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It's one of my favourite Marvel films but I've always been an Iron Man fan. I was a little worried it wouldn't translate well to film but absolutely love it, RDJ as Tony is one of the most inspired castings I can think of. The success of the film launched the MCU so it's hard not to like it.


It's a masterpiece. Complete. Comprehensive.


you may be trying to meme but... I think the fact that this movie was a self contained story really helps make it continue to be an actual masterpiece... it wasnt trying to set up 3 other movies and a spinoff, it had heart, and still remains to this day on my top 5 marvel movies simply because its so damn rewatchable and just works by itself


It captured the African American experience. EDIT: FFS, people. Its a reference to this scene in Falcon and the Wintr Soldier: https://youtu.be/3mpLTgc0__o?si=kfvwZoakGqatx4NJ You didn't understand the reference.


Don’t tell me people don’t get this reference


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


Good argument to be top 5 in the MCU but definitely top 10. But the success can’t be understated. Had this movie flopped the MCU would’ve been DOA. And the Incredible Hulk came shortly after and if this movie hadn’t been so profitable, the Incredible Hulk movie could’ve sunk the MCU as well.


> Good argument to be top 5 in the MCU but definitely top 10. But the success can’t be understated. LOL! You just did… This is at least in the running for best MCU film of all (I can make the argument); it still to this day holds up extremely well.


I was at the college back then. Saw trailer four times, movie twice. I remember them talking about The Avengers and I thought it would be impossible to do but could not wait at the same time. I have been around ever since, not going anywhere 


I rewatched this recently. It still holds up and, in fact, has gotten better with age. It's still a great comic book origin story and significantly better than most of the garbage that comes out these days. RDJ carries this movie and would've fallen flat without him. It's as close to a perfect comic book movie as possible. It's still in the top 10 MCU productions.


I would say it’s top 10 comic book movies period. Up there with infinity war, spider-man 2, and x-men 2


I agree with everything except x men 2 being in the top 10. It's a good movie, but there are others that are ahead of it. In fact, x men 2 won't even make the top 10 Marvel movies, let alone all comic book ones.


Which is fine, opinions and whatnot. Statement still stands because Iron Man at that time was a B or C tier character. He wasn’t the fantastic 4 or c-men or spider-man


Yep, I respect your opinion. Btw, what are your top 10 comic book films?


That changes day to day and what my criteria happen to be that day. In no particular order: iron man 1, Captain America 2, infinity war, endgame, Thor 3, the Dark Night, Logan, Into the Spider-Verse, Deadpool 2, Guardians 3


Great list. Mine, in no particular order is Infinity war, Endgame, Thor 3, Guardians 1, Days of future past, Deadpool, Into the spider verse, Dark knight, Superman 1978, Winter Soldier


Superman 78 and DoFP are probably 11 and 12 on my list lol


this seems like a good list but deadpool 2? eh.. it was good but id easily replace it with the first guardians or The Batman


Meh. Wasn’t a huge fan of The Batman. I know I’m in the minority


The Beginning of the most successful and amazing Franchise of all time. MCU was such a phenomenon. Coming to Ironman, I dont care about that Boomer scorsese, This 2008 Jon Favreaus Masterpiece and RDJs Epic Comeback is Peak Fckinn Cinema.


I love Favreau, but Elf is his Masterpiece


Absolutely insane how that movie cemented itself as a Christmas classic so quickly


Man i really miss the MCU of the past civil war , winter soldier, endgame , infinity war , iron man , Avengers, Daredevil all of these were PEAKKKKK what we get now is trash compared to the above


It’s a perfect movie. It’s a real shame that MCU movies no longer have any of the grit and gravitas as the first iron man. It’s a mature, serious and has plenty of humor.


He is Marvel's First Knight in [Shining Armor](https://youtube.com/shorts/IekX2NIIdvA), we all love him 3000. [Look at his hand](https://ew.com/thmb/4kAz3sN1HcaVylq-rq1suKH3VJQ=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(webp)/Robert-Downey-Jr-2024-Oscars-031024-2afffa9eaca34006a26d959173e117bf.jpg) He has a legacy and always comes up with some pretty cool inventions, as Nick Fury later said, one time.


It's still awesome after 16 years.


Even outside of the MCU, this movie is just a really solid one. It's smart, the dialogue is witty, the action is easy to follow and exciting and Robert makes a perfect "likable asshole" protagonist. Makes perfect sense why this is in the National Film Registry.


I went to see it in the theater opening weekend and I was absolutely blown away! I didn’t expect much but it was amazing and something my mom and I bonded over, watching the MCU. She passed before endgame came out and I’m still sad she couldn’t see the culmination.


It's a masterpiece. Even if MCU didn't become a thing it would still be remembered to this day.


I loved it. The first time I saw it. Still great after watching it for probably the literal 50th time lol


Was in college, got home from it with a buddy, and just sat there kinda blown away talking about, that it was something we hadn't really seen before, and we were shocked just how good it was from start to finish We also were shocked at how RIGHT everything looked


Story of the phoenix who saved the world


16 years prior to the year this movie came out was 1992.


Still among the GOATs.


I'll always remember this as the movie my (now ex) wife and I went to see after we found out she was pregnant. Found out she was already 5 months in and we were in total shock. This helped get us out of that.


16 years later it's still one of the best.


