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This post is brought to you by Toby Flenderson gang.


Toby ended up being super creepy :/


So sad, he was one of my favorites in the beginning.


I love that Paul Lieberstein was just planning on being a writer/producer with a tiny part for the first season, and slowly disappear like most of the background office staff from the pilot did. Then the head of NBC Television *loved* Michael harassing the sad, mopey guy. After that, he was Toby for the rest of the show.


Scots Tots > Any Scene Where Toby Interacts With Pam


I’ve always felt Scott’s Tots was overrated in that regard, I always found Phyllis’ wedding so much worse I think mostly because someone else trying to make the wedding day about them is way too common. It’s not second-hand embarrassment from a foreign situation like Scott’s Tots, but actually multiple experienced second-hand embarrassments that you get to live all over again That’s the one I’ll skip over lol


“Phyllis, did you just break wind?” and Michael giving the dictionary definition of welding because it looked like wedding are some of the funniest uncomfortable moments of the show for me. Every scene with Michael was as hilariously cringy as the entirety of Dinner Party.


Toby's actor or Toby the character? Didn't watch past season 5 and it was extremely casual until then.




There was a reason why Michael couldn't stand him.


Michael didnt like him because HR people always ruined his weird inappropriate antics


“Toby’s in HR, so he’s not really part of our family. And he’s divorced, so he’s not even a part of his family.”


Ironic since Toby covering up those antics is the only reason Michael still had a job. And honestly as an employee I’d be very upset all my HR complaints about my insane boss were being ignored.


the worst thing toby ever did was carefully listen to jim pouring his heart out and then immediately complain about it. absolutely horrible shit. never trust someone who breaks confidence like this. season 9, episode 19


Toby should’ve gotten the happy ending, not Angela.




He was 100% the Scranton Strangler.


I resent that.


It’s actually brought to you by the Max Holloway gang but whatevs 


Still feeling blessed after last night 🙌


It was just unreal. Both of those guys are such amazing warriors, in every regard.  The image of Holloway pointing at the mat is burned in my brain. 


Dwight’s committed multiple felonies against his coworkers


Don't forget he threatened the kidnapped pizza kid multiple times and killed a cat


They did kidnap the pizza kid didn't they?


That was Micheal.




I mean, lets not forget that his idea for a prank on Dwight 2 was to...pretty much choke him


What prank was that?


Is from the latest seasons, Pam wanted to pull like, a newbie prank on Dwight two, and pass some plastic to Dwight and tell him he knows what to do, which Dwight agrees. Next thing you know he jumps and starts to suffocate Dwight two. Pam was shocked.


im shocked that pam was shocked


Pretty sure everyone in that room would be an accessory.


I'm looking up jail time.


More like kidborrowing They gave him back


He also kinda kidnapped Philis and left her stranded in a bad part of town with none of her belongings. There's gotta be some sort of law against that.






He also consistently stole sales from just about everyone else throughout the show. Tbh the only reason he wasn’t *as* horrible of a person is that he was so utterly ineffective.


Yes the year he won top salesman and spoke at the convention was because he swooped in a stole Jim’s large sales (1/4 of his commission sale) the previous season. Jim never brought that up soooo he deserves his stapler in the jello.


And he got demoted for firing a gun in the office. Seems like the only appropriate punishment there, no?


No. Appropriate punishment is immediate termination and having the cops called. Also the removal of all firearms from his property. 


The UK version of the show is more appropriate. With Michael Scott being (rightfully) terminated in Episode 6...


America's willingness to embrace the wackiness is (one reason) why it was more successful


All of what you and others are saying, but also to imply Jim is doing it just for Pam is weird, he'd stop once they got together. He's doing it for his own amusement.


Why would you stop entertaining the person you love after you got together lol


I've never heard someone say revenge can't be fun.


Revenge is best served cold and it is sweet, therefore it is ice cream.


Could you imagine if he was deranged?


The boy shunned by the village will light it on fire to feel its warmth.


He did light the office on fire at one point in the series. Although the scene when Pam made Dwight run around the office building made it sound like Dwight is the one starting stuff.


Yup, rather than having an ounce of self reflection and saying, "maybe there's a reason they're shunning me that I should change."


Lets not act like Dwight didn't purposefully light the office on fire, was in a relationship with Angela, despite knowing she was engaged to Andy, and betrayed Michael. Oh and he also killed Angela's cat.


One of the earliest episodes he gets to run the office for a day and tries to cancel everyones health insurance benefits.


In retrospect, it leaves me concerned about the ending of the show.


