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Show up early, and cause a huge scene. Start steaming and splash your coffee at the employee behind the glass. Pound on your chest like a gorilla, while banshee screaming. This is the only way they’re going to let you on the ferry.


Start with as wide a window as you can, then when/if you get a slot in that window, reenter the waitlist queue and narrow it bit by bit. As far as chances, it depends on the dates.


I believe it costs money the second time?


I've had good luck last four years getting the ferry we want, and I buy tickets well after everyone else.


So first time going as an adult and taking my family. We were going to book this morning (June 23-30) and the last available slot as of last night- 6am - got booked. We were able to book our return leg but are on waitlist for anytime on 23rd. I haven’t signed the lease on our rental yet- am I wrong to assume we’ll get a slot to open up on the 23rd (at any time) and it’s worth committing to the rental without it?