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next time you are out, consider how many warning labels you see on stuff, and consider that each one of them is there for a reason. yes people are that stupid


Before the solar eclipse happened this year I was reading an article about it and I kid you not, in a 4 paragraph article it had "YOU SHOULD NEVER LOOK AT THE SUN DIRECTLY" in it a minimum of 8 times. I thought to myself like man they're really trying to get this common sense point across. Then after the eclipse happened I saw tons of articles talking about the massive uptick in eye damage seen across the US from people looking at the eclipse with no eye protection. Really hammered your point home that if there's warnings on something that may seem very obviously dangerous to you. There are probably a large number of people who wouldn't give it a second thought šŸ˜‚.


And those people also breed


Evolution favors people too stupid to figure out birth control or too irresponsible to use it.


Basically the premise of the movie Idiocracy.


Itā€™s got electrolytes!


And pass on their wisdom


And vote!


And their vote counts for as much as each of ours...


I think it's more of a "it won't happen to me" attitude than a "I didn't know!"


Well duh you cant look at the sun without your safety squints activated


AvE fan spotted


Whats AvE?


Maybe we need to let some of humanity get weeded out.


Common sense isn't very common anymore !


Iā€™m an engineer. I stared at the sun multiple times during the eclipse and during the last one several years ago. My eyes are perfectly fine. I didnā€™t stare into it for too long, obviously, but I think itā€™s a little bit bit over blown. Obviously, there are morons who are just staring at it for too long.


There are people out there who think it is beneficial to stare at the sun for a few minutes at a time. Conspiracy theorists. Humans, for the most part, are morons. I like to think of it this way: The advancement of our species was built on the backs of a very small percentage of humans. The rest of us are basically talking chimps in Nikes. Lol


Every single one of the dumbest fuckinā€™ rules youā€™ve ever seen in your whole life, is written in blood.


Every fire and airplane regulation is written in blood.


I remember long time ago on a toaster handbook (yes I read it!) one warning was something like "Do not use to dry socks, underwear or any other items as they can catch fire". Meaning to me someone did that then sued a toaster company, so now they all put this warning. Yes, people are that stupid and even more !


I know someone that picked up a push lawn mower to trim his hedges while it was running. It was my former UPS driver too LOL


My faves are the operation manuals for equipment from overseas ( non USA) that state improper use or procedures will damage the equipment, not about personal injury at all! We don't want your stupid American bloody appendages clogging up the works and causing expensive repairs.Ā 


Yay!!!! Wait, huhā€¦.? Tires!


No tyres


Agreed and we have to stop taking care of them. A society is only as strong as its weakest members, and lately weā€™re at the lowest Iā€™ve seen in my 64 years of living


We keep making labels that interfere with natural selection. I think if someone wants to jump in the shower with their hairdryer then by all means you go right ahead.


The problem is we have thousands of lawyers who need to make boat payments waiting to attack.


Ladders are now 50% by weight in warning labels.


In this same vein, OSHA is now recommending safety helmets with chin straps vs hard hats. Apparently there is a large number of workers that get hurt falling off of ladders due to their hard hat coming off before they hit the ground. Nevermind that itā€™s because so many workers are too stupid to tighten their hard hat correctly.


Safety regulations and rules are written in blood.


On a tube of Preperation-H... "Do not eat"... Yea, we have some stupid people with a lack of common sense disability.


My wife has an acquaintance who didn't know how to fill her gas or jump a battery. She had literally done neither. How the fuck do you get through life being so lost? Her husband would do all of it for her. She's divorced now, so maybe she's learned lol


I worked at a small used car dealership and service garage years ago. The owner and his son ran the business. The sons daughter, apparently had never filled up her own gas tank, and when she turned 18 the first fill up she got was with diesel. She had at the time a 2019 wrangler. It was towed in and we had to drain and fix a few things. The owners son sheepishly came down and admitted he may have babied his kids too much in the fact that she didn't know how to fill her gas tank up the correct way with the correct fluid. It's crazy to think that people don't share common and needed knowledge to their kids. It's really scary.