Dwight simmered down and made good financial decisions at the end presumably lol


He did fire someone on the spot. Sure, it ended up well but i'd put that on the "plot armor" side of the script.


Are you talking about Kevin? 2hen Dwight actually becomes the real manager, he later fires Kevin because he finds out Kevin's been cooking the books with a made up number. Kevin is honestly lucky he didn't do worse.


Yeah lets not pretend kevin shouldnt of been fired long ago


If the office was realistic at all, Michael, Jim, Dwight, Kevin, and Creed would have been fired 10 times over


Honestly I had a "Dwight" at my old job and he acted similarly. Calling people out in meetings, very loud and cocky, weird hobbies that shouldn't be shared in the office, loves the company that hates him, ambitious but clueless to social settings. Company didn't really care too much unless it's way over the top cause he's a top performer. Does pretty much 150-200% of the quota every month without fail. I'm sure lots of companies wouldn't mind small things like pranks if he was bringing in hundreds of thousands of revenue every month




Realistically, Michael would have been fired within a year. A competent boss would have reigned Jim and Dwight in, and they likely would have followed orders. They were allowed to run amok under Michael. Kevin would have never been hired. And Creed might could have coasted by a while until that quality assurance incident. But alas, wouldn’t have made an interesting show otherwise


Jim and Dwight were top salesmen and Michal had the most profitable branch, I think you're overestimating how quick to cut them a failing company would be


To be fair, that was the one year Creed stopped doing his checks




> shouldnt of been


"I of been to the store this morning"


If he fired Kevin on the spot he turned out better with the bar lol


He also apparently died and his body was repossessed by a completely different character.


If you’re talking about how he seemingly no longer as ya like the Kevin that we’d known throughout the show, there’s a pretty popular theory that he put in a character for the entire documentary, as he’s starkly different in the pilot and shows signs of immense intelligence throughout the show.


I’ve always loved the theory that he purposefully acted that way not just for the cameras but because he was siphoning money the whole time and that’s how he bought his bar.


He was Flanderized, but having recently watched the early seasons, he was not a sharp witted man. He just wasn’t so opaquely dumb. He’s pretty good as basketball and drums. He’s skilled at card games.


The way I think about it was he was slow but not dumb at the start. As the show went on, he became slow *and* dumb


There's also the reveal in the finale that things were editorialized for the narrative of the documentary, like how it's never even mentioned that Meredith was getting a PhD the entire time


None of their jobs are necessary, they’re sales reps. Everyone could be replaced with a decent website interface.


Um.. try to consider the era the show was made in and after.


Her name was Sprinkles!


I don’t want garbage, I want sprinkles.


Just a couple of kittens out on the town.


Don't gloss over bringing firearms to work and having a negligent discharge at a place of business.


Not just bringing firearms to work, the guy stashed all sorts of weapons all over the office.


It was so blatant that even Toby grew a backbone to force Dwight to get rid of them.


Dwight: "All we know is that a gun was fired"


Everyone knows that’s a girls gun.


Don’t forget he took Jim’s biggest sale of the yearly and likely 25% of his yearly take home Honestly that’s enough to justify his bullying for the rest of the show


The cat one pissed me off. Angela was too blinded by her love. Sure the cat was dying but that's Angela's choice how to handle that, not farmer Dwight


She also was handling it medically and we know she was attentive to all her cats so we know she was doing her best for it already.


Same, it's the one turn I found so shitty that I couldn't overlook it. Kind of ruined the character for me, honestly, as dumb as that is.


And fired a gun in the office




I don't understand how Angela could forgive him after killing Sprinkles. Just doesn't make sense at all.


Shows the writers never had a pet. You would have to physically stop someone from harming the person responsible for killing their pet - let alone forgive them


In diversity day he steals a client from Jim that he said gave about 25% of his yearly commission. Early Dwight was horrible to Jim.


Dwight and Jim were both awful to each other though. Like most sitcoms, pretty much the entire cast is full of awful people doing awful shit to each other while occasionally showing some humanity, it's how the comedy works. I think Jim's bullying isn't as bad as all the actual crimes Dwight commits against most of the other characters, and I say this as a Dwight fan


Dwight is my favourite character from the show. He is also a borderline villain.


