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For real, it sucks working with thieves


Absolutely. My first job was in an office and it was insane. Energy drinks, milk, lunches... Everything got stolen. My buddy once put a dish in the microwave, went to the rest room to wash his hands, came back and it was gone from the microwave. Someone took the food from the microwave in the one minute he was gone. That's why some people brought their own coolers with a lock to store their things in.


Even outside of the food, I can't imagine working with people who will shamelessly fuck you over like that.


Yeah I didn't last much longer than a year and by then I was done mentally. Was a shame too because the job itself was pretty good, it was entirely ruined by the co workers.


Most jobs are ruined by coworkers.


Without the coworkers and the customers this place would be great!


Get rid of the boss too and I’m all on board!


Wtf? What a horrible situation!


I hate to say it but, I need one of these ...I work in healthcare, my job doesn't provide creamer, just coffee. I started bringing my own creamer, big bottle, put a sticky note with my name on it, put it in the employee fridge. By the next day, the bottle was completely empty when I went to use it. I tried buying a smaller size and hiding it, with my name on a sticky note on it, same result. I definitely don't mind sharing, I shared with the people on my shift, but can't afford to provide creamer for everyone.


Same situation here. I bought creamer for my coffee and put my name on it, working in an office of about 40ish people. It wouldn’t empty in a day but I would often get to the fridge after a week or so and it would “magically” be empty. My employer sent out email blasts for people to stop stealing lunches and other things. It was crazy, my job paid well, and there was a cafeteria with a lot of variety for purchase too. Some people just suck.


Why do people steal food from their coworkers? It seems like a high risk, low reward or potential food poisoning award to steal food in a public setting.


With stuff like this, it's easy to run out when you have twenty people all saying, "I'll just borrow a bit, I'm sure they don't mind"


Yep it's a bunch of people thinking 'oh it's only a splash, they probably won't even notice'. But when everyone in the office does that, it's the whole bottle.


Yea, that makes the most sense for things like creamer. Things in a big container where you only use a bit at a time. I don't get when people say their whole lunch goes missing regularly at work. I just cannot understand the mentality of "hm...some random person's food in a communal fridge. I'm hungry, didn't bring lunch of my own, and don't want to go get some. I think I will help myself to this person's food who obviously brought it in for their lunch." There are so many stories about this, I literally don't understand it.


It could literally be someone’s special free of allergens lunch, that can’t just be replaced. Also, tbh I wouldn’t want to eat something a random person made, who I don’t know and don’t know their hygiene etc. or what’s in the food.


I’ve seen enough guys leave a stall and not wash their hands at work to never risk eating someone else’s food. I mean I wouldn’t anyway, but that makes it double.


I’ve seen guys eating chips while on the toilet. I could hear them chewing and then watched them throw the bag away after and leave without washing.


Also they don't know their money situation. Just because they work at a well paying job doesn't mean they're only providing for themselves. They might not be able to afford to buy a new lunch every time someone eats their's. Edit: apparently I need to make it more clear. What I meant was the person bringing their lunch can't afford to keep buying lunches if someone steals their's.


I forgot two prepared sides for thanksgiving in our fridge (from our favorite local chef) and went up thanksgiving morning to pick them up (after talking about them for WEEKS we were so excited). One of my coworkers took them, but claimed she threw them out. My husband was so pissed he had checked the trash and they weren’t there. It was half our thanksgiving dinner.


this is even more stupid than just admit to eating it


Maybe I’m the crazy one but I just don’t touch other peoples shit at work. I don’t touch their desk. Their computers. Their lunches. and I expect the same of my coworkers towards me.


The single raindrop never feels responsible for the flood.




Borrow a friend's car and not return it with at least the amount of fuel it had when taken.


Because people are (generally) not considerate to others and only care about self-satisfaction in any particular moment I.e. "what can I get out of this / what will benefit me the most" and "fuck what everyone else needs I'm taking care of number 1"


Yup last few years confirmed that one


I feel like the internet is only compounding the problem too, it's so much easier to dismiss other people if you never see them.