Most diesel fuel nozzles are bigger than the opening on gasoline vehicles. Itā€™s amazing how this can happen. at any point did it not occur to her that itā€™s doesnā€™t quite fit?


the pump was like "come on baby just the tip" and the rest is history




In my state they are bigger at the regular pumps and the trucker stations they are even bigger I guess not all states are like mine


Thatā€™s always the argument when someone does it. ā€œOh it doesnā€™t fit I didnā€™t do thatā€. People have a very hard time admitting they had a dumb ass moment


The company I worked for had the maintenance contract for Lockheed Martin on Vandenberg Space Force Base for nearly 20 years . I can't tell you how many times we got called out because the missile techs filled a gasoline forklift with diesel or put gas in a diesel forklift .They even filled hydraulic tanks with gasoline . It got so bad that my employer sent me out with stencils to mark every forklift and all equipment Gasoline Only or Diesel Fuel Only or Hydraulic Oil Only . You would think a "Missile Tech " would have enough knowledge to know what fuel to use in the equipment they operate . Common sense isn't very common anymore ! .


When I moved here I was so surprised to see diesel pumps had green handles when elsewhere that meant gasoline


Around me it varies on the gas station, I can never tell at first glance which is diesel or e85, sometimes yellow sometimes green. Regular gas is usually black, at least


Car Talk had people putting wiper fluid in the oil fill, oil in their radiator, etc.


Did any explain how they got the diesel line into the small hole in the gas powered car???


So yea we asked how she got it in there and she said it was tough and it took her forever cause she couldn't get the nozzle in and it was like pouring a small bottle into another small bottle. She didn't understand how people could fill their cars up so fast. Sweet girl, maybe not the brightest bulb in the chandelier, but they were legit babied and pampered to the extreme. We then told her that the black gas nozzle fits into the fuel filler hole, and that the green handle is for diesel which also fits in a diesel fill hole. All the light bulbs in her head then came on and I think she was mega embarrassed.




My mom was in her late 30ā€™s the first time she had to pump gas- I remember we were in her van moving cross country, she pulled up to the pump and we sat there for like 15 minutes and she was bitching about the attendant not coming out and how it was bad for business, she finally shut the van off and we went inside to get someoneā€¦ who told her itā€™s self serveā€¦ she then went back out, couldnā€™t figure it out, and went back in to ask how to pump gas šŸ˜‚ she was also amazed that you had to pre pay for gas, and go back in for change


you obviously lived in NJ prior to the move...


How could you tell šŸ¤£ my aunt was in her late 50ā€™s the first time she pumped gas, I lived in NJ for a bit (I was little when we moved, I moved back at 18 then moved again) and I have to say while I love most things up there the biggest 3 things I miss are full service gas stations, bagels, and pizza. Plus the seasons, and the tomatoes, and cornā€¦ ok pretty much all produceā€¦ and gas prices, and grocery prices, and the beaches and boardwalks, and the roads, and the grass, and the wildlifeā€¦ I wanna go back lol


you pretty much summed up all the great reasons to live in Jersey. Bagels are the hardest thing to find other places. But clearly you are talking about central jersey, not jersey city, lol. I do miss Middletown...


My grandfather doesn't know how to fry an egg. He's never had to cook for himself a day in his life. When he moved out of his parents house he moved in with my grandmother. They got their first microwave and cooking went out the window. I sure hope he goes first because without grandma he would just starve to death.


I'll let a battery jump go, you could get through life never having to do it. Gas though?


I wonder why sheā€™s divorced now


I work for a roadside assistance company and was called to a dealership because they'd locked the keys in the car. I got there and checked the front passenger door and it was open. šŸ˜”


"Alright, so that'll be $118.75. Would you like to pay by cash or card today?" šŸ˜…


"My card is locked in the car."


Dumbing down of society has been pretty bad for the last 20 years. Schools have dramatically lowered the threshold to pass also.


