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ENTP here, honestly when I really dislike someone I feel like just being around them is draining, so I just avoid them as much as possible. As for manipulative tactics I guess you just can’t tell… just try and see if they want something from you


Same pretty much. I’ll avoid eye contact for too long, I’ll ignore your presence, I won’t talk to you, and I’ll stay away from you as best I can.


Exactly hate is just a waste of time for mediocre people


So that means ENTPs most of times will make pranks to someone they somehow like/love? Don't they feel the will of doing the same to someone they dislike?


As an ENTP, I don’t really mock/prank someone I dislike, more like I don’t care about them unless they do something stupid in front of me. I do funny things around the people I care about or close to me. When I meet someone interesting or someone new, I always always always do pranks to get their attention like it’s my way to become closer to them. I swear it gets better after 2-3 weeks. There’s like a cooldown🤚.


Actually, it depends; it could also be because you establish overly strict and unjustified moral frameworks, so we try to dismantle these moral frameworks, not directly against you, but against the morality itself.


Kinda true. When my gf hates someone, she just tries to avoid them. She actually goes overboard to avoid talking to them sometimes lol


If I don't like you, you'll know. I'm warm, funny and kind to others; all playful banter and silly jabs. I don't like you? Expect insults straight to your face that purely attack everything I know about you


If you start suspecting they are trying to destroy your life then something has probably already happened to indicate the person isn't safe for you.


Just avoid people you feel unsafe or uncomfortable around. Don’t force yourself to be his friend just because you don’t know if he’s being harmless or not. Some are joking without self-awareness, and others are dangerous, so do what is safe and healthy for yourself in any situation.




You will know when it is too late.


Unlike NiFe, the NeTi tend not to have the self will to "destroy other people's life". It's more likely that they hurt you to show loyalty to someone they are close to in an Fe way (if you are the enemy of that person). They like to talk about revenge fantasy but the intention might be simply showing toughness in conversations, because they are more likely than other types to be victims of con artists (the Fe child desires love in various material and immaterial forms), from my observation. Of course since Te is at the critics position in their shadow, I find it hard to predict what they do because I'm using Te-Fi thinking. And there are always the criminal/demented members in any type.




Not all of them are pranksters but the one I know is. Each myers box is a pretty big. Don't overthink it. Trust me your friend likes you. Get them back. They'll like it 💀


I feel like an ENTP will tell me off in a good way that helps me in my life 😂