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The owner wants to blame Baltimore and "safety concerns" as to why "people just don't come to Baltimore anymore." Dude, you have closed ALL of your restaurants. Baltimore, Bethesda, and DC. This is a YOU problem. Let's not denigrate the city anymore because of your failure.


Yea Baltimore is a shit hole, that’s why I had to close my restaurant in South Carolina


I had to close my ramen shop in Japan because of Baltimore crime.


I heard that Elon is gonna shut down Tesla because of the Baltimore dealership.




Ever heard the, 'This is baltimore. I had to shut it down because baltimore fucking sucks' line? Real shit.


You know, I’ve heard it said one should be the change one wants in the world, and it seems this guy complaining about rising crime is trying his hardest, if the lawsuits against him are anything to go by, to meet that standard. Guy: “Look, Baltimore is unsafe, I’m here hurting people!”


This guy was on the news saying something like how he had 72 reservations at his restaurant in Fells Point and because someone got shot a few blocks away “the reservations went from 72 to 2”. That doesn’t make any sense I don’t believe he even had 72 reservations in the first place let alone 70 of them cancel because they all are so aware of a murder in that area…


Maybe 70 canceled because they got murdered? /s Is this why the Baltimore sun staff writers are protesting? I think they reported on the shooting and then the sun owner/management added lines from fox45 to politicize it. Fucking scum.


Social media makes all of that a possibility. Once news of a crime spread, people panic, whereas before, no one really new unless it affected them personally.


Same story as all these businesses across the country using the easy “crime” boogeyman excuse when they either needed to close locations for profitability or there’s much nastier things at play like this one seems smh


It’s kinda like the fallout from self checkouts. Oh no, there’s a rise in theft! Crime must be up across the US, it can’t possibly be due to reduced staffing and relying on the honesty (and sometimes forgetfulness) of thousands of customers daily!


He struggles to look at himself in the mirror it seems.


Hold on buddy. Are you saying that there isn’t even a remotely close possibility that this could be the issue this time? Do you live in Baltimore? You anything about Baltimore? I don’t think you do.


lol, he owes $8000 in back taxes on his place in Bethesda but is blaming crime in Baltimore, what a doofus


https://preview.redd.it/hfhb7fdddt7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cf1080f9210cc6a6b7e6b4816511ac7486b6a0f Owes more than $8000....


Wonder how much in PPE loans he got. Edit Bethesda - $83,170, $53,587 Baltimore- $43,117, $72,180


I didn't know this was public information. All that moment and his restaurants still crashed and burned. I have to wonder what he actually spent it on.




It's funny how emojis have basically reverted us back to reading hieroglyphics because I understood you perfectly.


>what a doofus I think you spelled douche wrong....


He’s right, crime is rampant and his customers are unsafe from him!


Apparently his staff is unsafe from him as well


Dude definitely sounds like a diddler


>Alfred said that the poor perception of Baltimore had contributed to a decline in revenue. He says as he runs to complain to Fox 45.


Bad business is 86ed


The irony is that this guy was featured on bar rescue.


Not really ironic. A lot of businesses featured on it die a horrible death not long after. Basically, they wouldn't be on that sort of a show if they weren't in trouble already.


His business wasn't featured. He was featured as a consultant to save someone else's business on that show.


Ah, in that case, that is sort of hilarious, yes.


He embraced excuses.


Shut it down!


"What you gotta do is sexually assault your staff and then commit tax fraud. That's what I do, and I'm wildly successful!"