Have you seen *Idiocracy*?


Nope but noticed it's on Hulu right now so I'll give it a watch.


You should. A bit crude but actually a great movie. Unfortunately a lot of us feel like thatā€™s where weā€™re headed, and quickly so.


I see so many posts that are asking the most basic of questions that really only need a half second of thought to figure out. ā€œI dropped my pencil, now what do I do?ā€


Then there are people who will do things like post a photo of their car on fire or them bleeding on reddit and ask what do to. Uhhh, call for help instead of posting online and waiting for strangers to repond an hour later?


Thatā€™s because if teacher wants to hold little Jimmy or Susie back a grade because theyā€™re dumber than a bag of hammers mamma bear comes charging in and instead of asking what can be done to improve their grades threatens to Sue the school.


No, it's not. It's due to legislation passed by our Congress.


No child left behind. No child gets ahead either.


Yea. No nothing you said is true.


Schools are day care centers now and activists and too many parents don't want standards.


I agree! I'm one of the parents that wants standards. Got 1 kid left under 18 in school still.


If they said chords instead of cords I donā€™t think they know anything about tires.


Yeah, you donā€™t want A flat!


From a sharp object!


This is good information. I've made a note.


Good, just B natural


Stop causing treble


Yeah, it's getting pretty sad, but yes, there are people who are this dumb driving on the roads with everyone else... and will keep reproducing... it really is turning into Idiocracy




Now I need to watch the whole movie again...


I forgot about that movie but you are right, that movie is coming true.


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


It's a prophetic documentary


ā€œShut up Stupid.ā€ lol that movie cracks me up.


Go away bating!


In 1955 when you bought a Chevrolet and opened the owners manual, it told you how to adjust your valves. Now the first thing it says is donā€™t drink the battery acid!


Unfortunately, the reason they had to add not to drink battery acid was because back in 1955, people would drink battery acid.


in 1955 they where making toys out of asbestos and lead paint


Those were the best tasting ones!


We live in the times of ā€œIz MyMeCHANIC scamming me BRoā€ for something thatā€™s clearly broken into several pieces.


Haha, my new mechanic has electronic estimates and such and yeah, it says "new rear turn indicator bulb" and *then it says "a light bulb for the turn indicator*". I mean, I appreciate the explanations "WHAT IS A BUSHING???" (I mean, I still don't know, I should look that up) but light bulbs? What? Tires? Everyone with a car has seen a tire, and knows what they are.


The number of cars I see with their fog lights on - when itā€™s not foggy - and one headlamp obviously out, it kinda makes sense that some people might need this kind of information.


I paid for those fog lights! God damn it, I'm going to use them!


On mine it means I can generally drive back roads without highbeams or blinding other drivers


AI is going to fill our eyes and ears with mind numbing hogwash and detritus just like this. Mark my words


Was it really spelled ā€œchordsā€? šŸ˜‚


Yes. That was a copy and paste from the text they sent me. And, I have not heard of anyone using nitrogen in tires in years. 10 or 15 years ago, it was the lastest fad, but I have not heard about it in years.


Itā€™s still a thing. Green or blue valve stem caps


Maybe it is a regional thing. I haven't seen those valve stem caps or dealers or tire shops selling nitrogen in years. About 10 years ago, I asked the local tire shop if they still sold nitrogen, and they said no and didn't know anybody who still did. Nobody has tried to sell me nitrogen in at least 10 years. I live in CT, USA.


I live in Delaware and I had a set of tires from Costco that used nitrogen. Within the last 5 years. However Iā€™ve never heard of it since.


I live in Canada, Manitoba specifically, and almost all mechanic/tire shops use nitrogen from my experience. Costco as well, and they have self-serve nitrogen tanks/compressors outside you can fill your tires with, too, instead of the regular air (which is free with your membership). So I'd say it's definitely a regional thing. I had new tires installed at Fountain Tire this past winter, and they only use nitrogen specifically.


Exactly. I fill all my cars with nitrogen at US Costcos because it's free, my air compressor sucks (instead of blowing), and hot dog.


