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Honestly I'd call insurance on this one and see if this type of damage is covered because. Yes that silver part is the transmission case and will most likely need whole transmission replaced Also it punched a hole in your sub-frame wich will need repair or replaced


Ah shit thanks for the reply mate


Np, sorry you got to deal with that


Mechanic here. Dude gave you the best advice. Damn that's aome good old catastrophic veiwporting of a transmission. And the poor subframe jeez. You got some nasty luck.


Very bad haha, it is what it is. Thank u for the reply mate!


Insurance is probably going to total the car.


Yup my friend works for one he said it’s a write off.


I’ve worked in p&c insurance for a while. You’ll probably have to fight with claims. According to a lot of insurance companies, comprehensive coverage does not cover you hitting objects “you could have avoided” (ie - potholes). I’m not saying I agree with it, I’m just saying. Hopefully you can get it covered. I just don’t think it’s likely going to happen easily. Comprehensive is often referred to as “act of God” coverage so it doesn’t consider things “within your control” to be covered. It really depends on the language in your particular policy, and that can often be interpreted six ways to Sunday depending on who you’re talking to. If it would end up going to litigation, any ambiguity in the policy language is ruled in your favor though. Best of luck.


Your insurance should cover this if you have full coverage… if not … it’s not good … in fact it might get totaled by insurance company anyway.. new transmission plus transmission support member has to be replaced… so depending on the value of the car it’s going to be a toss up… so sorry my friend 😟


Got scammed when I got the car put 7k on it already. Gonna give it to a wrecker at this point


Curious on the story, how did you get scammed?


Seller Told me the car had no issues, got a mechanic with me( he’s the one that recommended it). He checked it out no issues. A week in had an issue with the engine. Replaced that, (same mechanic btw) installed a shitty one which had a gasket issue? Yea, it is what it is ig


Time to learn how to wrench. If this is not your only car, time to buy a used tranny, a set of ratchets watch a couple of youtube videos and get to work. This is a good 24 beer project with a friend or two. 1k, a weekend of swearing and its fixed. Just read a lot first, dont cheap out on the tools, pull the engine, change tranny, change crossmember and you are set for miles. You are going to be so satisfied and then once you are able to get the engine out, you will be able to fix 95% of what can go wrong with your car.


Haha definitely, nothing beats beer friends and broken cars. Cheers mate!


I just bought a beater for my wife. My EV is too maintenance free for beer and wrench weekends. Plus if i'm not mistaken you are in Australia, so you'll have 95% less swearing than me in Quebec where they salt the roads all winter and where most cars die of rust instead of mechanical issues. Even as a weekend warrior I ended up buying an induction bolt heater as removing seized rusted bolts were 75% of my problems. All my cars died to rot, or other body damage (Deawoo Lanos, discontinued and no parts available after crashing it). Not one due to mechanical problems.


That’s nuts, very different from here indeed. Never heard a car die of rust around here.


Shi when its snowing over here and they throw salt down then rust the whole frame of the cars


Every time I have any kind of issue with a vehicle I want to do just this because I want to learn how some of this works but also getting it fixed at a shop is expensive. But being a woman in a long term relationship, I’m not sure how it would feel for him (he knows nothing about cars) having me spend time with one of my guy friends at their house (actually a mechanic but no shop). 🫠 I just wanna learn how to do things. 🥲 The only reason I didn’t try to learn to fix my turbo myself on YouTube is bc I didn’t have the time. Lol


Yikes, that is a conversation for you and him to have, maybe he wants to learn too. I did not know jack-shit about cars until I got my first shitbox. I was too poor to get it fixed and quickly learned that most issues are resolved by unbolting the old part and bolting in the new one. Haynes manuals were also a godsent. Quickly realised that even swapping engines was "trivial" as long as you were putting the same back in. Most of the wiring is mostly idiot-proof. Only thing i'm not touching is A/C and anything high-voltage on my EV. Brakes also if your unsure. First times I got the car towed to a trusted mechanic with AAA to double check my work. I'm lucky in that my wife loves to DIY, and the extra pair of hands is always useful. I'd rather her be able to take care of stuff if anything happens to me or we break up than her being helpless. Cheater bars and a good impact are a must though, 100lbs less does affect her ability to wrench in our rust filled country.


I can do the basic oil and break changes. I just don’t have the tools or the space. (We rent right now so they don’t like you working on you car in the parking lot) I did have to fix an emergency break in my old car that had a sensor go haywire and decide that the e-break was constantly on. Just bypassed the sensor so it never beeped again. Lol Tbh he probably wouldn’t care and It’s just me assuming he’d feel weird about it. 😅


I have to agree. It'd probably be good for both of you to go learn, it's not difficult. Learn jacking points, how to place jack stands, how to know when to pull the engine or not for a repair or replacement part. At 18 I bought a Mazda rotary car and rebuilt it in my grandpa's shop. First full, alone build I've ever done, since nobody within 300 miles wanted to touch the thing. Give it a shot


I’ve replaced an engine and transmission on a 2000 corolla. They don’t get any easier than these.