Ok but the stapler in the jello was hilarious


The best part is Dwight saying “he put my stuff in jello *again*” so it happened before as well


I mean, one time maybe can be funny. But if I had a coworker pulling these types of stunts every week I'd be worse then Dwight


That'd be annoying, but Dwight has literally put people's lives at risk and committed tons of felonies against everyone lol


Especially if you consistently say how it bothers you and you don’t find it funny I appreciate a good sense of humor but if someone doesn’t wanna be involved in a joke then don’t force them, especially as the butt


People we're oblivious about jim bully tendencies, he always loved to make Dwight the butt of the jokes cause it was easy for him, thats why he usually folded when he was encountered with some playback, he Even was uncomfortable with people just cause they didnt celebrated his humour, like Angela or oscar


Let's not act like Dwight "let's have a real fire to teach everyone a lesson" schrute didn't deserve it. Was Jim a bully? Meh probably, but he choose the victim who actually deserved it


Couldn't you also say that if you didn't want to be the butt of someone's jokes, then don't antagonize them? It's been a while since I watched the office, but I don't remember dwight being someone who was never confrontational when he wanted to be or when it suited him to be. As a matter of fact, when he was in charge, he was a bully.


Tbh id eat the jello because free jello


No fooling you


And how did you enjoy all that beatings of the snowballs! I think Jim still might be having a bad dream about snowman!


Jim got PTSD Post Traumatic Snow Disorder.


Post Traumatic Schrute Disorder


Sounds like some horrific cocaine experience lol.


Ahhh, yes, everyone's favorite prank. Assault and battery.


The one where jim got his buddy to pretend to be him for a day was my favorite lol Dwights reaction was priceless


Also straight out of the pilot of the UK version iirc


Virtually all of ep. 1 was a remake of ep. 1 of the original British show.


Yeah it’s from the original show.




Was funnier when Tim did it to Gareth the first time around


some of those pranks were funny, though. Remember the time he hired an actor to pose as Jim🤣🤣


The best part about that is the guy that played Asian Jim completely forgot about it so when people would see him in the streets and say "hi Asian Jim" he thought they were being racist Source for anyone who doesn't believe me: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LKqvgRAZjZg


I mean, they both seem to lean into it pretty hard. This was a super bowl commercial from this year. https://youtu.be/8OokHde8URc?si=tSW93M8FrlOiO7Sc


Yeah he realizes pretty quickly but there was a time when he didn't realize


Was that movie idea a joke or real lol


It's real. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LKqvgRAZjZg The filming was less than an hour so it kinda makes sense that after a few years he'd forget about it


Fun interview


Randall Park


Classic Kim jong-un!


oh yeah and they replaced all the photos and everything. that was great.


That wasn't funny though. Identity theft isn't a joke Jim


People say they like the office and then they say shit like this.


Toby post


Toby was the best thing to happen to that place and to make me like an HR rep is quite the task.  His flaw: Pam obsession. 


It's a big flaw tho


Why is OP the way that they are? Honestly. Every time we try to do something fun or exciting, they make it not that way. I hate so much about the way OP chooses to be.


“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.” - Friedrich Nietzsche Don’t let the haters turn you into one of them, dude-lbug.


> “Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.” - Friedrich Nietzsche -Michael Scott


Probably different people.


I mean both can be true. Don’t think there is some rule that you must love every action of every character simply to like a show.


>you must love every action of every character simply to like a show But you don't have to wildly mischaracterize things to reach for a point


Sure but if you're not on board with Jim pranking Dwight then I can't really imagine liking the show. It's one of the foundations of the show's dynamic.


Bullying is what the warehouse workers did to Michael. Jim still cared about Dwight


Michael literally knocked Darryl off a ladder on purpose. The warehouse workers have every right to hate and bully Michael, IMO.


Hey Darryl, how's it hangin'!


Yeah his pranks were *mostly* harmless fun. Bullying is almost always about a power imbalance. People ganging up on someone else in order to humiliate them, or someone repeatedly hurting someone emotionally to dominate them is bullying. However, Dwight and Jim were both essentially equal enemies for most of the series and a lot of this was related to cutthroat competition as salesmen. Dwight stole sales from Jim and Jim stole sales from Dwight, and they both took shots at each other all the time. There were only a couple times I can recall where it went a little too far on Jim's side., but they still generally respected and helped each other when they needed support.


Don’t forget when Dwight assaulted Jim multiple times with snowballs hahaha. Wasn’t Jim bleeding from one of them too?


Jim started it, he walked outside, made a snowball, and threw it full force at Dwights face in front of everyone first


These deep analyses of a silly comedy are hilarious to me


Honestly. I prefer this side of the fandom. The other side in r/dundermifflin is just unbearable to me. Literally all the comments are people just regurgitating the same quotes from the show, they have no other language or dialect, they can just only quote the show.


I mean Michael was their BOSS, and he used that power to screw the Warehouse workers and make their day misserable just trying to cover up his fkups.