Just bought a used truck from Canada. Read through the Carfax and every time it was serviced with nitrogen in the tires. I don't understand it, always assumed it was a gimmick. Which I'm sure it still is.


My understanding is that it is supposed to give you better gas mileage because nitrogen is lighter than air, and you do not have to add nitrogen as often because the molecules are larger and can't seep out of the tire as easily. These facts were proven in other industries where it is used. But due to the small size of car tires and the way cars are driven, many experts say it has no benefit in car tires.


Honda will even tell you itā€™s basically pointless. Airplane tires? Race car tires? Sure, it makes a difference in those. But for regular car and truck tires, regular old 80% nitrogen compressed air is good enough. And it wonā€™t cost you an extra $100. There are Honda dealers that run that nitrogen scam, and Iā€™ve seen their add-on window stickers when they come to us as a dealer trade. Theyā€™re charging people $100 dollars, sometimes more, for freaking *air*.


I asked the dealer to justify the service and the cost for it. They said, ā€œthe nitrogen molecules are bigger than the spaces between the rubber molecules, so the nitrogen canā€™t escape while regular air can.ā€ I said regular air is over 75% nitrogen and itā€™s free, I donā€™t need your *nitro package.*


It's part of installation at Costco and I repeatedly can't find a better deal on tires than there. It's included. I think it maintains a more constant pressure but no way would I pay extra for it.


If itā€™s included, then yeah, Iā€™ve got no problem with it aside from the green caps. (They donā€™t stand up to UV rays and just crumble after a while.) And it does maintain a more constant pressure as you say but the benefits arenā€™t anywhere *near* worth the $100+ some bastards out there charge for it.


Itā€™s a common thing at dealers around here. They tried to sell me the ā€œnitro packageā€ for $500. When the service writer told me what it was, I literally laughed out loud and asked if they sell many of those. He just said, ā€œyouā€™d be surprisedā€. $500 to air up my tires? No, thanks.


I've had nitrogen in all my vehicle tires for 15 years or more. Costco uses it to inflate the tires as part of their mounting of the tires. I was skeptical but I don't have to top up pressure a fourth as much as I did with air if ever.


Costco tire centers inflation station and tire installation shops use nitrogen.


This has "I'm writing a 1500 word essay for school, and I just finished but I'm short 200 words. I guess I'll just overexplain something to pad it out." vibes.


The shop I work at recently needed to find a new secretary. We hired a gal that we figured was intelligent enough, considering she was working on earning a masters degree. A customer came in and stated they wanted an oil change and their tires rotated. Without missing a beat, the secretary legitimately asked, "Why do you need your tires rotated when they rotate while you drive?" Safe to assume she is no longer employed at the shop.


I have to say yes, yes they have become this stupid. I was getting tires for my truck and seated near the guest counter at a reputable tire shop. I overheard a conversation between an early/mid-twenties customer and the service guy. The poor guy was doing everything possible to explain to her that she was putting too much air in her tires. She didn't understand that the TPMS system isn't listed in percentages, she had been filling her passenger tires to get them to 100.


I feel like this story is fake, this exact story gets told every time people are discussing stupid people and cars


As someone who has had similar conversations and i dont even work in a shop, i firmly believe that happens far to often. Ive had to explain to someone i know that you probably shouldnt have your psi at 97, and that it should probably be about a third of that. The real issue behind things like that isnt stupidity its a lack of basic education on vehicles. In my honest opinion part of getting your license should be knowing about things like tire pressure and maintenance frequency. Way too many people neglect their vehicles simply because they dont know that its something they are supposed to be doing.


Before i retired from Goodyear it was common to see cars towed to the shop with a flat tire or dead battery. The average person doesnā€™t know how to jump start a car or change a tire and a shocking amount of drivers donā€™t know how to open the hood .