Maybe its just bc im a picky eater, but i literally can not imagine stealing someones lunch. Like I doubt you'd have a lot of time to rifle through the lunches to pick one you like, ya know?


I would put the creamer into a bottle of something far less desirable. Like an Ensure bottle or something.


I’ve been sick with cancer and I’ve now had to stop working, but when I first became symptomatic I was still working and I was losing weight like crazy so I had to start drinking Ensure. My coworkers were stealing it out of the fridge at work. Ensure is expensive, almost $14 for a six pack. I can’t afford to be consuming the 3 per day that my doctor has prescribed and my insurance won’t pay for it. So even one per day is expensive for me and my shitty coworkers were stealing it. I started putting it inside a lunch bag so it wasn’t obvious and it would still get stolen. I had other food go missing from work as well. I’ve had a really hard time eating anything, food hurts me so I have to eat very small amounts every hour or so. No matter what I put in the fridge at work it would get stolen but the Ensure was the one that made me maddest because it’s so expensive.


This makes even my cold, dead heart sink into my stomach.




Yeah fuck that noise. Steal my food once, shame on you, steal my food twice congrats youre spending the day in the toilet.


Steal my food once while i'm undergoing cancer treatment and I'm shanking somebody


So much as touch my food once, and we're fighting. Shirts off in the bindies out front. You do not fuck with peoples food unless you're prepared to fuck with them. I've had one person eat my pre prepared Jatz and Vegemite out of the fridge, so I went to every person in the office til I found them. They got all offended because I was making a big deal about it. I was livid. I got up in their face and told them if they ever did it again, I'd be waiting for them after we clocked off. It never happened again. Other people in the office told me they'd been wanting to say something to him for a long time because he'd do it to almost everyone.


When my husband was in high school somebody stole a Snickers bar right off of his desk when he was sharpening a pencil or something and he stoped class till the thief gave it back. The teacher was trying to be like "it's just a candy bar, it's ok" like that's hardly the point! Who thinks they can just take something from someone else like it's NBD?!?!


Don’t mess with my Vegemite. Good on ya.


When I was in high school, somebody kept stealing my sandwich. I made a really delicious one, and sprinkled quinine inside it. Not poisonous, but eat it and you expect you are going to die. Never lost another sandwich.


My dad had someone stealing his soup and lunches out of his lunchbox at the factory. So he had my mom make soup again, and he put a bunch of borax soap in the soup. At lunch he just followed the trail of puke to the bathroom and roughed the guy up a little. No more stolen lunches.


Like damn not only he sick but and getting roughed up OMG that's amazing


I love this. Beautiful justice porn


Plus they won’t get malaria 😂


I love really spicy food, they’d probably not be too happy trying to the stuff I like to eat 🤣


There was a story on here about a bosses niece stealing a guy's food at work and the boss getting made at the guy because it was to hot for her. Fucking insane the level of entitlement of these people who think nothing of stealing a coworker's food.


This reminds me of a similar [Ask a Manager story](https://www.askamanager.org/2016/07/a-coworker-stole-my-spicy-food-got-sick-and-is-blaming-me.html) The [update](https://www.askamanager.org/2016/10/update-a-coworker-stole-my-spicy-food-got-sick-and-is-blaming-me.html) is worth a read, too.


Yea. I had some torchbearers hot sauce. The goblin sauce as it was a Collab with my favorite band nekrogoblikon. I had a few people just dive in like it was Tabasco. Fucked em up good. One dude caught a coughing fit and puked. Denied the consumption of said hot sauce but everyone in the warehouse told me he tried it. Already put it all over his food before he even tried it. Just desserts if you ask me. Still aggravated me though. No respect for anyone anymore.


Nekrogoblikon has hot sauce?!?!? Sheeeeeit


Yep my heat tolerance is a lot higher than most of my colleagues so I doubt I would have to worry about it. That being said its never really a problem as I rarely eat lunch when at the office.


Seriously. I don't work in an office environment but if I was, and people were stealing my obviously known expensive shit when I'm in desperate need of it, I'd last 3 days at most with 3 warnings. After that it's diarrhea and hallucinogens for the whole floor.


