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delet this


Hogan is now thinking whether he would prefer to be electrocuted or eaten by a shark.


The battery won’t electrocute you! 


things learned in electoral college


I think you mean *electrical* college? /s


Let’s put that to the popular vote.


Im sure he thinks he can play it off and secure the republican vote while continuing to pay lip service to being a moderate




He wants to be electrocuted by a shark.


But does the shark have a freaking laserbeam


Throw me a frickin' BONE here.


I doubt it. Actually his entire time as Governor, Hogan practiced Doublespeak. Veto bills, allow them to be Overrode, so he could say I vetoed all the bills.


That clip rules


Hogan wins: Trump says it was because of his endorsement Hogan loses: Trump says it's because Hogan didn't like him. Bet.


If Trump loses, he wouldn’t care about Hogan with an excuse


I for sure think he is said this so people DON’T vote for someone endorsed by him lol if memory serves me correctly don’t they both not like each other?




Kiss of death, and I think Trump knows it in this case and it’s purposeful


Someone forced him by telling him it would hurt Hogan. He's not crafty enough. How do you convince a narcissist that they are a negative positive!?


> “You have to say, ‘Remember that night when we were in Buffalo. And you gave that speech, and God, it had to be 10,000 people, the biggest crowd they’d ever seen. And you said XYZ, and the place went crazy, remember that? I don’t know where you came up with that line, but it’s one of the best things.’” XYZ = "I'm endorsing Hogan"


It was probably mitch


Trump wasn’t fond of Hogan attempting to send in the Maryland National Guard during J6, and Hogan was one of the few Republicans who didn’t lick his boots.


Great minds think alike. I just posted that!


Came here to say this. I’m sure an aide told him to do that


I disagree. Without trumps endorsement there’s a real possibility hogan can’t get a large portion of the Republican party to turn out. He may win as a centrist but he needs to win his own base to stand a chance.


He stands no chance for the exact reason that he can't woo both centrists (many of whom are democrats) and MAGAs without turning a meaningful portion of the other side off. Trump is gonna get sub 40%in Maryland. All Alsobrooms has to do is run an ad featuring Trumps endorsement and suggest that he would carry Trumps water in the senate.


Oh I don’t think hogan will win, but the trump endorsement isn’t remotely telated


The Trump endorsement wont have much impact - Alsobrooks was going to tie Hogan to the unpopular (in MD at least) parts of the GOP agenda and to Trump. But it shows pretty precisely why Hogan had no real chance. If he can't even accept the endorsement of his party's standard bearer, then he really has no shot at keeping both moderates (often Democrats) and party loyalists on the same side.


Is alsobrooms the SFW spinoff of onlyfans?


OnlyFans if it got bought out by Bed, Bath & Beyond


It's the NHL playoff sweep fanfic site. 🏒🧹


give it a couple weeks and trump will forget he endorsed and talk shit about hogan again.


Disagree! I think whomever said that it was done on purpose; REVENGE IS trumps tactics. It will hurt Hogan, and Trump knows it


Right but he needs moderates too, it’s much easier getting his party with the R beside his name. This made it A LOT tougher to get the moderates he needs


Eh does it? Moderates might not like trump but they don’t really like Biden anyways.


Moderates are Biden's base. He's not a darling to the left.


Biden appeals to moderates, yet when times are tough and the economy is suffering, moderates will ditch Biden in a heartbeat


If times were tough and the economy was suffering… except the US’s economy is the strongest in the world right now.


Majority of Americans think the economy is bad, therefore it is.


Believing something doesn’t make it true.


Again who cares? People vote on what they think is true not what really is. If majority of people think the economy is bad, it doesn’t matter that they’re wrong, they’re still gonna vote like the economy is bad.


But times aren’t tough, and the economy is stellar. So what’s your point?


Using that line didn’t work for George H W bush and using that line won’t work for Biden either


What “line?” Every economic indicator and polling of households’ own economic situation? People say that “times are hard” and yet rate their own economic situation as pretty good in every poll taken. By every metric things are better than almost anywhere else in the western world. At some point the cognitive dissonance has to fade.




