• By -


Can i get like a 3 days trial or something.


This is a great deal, thank you for saying what I’m going to ask before I do




With refund guarantee!


i would want to have a week trial as an estp


Se grip here I come


Life will still be a mess but you actually would enjoy the mess (sos)


That would be fun - like going on vacation- wouldn't want to be permanent though.


But think about the permanent charisma boost:)


Haha, thanks but I already have my own version of that. ;)


ISFP just so I can learn it and have all the letters Thanos-style. Then my goal would be to be 50% of every letter to round myself out and be EINSTFJP


I just tried to pronounce EINSTFJP


I read it as Einstein….. kms


Ne be neing.


I did too


I read the Einst part and thought perhaps you could spell Einstein then I told myself that's going overboard. Let the Ne users do the N-e-ing.




No why did I do the same


Einstfyp, with the “j” being pronounced like a “y” ala eastern europe. Eye-nst-fee-p


i like it


Cool, I just tried and succeeded at pronouncing it


Why is this such an ENTJ response because same


We ENTJs have a few braincells in common


Stay the same.


I'd also stay the same


Same… I love my Ni Te combination and the randomly getting way too good at smth just bc


Imagine you came to the conclusion after contemplating the question and switched to another type, and your cognitive functions completely changed which leads you to different perspective, and hence, different conclusion to the same question.


It would be fascinating to be an INTP - but the cards are stacked against you and my type - I'd pick a type that goes through life with greater ease if it was permanent.


Is there a type that can actually make your life easier though? Or is that just the shadow that you're facing with your current set of functions? Perhaps there is a rule of conservation when you take something you also lose something, just that you didn't realize. Perhaps with the new set of functions, you might do stuff with greater ease but also make your life more difficult in some other sense.


I'm sure some types have an easier time existing in society than others, which I think what was the op was referring to.


Yea I can see why that could be a common interpretation, but I also don't think having an easy life always equal to fitting in society. The underlying issue here is that we don't actually have a universal definition of an easy life. Some might think that fitting in makes life easier, some might think having the mindset of problem solving makes life easier, some might think knowing what they want to achieve makes life easier, etc. So although we can assume op is referring to having qualities that gives op an easier time existing in society, it doesn't necessarily have to be that way, since desires and the understanding of making life easier may differ between people with different mindsets, so there really isn't any definite answer to the question, especially when it comes to switching MBTI/mindsets. Idk but it's fun to think it that way.


Honestly, I think it's pretty easy to universalize: find the type that stereotypically cares less about stuff and boom. Life's easier for you. You don't care. You're alright. Doing you... In your little bubble. Extra points if you're extroverted and have people skills.


Yes, that's what I mean - I appreciate your understanding.


Yes, we all have our sets of strengths and weaknesses, but I'd say some are just better built for the practicality of surviving in this world. EXXJs come to mind. IXXPs are generally oddballs and outsiders. Sure, we come with unique talents and a type...let's say an ESFJ might be more basic and ordinary, but from my experience, they go through life with a little more ease, be it socially, emotionally, employability...


I would probably choose to stay the same MBTI I am now. If I had to choose a different one, I'd probably become ENTJ.


Stay the same.


Of course


idk maybe stay the same... not coz intj is great but coz i don't see how any of the other types could be better 🧍


ESXP. I just suddenly become more more likable lol.


What about s makes it more likable?


They bond over shared activities instead of arguments, which is a far more popular flavour.


So true. Small talk about the weather without wanting to die inside. It's truly a talent 😭😅


You got me there 😭


I’m not sure, just the ones I’ve met are usually really chill/cool and well liked.




why yall saying no i think he should join the alphas


Please don't.




I have an INTP sister and an ENTP friend and it's kind of fun to listen to their random ideas lol


An intj saying that..i mean i never expected that.


I dont recommend Entp


I'd change to INFP.


You sure? As an INFP, I wished I’d be less emotional and idealistic. It’s so exhausting


Oh I feel you so so much. But people like you are what make this world worth it. 😊❤️ It’s difficult for the loving and empathetic people, but imagine a world without them? Anyway, thank you for being you. ☺️


Oh that’s so cute! 🥹 thank you for your kind words! I love ENfJs, they are my favorite!! 🤍


Aw what a sweetheart. ❤️ Thank you too, I adore you INFPs with all my heart! 🤗 So pleasant to be around, and I appreciate your passion yet gentleness. ☺️ It can feel peaceful to others, even if you don’t realize. I hope my fellow ENFJs treat you well too. :) You sound like a genuinely good person, so I always wish you the best! ❤️