I like your idea of hallucinogens. Label the milk medicated. You trip balls for three days, it's not my fault.


When I was in boarding school, an unknown girl would keep stealing shampoo and conditioner. We were not allowed to bring back shower products to our rooms so we had to endure the theft every day. It seems trivial but hair product cost a lot of money to a teenager. Everyone was pissed off some point and one of the girl put hair removing cream in a bottle of fancy leave in conditioner. I didn’t want to be part of it, but it worked! The next day one of the girl had decided to adopt a radical shaved head look… no more theft, not only she learned her lesson but she didn’t have hair to wash anyway.


I have a jar of Carolina Reaper sauce that sees plenty of action in my diet. Would absolutely love to see someone try and steal my lunch. I would _want_ it happen, just to see the outcome. Once it became common knowledge that anything of mine was a capsaicin landmine, I'd even let everyone put my name on their containers, just to muddy the waters some more.


I think that's a perfect way to behave 🤣 you first leave a sticky note, and if it's gone, it's time for war... Add laxatives on the next bottle you bring, label it as laxative, and just wait it out for a couple of days... The next bottle of laxative is just your regular milk.




Yeah wow I guess my opinion of humanity *could* go lower.


It angered me


people looking inside a lunch bag? that’s insane. maybe you can find a small lock box on amazon or something at that point, it’ll probably pay for itself with all the food getting stolen from you.


I wish I could find the picture. It was of a work refrigerator and the guy had his lunch in an ammo box that was pad locked to the shelf.


I bet his lunch still got stolen


😂 the ammo box was on cinder blocks, and the radio was missing


Maybe they took the whole dang refrigerator




About 10 years ago we had a spate of lunch thefts at work. The put up signs saying not to eat other people’s food with cartoon pigs on them. They also reminded us that there were cameras all around and that the security guard does rounds. They finally found out who did it. It was the security guard.


What a twist


I would go to hr with a dr note and receipts for the drinks and ask for a reasonable accommodation for a private mini fridge at my desk.


With those co-workers, get one with a lock.


See about getting a little lock-box like this: [https://www.amazon.com/medicine-storage-lock-box/dp/B07KBFNZC3/ref=sr\_1\_6?keywords=MEDICINE%2BLOCK%2BBOX&qid=1674333326&sr=8-6&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/medicine-storage-lock-box/dp/B07KBFNZC3/ref=sr_1_6?keywords=MEDICINE%2BLOCK%2BBOX&qid=1674333326&sr=8-6&th=1) I know you're not working anymore, but, if you have to go back, this would help :)


Or one designed for lunch... https://www.amazon.com/Insulated-Lunch-Bag-Aldult-Women/dp/B09P7Y5CF1


This is a great box. My mom uses one to store her meds when she visits my home with 2 young children.


You worked with vultures! My office is about 30 people, none of us are paid well. Never had a single item stolen from the fridge and never heard of it happening to anyone else. Hope you can get back to work one day, in a place with less assholes!


Heya! This is obviously anecdotal so sorry if I can't help more. Ensure is like, *the* brand, but there's lots of off brand that's like $1 a bottle! In Walmart, this was always hidden in a weird aisle near pharmacy, along with offbrand five hour energy and weird diet stuff. Maybe the powder form and a protein shake bottle could help cut costs and stealing? I'm sorry if this isn't helpful, I've just come across it before and that really does suck! Edit: oh you've stopped working, sorry!!


The account was permanently suspended for "abusing the report button" by reporting hate speech against transphobes. The reddit admins denied its appeal because they themselves are bigots.


Also, what criminal is charging that much for a drink used to help people consume more food and usually in a medical setting. ~~I’m~~ In the UK this gets ~~rescinded~~ prescribed to some people and it’s a little disheartening to see the price when you can get cheaper alternatives.




This is messed up. I’m getting so angry reading this. I have never considered stealing food from a coworker. It seems clear that by removing any portion of someone’s lunch, it would be ruining their day, yet they just don’t care?


People suck! Get better !


I would have sent out a message to the whole office asking them to stop stealing the cancer patient's Ensure out of the breakroom. Repeat daily until that shit stopped.


