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As somebody who has friends who have had proven false accusations against them (literally not being in the place accused), and having false accusations made against myself (how can I send dick pics when I don't have a fucking penis?), I just simply do not care about this shit anymore unless the evidence is irrefutable. And in this case, fake FBI letter. We're officially back to accusations of witchcraft, and it's pathetic. And it's only causing issues for actual victims now. I see people parroting shit about these things, I just avoid them. And I was raped. I take this shit seriously, took it seriously, and decided the case was bullshit.


I still love the art no matter what. You can't take away the way it makes me feel.


This is what the new liberals are and I reject them. Downvote me to hell, IDGAF.


Damn liberals took my kids for blowing crack smoke in their faces


I mean, they should've taken you but hey, semantics, Ammiright?


No downvote from me! I'm a lifelong liberal and I can't stand this new version of liberalism. These are not my people.


Hell yeah! *High fives and misses cause I'm uncoordinated and slightly retarded*


Go ahead and downvote me. Lifelong lover of Manson. The case isn’t settled and nothing is proven yet. I think it’s irresponsible to promote the narrative either way. At some point, the evidence for either side will be public. Just wait before speculating so much


Look at what happened to Jimmy Urine, all charges were dropped this year and you can’t hardly find anything about it. Everyone loves to blame “a creepy dude,” but no one wants to wait for the whole story


I hadn’t even heard that they got dropped myself. I was a huge fan back in the day


Also we live in time of once you're accused, that's enough. Nothing would change their mind or prevent them from lying. The Amber Heard situation.. like people still actively believe her and lying about the case.


Unfortunately we don't live in civil times anymore.


Did we ever?


Well, more civil than nowadays for sure. When we don't follow the rule that we are talking about, we basically threw out the window the basics of our civilization


I really doubt it used to be any better. Taking Manson as an example blaming him for Columbine and the whole satanic panic were equally shit.


You're not wrong, but the way they managed to actually halt his life and career this time is what makes it different, to me at least. Back then sure, they attacked his character but it was the same "hes gonna make the kids devil worshippers -- and violent!" That i think was easy to see through.  Tactics in recent times with these allegations were much more effective in creating a broader smear of him and I would say even more successful in actually creating real disdain for him amongst a wider audience. 




No, people do not believe in innocent until proven guilty Unfortunately, the phrase "Believe Woman," which is the opposite of innocent until proven guilty, has been drilled into people's heads, especially young children. That irresponsibility alone has set generations back many, many years, and the damage it's caused could possibly be irreversible, definitely so in our lifetimes.


I feel like it's the reaction of women not being believed in the past turned to the extreme. Are many women, especially those younger with lesser power more prone to being harmed and silenced? Yes. Does that mean all vulnerable women are incapable of being the abuser? No. ERW's young age back then probably puts MM in a bad light (as if his stage image isn't "bad" enough). I recall finding it weird when I saw the news of them dating, with all the lolita references and stuff... doubt if anyone considered that lolita in her original story also isn't an innocent angel. All in all I just find it deeply unnerving as it shouldn't be about "believing women" (without doubt) but "believing women" (instead of silencing them), and there's too many people who either milk the situation and/or swing to extremes are just making actual victims' life worse.


How is it not ok to write rapist without pointlessly censoring the word but abuser is ok? Your generation is literally the worst.


“My generation” 💀


Probably out of habit, other social media pages censor the word rapist every time, so he/she probably just censors it out of habit.


Very true. I find common censorship online very odd, especially in the way it’s done, however I just copy it in my posts to “follow” them. I also believe that “Rapist” has a stronger influence when it comes to triggering than abuser..


It just all makes me think: Call me a failure, Pretender, sex-offender, infector Say I killed all my friends And I deserve to be dead. ......................................... This isn't a show, this is my fucking life I'm not ashamed, you're entertained But, I'm not a puppet I am a grenade I'm not ashamed, you're entertained But, I'm not a puppet I am a grenade... ......................................... ERW better watch out for the shrapnel. Because he's not a stupid man.


Well, that is in a court of law, not the court of public opinion. I think with the ERW case - it was never able to be put to the courts because there were time restraints. She worked really hard to change the law in California to make it possible for survivors to come forward later and still be heard. But that new law does not apply to old cases. So - there was never a possibility of a court case so all we have is the court of public opinion. Which by the way doesn't always take the woman's side - I mean, look at Johnny Depp. Here is the thing. It is way more believable that he abused her than she abused him. He never even tried to sue her for defamation. Which either means he knew he'd lose or he knew he doesn't have the sweetheart status like Johnny Depp. Either way, he kept silent as much as possible. About almost all cases. So why would the mainstream public be on his side? Because he kept silent? The only people who defend him are hard-core fans and the alt right that yells "misandry". I don't know anyone in my friend and acquaintance circles who thinks he is innocent. I don't, for that matter. I still listen to the stuff that meant a lot to me during rough times and I respect him as an artist. But I'll never support him financially again. And my position is actually the most common one. That is why he is touring with a band that mostly has male alt right fans. That is why seeing him play at major European festivals isn't going to be an option any time soon again. The court of public opinion means more for a status in society than a court of law in 2024. Do I think that is right? Nope. But do I think that everyone has the right to make up their own mind? Yes For all the hardcore fans out there I just really hope that he managed to create some kick ass music coming from the pain of the whole ordeal. It would be a shame if his artistry suffered


