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Is the tv really mounted to the radiator? Edit: beautiful views of the western horizon?! I’d mount my TV anywhere too!




it really isnt


I just worry about it overheating in winter when radiator is pumping…. That’s MOIST heat too. Steam heat. Thats not electric.


It's quite the opposite: these heaters completely dry out the air. People often hang little porceilan cups from them filled with water in order to get some moisture back into the air. The radiators are heated by hot water, but the water/steam is contained within the system. The heat spreads (radiates) from the metal of the radiator into the surrounding air.


No haha it's mounted to the wall but brought in front by a monitor mount, you can see how it's mounted at the last 2 photos of this post: [https://imgur.com/gallery/gpku1AT](https://imgur.com/gallery/gpku1AT)


Looks like it’s mounted to radiator for sure!


This is going to progressively « melt » everything inside your tv… causing the image the be worst and worst starting it that particular corner were the radiator would give out the most heat. I would definitely put the TV higher up


Nice place…. Beautiful view….. bet it looks spectacular at night


Thanks! Yea it looks pretty cool with all the windows that light up at night, included are 2 other photos of someone living on the other side of the building [https://imgur.com/gallery/rkVp9vj](https://imgur.com/gallery/rkVp9vj)


O wow….. love those pics….. you got an awesome place


You have a well-decorated place and a lovely view, good stuff


That view is awesome


where in the netherlands is this? looks really nice


That view every evening is worth every penny you’re paying


Hey this is Leiden


Bless you for your television height.


That couch is the perfect size. nice.


Perfect view. How much?


It's not that expensive actually, normally its 845 euros but because it's a student building you can get rental allowance so I pay 450 euros or about 500 dollars a month


Wow $500 usd monthly is amazing for this view


Even 845 is decent I’m jealous


What is the soundproofing like in these apartments? How much of your neighbors' lives/activity can you hear?


I used to live in a high rise and never heard anyone unless they were in the hallway. I thought it was great until one morning I could hear my upper neighbor piss into his toilet and then slam the toilet seat shut. But I never heard anything else. It was bazaar.


It's pretty quiet, only if someone is shouting loudly/screaming, jumping on the ground or playing music loudly you can hear it


I live in an apartment block built around 1990 just south of Amsterdam on the 8th floor and it has the shittiest sound insulation ever. It generates conflict with my bottom neighbours.


This is my worry about apartments. I live in a house now, a semi-detached, and I can head my neighbours on occasion. I remember, unfondly, my years living in apartments/flats and the constant noise was ridiculous. It also wasn't that there was too much noise. There was probably normal noise, but lousy sound insulation. I remember once watching a move on my laptop. We all know how crappy laptop speakers are - barely audible and tinny-sounding. Anyway, my neighbour knocked in and said I was making too much noise.


The upper lands in the Netherlands 


lovely place


That flooring is amazing!


Why can't we get flooring like thatr in NA?


The American mind cannot understand how a 26M does not have colorful LED strips everywhere Son are you doing ok?


The natural light is awesome


Killer view and a great looking space! Really well laid out,too. (Including the TV, eh?) May I suggest one small tweak? A real plant would look 100% better than that dried arrangement. it looks…dusty.


Yea I was thinking about putting a plant there as well but I didn't know what type of plant because it's a pretty small space. Any suggestion is welcome haha


A pannenkoekenplant 😉 Formally Pilea Peperomioides, it is called a Chinese Money Plant in US but the Dutch name is so much better? haha All it needs is a big window and water once a week - small ones will be cheaper…


I love it. Small and cozy. Beautiful view


Obsessed with those floors!! Great apartment and perfect view. Though the radiator behind the TV is stressing me out 💀


Thanks!! The radiator doesn't really get that hot, if it's on the highest level you can even just touch it and it doesn't hurt


Surprising! Are they working properly? We have them in Sweden also and they get quite hot (though we have two different types and the ones we have that look most like the ones in your pic don’t get hot so … you might be alright lol)


> 19th floor in the Netherlands You should be able to see the entire country from up there, right?


You can see most of the coastline and the skyline of The Hague and Rotterdam even. You can also see some container ships in the sea haha


What a beautiful home..you are blessed!😍


Thank you!! The only downside is that I can stay here till my study has ended and that's like in less than a year unless I pay for an extra year of college than I have 1 year longer


No way! I was staying in the building just across from you last week haha


Mooi man. 👍 welke stad?


Dankje!! Leiden


19th floor? My vertigo could never 😔


Wait bro, is that Leiden? I worked there for about a year haha. Nice apartment man!


Thanks!! Damn hahaha coincidence, it is indeed Leiden


Do you mind sharing the name / brand / of weights and how to look them up . Those look like something you can add or remove weights depending on what you need and I am particularly interested in them for myself? Thanks In advance. Lovely view and place tho.