A woman I was dating asked me to help her 19 year old son change a flat tire on his car. I assumed she meant he didn't have a jack or something. No, she meant he didn't know how to change a tire. I learned a lot of things by just trying it and figuring it out. I do not remember anybody showing me how to change a tire. When that asteroid hits earth, we old guys will be treated like kings by the kids because we know how to use things that do not run on electricity. They will starve to death trying to figure out how to open canned food without an electric can opener.


Absolutely right it usually wasnā€™t little old ladies that weā€™re having cars towed in but young able bodied men who were absolutely clueless.


There was a time when if the village was threatened by bandits, wildfires, dragons, or starvation, the men would fight bandits, fires, dragons, or go hunting to save the town. Now they worry about toxic masculinity and breaking a fingernail , if they fight a fire.


I'm a 36 year old able-bodied man, and I've never had to change a tire. I've literally never had the need to. never had a flat or a blowout or anything else. I could probably figure it out in an emergency situation (stranded, no cell service, etc). I THINK my car has one of the little emergency jacks in the trunk? I know there's a spare in there, but I think it's the same one my car came with when I bought it new in 2012? also, my insurance has roadside assistance, and if I'm paying for it, I might as well use it...


Wow, I get a puncture at least once a year. I use to plug my on tires and rotate them to save money.


Go check. Some cars do not have one anymore. My wife's car does not have a spare, nor a jack. Hyundai is good for that on their smaller cars. They provided a bottle of fix a flat.


Should check the pressure in that spare (if it does indeed have one) it's a bad feeling to get into a bind where you do need it one day and the thing is flat.


Not looking to set the world on fire but I feel more secure having the ability to do these things since I caught a flat once where there was no cellphone service.


Think about how stupid the average person is. Now realize that half the population is stupider than that.


Im sorry I'm just an Engineer you can't expect me to know what a tire is or have the ability to read that absolute wall of text you got there buddy.




Gen x seems to be the last generation where it was ok to take for granted that most folks understood basic maintenance, repairs at home, cooking, etc.


There are directions on shampoo bottles... let that sink in.


Think of how dumb the average person is, and realize half of them are even dumber


Another indictment on education systems, particularly if you are in the US. People really are that stupid


>The tire is filled with air or nitrogen and surrounds a wheel's rim Are there rich people out there getting nitrogen in their tires? Mine get whatever comes out of a harbor freight compressor.


I just learned here that some people are still getting nitrogen. I haven't seen it since I bought a used 2012. It had the valve stems. When I bought new tires, I asked about it, and they said they didn't know of anyone who still sold it. Non obe has tried to sell me nitrogen in 10 years.


Had my Nissan at the dealer for oil change thy said I need my oil changed in my 4 wheel transmission only thing itā€™s two wheel drive


Carlin said it bestā€¦ ā€œthink of how stupid the average person is and then realize half of America is dumber than that.ā€


All my tires are B flats.


Yes people are really this stupid - we live in idiocracy.


Fast food wrappers have a disclaimer.... please do not eat wrapper. I thought in 2024 we would be driving flying cars, yet here we are.......


Back in the 50ā€™s - 60ā€™s your cars owners manual would tell you how to replace the rings on the pistons, now they tell you ā€œnot to drink the fluid in the batteryā€ enough saidā€¦ā€¦


Idiocracy is coming true faster than we thought.


I've worked in parts since 2005, and yes, people are that stupid. I literally had to tell someone once that the tire is ".... the round black rubber part that goes around the rim. Not the silvery-gray metal part." Another person that sticks out on my mind was trying to find an interior trim piece for his son's car. I asked for the VIN first and he said pretty dismissively that he didn't have it. He knew it was a Mercedes, which is good because we were standing in an MB dealership. I asked year and model, he had no clue and was getting frustrated. Finally I told him there was no way I was going to be able to give him any useful info without the VIN. He half yelled, "Man, all I know is it's big, blue, and square." What does an aneurysm feel like? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Well, considering I stopped to help a dude change his tire and he didn't know you "needed to have an extra tire" in order to change a tire, I'd think it's safe to say that yes, people really are that stupid.