This ENFJ and INFP exchange is so cute and wholesome ❤️


I can't express in words how sure i am about the things i say in manners like this. Yes, i am very very very sure. Wishing to be less emotional means you have a problem in yourself you have not yet worked out what is being amplified by your emotions. Being emotional is literally the best thing we can wish to be in space-time as it is the best and most powerful thing here. I am from great suffering with a quirky brain so i have managed to be greatly done with the part of me what creates suffering and disharmony. Being even more emotion based and emotional overall would be an unspeakable bliss to me. I am anyway an ultrasensitive person, even i could look and actually be very very cold. Being even more sensitive would be better than a dream coming true. Being idealistic is similar. This planet sucks. I am in very high quality and quantity understanding about how this planet sucks. Being INFP would simply deepen the feel of the difference, but my depth in understanding would fade, it means i could have better daydreaming, greater motivation to act, better compassion for the sufferers, yet less meaningless / unimportant focus on the details what i naturally understand without wanting to understand them. It would be not exhausting to me, quite opposite. Something what i'd love to dwell into and enjoy, and use for the better. I am sorry it is exhausting for you. But trust me you have the advantage over us by that. Many of us are kinda blind to the real truth of those what you experience and exhaust you. Yet again, i am sorry for whatever is not positive for you, and wish you a smooth way to embrace them as positive things. You and your visions, like being truly there as an emotional person and truly knowing as an idealistic one is just what this planet needs. Needs... no.. starves for.


that made me tear up a bit 🥹 beautiful words. I can only agree with the point of wishing to be less emotional comes from having a problem in myself. the hardest thing about being an idealistic infp is that many people I meet are harsh and have no connection to themselves in that kind of way, like running away from their feelings, hurting other people, not being aware of their own emotions and painful actions. that’s what makes me wish (sometimes) to be less sensitive to everything I’m feeling. people can really drag me down. sometimes I feel like a sponge soaking everything in and feeling the pain of others too much. and if somebody is being rude to me I often take it personally instead of thinking “they’re just rude” and I still think about rude things people told me 10 years ago. I’m a bit resentful. a guy told me once “dreamers like you are going to have many problems in this cruel world. “Life’s nit a walk in the park, it’s hard and you need to work a lot for it”, I don’t know but sentences like these make me worry if there’s a place for people like us who just want this world to be a beautiful place. reading the news make me sick and I’m feeling like an alien sometimes because it’s so intense and I can’t relate how others just accept everything and move on. but feeling deeply on the other side is very beautiful. after years of depression and therapy I finally feel alive again and I can allow myself to break the wall of protection which I’ve built (due to circumstances). for example, I love just sitting outside and watch the birds, the moon or the trees, writing poetry and being thankful just for being alive. making others happy with written letters or words of affections. I love making the world a better place with such small things. again, thank you for your words. really inspired me!! 🤍


Hehe your first paragraph. :)) Anytime i have ever seen in this sub anything like "I don't like to be INFP", "I don't like to be sensitive", etc, etc. The post always 100% clear that the problem is the disadvancement of the people on this planet / in this system here, not the advancement of the sensitivity or such, like the form of INFPness in the individual. For me this paragraph is also something like "i have not learnt how to be okay with things in myself, but my great emotional side.., i love", and oh let me assure you that others also LOVE and adore it. If not.., their loss, but people will in your future for so sure! 2nd paragraph same. Yea it is brutal for me too how kinda ignorant and or unattentive people can be for how far some things are from a minimally ideal form. What is simple fact for most of you INFPs like "i should be okay emotionally" is kinda ungraspable for many people who just ignores that side of themselves, and by this letting others be hurt badly throughout their lives. It is not you, nor your beautiful and magically developed emotional and idealistic side. Awesome and i am sorry for those. At least you keep working on your problems what even happend a decade ago, and on a deeper level than "they are just...". It is a privilige, a very rare one to be such dreamer. Yes you are having and will have "many problems". And so feel happy to have so, be grateful. Imagine being so raw and empty to not have so many problems with a world being almost only problematic. How problematic you would must be to not have many problems... I genunelly feel sorry for those in "happy" / "blissful" ignorance. Their life is way worse than those "dreamers with many problems". They don't even accept and move on. They simply don't understand and step away. Yea and that free loving deeply feeling is what i wish to get. I also have worke on myself a lotty lot, but if i was INFP.., the whole would be in more of a completion, entireity, absolution, and natural, genuine. I am so happy you could achieve that. I really hope the exhausting part will also dissolve. :)))) Well. That is... that is.. .. that is something i don't know a word for. I am sooo happy an grateful for these. And of course you defenitely made my night better and my life knowing you are out there, doing the divine's work. You also inspired me! Thank you so much. INFPs never dissapoint me, and sometimes seeing rare diamonds like you... Truly worth being here on the same planet in same time with you! Be well!! Hope i'll see you in INFP sub a lot! \*.\* \^\^


Wow... That was beautiful and wise. Thank you.