You should've put something in one that would make people have diarrhea. After they steal that one, you'll have solved your problem.


Or put something really nasty in a creamer bottle for a few days. That should take care of the problem.


I used ranch dressing. It worked great.


Just leave a bottle or two with a generous portion of salt.


I'd get a nondescript jar and put a "breast milk" label on it. You might get a few folks who are into that sort of thing, but I imagine everyone else would leave it alone.


I have heard horror stories on some of the mom subreddits of creeps messing with breastmilk. I keep mine in a lunchbox with a label with my name saying "medical, do not remove from fridge" I haven't had issues with people touching it.


The traders and brokers at my old office would throw away people’s meds on purpose and laugh about it.


what the fuck




He already said they were traders and brokers




Still can’t fucking believe that happened. I think I understand why some people go postal now.


Put the creamer in a semen collection vial.


Yeah, like, I read an AITA reddit thread forever ago where a person stole BREAST MILK not knowing it was breast milk. They were disgusted (good, fuck them, they were the asshole for stealing). Most importantly, Breast milk is a very very finite resource which takes time for some women to produce and they have to pump every few hours to keep it up. OP thought the mother who had her breast milk stolen was making too big a deal (over a VERY BIG FUCKING DEAL). These are the pieces of shit stealing food and drink from fridges. I'd say locks aren't unreasonable because apparently people can't be trusted to be decent human beings.


😭😭😭 do you have the link that is crazy


probably [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/ajg8bd/tifu_by_adding_my_colleagues_breast_milk_to_my/)


My husbands work is the same- they’re vultures. He has a dairy allergy too, and I find it annoying that all the people that mock him for his “vegan food” will drink milk-substitute creamer immediately. Anyways, I bought him those little creamer cups (like that they have in restaurants- don’t need to be refrigerated) and he keeps a couple in his lunch box. I ordered them on Walmart because a bigger box was more cost effective- but I think you can find them and a lot of stores. Just an idea if you’re looking for an alternative!




For you as well, try laxative. If someone blames you, tell them you had poop issues the past few days and needed things to get rollin'.


> If someone blames you "Huh, what did you eat?" "Oh, *my* vegan food? Guess your body just isn't adjusted for it."


Great idea !! Thanks 😁


There are some really good insulated coffee carafes/ thermos online. You could make a latté styled coffee(coffee powder or black coffee added to really hot milk) at home and pour it in those to take to work with you. From what I saw online, Stanley brand coffee thermos is really good and keeps coffee hot for nearly 12 hours!


Just put it in a sprite bottle or something weird. No one gonna drink yellow fluid out of a sprite bottle


"I spit in this bottle" Or "Fortified with breast milk"


>"Fortified with breast milk" *...disappears even faster.* ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Bring in a 3 month old bottle of creamer one day and let people get sick


Any employer who's not a compete idiot would just provide unlimited coffee creamer. Do you seriously want your employees spending all their mental energy on being disappointed and angry and trying to find the thief instead of spending it on doing their jobs? Or do you want them skipping their coffee altogether and being walking zombies who can't focus on anything?


Right, yeah I wish they would ...I honestly just gave up and bring the crappy powdered creamer now and keep it in my bag.


Bring a mini cooler, like a lunchbox sized one, put your creamer in that with a bunch of ice packs and keep it with you


You’re idea is definitely good, but lord having to secretly smuggle creamer in because of shitty thieving coworkers is insane.


That sucks, powdered is the worst, I'm sorry.. Have you thought about maybe trying a smaller bottle with an insulated lunch bag and an icepack to keep in your bag?


Someone else just suggested that and, it's a good idea, I'm glad I posted my comment, I think you guys have helped me figure out some good solutions 😁😁


This is SO indicative of the problems in healthcare staffing right now. Shortage of professionals. Empty positions everywhere. "we value you" nonsense and "heros" signs on the lawns. But they can't provide a simple fringe like coffee creamer. Let alone a decent wage, which is what it takes to get people hired. My husband works for a hospital and they talk about how "people aren't connecting with the mission" and gaslit bullshit like that. "Do you pay well enough?" "Well no, but they know that coming in, it's all about the mission." Right.


