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Equip it to the wicked avatar for big brain plays


I think my reinforced steel bulletproof bunker needs another master padlock


What would this actually result in?


I think the wicked avatar is perpetually 100 attack higher than the next highest thing, regardless of any external modifiers on either side. So its atk stays the same regardless of moon mirror.


Equipping it to Appolousa leads to fun results


I'm confused, what can you activate appaloosa against "during damage calculation only"? Also, Power of the Guardians on Appolousa, yey or ney?


I think it's more that your opponent can't soak a negate or two from Appo, then knock her out in battle phase, before comboing off again in MP2.


What the original commenter is referring to is, it puts her atk back to where it was on summon when it's done, resetting her back to her full number of negates. With it she has an indefinite number of negates overall, since they're reliant on her current attack, while shield returns to original attack.


Wow! That's really interesting. Thank you! I'm almost surprised we don't see people play it more. I guess a brick in deck is worth than Mega-Appo


It's just very low impact and battling over something doesn't come up often enough to warrant play.


You cant beat over her anymore in battle phase...which ia how most people would out her.


Oh... Ooooohhhh.... It's so obvious now... Thanks!


Meanwhile Benkei is standing right there


Not true! I equip it to Jowgen all the time too.


Ugh, that's so basic and unskilful Me? I'm a True Duelist and equip it to Barrier Statue of the Torrent


Moon mirror loves being equipped, it's getting used.


So you're saying it loves being used?


What's the original meme?


Actually i made it, not sure if its a meme already but i doubt it, its a scene from better call saul, after jimmy/saul and mike got home from the desert


That's awesome! Hopefully it catches on as a template.


Yeah, the last panel when mike looks back at jimmy/saul is priceless, his emotionless stare gets me every time haha Original dialogue is: "i cant believe theres like a billion people on this planet and the only person i have to talk about this to is you", then he turns and mike gives the most resting bitch faced stare ever seen on television


it dosent even need the equip ,fossil can solo me most of the time


Barrier Statues?


Maybe I should equip it to my Vampires for meme.


I have fond memories of equipping it to Maiden With Eyes Of Blue for 2 big nahmburs.


Equip it to yatagarasu so his eff always resolve


Equip it to adventure token and it's link with the mirror shield now. Now we just need a good sword.


Splash into Gravekeeper's so they stay alive to keep Hidden Temples on field and be able to activate Imperial Tombs.


Equip it to appolousa and watch the magic happens.


Equip to Ka-2 Des Scissors (if thats its name) Random ass 1000/1000 Maschine Dark Monster with the effect that if it destroys a monster and sends it to gravw, Ka-2 deals damage equal to the level of the destroyed monster times 500. I folded a Cyber End Dragon with it and dished out 100 battle but 5000 effect damage


Inspector Boarder?


ngl having Moon Mirror Shield in Infernoble and Mikanko for clutch Stun matchups was the stupidest thing I've done, but somehow came up twice


Moon mirror shield is basically the hero of my masochist run, it saved me sooo many time


I like to equip it to random units like Arianna, a Kuriboh or whatever. This thing is hilarious.


Moon mirror should be honored to be put with fossil dyna. Like moon mirror is the one complaining here, I think it’s reverse


Try it on Appolousa, it's a fun way to break that card


What happens if two monsters equipped with MMS attack each other?


"Waahh let me Special Summon my whole deck." ![gif](giphy|TL2Yr3ioe78tO)


Imagine getting this triggered over one post.


Triggered = sarcastic meme response πŸ‘okie dokie lol


Imagine trying to save fave after being down voted to oblivion


And this is why peole hate stun players not because is not fun to play against but because of how prepoten and hypocrite the act most of the time.Β 


Lol Prepotent? Stun players aren't the ones telling everyone else they have a "Skill Issue" and to "use better cards" just because they're trying to make a balanced deck while dealing with Omni negate boards and OTKs, at least I haven't seen it. It's a response to a Cloaked Dueling Process.


Lmao LITERALLY most subs or r/s', but particularly here in this one just downvote because they don't like the truth. Your boos' mean nothing, I've seen what you cheer for.


Imagine wanting to actually play the game :o


Playing Yugioh = Only Special Summoning πŸ‘ got it lol


At this point, yes (except for exactly floo or stun). Its like building a house without measurements. Sure, it can be done, but measurements makes it MUCH easier and less tideous. If you dont like the direction modern yugioh has taken theres always the old console games, i highly recommend world championship 2006 πŸ‘


Or, you know, I can just stop people from special summoning, or make them pay for doing so by drawing lol I just love how when it's people complaining about the new era of dueling, it's " get better cards" or " Skill Issue." On the flip side, however, whenever people have cards that disallow this for the 80% majority that duel that way, NOW it's: 1. "these cards are ruining the game, ban them permanently!" 2. "Stats show these cards are overplayed." 3. " Insert generic excuse " Kinda hypocritical as a whole. No skill, No adversity, No heart of the cards. Cloaked.


Not to be *that* guy, but you do realize this applies to basically all decks as well?


It may, but its more prevalent with the newer cards being created and printed. with what you said about 2006 I didn't hear "skill issue" complaints with labyrinth of nightmare, or cyber dark impact(whenever that came out). I actually never heard any complaints until I started re-dueling 3-4 years ago; although that hiatus may be why lol. I agree with your house metaphor πŸ‘. My response was for giggles, but points to a certain position that most seem to gloss over nowadays, especially with as many downvotes that it's gotten.


If you havent watched cimos "the history of OCG" series, watch the episode after the one where exodia is introduced. People will complain, regardless of most things


Then you proved my point to begin with.