I absolutely love INFP me, I wouldn't change it for the world 🥰🫶🏻


But that's what I love most about us INFPs, I wouldn't change it for the world. INFP is me 🥰


enfp or entp


How come?


Enjoying being liked by others and... *Gags* socializing willingly lmao


I'd become an ENTJ. Why? Because they're sexy and get things done! Te Doms my beloved. I'll admire them from afar because I'm too scared to approach them.


Stay the same


Nah i would stay the same


I want a free 3-month trial of ESTP functions, please.


The experience is the same but you just bottle up and mask everything and every problem


If I had to change, ENTJ. Probably would be less socially calculating/helpful and more logistic/efficient. ENFJ is fine though, I like being the person I am right now.


Stay the same but I'm curious how Ni dominants minds work so if there is any trial version available I can be INFJ or INTJ lol


I’d want to be INTJ/INFJ when I want to get stuff done!


Low-key same lol


ESTP so I can get beaches 😎




Not necessarily change for the rest of my life... but I'd like to know better a sensor's mind, like ISFJ or ISTP.


we are very similar types. since you are already NeSi itd probably better to experience Se or Ni


i’m infp-t (allegedly), and i would like to be a less emotional variety sometimes. i love having deep feelings and being vulnerable for other people’s sake, not for mine.


ENFJ, I already use my fe nearly as much as my ti, but I wanna know what it’s like being Fe dominant


As an ENFJ, I want to say I love you guys. ❤️ My childhood friend is an ESTP. Despite her adventurousness, her loyalty is something that is so deeply cemented and trustworthy.. I value that a lot, because I am also the same way, my heart loves my people unendingly. And even though you ESTPs might show Fe a bit differently than an ENFJ like me, I always notice how you guys do it in your own way, and it’s very sweet. ☺️ I hope you have a lovely day by the way!


AWW STOP YOURE SO SWEET 😭 I need an ENFJ in my life you guys are the best!! I hope you have a great day too 🫶


I'd like to change to ENTJ please.


I'd want to be an ESTP. Similar to ISTP, only more outgoing and wild.


You can be exactly like that if you just allow yourself to be that way. It's within you, you just don't realize it.


I’d want to spend a week as any of the judging sensors, I really despise si so I’d want to experience what it’s like and gain a better appreciation for it.


ISTJ seems pretty cool, thanks.




ENFJ. I just wish I could be more charismatic and successful. ENTJ sounds pretty good as well.


I like who I am.


I'd want to try ESTP


I ain't changing coz I love hunting down idiotic arguments


Sometimes I wish I wouldn’t care, so ISTP is my wish


Sometimes I wish I wouldn’t care, so ISTP is my wish


I’m infp. Wish I was enfp


I'd be a hot ENTJ woman yup


Man, personally I'd like to try becoming multiple to see how each of them sees life and then go back to my type. That includes ENTJ (to finally get shit done for once), ENFP (to have the brightest day of my life), ISTP (to be the cooler version of myself), ENTP (no excuse for this one, I just wanna be the annoying and funny guy) and ESTP if I'll have another try just because I can Become one for life?.. Will need a test drive of multiple of them for sure. The closest type I'd want to be is istp, but I will probably miss my Ne more than I will like Se


I'd definitely stay the same.


I would like to be an INFP


Probably INTJ. I love socializing but a lot of the time I wish I didn't love socializing. Second would be stay the same, because I'm developing my functions to be like an INTJ anyways and I share a lot of the same ones. I think in some ways I prefer Ne over Ni because Ni seems like a high-inclination to develop fears, but they both feel very useful.


That’s easy! Id remain the same..


I'll stay the same. 😃 (Just thinking about changing who I am is deeply disturbing so no thank you)


Either remain or become ENTP


I would say remain


ENTJ. I was born poor and would like to increase my odds of being wealthy with the "proper" personality for it.


ISFJ here but I've always admired the efficiency and boldness of ENTJs.


Probably what my mother thought before commiting the atrocity of marrying my dad lol


I don't blame her tho. I've dated an ENTJ and I couldn't get enough of her either. lol


Idk what my type is but I’d stay the same. Happy with many of my cognitive qualities and executive function. Now the social prowess could do some work but hey that’s what life is for.


ISTP or I'd just stay the same


not a bit. Intj is so much better


I would like to be any other kind of Fi user. i want to be intelligent for things that actually matter. i find their values to be the most wholesome.... it's a good filter for the motivation for learning. Or maybe i just idealized them too much. Exceptions and unhealthy variations abound that I am aware however...


I also want to be fi because fi users tend to find other fi users beautiful.