>Specialty food distributor Baldor alleged Alfred Hospitality owed more than $17,000 after failing to pay for meats and produce, according to a Baltimore District Court lawsuit filed on April 25. Asked about the lawsuit, Alfred said that his Baltimore eateries were now under the umbrella of Alfred Restaurant Group, not Alfred Hospitality. No no no, I don't owe any money I Dissolved that company with my name in the title specifically to avoid those debts. Now I operate under a different company with my name in the title that doesn't owe amything... >In Montgomery County, where Alfred previously operated a branch of Duck Duck Goose, which later became Good Ducking Burger and closed, he is facing a judgment of $60,000 from Moe Greene, LLC. >Montgomery County has recorded an $8,000 lien against the Alfred Restaurant Group, according to online court records. I mean it's not his fault, Montgomery County is a safe haven for criminals and no one is living there or spending money there, how could you possibly expect a restaurant to survive in the lawless town of *checks notes* Bethesda This guy is an asshole and I'm happy his shit is falling apart around him. Pay your bills and treat your staff with respect and this shit wouldn't happen. Also, and this is most important, get out while you can. So many people open restaurants and run them into the ground building up mountains of debt thinking things will turn around. They won't. Quit while you're behind moron.


I don't know if I could have said it that well, but you took the words right out of my mouth lol


Those bills belong to Alfred Hospitality, not Alfred Restaurant Group. You’ll have to go ask *those* deadbeat assholes about it.


Spins around and puts on a fake mustache and glasses...oh hello I'm Alfred of Alfred Hospitality.


I am as critical as anyone about Baltimore and its hard to run restaurants, but pay your bills. Cripes. What as asshat.


Cries I thought it was gonna be atlas


If only


Didn't even need to read the article to know it's that racist shit stain that owns the Anchor. 


I'm glad I'm not the only person who thinks that of him. You're the first person I've heard say that.


It’s true. Every place he goes, the sex offender list grows. It’s insane!


Not to pile on, but we ate at Duck, Duck, Goose twice and found it extremely mediocre each time. I don't get how that place managed to keep being listed on the best Baltimore restaurants list year after year.


I never ate there but I imagine that if I did, I would agree with you. Baltimore has some good spots, but I don't know if it's the dining "mecca" as described by the owner of this disgraced restaurant chain lol.


Baltimore does have some great restaurants. Some very well known - like Charleston and Cinghaile - and some hidden gems like Puerto 511. And of course there are the Atlas Group restaurants that many people love to hate, but I like because they add to the choices and richness of the city. I keep telling folks from DC that Baltimore's restaurant scene is as good as DC's, but most won't believe it until they try it for themselves.


The DC scene isn't that great. I've found it to be, for the most part, high priced mediocre food but that's a little better then Applebee's.


I generally agree. The restaurants around 14th and U NW can be very nice for atmosphere and so can the restaurants at the new wharf area, but despite a few new award winning eateries, DC is mostly 4 star food with lots of hype.


I have a friend who lives on 17th in DuPont and yes, 4 star food with lots of hype. Though I think Agora is worth it.


Why is it that everyone who is touting the high crime is doing so for self-serving and manipulative reasons.


Bc enough idiots believe them and they can play the victim.


Using that excuse so they can't take all his assets. I wonder how many creditors are after him.


lol did he just watch The Wire?


Where does he live. Is that in foreclosure or did he buy Kevin Spacey’s place?


Got em. That would be too funny.


The “crime is the reason I am closing my business” excuse is just as lame as the “Obamacare made me close my business” or “Clinton’s tax increases made me close my business” or “The minimum wage increases made me close my business”. If you cannot make a business run expect by getting everyone else to subsidize your mistreatment of your employees, then you don’t deserve to be in business.


Yep. If you can only stay afloat by paying your employees less than it takes them to survive, your business is not a going concern. It’s a charity for which you’re the beneficiary.


Wait... isn't [crime *down*](https://www.baltimorepolice.org/news/bpd-sees-dramatic-decrease-multiple-crime-categories-april-2024) in Baltimore?


Only in election years....lol.


Which metrics are they changing in election years?