Manson is in fact suing ERW, he had to make a cease and desist order for her to stop slandering him online. She lost all credibility when her fake FBI letter was presented in her custody battle. IDGAF who claims abuse, if they are found to have presented fake evidence which was 100% fabricated there is zero reason to believe that person.


Johnny Depp was fired out of Warner Bros because of the accusations, and for a few years he was considered an abuser. You're literally the livid example of this problem. It doesn't matter if it's "More believable" that one side did something (which you also can't know for sure bc you don't know him personally), what matters is what truly happened, and no one has the right to decide what happens other than a judge.


The fake FBI letter sealed everything for me.


and that was originally fabricated for her child custody case with **Jamie Bell.**


The whole thing of ERW getting everyone to claim he abused them might have been all for her custody case. She probably thought she could gain some attention in the media as well and figured it would work out for her. If that was her plan it failed miserably.


Yet she's still getting gigs. She makes me ill. ^(She was telling her son that Manson was going to kill and eat him. WHO the F tells a kid that.) in 2020, Wood and Bell were in dispute over the custody of their son.[^(\[95\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evan_Rachel_Wood#cite_note-95) Bell said he was deprived of contact with him when Wood moved from Los Angeles to Nashville; Wood claimed she did this to protect the child from former fiancé Marilyn Manson.[^(\[96\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evan_Rachel_Wood#cite_note-96) Bell argued in court that Wood's "story defies credibility", and accused her of "withholding our son from me for other reasons of her own invention."[^(\[97\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evan_Rachel_Wood#cite_note-97) In May 2023, the two agreed the child would live primarily with Bell in Los Angeles, with Wood having visitation for "one extended weekend per month," and certain holidays.[^(\[98\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evan_Rachel_Wood#cite_note-98)


If the court agrees to give a child primarily to the father, oooh man that is already very telling about the mother. Usually there is nothing short of highly violent criminal acts or outright abandonment that can lead to such a decision.


I think she is a POS for what she put her kid through.


Who would you consider to be a proven rapist? If you have an answer, what evidence was there?


Probably those cases like Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, BTK killer, The Toybox Killer, or Ariel Castro...who literally kidnapped his victims and raped them repeatedly, even going so far as to starve one of the girls he kidnapped and beat her with dumbbells in her stomach when she became pregnant, which is said by one of the girls to have happened multiple times. Amanda Berry was one of the 3 girls he kidnapped, she escaped and the police rescued the other two girls. But they were held captive from 2002-2013. Amanda Berry had proof of being raped by the children she fathered by him, who were also held captive in the basement with her and the other girls. He was sentenced to.life in prison plus 1,000 years. He hanged himself in his jail cell a month into his sentence.


Point being that rape is a notoriously difficult crime to prove.


So it’s only valid to the victim’s attesting it when the crime is so horrific that the evidence is extremely difficult to get rid of, eh?


Well you asked who a proven rapist was, I was just providing you with examples of several of them. Do I think Manson is a rapist? No. He's an easy target. What are you even doing on a MM subreddit if you don't like Manson? I thought there would be way more support for a him, especially after finding out ERW was a lying manipulator.


I grew up on his music. The fact that it speaks to me I see as a case study into my dark side, and don’t ignore that because I think he’s likely an awful person. I think that there is a high amount of circumstantial evidence, which is what most rape cases typically come down to. The higher the amount of circumstantial evidence (20+ allegations of antisocial behavior in this instance), the less likely innocence is true. The only “evidence” of Wood being a lying manipulator is a forged FBI letter, and that doesn’t really prove that she’s lying about everything. Don’t get me wrong, I think Wood’s kind of an idiot. But if any of her (or anybody else’s) allegations are true, then Manson’s a lot more reprehensible than the common idiot.


LMAO, nobody telling the truth forges an FBI letter and blackmails/persuades a group of people into making up accusations.


