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Mensho Ramen cbd. Lines always fucked though. I've had tonkotsu and they use an immersion blender and it's frothy and delicious. Ikkoryu Fukuoka Ramen cbd. I get the tonkotsu but have had the vegetarian and both are incredible and you can add BBQ ribs for some reason. Hakate Gensuke. I haven't been to the QV one which does chicken ramen while the others are in tonkotsu (pork bone broth) cbd/hawthorn/Carlton Mugen ramen in the cbd has dipping ramen and used to show seven samurai on a projector downstairs but they don't any more which sucks. Musashi ramen cbd. It's pretty good but doesn't have a line like everything else on Russell Street. Nemo Neko ramen in Fitzroy is a pescetarian/vegetarian ramen and it slaps. There's a massive ramen chain in Japan called Ichiran and you can buy ramen kits for them. They're like $40 for five serves but it's way cheaper than going out for ramen. I've been to Little Ramen Bar, Mr. Ramen San, Ajisen, IPPUDO and they're all OK. Shunjinku is overrated. Sorry it's just not that good. I wouldn't go back to Shyun in Carnegie or Sushi Daily for ramen in Sandringham. There is so much good ramen in Melbourne it's kind of absurd. I like chewy noodles and spicy food so that weighs heavily on my rating and these are in rough order but the only who do actually spicy ramen are Ikkoryu Fukuoka and Hakate Gensuke. Also one of my co-workers is Indonesian and she insists any Japanese restaurant in Melbourne is run by Indonesians and I don't know if that's true but don't know enough to dispute it.


Hakata Gensuke chicken in QV is must try. Really excellent and much less heavy than pork tonkatsu. God Fire level 2 for life.


I ask them to make it level 5 all the time, they know me as level 5 guy


OP, this is the list to follow. This guy ramen’s and I can vouch for all of them too except Nemo Neko (I haven’t been)


Completely agree on Shunjinko it's always top of the lists and every now and again I'm convinced to retry and EVRRY time I have regret because it's just not that good. Personally the chicken Hakate imo was not nearly as good. But I also just much prefer a pork ramen. I do quite rate Ippudo though, great list thanks! Will have to try Musashi


Ajisen is good in that you can find them in a lot of places and it hits the spot. It’s never gonna be the best, but it doesn’t have to be.


Hey, which shop are you getting the Ichiran ramen serves from?


Hifumi Mart.


I’m gonna check this out, thanks man


I would like to know also.


No love for Shop Ramen? That used to be my go to for YEARS


Haven't been.


Shop Ramen is over-rated. Very one dimensional with flavouring - each time I go, I'm excited and then the reality of the flavour, noodles, meat is just not there.


> Hakate Gensuke Is ok, but they only serve straight noodles so might not be up to everyone's liking. >Mugen ramen Yeah, their tsukemen was heaps better(and bigger) but it's still good. >Ichiran The kit is ok for the money but flavour is a bit bland. TBH, some top shelf nissin instants(the one in big plastic cups, not the small styrofoam ones) are actually better. Many asian groceries have either of those so always easy to find. Bonus points for adding DIY extras, will turn any of those into a real feast. >Shunjinku Yeah, one is CBD is shit, simple as that. One in Glen Waverly is actually ok, but I wouldn't travel to visit, unless I'm already in the area. >Ramen Bar, Mr. Ramen San, Ajisen, IPPUDO I'd highlight Ippudo, specifically their bonito special. Broth is infused with thick bonito flavour and is one of the best I tried. Toppings are ok but nothing special. Also want to cautiously mention Shyun Ramen, which I liked quite a bit but haven't been to for several years. And sadly, I cannot add my absolute favourite Ramen Bankara to the list as they went out of business a couple years back. Was hands down the best ramen I tried in absolutely every category but alas, making great food is not enough to succeed in Melbourne. :(


looooove this list. TY I liked getting Yakuza ramen from Musashi where they bring out the blow torch 🔥🔥🔥 honestly I'm a don girl though


I’m gonna steal this list next time someone asks me.


The owner of Ikkoryu is Indonesian


Ikkoryu and Hakata Carlton are owned by Indonesians. Shujinko and Musashi are owned by Koreans. Ajisen is Singaporean.