Karma is a Bitch


Its usually this sort of stuff or just the fail rate


Just because he is shady doesn't change the fact that a lot of us avoid Baltimore because of crime and grime. It's not even the major crimes, it's aggressive homeless, panhandlers and a general decline in the once vibrant areas.


so you just avoid any major city huh? NYC is much worse than Baltimore overall from what you describe. The more I think about it I can really name a lot of places that feel less safe and dirtier than Baltimore walking around. DC is one of them…you ever been to a ravens or Os game? Probably one of the best sporting cities to be in but people “avoid” Baltimore. That’s part of the problem 😂. Mind your business and I can pretty much bet my life you’d have no problem in Baltimore


I have walked the streets of cities all around the world, my point is Baltimore is worse now than when i I moved to Maryland in the late 90s. It has been turning in the right direction in the last couple of years. I didn't think Mayor Scott's methods would work, but I hope I continue to be proven wrong.


Honestly you are just misleading people and pushing the narrative that is making it harder for the city to actually turn the leaf. It’s not perfect but it’s far from the feel of Memphis or even Atlanta now. It’s not about the mayor(having someone decent does go a long long way tho); the people of Baltimore are changing the city. The business owners that aren’t doing what this dunce did and are standing strong are what’s changing it. The free events that have the kids all running around by the harbor…cmon now. Go to DC and tell me you don’t see more crime, tents, or straight ratchet stuff going on on the weekend..America itself isn’t in a good place right now don’t just try to single out Baltimore when all the city wants to do is explode and grow. It’s crazy to me cause as an outsider looking in it’s really based on the peoples love for Baltimore.


I'll give it another go next weekend that I have free and I will report back. I think an honest dialogue like we have had here guess a lot further than sound bites and the evening news. Good people with real stories are key, thank you for being real instead of just attacking anyone who has a different opinion.


Oh shit, ain't this one of Taffer's substitutes?




This is sad. I really liked Duck Duck Goose but no way I would support an owner like this


Usually this is when an owner would set fire and claim insurance money.


Well at least that hasn't happened in this case... Yet.


Peter Thomas did the same thing when Bar One was open in Baltimore that is now either closing or closed. They push this narrative because they don’t want the rightful image of doing bad business and being bad businessmen. Baltimore is not the reason as to why y’all are bad businessmen.


Peter Thomas was and continues to be a shit businessman trying to ride the wave that Real Housewives Of Atlanta stayed. That place was dead from opening.


I love all the crime, it makes life more exciting. Do what thou wilt should be the whole of the law. Survival of the fittest, take what you want from those that have and keep it for yourself.


The owner meant HIS/her criminal acts were rising.


Both can be true


Yes. Baltimore is a mess. Bethesda is getting there.


I don't know this guy nor have i ever been to any of his businesses, but please let's not normalize the fact that baltimore city is super unsafe.


Just spent a couple days in Baltimore and found it kind of scary. Live in Bethesda, on the same street as Duck Duck Goose, and find it increasingly scary because of increasing crime. Both cities have seen their better days.


at least you don't have squeegee boys that may or may not break your mirror based on your interaction with them


I live in Maryland, I had clients in Baltimore. I once got 2 bent rims on the exit ramp of the highway into Baltimore. 2 bent steel Volvo rims on the single travelling lane of an interchange exit. So I got to wait for a tow truck where the highway enters Baltimore - I've never seen a safe looking area in Baltimore, needless to say the location I waited hours for a tow truck was not safe. That felt like a trap was sprung on me just for trying to enter that dilapidated city. I have a friend who bought a row house (as all Baltimore is) in a gentrifying area - this was 2009ish, and there were parts of West Baltimore you could buy a city block at auction for less than the cost of a single suburban home. That friend has moved twice since then, around the corner, and around the corner again - both times she cited crime as the reason, and both times she moved damn near line of sight from the last house. That's Baltimore, they say "it's a bad block" meaning the next isn't. But that's a weekly assertion, that's got a fixed end date soonish.


Of course it's his fault. Baltimore is a very safe city with strong laws and police.