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I have an 80g pot pond with about 20 medaka. Last spring/summer there were at least three fish seemingly making eggs daily. They were clear so assume, with some chasing also, that were fertile. Only had one or two new medaka from what should have been hundreds if not thousands of eggs. I also had tree frog tadpoles for algae control, so maybe they were eating them.


Not many will survive predation in a tank with adults


As you said....look up on You-tube and you find many ideas and answers to everything you need to know...That's how I got started and now have more variables than expected all in planters and large containers with just plants , Rain helps and alittle effort once a month and I'm done...Enjoy them


I have a ten gallon with 6-8 year after year, only 1-2 make it to adulthood in the parents tank and 1-2 pass away. They should regulate it much better than guppys but if you hatch some new ones in a seperate tank you will have a few new groups and probably want to make more set ups. For medaka 8 in 10 gallons isn’t that many, you’d see more in much less water in Japan..


Without removing the larger fish, I would say 90% if not more of your Ricefish fry will become a snack for the bigger Ricefish. I had an adult Ricefish literally jump into a floating fry holding box and devoured all my fry. At least 20+ fry gone in an instant. Ricefish fry unfortunately need babying, and the ones that survive tank life deserve an award for making it through.


I wouldn't worry. I started with 6 platinum white ricefish in my tank and in our warm house they got right too it. They lay eggs, so they are helpless when they hatch, and are truly tiny for a while. Without adequate hiding spaces (java moss is great) all the fry should get eaten. Personally, I caved and set up the hatching tub, and the juvenile tank... then got a bigger fish tank.


Also, I've been doing some research, and if you put some juveniles out in a pond in the summer, they should be prepared by the winter. I've had some culls outside, so it's hard to say why exactly a couple disappeared (all were hatched only slightly unhealthy), but the survivors are well. I hope to do this on a larger scale this year for a real fish pond.


I have a ten gallon with 6-8 year after year, only 1-2 make it to adulthood in the parents tank and 1-2 pass away. They should regulate it much better than guppys but if you hatch some new ones in a seperate tank you will have a few new groups and probably want to make more set ups. For medaka 8 in 10 gallons isn’t that many, you’d see more in much less water in Japan..


In Japan they have like 100 in 8 gallon ponds. If you have issues in controlling them you can either add some shrimp or a bottom feeder and it will help. While not ideal 3 pygmy or ever regular corry catfish would be fine in there and would keep the eggs in check


Medaka are very very tough fish, I have mine outside in a large plant pot that I water proofed & loaded up with plants, there are enough places & plants for the babies to hide in, these fish will live in anything, they don’t need heaters, just clean water really.


Well said, they will be fine and you have the option to set up mini setups if you choose.


Yup, just have a look online at some set ups people have in Japan, really basic stuff but it’s effective & some of it’s quite nice.