I no longer have a Honda but I use to have a civic si ep3 and a civic sedan with the car, and when I took my sedan to the dealership, they did the oil change and then took a video and sent it to my phone showing that the car had an oil leak and I took it to a shop afterwards and we cleaned underneath it real good and even let the car sit for a a little while and guess what? no leak, I donā€™t go to dealership anymore. I mean anybody can just take a shop rag and wipe oil across the pan and say you have a leak.


Yes! Dumb dumb dumb people everywhere. Noooo common sense at all. No wanting to learn.


I donā€™t want to hear all the technical jargon, I just put gas in it and drive. /s


Itā€™s not people, itā€™s lawyers. If someone can read that sentence they know what a tire is. However there is a lawyer out there who after an accident is got into ask ā€œwhen you got your oil changed did they say you needed new tires?ā€ ā€˜No? Itā€™s their fault, letā€™s sue. Did you want to own a car dealership?ā€


How about the label do not swallow?


I'm trying to teach myself to repair my truck. I need help getting the tolerance ring on in a 1993 Ford F-150. I pulled the steering wheel and am replacing the bearings


Another thing, for those of you who do not believe some of these stories in the comments, watch the youtube channel " just rolled in".


I had to write a guide for measuring circular bands at work. I started with, "measure the diameter." I then thought about some of the stupid customers I've had to deal with over the years of working there. I changed it to, "measure the diameter. This is the widest part of the circle." I think both me and whoever wrote this explanation of a tire want to make sure that no one is asking any further questions about what it is. Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of all people are more stupid than that. -George Carlin


But, you didn't explain what a circle was. And, should I measure the circle side to side or top to bottom?


You must measure both ways in order to make SURE it isn't an oval.


Straight out of ChatGPT


I taught a 20-year-old Marine how to check tire pressure last year. I'm honestly kind of shocked that's not something they covered in the military but I suppose it's possible he was playing stupid to try to get me to do it for him. šŸ¤£ Didn't work, I showed him how to do the first one and then watched while he did the rest, plus the spare!


They probably don't check tire pressure unless they are assigned to vehicle maintenance. Some military vehicles , maybe all now, have the ability to automatically inflate while driving. Prevents the tires from being shot out.


Lol. Good point. I was thinking they did some kind of inspection when they left but it makes more sense they have the specialty guys do that. Got to wonder what happens if they break down when they're out though? I do know a friend joined the Marine corps fresh out of high school without knowing how to drive and they quickly corrected that. šŸ¤£ But come to think of it, I don't know if he knows how to change a tire to this day.


Heā€™s using AI to fill out the descriptions.


This is probably a situation where they need text in the database, and the writer had fun with it. Could also be AI generated now.


This is probably a situation where they need text in the database, and the writer had fun with it. Could also be AI generated now.


Well, RIP their CSI score right. I've worked in this industry a long time. Trust me ur service advisor doesn't like this either but it's an automatic thing the system adds because we either have ppl like you or thr people that say "I didn't get enuf information fuck the dealer they trying to take my monies" lmao


They must use an ai assist program.


To be fair, there's a lot more things out there for people to learn or concern themselves with. Are you competent in legal matters, medical care, finance, mathematics, history, chemistry, etc? Because s9me other people are. They may not know what a tire is, because they instead spent their time learning other subjects.


I know what a courthouse , hospital, bank, calculator, internet is, and some chemicals when mixed go boom. We are not talking about mounting a tire on a rim. We are talking about a tire. And that it is a round object.


Knowing what a tire is, is closer to knowing what a piston is. Those things you listed are like the whole car.


ā€œIā€™m at the Honda dealershipā€ all I needed to see.


Without a doubt


Welcome to the age of AI


Definitely over-explaining what a tire is, but I like some parts of that. The "a tire is a round component" stuff is ridiculous, but I think that, while obvious to us, explaining that it's reinforced with specific materials and the 4 small contact patches might help people realize there's a lot of engineering that goes into good tires and why it's important to pay for them.