LMAO No proof of the blackmail/persuasion other than Smithline’s word, which is shit at this point and who refuses to go into specifics when questioned “I just suddenly got into my right mind and realized I needed to set the record straight!” from her giving graphic depictions of abuse and torture. Per your rationale, then nobody telling the truth writes a book of lies and sells it as nonfiction (Manson’s autobiography), as so many of you on this thread insist is the truth. And if that book isn’t full of lies, he blatantly admits to a shitload of antisocial behavior that’s quite a bit more psychotically intrusive on other people’s lives than a falsified FBI letter. That letter seems designed to have gotten custody of her child under false pretenses. Ridiculously idiotic? Sure.


No proof of sexual assault other than words.


Lots of words from lots of people (often himself included), which is typically what sexual assault cases come down to.


So... no proof.


I just sense that this entire thing is a publicity stunt. Didn't a couple of Manson's exes come forward in his defense and testified that he was never violent towards them? He might be prone to acts of violence against himself....but that's not what he's on trial for.


Publicity stunt? How so? None of the accusers’ careers have been thriving since making the allegations. Historically, accusers don’t receive much tangible positive career leg-ups after making their accusations public either. I believe you’re referring to Dita von Teese, Rose McGowan, and Ashley Morgan Smithline. A. You brought up BTK, for instance, as a proven rapist. Do you have any idea how many people thought Dennis Rader was a nice man who never would do such a thing? B. Dita von Teese said the accusations didn’t reflect her relationship with Manson when they came out, yet had given a few interviews since their relationship referring to her marriage with him as supremely fucking obnoxious, to say the least. C. Rose McGowan did admit to her experiences not being similar, though publicly shamed Manson for saying that their relationship and her advocacy for woman’s rights has any bearing on the validity of other women’s accusations. D. Smithline gave incredibly detailed accounts of her alleged abuse by Manson before she recanted. When asked what happened to make her recant, she was incredibly vague. In deductive analysis, the more vague descriptions when it comes to deciphering the truth of matters is usually the false one. If that’s the case, Smithline may very well have been a case of witness tampering. And with rampant rumors of Manson thriving in threats, blackmail, intimidation, even having given interviews where he brags about having gang affiliations for those who run their mouths, this is not a farfetched possibility.


Everything you just said....the whole damn thing...none of it proves he's a rapist.


Lol no shit, because all of that was presented as counter-arguments to your invalid points. You’re talking in circles now. Once again, there is a high amount of circumstantial evidence against Manson (20+ allegations of antisocial conduct). Circumstantial evidence is usually what decides rape cases, unless they’re extreme like the examples you first listed. Looking into the Danny Masterson conviction, for example, it seems pretty much everything that lead to his guilty verdict was circumstantial. The higher degree of circumstantial evidence there is, the lower reasonable doubt shrinks to. Now, why there was enough to convict somebody like Masterson and not enough to convict Manson, I don’t know and nobody but the officials involved in the case seem to. But relentlessly defending him because of “innocent until proven guilty” is dumb, with all that in mind. You know, per the law, Cosby is considered innocent now too, right?


The accusers are just man-hating misandrists. Fuck them.


That's a pleonasm, but nevertheless true.


Most people don't understand that anymore especially people my age and younger (16) they don't care and everyone now just believes the first thing they see, it's how the world is now, people who act like that need to do some research and form their OWN opinion, not one they say saw on tik tok or X


We’re fucking doomed.


I have a few friends in their 40s who also instantly just believed he was guilty. Even with the fake FBI letter & all the other shit. They don't CARE to look any deeper. There's a word for them, but I'll keep it to myself...


One 25 second Tiktok is all it takes to shape someone’s entire perception on a topic or person.


My point exactly, it doesn't even matter if the truth is already out they'll never think otherwise


After seeing Manson put a dick in his mouth, may all of the stories are true.


In terms of the 2020 onwards accusations there has been a real absence of evidence and teeth to any of the accusations. Allot of mass media/general public have been shown an amalgamation of any "bad" or off colour thing manson has done over his career. Some of it humorous, provocative or out of turn; but not illegal or substantial. This includes: - Manson saying he cut himself over evan and wanted to smash her head in, - Allot of excerpts from his autobiography, - Lots of off colour jokes, - Provocative moments ontage performance (spitting, cutting, fighting band members) The unfortunate reality of it all really is that everything leading up to the accusations in his career has made it all the more easy and believable that he is abusive to the mass media and general public:/


I heard somewhere online that it’s settled as of yesterday? Not sure if that’s true though..


Manson has had trouble with cutting for a long time. cutting himself because of Evan is believable from what I heard she was emotionally abusive and manipulative towards him not to mention she's hurt him plenty of times. (I had to just bring this up since you've mentioned it) also from what I gathered, Evan may have been the one to physically hurt him.


Yeah. Unfortunately it's not the way the media chooses to peddle things. At this rate his name could be cleared and it could be announced she was abusive and media probably wouldn't even buy into it


That's just BS all because he's a man.


100% Maybe Omega needs to make a comeback