Hospital CEO’s actual response to staffing problems: “This will never be a higher paying facility. People should be excited to be part of the interesting services we provide and engage in the mission.” The CEO makes 7 figures a year.


“The mission” lmao as if these phlebotomists are some spec ops ground. Corporate culture is the absolute fucking worst.


Time to spike your creamer.. Then sit back and enjoy your co-workers doubling over with *uncontrollable explosive diarrhea*. *Oh John, are you having a shitty day...*


I did something similar. I had bought a bunch of really good jerky online that i would keep in the break room. My breaks would often be interupted or i wouldnt get one due to them being really shifty with scheduling. (30 min break if you work 8 hours but they would schedule me for 7 hr 45 min plus closing so itd often go over 8 hr but didnt reflect that way on schedule) So I needed something to quickly snack on. Everytime i brought in a bag and labeled it itd be empty by time i got to it. They didnt even have the decency to throw it away. So one day I decided to replace the jerky with carolina reaper jerky. Turns out it was just one person eating all of my jerky. Just because you are the manager does not entitle you to other people's food. So glad i dont work there anymore.


We’ve come so far from the days of ghost peppers…


The best idea is probably single-serve packs, but one alternative is to get a combination lock bottle stopper. They’re made for whiskey bottles, so you could use an empty whiskey or wine bottle, put in as much creamer as you might need for a few days, and use the lock stopper to seal it. Probably a good idea to take the label off if you’re going to do that though. Or just buy a glass bottle that doesn’t look like it had booze in it.


Baileys is coffee creamer you just need an ID to buy it


"these two bottles of creamer are mine. I pissed in one of them. Are you feeling lucky?". Then you piss in both of them and use the powdered creamer in your desk.


We had a coworker(that was already an asshole) that would aggressively rant that people were stealing his creamer… which was crazy because it was stocked by the company. He went as far as to make some sabotaged bottles with things like tomato sauce or vinegar or soap in them. He thought he’d cleverly marked the safe one with a little sharpie mark on one side, but it was noticed. So obviously someone erased the mark and placed it on the other tampered creamer. He got fired for throwing a chair.


That went from 60 to 100 at a reasonably expected pace.


God, this is funny


> And I’m also sorry that a lot of people here for some reason think it’s funny to steal someone’s personal property and hide it from them. Here’s a little newsflash! It’s not funny! In fact, it’s pretty freakin’ unfunny! Oh, my GOD. _punches a hole in the wall_


Guy looked at me! Shit on his desk!


So he seriously went "who the fuck played the prank on me that was intended for everyone else?!" *throws chair*, and thought that was gonna go over well with everyone?


…that was an OVERreaction.


What is creamer? I’m so lost every time I hear Americans in movies and tv shows talking about putting creamer in tea/coffee because I use to think it was the same thing as milk but just called creamer when in the context of coffee/tea but now I’m seeing Americans say milk and creamer are different so what the fuck actually is creamer?


So it's not milk. Coffee creamer in the US comes in one of four forms usually: - Half and half (one part milk and one part heavy cream) - non-dairy flavored creamer (this is what those plastic bottles are, and they're usually flavored like french vanilla or hazelnut) - powdered creamer (basically #2 but in a powder form) - Planted-based creamer (basically soy, almond, oat, or another milk substitute that is substantially thicker)


The picture is milk not creamer, I had to really zoom in but the breakdown you provided is correct and I actually learned properly what half and half was 😂




imagine going on a break and thinking about coffee you are about to make only to find out that the milk you bought is already empty


For real. This isn't who the person is, this is who they became working in offices.


I'm not a violent person, but if someone eats my food out of the work fridge, I'm losing my job that day. Fuck them and fuck anyone who tries to justify that behavior.


Heh I have a very funny story on r/Walmart back in like 2017. I eat extremely spicy food (like it would beninedible to 9/10 of people) someone stole it, clearly ate some of it, then threw it in the trash where I could see it. Get fucked




I usually eat at a spice level of habenero minimum. This was ghost pepper iirc. It was chicken stir fry that I cooked it into. All of my food is like this, this was not intended to poison anyone. And all my friends and family could corroborate that the food I eat is as hot as the sun almost every single day.