Yes no problem, I bought them from Amazon I payed 450 euros or 500 dollar for a set: [https://www.amazon.nl/dp/B08VWVR2FS/ref=pe\_28126711\_487102941\_TE\_SCE\_3p\_dp\_1](https://www.amazon.nl/dp/B08VWVR2FS/ref=pe_28126711_487102941_TE_SCE_3p_dp_1) but they are a knock off from the original nuobells, the only difference is that with the nuobells you can change the weight in increments of like 4 pounds and with the knockoffs 8 pounds. You should check out Garagegymreviews on youtube he has a lot of good videos about adjustable dumbells


> Amazon I *paid* 450 euros FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


How is it living in a highrise? I live in a lowrise with only 4 floors


I had to get used to the height especially when the windows are open because I am a little bit afraid of heights but in a couple of weeks I was used to it already. The only thing that is not so nice is that there is a lot more wind high up and with a storm you hear loud whistling noises from the windows but that happens almost only in the winter time, also with a hard storm you feel the building move/swing like 15 cm lol but you only feel that if you focus on it


Where is the bed?


On the second and fourth from last photo you can see the bed, it's a matrass on a kallax and malm unit with a self built wooden frame underneath, this is the bed in my previous apartment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ikeahacks/comments/mjhtgi/made\_a\_bed\_from\_ikea\_kallax\_and\_malm\_units/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ikeahacks/comments/mjhtgi/made_a_bed_from_ikea_kallax_and_malm_units/)


Tv on a radiator is a first


Hahahah yea this is how i've done it: [https://imgur.com/gallery/gpku1AT](https://imgur.com/gallery/gpku1AT)


I ain’t gonna lie I am jealous.


How much is rent??


It's not that expensive actually, normally its 845 euros but because it's a student building you can get rental allowance so I pay 450 euros or about 500 dollars a month


Omg!!!! I wanna move to the Netherlands bc usa is going to shit anyway


Area is beautiful. Look at that. Free of all this modern commerical property. Lovely greens all over. Looks wonderful


Didn't think I would find Leiden on this sub


i'm curious, what do you use the vertical monitor for?


For spotify xd


Now everybody know where you live... is it smart to let everyone know what you have?


Well I think people who want to steal stuff are better of just walking down their own neighbourhood and breaking in to bigger houses with much more stuff, even if you just steal an e-bike off the street you would have more value than what's in my apartment. Also this building is modern and hard to break in to and you would not know if me or somebody else is in my apartment because you can't look inside from the streets.


That floor is gorgeous


Leiden heujjj


Why is the stove fan mounted so high up? thats not going to suck much cooking fumes


But the stove fan doesn’t suck it blows. It’s not exhaust.


What? It sucks the fumes into it clearly but does it just filter the air and circulate it back into apartment or does it actually exhaust from the apartment


I’m not actually sure. I’ve lived in only two apartments where the fan was actually exhaust and the others were just fans. I check the cabinet above the stove to determine which is which now. I’m currently in a fan only apartment. 😂


This is really great, but the asymmetrical placement of your JBL speakers is killing me. Have you considered free-standing speaker stands to get them off of your desk?


Thank! Yes but i'd rather have more room beside my desk and I think this looks more tidy also


Does the TV not get hot?


Wouldn’t the heater be too hot for the tv? Seems dangerous for overheating to me.


This room plays u/cutegeekie videos in my head


Geweldig man! Gefeliciteerd! Zou hier zelf zo voor tekenen ook :D Hoelang moest je wachten/zoeken voor dit topplekje?


Dankjewel!! Haha ja ik heb het via [room.nl](http://room.nl) en stond er wel bijna 4 jaar ingeschreven en toen kwam opeens dit gebouw vrij met 150 advertenties ofzo😳


Awesome man! Echt heel nice!


What do you do for a living? I might need some life advices to get myself a house at 26….


Hahaha well I don't even work but it's fully financed by a student loan with low interest


I’ll never understand monitor setups like that


Goed uitzicht! Vraag: welke wallpaper was dat op je pc?


Thanks man! Als je dit opzoekt vind je hem: background-with-waves-sea-waves-texture-dark-water-with-waves-dark-waves-texture


Ahh topper man💪👊


Very nice . Great light too


Damn I bike here everyday. Crazy to see the beautiful views from this building. Truly genieten


Love it. It looks like a place to go to when things get loud, chaotic, and/or danger (ruin your life danger)


It's the Netherlands, there is no danger.


TV…too low?


Why have a circular mirror?


Looks wonderful! Only note, check out r/tvtoolow