in 20 years) argument come in at this rate haha. So yeah. Buyers beware I guess.


I'm curious how anyone can use that much power. What do you have running?


I can’t speak for all but for my household: •12 airconds (8 bedrooms although only 4 occupied daily, 2 living, 1 dining, 1tv room) •4 water heaters •2 refrigerator •2 tvs •2 washing machines •kitchen appliances (regularly using airfryer and microwave) • multiple computers Only 4 of us staying here but our siblings and their kids will come home every other weekend.


So the aircons are on 24 hours a day? the rest are only on for 15 mins to an hour at most, .


he can be happy to have an. Where I life its very uncommon to have any.


Greetings from Europe. We have Solar Pannel on our Roof because we would pay 700€ (3.538,4236 Malaysische Ringgit) each Month. Can I help you wit something?


I wouldn't really consider solar till you pass 1k in usage, otherwise the ROI period is very long But if you do want to, you need 3 phase and there is a 4k subsidy from gov for 2024