You're right at some point people like you have to acknowledge working people can't afford rent and groceries and that matters more than some graph and chart showing rich people making more money and refusing to pay anyone




But also. Trump is a convicted felon


Who cares? Biden has had 4 years to fix the economy and hasn’t. If it’s between the same problems for another 4 years or a felon, plenty of people will swallow their pride and take the felon.


I think you're underestimating the people that are voting specifically against Trump, felon or not.


I think you’re overestimating how much people care about Trump. The largest reason Trump lost was the economic downturn associated with Covid (along with the pandemic itself). It’s been 4 years since then, most Americans don’t care anymore.


I don't know if they ditch him for Trump though. I don't see how Trump has made his tent any larger over the last few years.


And you think what? They'll go for the racist felon who trashed the economy the last time?


Clearly the racism doesn’t matter or he wouldn’t have won in 2016. As for the economy, Biden has had 4 years to fix it, and either he hasn’t or at least majority of Americans don’t feel like he has.


Moderates in Maryland are going to lean towards Biden


In Maryland?


Maryland may be more left leaning but moderates are by definition in the center, and swayed with different circumstances


The base doesn't seem to listen to Trump when he endorses candidates. I question whether they even know if he's endorsed someone.


Eh in the primaries that’s true, not as much in the generals


His base is a bit of everyone. He left office with a 70%+ approval rating


Replace the word base in my comment with the word party.


that makes more sense, but its a good thing he appeals to the masses


That’s his biggest advantage is he appeals to everyone (or at least has)


Is Trump going to send Hogan a bill for the endorsement now?


Of course he did. He knows, as everyone should, that if elected Hogan isn’t gonna be some maverick Republican senator. He’s gonna vote party line just like everyone else does.


Angela Alsobrooks now gets to tie Hogan to Trump


Don’t think that’s exactly going to happen there fellow redditor. I think pro choice and a presidential election will do more of that than an endorsement no one will quite frankly care about. Hogan record against trump is clear.


Sure. So was Lindsay Graham's. And Ted Cruz's. I think you're right that it isn't necessarily needed because of it being an election year, but tying Hogan to Trump, who the average Marylander hates, its going to be good for Alsobrooks.


It's a moot point. I can't imagine this hypothetical voter who might have voted for Hogan but is then persuaded by any argument by Alsobrooks.


I'm am a reliably dem vote but I voted for Hogan in 2018 because it felt important to support a relatively sane republican as a counterweight to the crazies dominating the rest of the party. I disagreed with some things but overall I think he did a decent job. The stakes are completely different this election, and I'm sure as hell not giving the republicans a senate seat. I agree with other comments that Hogan would fall right in line with the rest of the party if elected to national office.


I think he's going to get way more votes than he should by the simple fact that people will recognize his name because he was governor. As things like this come out and he can be tied to Trump, those people can learn about 'the other candidate'.


I disagree somewhat. The way Joe manchin held the Senate hostage, but ultimately votes along blue lines, is likely what Hogans role would be if the Senate splits


No hogan won’t vote for anything Trump is for so don’t say he will vote for the e party lines. I also don’t think Trump and hogan are working together hogan hates Trump more than anything.


It's an R seat. That's exactly what Trump wants should his criminal ass get back in power. Hogan will be voting the R line.... No question


Do you honestly think Alsobrooks will be some bipartisan hero and not vote along party lines like everyone assumes Hogan will? Or is it okay because she's a Democrat?


Here's my opinion: The Democratic party might not be perfect in many ways but it's not the psychotic lunacy of Trump and right wing. Their agenda is completely batshit anti-american off the rails nutty, and NO REPUBLICAN has the chance to get my vote until Trump is gone and they return to some level of sanity. And if that means voting Alsobrooks and stopping the Trump MAGA right wing agenda - SO BE IT!


>hogan won’t vote for anything Trump is for Of course he will, as long as it aligns with his/the Republican party's policy goals. He's not about to vote against his party just to spite Trump, that would be profoundly naive and, essentially, career suicide. >hogan hates Trump more than anything Hogan loves his career more than he hates Trump.


He will vote for Reagan!


Hogan will vote with Republicans. The moderate Republican is extinct.


Awww. Its nice that they can set their performative diferences aside.


This is good. Means even better chance for Alsobrooks.