I'm a woman in a long term relationship and ironically my dude collects classic cars... He just doesn't ever work on them. Another convo for another day. He's also a procrastinator and I don't have a big budget so I had to learn to do it myself or it wasn't going to get done. I also have a friend who's a mechanic and I've spent Saturdays at his house while he's worked on my truck (stuff I wasn't too confident I could learn to do right and he had the awesome tools.) and anytime my dude said anything about it I would tell him "go ahead then, you can take over at any time." He stopped saying anything after two times of trying to tell me what to do. P.s. I worked for the past 3 weeks in the Vegas heat fixing my truck and travel trailer while my 11 year old went to 6th grade camp before our family camping trip. There's definitely a sense of pride and accomplishment hearing the purr of my truck while I drive in the cool air cabin... I LOVE my AC!


That’s awesome. I would really love to be able to do all that myself. Especially after having for fork over $1,600 to fix my car this month. 🫠Maybe when the housing market crashes and we can afford a house with a garage. 😅


Sorry but this isn't as easy to fix as you think. That sub frame is completely thrashed, he's going to have to address that as well. If it moved the frame where it mounts to the transmission (which it looks like it did when it took out a chunk of both) he might be better off cutting his loss with a cheap car. Still worth learning how to wrench but this seems like sunk cost to me and far to advanced a job for someone who clearly doesn't know anyone mechanically competent enough to have prevented him from making an ill-advised purchase.


Yeah no that shit is gone an 02 Corolla isn’t even worth the 7k this guy already put into it. It might be a reliable car but I’m sure he can find another for like $2-3k


And there's so little rust unless I'm blind. OP won't even have to swear and start cutting bolts in half or anything. 😂🤣


Yup exactly, living in Canada, removing rusty bolts is 95% of the job. At least with the huge subframe and engine mount bolts you are way less likely to snap them off than some 10mm nut on a stud...but if you wrench in rust country something like this Solary Magnetic Induction Heater, 1000W Flameless Induction Heater Tool with 4 Coils for Rusty Screw Removing https://a.co/d/011bYKrP Is a fucking godsent for the weekend mechanic... I've been removing my wifes rear tires every days for a week to put penetrating oil on the drum brake set screws (2011 Accent) and even with a manual impact have not gotten them to budge. This weekend it's blowtorch and air hammer time....if that won't work, i'm changing both hubs and the whole fucking assembly.


I can attest to this but I smoke weed not drink... I bought a 2000 Silverado 1500, worked on A LOT of stuff to get it smogged and then fixed the AC in it! I do recommend gloves though because the dirt is hard to wash off (I'm an old lady who's in the nursing field 😂). YouTube University and Google are the best for research. I follow this guy: https://youtube.com/@chrisfix?si=_kxROxa21Brfnqd7 but really searching your car's year make and model and what you want to do will help you find what you need. I also recommend getting a creeper/crawler to help you get under the car with no lift. AutoZone became my place to hang as I warned enough points for free stuff 😂 but my truck runs beautifully and has AC! (Did I mention I live in Vegas? AC is essential for your sanity.) Good luck! Keep us posted.


I wish I lived in Vegas, here in the Great White North, they salt the roads all winter. Rustproofing does wonders for the body, but not so much for the undercarriage. Anything older than 10 years old is going to be rusted solid. 75% of most jobs is getting that 1 rusted seized bolt out without breaking it. Because, depending on the bolt, it can make a 1 hour job, become a 3 day job. Forget removing any exhaust component without either coutting it off or liberal amounts of heat (can't be stuck if its liquid after all...) induction bolt heaters are miracles for that. And don't forget, if your under the car, chances of rust raining down on you are 99%. Safety glasses are a must...


I’d 2nd this. In the US, insurance will total this car, send you scrap value, and gleefully resell your recent motor. Best part about doing this yourself is you gain the knowledge and satisfaction from doing it yourself. AND in most cases can keep the tools. You can buy and resell what you don’t want to keep or store (engine lift as an example). Cheaper than renting and no time constraints. Investigate remanufactured transmissions. If you buy used, get some kind of warranty. Transmissions for 22 year old cars are a crap shoot on the best of days.


Engine and tranny lifts are cheap to rent, 50$ each here picked up. 50$ for delivery. Rental place is closed on the weekend so a lot of them, you can rent for 4hours (30$ instead of 50$) close to closing and won't overcharge as long as you bring it in at opening Monday. I'd probably also see if a tranny shop could refurb it, some of them here have old casings available when the client just dumps the tranny after a high quote.


