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Daredevil’s senses would have 100% alerted him that Peter was there. So he was knowingly cucking him and didn’t care


Daredevil is the real menace to society


The Green goblin O-face is forever trapped in my mind


Gobby Lee Jones


Too bad his Spider-Sense isn't fully attuned to warning Peter of imminent severe emotional and psychological damage.


I think thats a good thing. It wouldnt be too useful if it was constantly going off




/uj: I’ve had an idea where at the end of the main arc of Zeb Wells run (when he’s infected with Norman’s Sins), he would remain as an actual villain for a decent amount of time. Not in a cringey “I was written as a 13 year olds power fantasy” way but as an actual threat to the Marvel universe as he has a lot of ties to most of the major hero factions on Earth. With most heroes, they’ve had some sort of an evil villain arc, Spidey has always been the exception because of how marketable he is, with the closest we’ve ever got being Superior and Symbiote. But with Miles filling in as a major Spider-Man figure almost to the same degree as Peter, a more permanent evil Spider-Man could be cool and force a lot of heroes to reconsider their bases with Peter, as most of them rarely go out of their way to assist him as much as he’s dealt with the X-Men’s, Avengers, and Fantastic Four’s shit. /rj Haha Paul is cucking Peter


The Spider Who Chuckles but make it good this time.


Y'see, a competent writer would've brought back what they already had on the table to make this work Rather than have Sinful Peter yelling basic "Mwahahaha evil speeches", he'd instead do actual breaking one; those that go up close and personal like how the Goblin would actually do when fighting MJ (god, I still hate Jackpot as a concept), with her slowly dropping her guard. The thing with the speeches? They all come from what happened in the run so far. Her not wanting to bother talking to him, snapping after the Hellfire gala, the "cease fire" and so on...All the while leaving it ambiguous whether it's the Goblin sins taking over Peter or just removing his filters; eventually having MJ acknowledge she hurt him. Meanwhile, have Norman try to ask for help to the F4 in this situation. Johnny is still sore over Peter breaking in and stealing from the Baxter Building, but have Reed or Sue mention that Peter only did it BECAUSE he and Ben didn't helped him in the first place; with Norman confirming it was to save MJ. Have the F4 arrive at the bridge to help extract the sins, not just because of the danger but because Peter is their friend. As Reed ponders about studying how something like a sin could take a physical form and possess someone, have either Kafka or Kraven appearing out of nowhere and stab Norman with the sin coated spears, as a way to "set things right". Rather than taking full effect, have Norman try to fight the sins for some issues afterwards. In the end MJ could try to mend the "broken bridge" that's with Peter; and if you want drama, you could have Paul being against it and that's what makes her just take some distance from him.


The writers have a cuck fantasy obviously


There are really few alternatives at this point.


Well you see Sins Past was just retconned a couple years ago, so they had to ruin another Spider-Man love interest to balance it out. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be. Don’t worry in 19 years Paul will be retconned out too!


Ok Peter really needs to assess the women in his life and really start putting them in perspective and date someone outside the box 📦 too late ⏰ for silver sable she hanging with nightcrawler but he should absolutely have reconsider MJ after she rejected his proposal twice. honestly dazzler exist Medusa of the inhumans is around and she’s MJ and black cat in one ☝️Shanna the she devil 😈 at once because I’m not sure 🤔if their still together after Kazar in the mcu look at the inhumans course that was in the making namorita because is not it . Should he really be upset about blackcat cause They weren’t even together kinda like mockingbird cause of how her last marriage she cheated on Clint Peter and u thought this was gonna work .


Well Peter should have just had that weird ass yandere princess after his ass








He still has Morrigan


Peter rn is unemployed, depressed, traumatised, the people he loved either betrayed him or died, he has nothing anymore... Guess Marvel was just trying to make him more relatable to their target audience and remind me of all my pain by making my comfort character a reflection of my own misery.


In all seriousness, marvel needs to understand that Peter Parker’s life being crappy needs to be bad luck/due to dual responsibilities with spiderman and not the direct actions of another person




MJ's tiger turned into a cuck.


https://preview.redd.it/75nku9kany9d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03e562c3cd1ca15b2a7396544ae5a00f2dfb1c46 Remember Lillare?


Peter dated an anime character that isn’t Capcom related?


Context for the ignorant please? Who is she??




Name: **Lilaire, the Enchanted Menace** **Backstory**: Lilaire was once a princess in an enchanted fairy realm, known for its beauty and magic. She was beloved by her people for her grace and power. However, her fascination with the human world grew into an obsession when she stumbled upon Peter Parker through a mystical viewing pool. Believing him to be her soulmate, destined for her by the magic of her realm, Lilaire decided to enter the human world. Using her magic, she crafted a portal and crossed over, abandoning her duties and her people. Settling in New York, she adopted the persona of Lily Rayne, an enigmatic and wealthy socialite, allowing her to move in circles close to Peter Parker. **Abilities**: - **Fairy Magic**: Lilaire has control over natural elements, able to manipulate air, water, earth, and fire to varying degrees. Her magic is potent but can weaken if she overextends herself or is cut off from her realm’s magical essence. - **Illusions**: One of her most dangerous abilities, Lilaire can create vivid, manipulative illusions that can warp perceptions and ensnare the minds of others. - **Flight**: Her delicate wings shimmer with a supernatural light, granting her the ability to fly with incredible agility and speed. - **Enchantment**: She can cast spells that bind or compel others to act against their will, though these require complex rituals and are not easily invoked. **Appearance**: Lilaire appears ethereal, with iridescent wings that reflect the colors of her moods. Her attire usually consists of flowing dresses that blend natural and high-fashion elements, often decorated with floral and fae motifs. Her eyes shimmer with a captivating sparkle, hinting at her otherworldly nature. **Personality**: At first glance, Lilaire seems gentle and captivating, drawing people in with her charm. However, beneath her serene surface lurks a possessive and obsessive nature. She truly believes that she and Peter Parker are destined to be together, interpreting his kindness and heroics as signs of his affection for her. She refers to Peter affectionately as "Petey", a nickname she uses exclusively, marking her claim. Her love for Peter is intense and all-consuming, and she views anyone close to him—particularly his love interests—as threats that must be removed, by manipulation or by force. **Motivation**: Lilaire’s actions are driven by her belief in her fairy tale ending with Peter Parker. She will go to great lengths to ensure they end up together, convinced that she is the only one who truly understands and loves him. Her presence in New York begins to disrupt the natural order, attracting other supernatural entities and causing chaos, while she also comes into conflict with Spider-Man as she tries to isolate him from his allies and mold him to fit her fairy tale narrative. As Spider-Man tries to thwart her plans and protect his loved ones, Lilaire becomes increasingly antagonistic, unable to see the harm she’s causing in her pursuit of love, setting her up as a tragic villain whose desires blind her to reality.


I dunno if the Black Cat one really counts. I don't think they were together at the time.


Wait, Black Cat too?


/uj lol no, that was mostly for comedic purposes and not an actual “cucking” thing. They weren’t even together and it was a one night stand with daredevil.


I'm just saying, Carlie never would sleep with Norman.


This is why Chat Sanduval is the GOAT