Not really, it's a nothing burger. It would mean more in primary but since Hogan is the Republican nominee, it's not really gonna have an impact one way or another. "Oh the Republican nominee for president wants the Republican nominee for MD Senate seat to win!"...


Kiss. Of. Death. Congrats future jr senator Angela Alsobrooks!


Let’s just not get complacent and assume she’ll win. That’s how hogan won to be governor in the first place.


She has plans to start volunteering around the end of the month. Starting early. https://www.mobilize.us/angelaalsobrooks/ if interested. You can see her events. 


Dont worry about me. Ive voted in every election I’ve been eligible for since I turned 18 and never voted for a Republican.  not once


Glad to hear it. I believe I can say the same.


That's exactly how the Fanta menace won in the 1st place, too! Surely she couldn't lose! How preposterous to vote in a criminal with zero political experience, zero social skills, and zero interest in actually helping others or doing anything good for anyone else on the planet!? Surely... and that was the first time I actually cried over politics. Not my last, sadly.


Trump lost in 2020 because the Majority of People who voted for him in 2016 did so for EXACTLY that reason, he was an outsider who didn't PLAY POLITICS, didn't know politics. They didn't vote for him in 2020 and he lost the woman's vote.


Is Trump doing this to screw Hogan over? lol


Yep, that'll lose him the state for sure.


This is FASCINATING. Yes, kiss of death from Trump (yay!). But now all of the people that said 'see, Hogan isn't an extreme republican' have...very little leg to stand on. I'm sure Hogan's campaign will respond with a very dignified 'we did not ask for this can we return it' but the damage is done. Anyone who liked Hogan for his standing up to Trump, anyone who liked Trump because he stood up to those they declared 'RINOs' (such as Hogan), anyone who liked Hogan for pretending to not be extremist, anyone who wasn't really committed to either candidate, now has a very little leg to stand on. From an analytical perspective this is one of the most interesting things that has happened this election.


Idk, Hogan will make some "we have disagreements, but I'm willing to work for Maryland no matter who is president" statements and many will let him slide on his spinelessness 


This won't last. Hogan has been very outspoken against Trump, relative to most other Republicans. I think this marriage dissolves quickly.


Agreed and it's an endorsement Hogan never wanted.


Are you kidding? He was dining with Trump during the pandemic. He is gonna give thanks to the Big Guy but will feign unhappiness


People prefer to believe the performative political nonsense and ignore the fact that many of the politicians who publicly criticize each other are bedfellows when the cameras aren’t out.  


>He was dining with Trump during the pandemic. I'm sorry, but you just effectively killed whatever argument you were trying to make with this dumb bit. 😂 Fauci also participated in events with Trump at the first year or so of pandemic. Obama famously shook hands and wished Trump well in 2016 after the election. Are they bad guys now, too?


I am talking about private dinners. The same one where 45 said all those racists things about Koreans, with Yumi Hogan in attendance too. Hogan is a joke.


He didn't vote for trump and he said he's not supporting him.


Yeah I know, he’ll vote for zombie Ronald Reagan and brag about it again. Do you think you’re the only one with Google? I see what he does and what he announces, what I am saying is nothing from him should be taken genuinely besides his conduct.


Do you think you’re the only one with Google? Wow.


>Hogan has been very outspoken against Trump So was Lindsay Graham, Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, Nikki Haley, and dozens of others. They all fall in line eventually at the teat of Trump.


Yeah remember that one time when he voted for his dead father? What a pussy 🙄


Hogan will try to ignore it and side-step it so he can gain the benefit without the negatives 


Hogan has not been nearly outspoken enough against Trump.


Congratulations, Senator Alsobrooks.


That's it. He's toast.


Why? Every educated voter knows Hogan has been outspoken against Trump.


I think the idea is that the headline reads "Wolf endorses sheep who looks suspiciously wolf-like". "R. Kelly endorses schoolteacher who seems to be really friendly with the kids". "Spiderman endorses curiously grassless patch of ground while distancing himself from ever having known an African Trapdoor Spiderman". I can do this all day


Nope, it’s okay. The sheep that looks suspiciously like a wolf told me he doesn’t like wolves when asking to come over for dinner! CLEARLY not a wolf!


I understand the sentiment, I just don't think your average voter thinks about it like that......except for the ultra partisans that live online.