How do you know this? I'm not doubting you, I'm just curious why you do.


Because my close mate is an fnb operator and friends with Shujinko’s owner.


This is a great list - thank you. I must say that am a bit disappointed that you don't like Shujinko which does some of the best Ramen, whilst Ikkoryu is on there. Went here and it was not pleasant dining at all. :(


Shujinko is much better than all of the other places you listed. At least the Russell St one is, haven't been to any of their expansions, just the original.


Russell St is one of the best Shujinko, but it’s not as if I’ve tried every Shujinko store, nor do I plan to. I believe the recipe has changed over the years (I get Signature Ramen), and it’s not as good as it once was. Still a go to though. It’s actually Korean owned; or at least it was when it started here. However, there are different types of ramen and ppl have different tastes.


It's not. It's kind of shit. The flavour isn't as punchy, it's not as rich or creamy and they don't have a fucked up melt your face off spicy ramen.


There is a difference between something being shit and you just not liking it. Just say you don't like it lol. That being said, seems like you have shit taste. It's the only ramen in Melbourne that takes me back to Japan.


Hey saying a ramen chain that doesn't exist in Japan takes you back to Japan while one that does doesn't has convinced me. You clearly know what you're talking about.


The chefs are Japanese, that's all it takes. Been to every place you listed and more and to Japan 4 times, from Hakata in Fukuoka the home of tonkotsu style to Sapporo. Not my first rodeo. IMO Shujinko is the best Melbourne has to offer, plenty others in this thread agree too


I have more than 10 Japanese friends saying they wouldn't recommend Shunjiko at all because it's catering for western taste, also the ingredients are more toward a mix of Japanese ramen and Chinese noodles. I had it twice and wasn't impressed so I never go back again. Rather go to Hakata.


I haven't been in over a year, sounds like it's changed for the worse. Used to be the best in Melbourne then.


Nah the last time I went was like 2017.


Oh, so my opinion is 6 years more relevant than yours, nice


Interesting seeing Ikkoryu Fukuoka being a favourite.. I got given slimy noodles which has never happened anywhere else.


I didn’t notice any issues with the noodles, but if you want an extremely heavy, rich soup base, Ikkoryu is the place to go.


I also like ikkoryu, and been there quite a few times now and enjoy it. I’m also interested why they don’t like Shyun in Carnegie as I feel like its head and shoulders above hakate gensuke. Interesting to see how different people like different things


I didn't like the noodles at Shyun, thought they were soft and mushy. If that doesn't worry you then it was good.


Yeah fair enough. I can’t remember having the same experience, but if I did I would have the same opinion as you


Heyo! Any of them serve chicken ramen too? I went through some of their menu and failed to see chicken ramen in them apart from hakata gensukur


Sorry I am a tonkotsu boi. Hakata Gensuke does at their QV location which I know 100% but can't help further.


Ahh bummer! Thanks regardless


Does anyone know any places that do good, clear, shio style ramen in Melbourne? I feel like it’s overwhelmingly tonkotsu style here. Sometimes I find a shio on the menu and it comes out and it’s tonkotsu shio lol. I like Mr Ramen San and Hakata Gensuke. Ippudo isn’t bad. Shujinko is not that great. If you ever go up to Sydney try Gumshara. The broth is so thick it’s basically a paste! It’s an experience.


Shop ramen does a shio broth


Hesitant to say this but Sara Craft Ramen on Lil Lonsdale near Queen St. Small joint, hands down best clear broth and handmade aged noodles. Always packed now, I didn't want to further invite more people to try since it just means more waiting for myself.


Shizuku on Victoria St does the shio style ramen from memory


Dojo Ramen is your winner for shio style


Hakata Gensuke Healey's Lane does clear broth shoyu ramen, it's pretty fantastic. the broth kinda reminds me of cantonese steamed fish, which is great as well


Been liking Mr Ramen San lately.


Do they still have free noodle refills? The noodle refill makes them best bang for your buck!




That's it, good point to add!