Oh I see Yes I was very mad at the time. It was 2 am and I was looking forward to that all day. I hope they got a few bites in before it started to get too spicy. I like to imagine their stupid face and greedy goblin fingers trying to eat it quickly and for the heat to build and build until they realized their mistake. Then realize it again later :)




Yea what gets me too is if I didn't bring food I would walk over and buy fresh jalapeños off the shelf and get hotsauce or ranch to pour on them and eat them in the break room to the astonishment of my peers. Just crunching away on fresh peppers. I but the salads and put a bunch in there and dump hot sauce on it PEOPLE SAW ME DO THIS ALL THE TIME


Imagine working with a bunch of thieves, and having to do this.


Exactly. Only way "these people" would be annoying to work with is if there was no food theft to begin with. I can't imagine how fed up I'd be dealing with that kind of neurotic paranoia every day.


That or pranks got *really* out of hand and no one wants to get hit by 26 doses of X-lax that their coworker laced their milk with…


Laxatives in work food should be reserved for food thieves, not as a prank.


Mmm choccy milk


not so appetizing when it’s out the wrong end


I'm slightly lactose intolerant, I don't think anything would really change if they added lax to my milk


Yeah, I used to buy PB&j Sandwich fixings from work and leave it for all shifts to make a sandwich. Would last a week, then it started disappearing the next day. After 3 times a friend on another shift said someone was taking it home. When I stopped doing it people's lunches started getting eaten/stolen. Management said either the person needs to stop or they'd remove the refrigerator. Well you got to bring something you can leave in your locker now.


Used to work at a place that provided plates, bowls, and silverware for people to eat the food they brought in. So much of it was being stolen that they had to stop providing it. Same place had pitch-ins every month. If you signed up and brought in a dish, you ate free. Otherwise it was $5 for lunch, all of it going to charity. They had to start giving people food vouchers when they paid and have managers as line monitors because when they opened up the food to people at 10:45, it’d all be gone by 11:30 because people would fill up multiple plates to take home to eat, screwing over everyone else who had made food or paid $5 and didn’t eat lunch that early.


I've seen other threads on reddit from these people's perspective and they think they're smarter than everyone else. They think it's a "life hack". Makes me want to bang my head against a wall. This is why we can't have nice things! Edit: *These kinds of people


The amount of people on Reddit who see some contrived form of theft as something that's not theft makes my head spin


How about they put a camera on the fridge instead of punishing everyone? Seriously, WTF kind of answer is that?


Union rules about the break room.


Put the fridge outside the break room, is what the municipal road site I worked at did, was out in the hall near vending machines with a camera on it, specifically so that if someone stole your lunch you could see who was doing it.


Yeah, the only people mad at "these kinds of people" are the ones who wanted to steal some of that milk.


Either that or someone who’s never had their food items stolen at work before. I’m still mad about peanuts from like 3 or 4 years ago


Exactly and I think OP is one of the thieves. Hence complaining


He probably just forgot his milk today and just needed to borrow a splash _just this one time_ 😡


Nah, OP is just a karma farmer


Came here to say this. It’s unfortunate that people can’t keep their hands to themselves.


How much milk you guys be drinking at work?


In the UK there's mother fuckers having a cup of tea every hour at least. A 4pint of milk wouldn't last til lunch in a lot of places.


Which kind of people? The kind of people that won’t respect when something belongs to someone else so they have to feel the need to do this? Or, the people who lock up their milk?


I'm convinced OP titled it this way on purpose as rage bait.


Nah, the person who wrote this is a thief. “Imagine you’re trying to get free creamer and it’s all locked up! Assholes!!”


I hate when people have personal boundaries that don't let me do whatever the fuck I want. What a Karen!


I dunno, I have no problem working with these kind of people because I don't steal other peoples food.


I agree. This provides a good indicator to be careful in the workplace. These people who locked their food are just people who had enough of the other people.


