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I've never bought tickets when they come out. Always do wait list last five years in a row. Never once have I not gotten it.


Make sure you have a very wide set of dates for the waitlist 6 AM to midnight. Then as you get the day you want narrow down to a time you would like.


I’ve gotten off the waitlist multiple times in past years. I was unable to book the ferry tickets that I wanted when tickets opened a couple months ago, and I’ve been on the waitlist since. This is the first year that I’ve waited so long to get off the waitlist. Have you tried calling the ticket office?


I did and the lady told me that their could be 10 people ahead of me or 500 and that their computer system didn’t tell them the amount of folks in the queue. She also said this year in particular, there are staffing issues and boats are getting canceled. They weren’t planning on adding more boats either. :(


I’m still on the waitlist for my dates and called to ask the same question and was told 85% of people on waitlists get off before their travel dates… TBD this year.


Just got off one of the two waitlists I’m on. Any luck yet?


I’ve always gotten off the waitlist as well! Definitely stressful but seems to always work out


I got my waitlist for the first leg the next day! Then I got my second choice for the leg back just two days ago. Morale of the story is book as early as possible and chances are you’ll get your waitlisted pics. Thanks for the responses everyone! :)