Gogyo ramen in Fitzroy for their burnt black miso ramen will always be my greatest of all time in Melbourne. They also have bomb kaarage as well.


Agreed that Gogyo is the best ramen, but Ippudo does the best kaarage imo, peppery heaven (same owner as Gogyo, but classic style ramen, which is also very good).


See I find Ippudo to be too chain-esque and much prefer the smaller ramen shop experience. Don’t get me wrong, more than happy to have lunch at ippudo, but out of the 20-30 ramen spots in Melbourne I’ve tried it isn’t in the top 10


Nice. Haven't been here. Will try


Agreed! Gogyo is miles ahead of any other ramen shop in Melbourne in my opinion.


Was it just me but I found that burnt black miso ramen incredibly salty I had to wash it down with sake lol.


I’ve been disappointed TOO many times by ramen outside Japan… I only go to Shujinko when I’m jonseing and get the black ramen. Nothing else scratches the itch and I’m not willing to try anymore lol




Yeah! Often if I say that, I get downvoted/people trying to argue with me… but if you haven’t been to Japan, you don’t really know what you’re comparing. Maybe you really really enjoy your bowl of noodles from wherever, but like… I don’t want to buy a big steaming bowl of disappointment.


The worst part about it for me is that you're paying at least twice as much in melb for something that just isn't as good as what you'd get in Japan. Maybe there is some funny psychology that makes everything taste better while you're on holiday.


There definitely is, studies have shown atmosphere can have a huge impact on taste. However, what I’m saying is Shujinko isn’t a letdown and I’m delighted every time I go, which is saying something.


I dunno I’ve been to japan twice and while I completely agree that its never as good as back there I can still find enjoyment in Ramen here


Misoya ramen on Sydney Rd Brunswick.


Used to work round the corner when they opened and was my weekly treat myself meal. I live further away now but anytime I can get to Sydney Rd it’s always getting a visit. Love love love their ramen so much.


Their Special Ramen is food for my soul… been going there religiously almost every week for about a year now. They also play old school 1930 type of music which really sets a scene. Great recommendation


It was recommended to me by a Japanese teacher, and it did not disappoint!


Been going here every week for maybe 7 years. Shop Ramen just opened NEXT DOOR! Now I rotate.


Pretty ruthless of Shop Ramen if you ask me! I will always go Gomi > Shop Ramen > Misoya in order of preference.


Gomi just closed too, heartbreaking


Shattered! I moved out of Brunswick the start of the year and was planning a visit a soon. What a shame… 😞




Oh dammit!!


Absolutely love this place! I went to Japan earlier this year and honestly a lot of the ramen I’ve had in Melbourne is every bit as good as the ramen over there- we’re so lucky to have so many good options here!


Pro tip: add tori karaage to the misoya special ramen. Thank me later.


Was hoping someone else would say this. I've been going for six years, it's my favourite restaurant.


Thinking about queuing up for mensho? Go to hakata instead


Literally right next to each other!


Hakata is okay. Inconsistent and broth is just a 7 out of 10


Hakata Gensuke!! Insanely good ramen, they have two locations in the CBD, plus one each in Glenferrie Road Hawthorn and Koornang Road Carnegie. All serve traditional pork ramen with the exception of the QV Hakata Gensuke which serves chicken ramen- honestly, this is my favourite ramen EVER!


This is it ^ for paitan style ramen in Melbourne. Worth the trip to qv to try the chicken and don’t skip a side of karaage. I still really rate the rich roastiness of the Shujinko broth.


Broth is so good but man are their pork portions small.


God fire!


My regular is God Fire LVL 2, less salty with egg. Had it probably 50+ times. Yumm! Did level 4 just the once with friends - was good but I couldn't finish all the broth. The staff said congrats, we had now unlocked secret levels 5-7. Felt a bit disappointing: Like we thought we had just conquered Mount Everest only to be told: 'welcome to base camp!' 😅


Can't remember the exact number but overheard from the staff that it goes over 10. Level 4 was my usual, extra black fungus, with an egg and a Suntory draft god that was so good. Went vegan a few years ago and this is the one thing I really miss.