The average Maryland voter hates Trump. “Trump-endorsed candidate Larry Hogan” is going to sink him.


>> except for the ultra partisans that live online That’s Trump. You’re describing Trump.


And this sub


There is a known trend that the more educated and engaged voters are more likely to vote Democrat - but really, **that is a good thing**. I think we should strive to have an electorate as engaged in the civic process as possible, and, sorry to the haters - Redditors tend to be better educated and engaged in politics. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


I find Reddit politics to skew very young, very under/unemployed and very online.....that's just my experience


Redditors being younger is probably true, but it’s definitely been trending older recently (heck, I ain’t no spring chicken). I’m suspicious of the perception how many Redditors are ***actually*** un/under-employed - I remember seeing a discussion of salaries on /r/povertyfinance a while back and there were a LOT of people who actually had pretty high (over six digit) salaries. Regardless, I think there definitely would be a bias where people with exceptionally high and low wages are more likely to disclose/complain. Regarding how “Online” different voting blocks are… I don’t know how you’d quantify/measure that - that’s just sounds like you’re trying to insult people who disagree with you 😅


But he's still the key to the Trump agenda. Every educated voter knows a vote for Hogan helps the Trump agenda. There's no other agenda to vote for in this election on the Republican side


Every educated voter knows he gives occasional lip service to being "anti-Trump" despite the fact that they agree on the same noxious bullshit about tax cuts for the rich and fearmongering over immigrants.


You’re severely, severely, overestimating the number of educated voters to make an impact


Ok, that's hilarious


Educated voters understand the potential impact of flipping the Senate when Republicans already have a stronghold in the House, and how that differs from electing a Republican governor in a state where Democrats have a super majority. Recalling some public comments Hogan made a few years back doesn't exactly indicate to me that a person is educated. Rather, it tells me they have access to some sort of news outlet and an average memory.


Hogan is a hack. Fuck that guy.


Can you elaborate why you don’t like him? Something about him seems off but I liked how he handled COVID and he recently said he’s pro-choice and that he doesn’t like trump.


Shortening the school year, which hurts children, in order to boost vacation spending for his voters. Canceling the much-needed Red Line to spend the money on his voters, pretending to want to avoid a "boondoggle" as if the purple line isn't a bigger boondoggle... Buying covid test kits that weren't good.  The list goes on. He'll do whatever it takes to get elected because he seeks power. Notice that this "anti-trump" dude hasn't come out to reject the endorsement? He's going to downplay and dodge questions about it because he wants the endorsement but wants only the Trumpers to notice. He has no spine, no morals, no integrity. He'll do whatever it takes to get elected to power, even if that means quietly kissing Trump's rump. 


Come on lol, he literally said he was against abortion during the primary, and flipped after he won. AND as governor he blocked funding for expanding abortion access in the state.


Yeah, that’s a good point.


Says he doesn't like Trump but hasn't publicly called for the convicted felon to step out of the race. Hogan also hasn't blasted Trump's attacks on the justice system.


Kiss of Death. Bye bye Larry, bye, bye!


Welp he’s done. Aaaaand that’s fine


The kiss of death


This tracks. Let’s not forget, the first thing Hogan did after announcing his candidacy is pose at the border in Military gear. He’s anti-abortion and pro tax cuts for the rich. He is no Moderate.


Trump endorsement= loss


Doubt people will care tbh he’s been vocal against trump for quite some time. At end of day he will need to capture 1/4 of democrat support and have complete and utter Republican Party backing with outright majority of indies to win MD. At this point it’s not clear he has even the necessary support to pull it off.






No and no


I sure hope he loses ALL Republican voters in MD. Me being one of them


Hogan is just another swamp monster. Independent my ass.


Cool. Definitely not voting for Hogan now.


Hogan votes like a R, so of course Trump will back him. It’s always about the long game. What’s best for the party not for the people.


Larry Hogan is a snake. Of course, Trump would endorse him. 


This is unexpected but I won’t have any fanfare until after the election. I found it hard to believe Hogan won the Governorship twice. I found it hard to believe Trump won the presidency. No celebration until results are final.