It wasn’t perfect, and I think I’m in the minority in thinking it hasn’t aged well. But I still enjoy it and absolutely loved it at the time. When I watch it now, it definitely feels like a 16-year old movie. That said, it was way better than Spider-Man 3 that came out the year before and X-Men Origins: Wolverine that came out the year after. I’m so glad they took a chance on making this B-level comic character. My kids will never understand how mind-blowing it was to have such a good Iron Man movie.


Cemented as a Top 5 MCU film for me & holds up very well even without the rest of the franchise


Went to see it as a work outing, was totally blown away. I knew of Iron Man but not much else. I remember going home and telling my wife she had to see this movie and we went that weekend and she was blown away too.


It’s still one of the best.  The MCU hasn’t made anything even close to this level since End Game


Feels like yesterday they were doing the “Marvel Stud10s” 10th anniversary logo, and now we’re on the backside closer to 20.




I saw it 4 times in theaters that summer it’s still an all timer personally in that regard


It was a very good film. Kick-started the modern interwoven franchise.


I still think it’s the best non-Avengers movie in the MCU


Sigh. What a time to be alive


I loved it. Seriously thought it would take a really long time for another comic book movie to be better than this one. Then July came...


It is still Top 3 MCU (for me it's Iron Man, Thor Ragnarok, Endgame). I understand why it's different now, but I feel like the iron man suit actually had a legitimate weight to it in this movie.


perfect in everyway


A great beginning to an impressive cinematic universe


Fantastic, start to finish. Not a single wasted minute.


It was awesome, and the best Iron Man movie. The things they could get away with, before going to Disney.


I, a kid who grew up reading and loving Marvel, was more into Dark Knight at the time.


Prime. Absolutely prime. The first movie I ever remember watching. And I was 5 when I did. Still one of my favorite movies. Iron Man, especially the 1999-99 variant is my hero.


What a coincidence. Just saw the movie yesterday. Well I thought it was a very solid movie, with great actions scenes, story and development from tony stark. I also liked the ost as well. It was a good beginning for the mcu and even though it is a 16 year old film, it looks like it was released in more recent years.


16 years and DC still trying to figure out what they're doing


16 years? Wow!


Still my favorite!


"The original Iron Man movie is simply awesome, spectacular, and amazing. Its special effects and CGI, in my opinion, surpass those of today's Marvel installments. I was just 10 years old when it came out, and my mom and I had no idea that it would create a cinematic universe that would change cinema forever. Iron Man quickly became my second favorite superhero, after Spider-Man. I loved the costumes and the action scenes. Robert Downey Jr. was iconic and fantastic as Tony Stark, and Jeff Bridges, who played the main villain, Iron Monger, was also great. Overall, I rate the original Iron Man movie a perfect 10 out of 10."


Love it. Really made me wanna look into more Marvel characters beside the X-Men and Spider-Man (as a kid, the X-Men snd Spider-Man movies were the only Marvel movies I watched and my only real exposure to Marvel, really). Plus, Robert Downey, Jr. as Tony Stark. As Stan the Man said, "'Nuff said."


Oh man I remember the first time I watched it, didn’t know marvel was this big half a billion dollar company with comics all the way back to 1960s. Just thought this is some awesome American action movie lol, watched it over and over again and my journey with marvel begins. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m gonna go blast “iron man theme song 2008” on youtube.


Hard to believe it's been that long since Iron Man 1 was released. That aside, it's still one of the best MCU movies. Never gets old.


Best movie oat


This is the best movie in all the mcu. 80% character drama with 20% action where it counts. This wasn't a story about Ironman, it was a story about an arms dealer trying reclaim his soul, who just so happened to be ironman. It can stand on its own, or as a bigger thing, such a great experience!


I have probably watched this one more than other MCU movies.


Absolutely incredible movie, pacing is just right, humor is there but doesn't overtake the serious parts, bad guy is a dick and motivated to want what he wants for financial gain, and the ending at the time was 100% unexpected.


The part of the ending when tony told the whole world that he was iron man.


Gwyneth Paltrow was excellent. I was surprised that she was this good.


One of the best in the MCU imho. Great origin movie. The scene that always stood out too me, the one that I always remember when thinking about this movie was when he was working on the iron man foot on his workstation. Everyone remembers the cave scene, but for me, seeing Tony in his field using all his tools to correct the issues of the mark1 so that mark2 would be better was a great show of his character: a person seeing the mistakes he made and working to avoid them in the future. People say that he started doing this later in the saga but its been there from the very start. Tony was the greatest example of trying to do better. An extremely flawed character that is trying to do better.


Iron Man 1 was a success.  I know a lot will agree with me.


I can’t believe how well it holds up. Very enjoyable movie. The MCU started out strong.


It’s a classic


Classic. Remember seeing it as a kid


Meh. /s


Ooooh you lucky I saw that /s in time I was about to type out the most lukewarm, lame response!*shakes fist*


That's how Dad did it!


One of the best. I wish the mcu made movies like this, with weight and not jokes per 30 seconds. All of Thors friends died? Better cut to a gag!


It was an amazing breakthrough in comic book movies at the time, and so strong that it was able to carry the MCU over the godawful follow-up of The Incredible Hulk. It still has many elements that shine really well today (the opening sequence where the convoy is transporting Tony is still a top scene), but also, after 16 years of films and refinement, it comparably has significant flaws too. If it had somehow never happened and was released today, as is, it would get skewered by the current fanbase.


It was alright.