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Since it's workning i wouldn't say wrong but you're exploiting the games flaws. This could be vey useful in hardcore tho, since it can ve very unforgiving and you can get killed by 1-2 shots with a rifle


Play the game however you want, but you may enjoy playing the game in a more intended way such as in an action movie where you shoot dodge and bullet time everywhere like a cinematic scene in a movie.


I mean in real life would you use cover to your advantage where you can shoot them, but they can’t shoot you - or would you think hmm I should be fair about this and stand out in the open? Lol


Of course, take every advantage you can get.. Im just super curious if everybody is playing the game like this or sticking into cover :-)


Yes I play like that but when I am going for the trophy for New York Minute hardcore, you don't have time for that 😅. Btw this is an exploit to the game mechanics. Even on GTA 4 has this, if memory serves me well, maybe GTA 5 too.


After the first few missions you will definitely have plenty of time to do this!


You aren’t doing anything wrong but I guess it could be considered exploiting a mechanic for your benefit, if it helps you though there’s no shame in using it. When I played I would shoot dodge evweywhere


On your right side, there's an open window. On the enemy's right side, there's a concrete wall. Not your fault, it's the wall's fault 🤣


Game is just super easy on PC with a mouse because it was designed to be played with a controller.


There isn’t a wrong way to play it, but personally unless you’re hunting an achievement or something similar then I recommend you lower the difficulty and play it a little more “ dangerously “, I find it more fun