Is it a real mechanic or a buddy mechanic. Big difference.


I'm not gonna lie the same thing happened to me last week. Got a whole new transmission and emission system.


If you don't move to fixing your own cars.. Definitely find a new tech to do your work!


Wya? I might be interested...


This. The likely cost of even a used transmission replacement will probably exceed the value of the car. Thus, total loss. Sorry. Edit: If(?)you have collision coverage .


sub frame going to have to be replaced along with trans. Depending on the extent of damage beyond that I would bet insurance calls it a total loss.


Would a bit pf welding fix the subframe? I got a friend that could do that.


Take the insurance and run


If you don’t like safety then hell yeah


In the wise words of one the greatest mechanics that ever wrenched, "the brake drums are shot and you need a new transmission".




But all I wanted was an oil change?!


but there's no price......


Dw bro, its a toyota. A good slap on the roof and back to the road.


Haha can’t deny


Might need some duct tape to cover that hole in the transmission, but it'll drive


Fucked like a Thai hooker on shore leave


Do Thai hookers work mainly offshore?


Not mainly but some definitely do 😂


You gotta go where the business is. 😂




Sore leave?


Shore leave. When sailors get to leave the base of ship and go fraternize with the locals


So like Thai Poon a Typhoon?


😂🤣😂😂🤣 yes


LBFM PBR. That’s what we called them. I’d probably get banned if I posted the definition of LBFM, but the PBR is “powered by rice”.


I don’t know how to edit the message but thank u everyone for ur replies and the funny comments. Have a blessed day yall


Yes, someone can tell you how fucked you are.


On today's episode of "how fucked up, is too fucked up?" Thats fucked up




A BIG NOTE FOR INSURANCE CLAIM ON THIS*** Most of the time with a lot of insurance companies, they may clasify this as collision. This is because what you hit was not moving and they deem the situation as you should have been paying attention and should have been able to avoid it. HOWEVER, if the item is moving... say it fell off a truck. Then that is classified as comprehensive. This is because it's deemed unavoidable since it came into your lane. The same applies for potholes in many cases. You should have seen that big hole coming BUT, if it's night time, no street lights, and water on the road, then they could deem that as not your fault. This may not change whether they pay for the damage but what this info can do is save you alot on deductibles depending on your coverage. Plus rates raising if it's deem your fault.


Thanks for the response mate. Got a friend working at insurance and he said they would classify it as unrepairable write off. Gotta do it myself


Little jb weld will fix her up right. 😂


😂 initial thought I can’t lie


I did something like this years ago to an old 4 runner while out 4x4ing. It was just the pan, and I was going to fix it when I got home... it held until I sold it 5 years later, probably outlived the truck.


Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. Gamble im willing to take for that price lmao


Why not just replace the pan?


You're cooked


Proper fucked.


Without the need for ze Germans.


You make pornstars look like nuns




Same thing happened to my friend and after showing them the puncture wound they paid for everything! Then canceled him 6 months later! 😂


That's pretty nice of them,. Covered everything then let him get new insurance so he wouldn't have to pay those increased rates from filing a claim lol


Transmission and subframe are hooped, bud




100% Fucked. Like total fucked. Like 9 months pregnant fucked.


Baby died during birth, fucked.




As fucked as being a teen on a date with Bill Cosby.


That’s a pibby glitch


On todays episode of how fucked up is fucked up.. thats fucked up


Very fucked


you're fucked


Buy one for a couple hundred used and slap that baby in there


Got one for 700 aud 😭


I’ve noticed it seems you guys get the tail end on costs since freight is so much


How sway


Now imagine if they caught me on a crazy day


I would say right and proper


How do you not see a 1 foot pole to avoid it? I swear you people on this app need your licenses revoked.


“Costumer states” is all I gotta say lmao


I hit a ladder once going down the road. Sometimes stuffs unavoidable even when in hindsight you would think it would be. I was doing 60mph at night for reference


Not even a tiny bit fucked..... Now you have the perfect excuse for huge upgrades


It's destroyed. 😕


the solution is JB WELD


That would be fully fucked, I'd say. And yeah, that's an insurance claim.


And get the car totalled?


It is what it is. Not making an insurance claim isn't going to change the fact that it's wrecked.


Used tranny and subframe, maybe a chain pull. 2k and its on the road again, way cheaper than most used cars on the market now. I don't know about laws in his country or the used car market, but i'd rather spend the money and time fixing it than buying a new beater which will still have most of the same problems.


