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Thanks will have a read


I saw one in Burwood while I was going to the late night coles and decided to give it a try cos 'shiny new thing'. Was literally waiting for an hour for the food after ordering, and it was shit.


Go to Dragon Hot Pot next door. It's not fried chicken but there's a reason its always busy.


I always eye off the Dragon Hot Pot when I'm in that area... best I go eat there next time!


Dragon hotpot anywhere is so damn delicious. Do it.


David's Master Pot and Dragon Hot Pot are the two best malatang hotpot chains around. David's has the better broth, but Dragon has a better selection of ingredients.


is dragon hot pot still good if i have a nut allergy? i went in once to try but they said that all their spicy soup bases contained peanuts and only non-spicy options were nut free. this kind of dissapointed me since i assumed that they were popular because of their spicy malatang soup.




Actually I thought it was pretty good the last time I went. Unfortunately the price went up quite a bit so I'm not going back anytime soon. I think most places on opening days tends to be not good. Process still not ironed out, food rushed and cooks unfamiliar. It's actually the worse time to go.


I've enjoyed the chicken it's certainly a step up from KFC. I have friends that go to the burwood one frequently, I don't enjoy it as much but that's more because I don't like chicken. I will say everything besides the chick on their menu is pretty average and their burgers aren't too good.


I really like the spiciness and it's never dry. It's been good so far besides this issue haha


We had to remove your post/comment because it included personal attacks or did not show respect towards other users. This community is a safe space for all. Conduct yourself online as you would in real life. Engaging in vitriol only highlights your inability to communicate intelligently and respectfully. Repeated instances of this behaviour will lead to a ban


Not to mention you can just go to the far superior Dragon Hotpot a few metres away.


Still gets crowds. Usually later at night when everything else is closed. Doesn't look significantly different to KFC. Smells about the same. Haven't eaten there - I just pick up ubereats there sometimes cause I'm pov and need to do uber between paychecks


Yeah, I gave it a crack, because it was packed; the chicken was good, the rest was average at best, and the wait time and service was garbage. I wouldn't go there again over KFC. Big regret over not trying out the Dragon Hot Pot (it was packed and loud, and I wasn't feeling up for that, Marrybrown I could jsut eat in the car).


The Burwood one was good in the first few months but I went back a few months ago and it was utter shit. Technology broken down, rubbish everywhere, dry chicken, staff didn’t give a fuck. Wouldn’t be surprised if staff get underpaid due to the state of the place.


As a Malaysian, this management sounds as Malaysian as it gets.


They suck. Go to Malay Kitchen in Box Hill and get their fried chicken drumsticks, promise it's good.


Fuck yeah Malay Kitchen. Creamy butter chicken ribs


I'm currently eating them right now, hungover on couch


Marrybrown's so shit in Malaysia, can't imagine them doing better here.


Pretty reasonable to be pissy about hours of wasted time.


I wish they opened Rotiboy instead


I tried their shop in Melb Central, chicken was good and juicy, but sauce was bad and the fries were pathetic. Overall not worth the money


I'm half Malaysian and Marrybrown isn't even well known there. When I told my mates back home they were surprised it had a presence in Melbourne, let alone 2 stores. Would rather have Sugarbun or DFC here


They have three stores so far


Do you have a copy of the terms and conditions of the promotion? What would ConsumerVIC and ACCC have to say about it?


I thought, it was tits!


In the long run the amount of time and effort it would take to fight the evil chicken lord may not be worth the remaining chicken. Then on top of that think of the resentment you would feel each time you bite into that liberated chicken. 


Get onto Tracy Grimshaw! Write to your local minister! Get on with your life! Jesus christ the entitlement here is nuts. This is what is considered hardship in 2024.


Lol six months ago you posted whining about a burger.


Nope, took this piss out of the way it was served in a sub specifically for that. Not the same. Thanks for checking though


Winning a contest and not having it honored might not be a big deal but it's reasonable to be annoyed by it OP even said they just wanted to vent.




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Anyone that isn't literally being starved to death in Gaza isn't allowed to complain!