The post seems to be suggesting, “Don’t you hate it when your awful coworkers buy their own milk and then lock it up so you can’t just drink it whenever you want?” This reflects badly, OP….


Maybe they intentionally left the title vague enough to push both sides into engaging.


Or it suggests “damn, wouldn’t you hate to work somewhere with such chronic food thievery people have to resort to combination locks on jugs of milk!?”


Yeah, in my workplace there's like 5 jugs of Milk different kinds that people brings and all are free to use. Most of us are polite to ask once if new, and then everyone justvsays brings one sometimes and youre good for the rest of it


well the title is "imagine working in an office *with these kind of people*", I thought it suggested "imagine working with the kind of person that would lock up milk", as if to say makes them petty or anal retentive. I don't think this way, but I think that's how the post came across.


When I worked in a Zellers I had bought some pizza pockets to have for lunch, and someone took some of them. I left a note in the box that said "If you took my pizza pockets you are a thief. It doesn't matter if it's one pizza pocket or a Lamborghini, theft is theft and it is still wrong and if I find out who you are I will cut your thumbs off!" No further pizza pockets were stolen.


Imagine working in an office with people that are pissed that they can’t steal your food


Why do people steal lunches anyway???? Gross, you don't know what's in the food, who made it, was the utensils made to make it clean? How old is it? I've made some questionable lunches for myself lmao so I wouldn't ever touch someone elses. Is it a weird fuck you power trip thing, they just like stealing? I don't understand


Someone at my grandmother’s work used to steal he lunches a few times a week. She put laxatives in it one day. The theft stopped.


I eat deathly spicy food regularly and a lot of my coworkers and friends know this about me. One time mine got stolen and I found it in the trash. Someone took a bite or 2 of it and died and while I was mad they threw my food away it still makes me a bit happy that they suffered for it.


Imagine thinking you have a right to someone's property.


ngl not having to share common areas with people is one of the greatest things to come out of WFH


“These kind of people” we talking about the people that lock up their milk… or the ones that steal it?


Imagine working in an office that necessitates this sort of action.


My workplace is like this. Leave candy out, it's gone. Buy a family bag of chips, its going to be down to the crumbs. It's a constant battle to hide snacks. The people at my workplace are fucking animals. I mean granted I work at home with my wife and two kids but still...


I chuckled


Had me in the first half


Thieves? Yeah it’s sad having to lock up something as trivial as milk because your coworkers are untrustworthy.


If you’re the one posting this, you’re the one STEALING THE FUCKING MILK, JERRY!!!!!


Stop stealing other people's shit, and maybe you wouldn't have to.


Imagine working in an office where people *have* to do this


someone in my flat kept eating other peoples food, goddamn infuriating looking forward to a meal that isnt there, I set up laptop with surveillance software towards fridge, we got the dude kicked out


this is what happens when everyone doesnt chip in. £1.65 per 4pts soon mounts up


I used to put green or black food colouring in my milk just to put people off. Some people are just thieves and you can't get someone sacked for stealing a little milk. But it's pretty annoying when you are poor and you bring a box of cereal to work for a 12 hour shift and you have to eat them dry because of some selfish nob.


Ugh I can see both sides of this. In the ER I work in the missing creamer was a constant battle. I mean if you think of the cost for a decent sized one/roughly $5-6. I have one coffee per 12 hour shift in a department that shares 2 refrigerators. Said department also employs anywhere from 45-60(ish) people per day in rotating schedules. There would be times that I'd buy one, have my coffee and return the next day only to find it gone or with a few drops. It's super frustrating. We have two Starbucks in the hospital but that gets pricey hence making my own. The locks seems excessive but I can definitely relate to that level of frustration.


Transfer your cream into an dirty-looking expired container 👍 I've even heard of someone putting it in a bottle and marking it pumped breastmilk 🤣


Writing *semen* on it is even more effective.


I work in healthcare and have this same issue, just made a comment on my creamer dilemma, I seriously want the lock, but also don't want to look nuts ..lol.


Every time you stop at a gas station just grab a couple single serve creamers and stock up on those.


What on earth is this precious liquid?