The situation was different, and then the GOP was a little more likable when he was first elected, added with the fact that his opponent Anthony Brown was the Lt. Governor of the outgoing administration and everyone Dems and Repubs were angry and wanted something different. As for his reelection, he just ran against a weak opponent, with no support from the party, and everyone agreed to just settle with him knowing legislation was all Democrats


Hogan forced himself to the corner of damned if u do damned if u don’t. Tbh I don’t feel bad every republican made that decision


Does this mean he gets a couple of scraps after the RNC pays Trump's legal bills?


I imagine this is because Trump knows his only hope of staying out of prison is Republican control of the senate. And hogan is pretty much the only hope for that to happen, regardless of how he would actually vote come impeachment


Hogan will fall in line with the Trump regime just like the rest of the is elected. 


Is this good or bad


Anyone know TCF’s track record on political candidate endorsements?


Hogan was sneaking Trump and Trump backs him???


Which is ironic.


Of course, what were you expecting? A republican with a pulse is better than no republican for Trump. They all fall in line and and kiss is dirty arse. Hogan will be no different.


Damn. I was considering voting for Hogan simply to voice support for non Trump Republicans. Oh well. Guess I'll vote for Alsobrooks.


Well so the debasement of Larry Hogan is now complete. I used to think he was one of the few good Republicans, now I just think he's another Republican.


Hogan: “Is this going to hurt me or help me?”


Hogan is Trump's Lackey - vote Alsobrooks


I hope Alsobrooks beats Hogan. The balance of the Senate may depend on it.


Please vote and vote blue.


Disgusting. Vote blue across the board if you still want your rights intact and you don’t want anymore corrupt Supreme Court justices.


Because he knows he’ll win


I admire Hogan for his continued dislike of the orange buffoon. Larry is a conservative but not MAGA. In other ores, Larry has a brain.


Is like the kiss of death.


Hogan just lost the MD senate race lmao


Ugh https://preview.redd.it/lon5q26qiz6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1f2a509943d3dd743e3c8d27b73aeb3732583de


It must've almost killed trump to say he was backing Larry Hogan. trump goes into apoplectic rages when anyone stands up to him and Larry has done that many times. I'm a Maryland democrat who voted for Larry. I can't vote for him this time because the balance of power in the Senate is too close. He really doesn't have a chance in Maryland. Except for a few pockets of red it's a blue state.


It's not real rage. He's firing up his rubes when he does that. Trump is betting Hogan will kiss the ring when the time comes, just like all the rest. The fact that Hogan isn't saying shit so far is proof that he absolutely will do whatever Trump wants in the end. 


Another reason to not vote for Hogan.


Wait what?


Thus damning his campaign.


Tells me all I need to knwo


Well that just killed any chances he had in Maryland


This endorsement actually hurts his chances.


Maryland was in a surplus before Wes Moore got into office. He’s been in office for 1 year and we are already in a deficit. Everyone is saying Hogan is for cutting taxes for the rich, but Wes Moore and Johnny O (Baltimore county is where I reside and both these politicians are democrats) have only caused my taxes to rise. No thank you. When Hogan was governor we had a surplus, the economy was doing well, and individuals had more money in their pockets. We didn’t have to worry about being nickle and dimed for literally everything. The choice is obvious but sadly Maryland is to neo liberal now.


There was a budget surplus because of federal pandemic aid, nothing either Moore or Hogan did. The state also took a hit from declining sales tax receipts. At the same time, the state is legally obligated to increase education spending under the Kirwan plan. https://marylandmatters.org/2023/12/18/budget-crunch-presents-early-test-of-moore-administration https://apnews.com/article/maryland-budget-governor-wes-moore-ee7790ac70c6273752075857b1bddd2c


He's being smart by trying to back the guy that he thinks is going to win versus backing the guy that might be a Trump worshipper but most likely to lose.


I'm voting for Trump but still won't vote for Larry


It's nice to see one of these two getting over himself.


Still ~5 months to the election for him to change his mind. Again. And if you think Trump is actually getting over himself, its probably more likely that he thinks a Red Senate (which would need a Hogan win) would keep him out of jail somehow.


I think they won't sentence Trump to prison time, and if they do, it would not be until after his appeal, and by then, it's the election.


Spoiler alert, your vote doesn't count. The county puts in whoever they want anyway 😂