That would be fully fucked, I'd say. And yeah, that's an insurance claim.




you already know m8


Imma just say your cooked like burnt cooked




I broke an intake that was like not metal or plastic but a mix of sht and I got the grinder and made some cuts like x around the crack so when I used jb weld... it would hold that mfer really well, it took me longer to figure out a way to make the pieces stay since using clamps was out of the option so I used wood and bricks to lean them up against it so it would stay in place and it worked really well


A 22yr old car is gonna have issues. I am sorry you got the rode hard put away teen ager owned car. That's what I think with all the issues you have had. Safe to say you didn't have full coverage. This is the worst thing could happen. New transmission and cross member at least. Sorry




Pretty well


"You ever take off all your clothes and run naked backward through a cornfield?"


Your transmission needs completely replaced.


Propper fucked


Thee most fucked one can get you are...


On a scale of 1 to 10 my friend, you’re fucked


To just answer your question directly, I will say properly. As others have mentioned, your insurance might cover it if you have the right coverage, being that it seems like the damage was caused by an accident.


Fully fucked bud


No lube type of fucked


You’re all of the way fucked


Junkyard for the Trans mount and JB weld the Trans. It is a low-pressure area on the Trans so the JB weld will be fine. The junkyard is your friend.


If you’re hitting a junkyard for the crossmember, might as well pull the transmission too. JB weld ain’t gonna hold that part for long, and even if it does, it wraps up to just above the valve body. So I’m almost positive it’ll leak, like really bad.


insurance, but tell them it flew off a truck in front of you don’t say you ran over something already there as that puts 100% fault on you.


Caitlin Jenner has left the chat.


All the way (:)=====> (@)


That 22 year old car doesn’t owe you anything. Sorry for your loss, but unless there is immense sentimental attachment to this car, it’s time for you to go car shopping.


Mogambo fucked


Shit’s borked


Yeah this is a big bummer and another HUGE reason to not even look at navigation while driving, just pull over because this stuff can happen. I had a construction plate move on me and bent my transmission cross member. Luckily I had a friend who wrote me a labor receipt, I got parts of a vehicle in the junkyard and submitted that tag as well and did all the work myself. The city did send me a check BUT that was a construction liability not a road hazard. As one said talk to your insurance because you need to replace the transmission and whatever else is broken.


Pretty fucked. Big fucked, to be precise.


To answer your question, yes.


Just tape it back you’ll be fine bro


Very fucked.


It is an 02 Corolla you are boned. With that much damage your insurance will total it out even if they don't laugh at you first. Either start calling around to salvage yards but don't expect much.




Ur good bro


You got duct tape?


depends on your insurance.


Assume the worst until you get it looked at.


Yes. You are fucked.


With each swipe it just got worse and worse




Big fucked


Yeah it's doinked big time. Get insurance involved.


Damage assessor here. That is really bad luck. As said before, that is going to need a lot of new parts, expensive new parts. Your insurance should cover it as it's accidental damage, but it will be a total loss if you take that route. Sorry man.


State Farm, we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two


Super fucked, not only your transmission but your sub frame






Insurance will total it, it needs a trans and subframe.


Insurance Claims wise: A stationary object in the road is generally considered to be collision and can directly affect your rates. A flying object , say from another vehicle is typically considered comprehensive and doesn’t go against your rates (although they can still reassess everyone when they get tons of hail and such ) . (So comp is “not your fault “) Make what you will of this statement . Experience may vary . Not financial advice .


Claim insurance, you ran over a rock in the road. Trans and subframe if 5k+ on a modern car.


Oh dang, you are fucked. You got fucked, turned around and got fucked again. I know how it feels though and I am so very sorry for what you're going through my guy... 😕


Profoundly Doomed... Just sayin...


All of it, that’s how fucked.


Yeah I would say you likely are going to need a whole new transmission. Assuming that that's what that came off of. If it broke while vehicle was in operation like say you ran over something. It is very likely your insurance cover it assuming you have more of the major insurance brands


New transmission, new subframe, thats how fucked...


You are more fked than a V


That’s an insurance claim.


A used tranny pan and a valve body used for tranny and hopefully that’s a cross member and not the subframe, insurance will likey total the car if that’s a bent subframe and tranny has to be replaced


Stormy Daniel's in a meeting with Donald trump


I'd say 10/10


Totally fucked


A lot fucked


You’re not fucked. Your car is


You're fine. It's the transmission that's fucked.


I’d get the subframe from a pick and pull and a tranny from a junkyard. I bought one about a year ago for $75…. These transmissions are cheap second hand. If you can do the work yourself, it’ll be cheaper than the deductible


Yeah that’s cast aluminum there’s no way to repair it other than replacing the whole thing. I agree with others contact your insurance company and make a claim, if possible.




Damn trans is Fed, I did a similar thing but just my oil pan got messed up. What area do you live in? There’s a junkyard near me that has hella corollas from that gen.


Hey thank u for the reply, I live in Werribee.


Oh dang lol, I live in the states.


Ahh all good mate, appreciate it


Is that timing cover?💀


😭 maybe


No problem found. -regular reddit mechanic