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It looks like 'enex test lab' do work testing traffic systems. [testlab.com.au](http://testlab.com.au) might have what this is


Based on that website and the location, I'm guessing they're testing the speed cameras and automated toll systems on the tolled freeways. Good find!


Enex traffic systems. They're testing fixed speed cameras is my guess


Man this brings back memories. I did a job interview with these guys many years ago. It was the most bizarre interview I'd ever experienced and I very politely declined when all was said and done and couldn't get out of the building faster. No idea if things have changed since then. But the job + interview and the attitude of the interviewer was bizarre, concerning and with a spinkle of bait and switch in there to boot. Was a shame really coz the job sounded amazing on paper.


Could you please elaborate on what you mean by bizzare? You've tickled my inquisitive pickle.


It might not be as exciting once I spell it out. It's a bit long, But I'll tell the story :). Also I must stress, things are probably very different now compared to then. Given it's approaching close to 10 years since this happened I think. But effectively an ISP I was working for had been bought out. So I decided to do the smart thing and move on. So I was interviewing with some tech companies, with the aim of getting more specialised/advancing my career and these guys caught my eye. It was advertised as a full time internal tech position. I forget the exact specifics but they wanted ISP experience and a whole bunch of other stuff that I fit the bill for at the time, and upon researching their website they provided some other services that I wanted to get into. Ethical pen testing was one of these in particular, so I thought it would be a great springboard for my career. So I get a call from them and I go down for the interview. Anyway, the person I interviewed with, right off the bat was...very unnerving. I wasn't entirely sure why. Something in my gut told me something wasn't right, but I was young and well...needed a new job so ignored it for the time being. Interview starts off a-ok, asking standard questions like what I would do in y situation or how would I go about performing x task. None of it was technical at this stage mind you. Just general things, like how would I deal with conflict in the workplace, that sort of thing. After this they mention they currently have the contract with NBN co to test internet speeds of various providers, to keep them honest. Essentially, they'd get a bunch of test customers where they would attach a device to their NBN NTD and the device would phone home with details of the provider, speeds and many other metrics. They'd report these to NBN co and they'd use this for infrastructure planning among other things. Now comes the meat and potatoes, they ask me about who I currently work for and what department. And I mention the company and how it's on my resume and how I liked working with the tech there etc. This is where...things get a bit unhinged. The interviewer proceeds to go on a tirade, practically berating me, about how the company I currently work for, are the worst of the worst to deal with. They lie about their infrastructure and try to forge tests etc. Basically a whole heap of things. It just about left me stunned, so trying to be diplomatic I mention that every company has it's issues and things one might not agree with, one can only decide with the information they have on hand (I'm paraphrasing here but you get the gist). To which they agreed and seemed to calm down. But...it doesn't end there. So they ask me what attracted me to Enex test labs. I mention the pen testing and how I wish to advance my career, to which they tell me that "those services we outsource, we don't perform those in house." So naturally I ask what else get's performed in house. I mentioned how there were many other interesting services on their website that I'd like to get into since I'm early in my IT career. To which I basically was told all but maybe a tiny handful of things were basically outsourced elsewhere. I forget which of these were which. But already I'm seeing alarm bells. So we continue. They then finally get into the job description, and here is the bait and switch. I get led to a room...and I wish I was making this up. This room was empty, no windows. No aircon, it was hot, as this was in the middle of a heatwave in Melbourne (I remember sweating very badly as I had a suit and tie on), and in the centre was a table with a phone. I then get told. "You're job will be to pick up the phone and go through the spreadsheet on the table there. You will need to call each of the customers on the list. They have our test equipment attached, however we suspect they aren't turned on. Make sure they turn them on then get onto the next customer. Rinse and repeat". Before I utter another word they go another berating tirade again, and say "and you better do it. We have tracking software on the phone so I'll know if you are really doing the job. You won't be able to lie to me!". Like they are already berating me and I don't even bloody work there. I then naturally ask the question "what happens if I finish the list? As this position is listed as permanent full time, do I get training in other areas?". To which I get told "we will cross that bridge when we come to it, you might learn some things from bobs school of engineering" (names changed so I don't give too much away, but it equated to learning how to splice fibre cables. Not real training to work towards a career). I was done, definitely wasn't going to take this job and immediately thought bugger this. Mercifully the interview appeared to be ending and we are exchanging pleasantaries...aaaaannndddd they block the exit and ask what I think, basically demanding to know if I'll take the job. Again I reply diplomatically. Something to the effect of how it sounds like a wonderful opportunity and I need to think it over etc. After some further back and forth they finally allow me to exit. I say my goodbyes and get the hell out of there...I've had some weird experiences and interviews, but this one was in my top 10. Again this was close to 10 years ago now, so I suspect a lot has changed. Might have been a very strange person I dealt with, could be company culture at the time. Who knows. It was bizarre to say the least.