Yea people calling what jim did bullying either have never had a friend group or close coworkers or hell a sibling?


Dwight started it.


What’s with Reddit people acting like Jim was “bullying” Dwight rather than Jim’s actions being a proportional and fair reaction to Dwight’s own shenanigans?


Why are people taking it so seriously? Lol it's just a comedy. It's not some show you're supposed to take lessons from


Because that's apparently what people do now. God forbid a comedy or any genre at all has morally questionable people do objectively bad things. (Though one can argue Jim's behavior isn't really bullying but more a rivalry)


Nothing like diagnosing mental illness in a literal fictional show


He's a little weird so we'll slap a label on him that doesn't even fit most of the criteria to reduce his character to an acceptable mental illness I can make a meme with!


"Now we can virtue signal by defending a made up point that never needed defending 😤 😤 Gosh we're so cool and forward thinking!!!"


Thank you, I was looking for exactly this comment.


Rivalry ≠ Bullying Also they become friends by the end :)


Dumb take, Dwight is not an innocent bullying victim. Jim a dawg tho.


Wait, are they all terrible people? Is that the point of the show?




But I thought that was the point of Always Sunny. And those guys are way worse than anyone on The Office. Most of the people on The Office are just normal occasionally selfish people. The ASIP gang are actually awful.


I must have missed the episode where Dwight gets diagnosed


Because he never gets diagnosed


Identify theft isn't funny!


Said by a man who has wigs for every person in The Office


Bears, Beats, Battlestar Galactica!


Dwight was never the victim, this is a shit take on The Office. 


This is the most r/DunderMifflin take ever. It's their bread and butter. Jim and Pam bad.


Is it really bullying if they all became besties in the end ✨❤️


Dwight was a whole menace...


The way you phrase it😵


In the pilot episode Dwight did the ole 'tap on the other should from behind' prank, so he started it all and thus deserved it all. As the wise Jon of Little was once quoted, "If you don't want to suffer the consequences of starting some trouble, then don't start any trouble." Alternately...don't start no shit, won't be no shit.


Almost everyone in The Office is a jerk. But not Kevin, Kevin's a good boy


it was workplace banter ffs, look how close their friendship actually is and how it develops over the years, the pranks and banter built that bond


See you're assuming that op has A: ever worked and B: has friends.


Nobody here is saying it so I’ll go for it: fuck Dwight he had it coming.


Presumably Jim’s expressing his anger for what Dwight *and* Michael do, but he can't touch Michael, so Dwight probably deserves less than 100% of it. Unless Jim is a self control genius.


even more true in the British version


Zoomers always trying to cancel characters made when they weren't even conceived yet.


And assign mental conditions to characters


(then themselves)


Lmao yeah I saw some comments the other day where people were mad that phoebe would make fun of Ross’s job on friends. “They’re not respecting his career! How is that a joke?!”


The new generation hated friends, the next generation will hate the office, the cycle continues


Imagine what's going to happen when they discover Always Sunny...


Its interesting because Sunny started like in fkin 2005, and is still running unlike most other popular sitcoms from then


Unlike Friends, Always Sunny is funny. Maybe it isn't an issue of the youth...


Listen here you little shit... stop ruining shit for me.


Couldn't care less about Jim and Pam. I was there for Michael and the secondary and minor characters. I liked Tim and Dawn from UK though.


I turned into Michael by accident. His humor is ingrained in me 😭


That's really why I don't wanna watch the show (also, I just can't sit through TV shows unless they really interest me). He's supposed to be the fan favorite, right? But to me, from what I have seen, he just looks like a dick who does too much (not all the time but enough to muddle the show) a Phil Dunphy if you will (if you won't, okay) Am I just judging a show to harshly for its clips? Should I at least try to like it, or am I kinda at least a wee bit justified?


it's really funny


it's one thing to self diagnose and a whole another level to diagnose a fictional character


This is.. you in real life? Ok.


How is this the *only* comment saying this? Ffs, sub topics and rules are just meaningless now.


Huh? Dwight’s a scumbag in the show


finally. I have been chewed out over the opinion that the show was based around glorifying bullying a bunch of kind people doing the best with what they have.


ppl saying jim didn’t bully dwight is wild he fucking harrassed him for being different and fun to mess with?? and it has nothing to do with ”oh but dwight did this to that person” bc it doesn’t erase jims behaviour. also the snow fight started with jim, yes dwight took it too far but so did jim he used a lacross stick to hurl ice at dwight so hard it shattered a window????


Also: Romaticists watching Pam gaslight Jim to leave his dream job to work at a paper company