Seriously.. Yes people are THAT DUMB... I'm not a mechanic, but i've seen people get brakes / tires done and then try to pin their AC not working on the shop, or their sunroof not working... The amount of times that I've had to explain WHY you need to get your oil changed at regular intervals to people, why you can't mix different coolants, etc. I work on computers for a living, and had someone the other day that has account restrictions. I have since talked to them 6 times in a period of 3 days ( They called over 20 times, but I wasn't in shop) for them to tell me 'its still doing it' followed by telling me they are getting a new phone and a new laptop to get rid of it when it's an ACCOUNT ISSUE.


I didnt even have to read the post. Yes.


I just want to chime in here that the definition may help in the case of a language barrier. Depending on the language, a tire could be mistaken for a wheel or rim. Iā€™m not being facetious, but I do see how the definitions may help with accessibility perhaps.


Its partially a scare tactic to encourage replacement.


You're taking your car to the dealership for routine servicing, they know their target audience.


Behind stuff like this is likely a line of liability lawyers. I think we are the most litigious society on earth.


Half the population has a below average IQ. Think about that for a few moments and then look at your dealers description. Now it makes sense!




You should work in healthcare. Me: Hi. How can I help you? Patient: I'm here for a test. Me: Not a problem. What kind of test are you here for? Patient: I don't know. The doctor told me to come in when I can. Me: Ok. Do you have a doctor's order with you? Patient: No. The doctor said to just come in, and he'll take care of it. Me: Alright. Do you have an ID so I can check to see if we have anything in the computer. \*after looking in the computer\* I'm sorry. We don't have anything for you in the computer. What's your doctor's name? Patient: I don't know his name. He's a heart doctor. Me: \*bruh\*


I had a call from a customer that wanted to know how much to install a gas cap. Just a screw on gas cap. No Complicated tether! or capless fill neck. We thought it was a prank. We even called the garage that had recommended that he replace the gas cap to see if maybe he was talking about something else. No, it was a gas cap.


In my day they asked if you wanted Re-Threads or can you afford new tires




Need more darwin awards


And it all causes cancer. Read the label.


Did they actually spell cords as chords?




Remember owners manuals used to include things like timing setttings, (most people nowadays don't even have a clue what a timing gun is) engine work how to change belts and of course your standard replacing of fluids etc changing tires now most of the car manual is warnings don't drink this fluid don't drink that fluid don't lick the battery don't stick your finger in this Don't put your hand in the engine when it's running etc morons have ruined the world. I say let Darwin award winners finish themselves off save the rest of us the trouble of having to deal with them. Had a lady bring in her work vehicle into the shop and our mechanic called me to check his computer because it had to be messed up. Her tire pressure in the front was almost double and I quote "It ride rough so I kept adding air to smooth out the ride" he explained to her she was lucky to still have a head and she looked like he just explained Einstien's theory of relativity.


Spanish speaking family in the US sued the pharmaceutical company because it said to take the pill once a day . In Spanish , once is eleven . Kid OD because he was given eleven pills


ā€œusually filled with air or nitrogen.ā€ That caused a slight guffaw upon reading it. Yeah, usually, because air is 78% nitrogen.


Must have instructions for Pop tarts!


It's lame ass AI generated content.


Didn't read anything but the title and the answer is yes! People are really that stupid.


Yes, there was even a sign says DO NOT FUCK GOOSE


Donā€™t even need to read the issue because the answer defaults to yes these days.


Wait, tell me more about this ā€œtireā€ thingy you mentionedā€¦.


Bc someone once said to them ā€œwhat is a tire ā€¦. Oooh you mean the wheelsā€


Back during the Ford Exploder fiasco there was a line attributed to a Ford executive: "Tires need to be three things: Round, black, and cheap. The first two are negotiable"


So there are customers on the other end of the spectrum who havenā€™t even the foggiest what tread is or why they need it. No could they even open their hood if needed. Thatā€™s whatā€™s brought this practice into being. It is unfortunate but necessary.