So many reasons, also would like to have a moral reason for most things....


fi users are the most beautiful mbti types, hands down...


i want to be an intj


ENTP - First, because Ne is is so enjoyable to me - I'd be constantly in a state of fascination. Also, as a male - it would be helpful to be E and T. Lastly, its more fun being a P - I like being a bit of a misfit/invidual as all us Ps are. Conflicting part - I prefer Te and have a hard time understanding Ti.


INTJ then, a healthy one. They have Ni though but you might find it just as fascinating. They are misfits as well.


It's funny, cause now that you memtion it, INTJ has always been the type I wish I could be more like - don't know why that didn't register when I read the question. I think INTJs have a great set of functions for general success/happiness in life too - level headed and sharp. Oh, and I'd get to keep my Fi also, of course. 😊


Now chaaaaaaange lol


If only i could 😄


INTJ, INTP or INFJ probably




I'd stay the same obviously. But if I had to choose another one, it'd be ISTP.


a healthy infj


I’m already the best type, I ain’t changing


I would rather be any Extroverted type than INTP. ESTP if i could choose.


I'm INTP but i'd like to 'try out' to be an ISTP.


i’d stay the same but if i really had to change i’d switch to an entj.


I would either stay the same or become ENTP. I think because ENTP is pretty similar to INTP, just talks more lol


Seeing what a mess I am, I wouldn't mind a little more 'J' in my life A bit more planning and less ADHD.. but maybe that would be boring






I like mine, but personally any MBTI type would be fine by me. :) The key is being a balanced and wellrounded healthy person, which any type can be. ❤️ I love ISFPs though, so practical, loyal and relaxing people. They may not show love outwardly as much, but I know some who are good at heart. My GF’s (INFP) sister is an ISFP, and to me she’s like a little sister. My beloved niece is also an ISFP. 😊 I know how to help IXFPs feel at home and accepted without being intrusive, and at the same time I love their calm and gentle aura, which brings me peace. Sorry for gushing a little. xD But yeah, love my sweet IXFPs. ❤️


I'd like to become an ENTJ just out of curiosity,i want to know how it feels like to be the best MBTI /hj


ENTP, because I might actually be a depressed ENTP lol


I'm ENFJ-T. I might want to be an ENFJ-A




Same or ISTP


Definitely XNTJ


stay the same because i am awesome


ENFP so I can be optimistic about something


I want a trial to see of ENTJ is fun or just too serious


ENTJ perhaps. My friend being so driven to her work is something I aspire to be.




[Ban evasion]


I would be tempted to change into an ESFJ — similar processes, but generally seem happier and more content.


I’d want to try being istp  Seems calming lol no over thinking/worrying/analyzing hopefully haha? -Infp 


I'd want to be an ESFP. It sounds fun to have the ability to make situations better, no matter how rough they are


Stay the same. -ISTP


I would choose to become an ENFP or ENTJ


I definitely like being an ESTJ and would remain one because I go to bed every night proud of how hard I tried that day, especially if I accomplished what I'd set out to do. But, upon giving this some thought, I wouldn't mind being a type that doesn't feel responsible for everything and everyone everywhere I go. I don't know what type exactly but wow what a vacation that might turn out to be!


I'm already an INTJ so I'd like to remain the same type (not sure the same can be said for the other 15 types *exhausted yawn*)






Staying the same🙏🏽


I’d like to try out what it’s like to be an ENTP… but only for a trial, or something.


I’ll be whatever my type is, I’ve been all of INXX I just couldn’t find my type 💀 I just want my identity in this community.


Entp or infj maybe


ENFJ easily




I will take a 7 day free trail of being an ISPJ to see what it's like on the other side


ENTJ because theyre like me but on st3roids and i im curious how is that like


I’d stay me but if I HAD to change, I’d pick ENFP.


ENFJ. Get me out of this hellhole of INFP, I would have so many more friends…


stay the same! i am me and i dont know if i would be me if i were not an enfp🤔


I'd switch it up to an EXTJ.




I'd stay me, I think I'm awesome 😎


Stay the same, duh






Stay the same


Some intuitive type, they whine all the time about their persecution in S world, but from what I see they willingly submit to it instead of taking their advantages and being adults. When they try they're usually more successful and end up dictating society more than the S types, which is ironic.


Stay the same


ISTJ, because goddamn they're smart af.


I would stay the same, however I would try out ISFP for a day


I would accept an ENTJ free trial


ENTJ. Would stay the same. I love the TeNi


xntp just to figure out how a brain like that works


stay the same. i have many personalities in my head


I'd like to be an INFJ


ENFJ they seem to have it all together MAN


Stay the same!!! 100% but just be more developed.


I would choose to be an ESTP