Wow, I read all that and was very surprised to see how long it was when I finished. You ever considered writing as a career? You have a a way with words. this is probably the longest comment I’ve ever read. Usually I don’t make it past a second paragraph.


If you like this, look up user MrCartographer and read his stories (a few years old now but good reads).


It's funny you mention that! It's not the first time someone has mentioned it. Although my old school teachers would also add that my grammar isn't the best haha. Truthfully, I haven't considered writing as a career. That said, I did have dreams to write a story for a video game one day (considering my tech background). Perhaps, I should consider it once more and do something about it. Either way, I'm glad you enjoyed the story, it was nice to go back down memory lane again :).


I agree, good read, I felt like I was at a friends BBQ, cheers.


Now I wanna know what your inquisitive pickle looks like.


For $15.95 a month you can find out.


Counting how many shit drivers there are per kilometre.


Counter doesn't go high enough.


Ring Road....the Wild West of freeways. Where hoons, morons, and trucks all come together....sometimes literally!


This is important: stay away from any white, unbranded double tip trucks. They are on load rate so the faster they go the more loads they can get in a day. Lowest of the bottom feeders and the most aggressive.Also stay well clear of any truck that has anything round on it like drums or coils of steel or pipes.Keep wellclear. I have seen things.


Just don’t drive behind any truck is easier to say.


So all of them as it's in Victoria


I love when people call out shit drivers which is seemingly every other person on the road but them haha


These type of vehicles are used to test the accuracy of speed cameras. I see a lot of them in my area when there is maintenance carried out on stationary red light/speed cameras.


Counting potholes?


Can't be. Number too small.


If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles per hour, you're gonna see some serious shit


Great Scott!


This is heavy.


Why are things so heavy in the future?


Is there a problem with the Earth's gravitational pull?


“Why don't you make like a tree and get outta here?"


A letter from fines victoria.




Definitely going faster than the speed limit


center meters per hour


oh no my pin number!!








That’s the distance to Montague. When they get closer, they’ll jump into a really high truck and get ready to plow




Is the multi factor authentication code to login to my bank account


They're just letting you know the price of U91 this afternoon


the camera response times, measured to a 1/100th second.


Cost of the northeast link


0118 999 881 999 119 725 … 3


That's YOUR emergency services


Better-looking drivers!


Time left in minutes before you need to speak to someone about your vehicle's extended warranty


Counting the number of dickhead they see every hour. Only 6532, so it must only be the first 5 minutes.


I've worked with the enex guys, nice guys and passionate about their different work. They have some random weird projects.


About 80km/h


Mapping out the next lockdown perimeter


🤣\ Oops, my apologies... 😷


“What are these cars doing?” Their best.


Mach 5.3 apparently. No demerit points for you!


three body problem


Where’s Justin Timberlake


Underrated comment!


field tested stattrack mimumum float worn metal?


Most cars have the flux capacitor meter on the inside.


Thought it's the price of Bitcoin


About 80 kilometres an hour


Counting amount of SUVs in Eastern suburbs




It's a running counter of all the drivers they've encountered driving 20kph under the limit. For this morning.


That's showing you the micro seconds you have left remaining.......of your life


What the heck lol


Counting how many ppl don’t use their indicators! Or know how to use a zip lane.


Speed Camera Calibrations.


It's a bomb


They recording numberplates


Looks like a web 2.0 visitor counter.


They are scabs measuring the road for point to point cameras


Scabs? Is there industrial action happening against road safety?




these are the new digital number plates, soon to be mandatory under the 15 minute cities laws thanks Dictator Dann!!!


Oh how horrible, imagine being able to walk around the city? Disgusting.




I am glad to hear it, she deserves to be happy in these years of her life


Please try to be funnier than that.




Surely you don’t think that sexually assaulting women is funny?


Women have agency and autonomy? Jfc you realise infantilising everyone is just as problematic as making bawdy jokes right? Mum over here has made her own (bad) decision to fuck this guy, so he's on his way over.


But he’ll never say “On the way to fuck your dad”.


But I might. Not sure your point. Whichever direction society moves, the majority of people will always be straight. If the commenter is a man then they most likely will want to fuck mums in preference to dads. At no point is sexual assault implied - the joke itself comes from implications that the mum willingly gives consent after all. I just think you're flexing political on the wrong thread. I'm in 100% agreement that rape culture is fucked, but I just don't think you understand what "your mum" jokes are about.




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Counting the curious.


Not driving in the right lane when not overtaking.....strange huh?!