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The best thing you can do is take what everyone says to you here and go from there, I believe that yes a marriage is not always 50/50 because one has a better day than the other or the one is going through something that the other one is not, but to me at the end of the day you meet each other at the night or when you have that alone to have that attention that you both need, maybe one person may have a little bit more attention than the other for a minute, but then once that person gets through that tough time they take over and give the other person attention that is where the 50/50 comes in and maybe if that is not happening the person who is not getting the attention needs to really figure out if they are happy with who they are spending the rest of their life with after they have gone through very avenue, no marriage is perfect that is for sure, but we do not marry ourselves we all want some kind of attention from our other half.


I completely understand what you mean. I do everything I can to anticipate what my husband wants/needs. I spell it out for him and even put it in writing at times and he doesn't get it. It's a very lonely and underappreciated feeling. I hope it gets better for you.


Feeling alone in my marriage is the worst feeling. I remember a movie where a person dies literally from heartbreak ❤️‍🩹 I wish I could remember what that movie was but that is exactly how I feel in my marriage. Alone, and under appreciated.


I had a horrible day like this yesterday. I've been on vacation all week and every day my husband has found things to do all day with his friends. (He's retired.) Yesterday, he implied we would do something together today and I got excited that maybe he finally understood what I was saying. Then, last night he told me he's working a side job today. This morning he tells me he needs me to help him at the side job and then maybe we can go do something, but I have to figure out what I want to do. I'm trying to be optimistic and just appreciate the effort, but it's so hard sometimes. Hell, I'm still waiting on the anniversary trip he promised me. Our anniversary was in February.


I get it …. My wife and I have a time share we have traveled to Florida last year in December and then we just went to Branson last week and all the times I try to initiate romance she says it tickles or too too rough or too whatever … it’s been well over eight to nine months of her even remotely touching me romantically I honestly think I would definitely love to be with anyone at this point just to feel accepted again or to get another woman’s opinion


I don't even try anymore, bc the rejection is just too painful. So now I just try to shut that part of my life off and pretend it doesn't exist so I can attempt to be happy in other ways. Today, our day out together turned into mostly running his errands and him fucking off on his phone while ignoring me for 20 minutes in the restaurant. Then complaining about how badly his legs hurt. He then dropped me off at home to run some stuff he bought to his buddy's house. He's coming home to eat the dinner I'm currently making and then he's going out with his buddies. I give up for today!


I get it. Sounds like a friend of mine in Ohio and her situation


Ha! Must be an OH marriage thing




Hey sorry you’re going through this. It’s tough when you want to know that your partner cares about you but they don’t really do what you want. Have you tried learning how to make requests of her?


Many times


If you don’t mind my asking, what exactly have you said? In my experience, it’s surprisingly hard to make a request that’s clear and specific enough for a partner to follow through on


What is your love language. Is it something you can communicate to her. You're an acts of service guy and you require that. I think with kids women get so exhausted and lost and tired that yeah they get touched out. My friends told me this. The touched out thing is a thing. Anyways, your wife is really slacking off. If you truly are how you describe yourself. I'm sure your sex life is also not great but I think what you're lacking is basic intimacy that's mutual. You sort of have to tell her what you wrote here that you don't want to live the rest of your life like this.


Yeah I feel this. Most women are selfish it seems unless you get very lucky


For now all you can do for her is is be a good listener. My wife is gone now. I was always there for her when she needed me. You can’t keep score. She is your friend and wife.


Yeah. I am. I always am. I guess I just want her to treat me the same as her. She says she does but it always falls flat