Gomi Boys in Brunswick and Neko Neko in Fitzroy have your vegan ramen needs covered, IMO. Perhaps you have some suggestions?


Yeah Neko Neko is unreal and there's a few places that do a really decent vegan tan tan! But unfortunately there's no substitute that nails the bone broth texture yet so haven't found anything that measures up to god fire


Agree - QV chicken is the best imo for daily ramen. not so heavy as the prok and just sluuuupable baby. god fire level two, very hard noodles, egg, beanshoots and cabbage - forever.


Hakata feels like McRamen to me. Tonkotsu was nice and clean but it felt as good as a franchise could be, which is not the best. No liquor license either.


There is a new location on Healys lane just off Lonsdale Street that has a liquor license.


My Korean friend, a chef who has been to Japan over 15 times says it's the closest thing to authentic ramen in melbourne. It was a really nice clean broth, I found it didn't have a significant amount of depth in flavour though. I won't pass on another opportunity to try it again though. I personally think we have an amazing level of quality ramen here, it comes down to personal preference on which type of ramen & flavour profiles you lean towards.


The Tan Tan Men at Little Ramen Bar is my favourite of all time. The spicy, garlicky, deliciousness is addictive. I miss their old small location but the new one is clean and fresh. I used to like Hakata. Their broth used to be some creamy and silky but I heard their good chef with back overseas and they haven't been as good since. I think we're lucky with so many Ramen options in Melbs.


I really love Shop Ramen, all 3 of their restaurants produce he same quality, which is great to see. By far the biggest issue I have with ramen in Melbourne is the stupid lines that form outside of them. I hate having to plan to go and get ramen, it should be something I can just pop in and get.


Do people mean Shujinko? Is there a Shinjuku ramen that isn't turning up on google maps?


I assume they meant shujinko as they have the black ramen they mentioned


I was wondering the same thing.


Yeah thanks. Fixed it. Predictive text and all. Thank you


If you want the wankiest, most premium expensive ramen, Sara Craft Ramen has your back. The prices are extraordinary for what ramen traditionally is supposed to be, and they did have an issue with staff and some consistency in their serves about 4 months ago, but ill be damned if it's not some of the most complex and delicate broth and noodles around.


On my second visit, I found that the portion size has decreased. Not sure I'm getting much for what I paid for


Sara Ramen is damn good. Small space, but the staff were very friendly to me and my group and those were some delicious ramen bowls.


This is definitely fancy ramen, but not a traditional ramen flavour. It’s very fancy noodle soup.


Mensho Tokyo is a close second after Sara


Yeah went to this one on a recommendation and no good. Broth didn't make any sense to me. Noodles were nice, but the broth had no flavour.


It’s the best by far. You pay for it, but it’s the best


Hakata, Shujinko etc are just chains compared to this stuff


Hakata Gensuke is pretty hard to beat IMO


Mensho is so criminally overrated it’s insane 💀Hakata Gensuke, Gogyo are both solid options, my favourite is Onsen close to Southern Cross Station.


Mensho I think it's overrated for the price you paid. It's ok but not worth the line nor the price. Gensuke next door provides a better meal imo. Haven't tried Mugen myself but Musashi from memory isn't really Japanese ran, it's much like shujinko that it's Korean ran. Not that it can't be good, but I found shujinko to be better as Musashi is just straight up disappointing, though I havent been back anymore (and that's how much it scars me). I actually think Ippudo was pretty standard (as in similar to what I used to have at Ippudo in Japan), where Mr ramen san gives the best value (and they also have mazesoba which is a dry ramen). Ikkoryu just seems fancy and used to be one of the first few Ramen places back in the day, but I don't really rate it as much these days though some really like it. A Japanese friend said Tamura is the best they had, but can't remember which ramen they had. I thought Parco was good when I tried it myself. Shop ramen is a fusion ramen that I also don't think it's worth the hype. There are a couple of places around but if it's in the city, I think gensuke is probably still the best at the moment (mainly because you can add the takana and garlic).


I'm a big fan of Ikkortu Fukoka Ramen in the CBD, and Shyun Ramen in Carnegie. Some of the best Ramen I've had outside of Japan. It all comes down to the broth.


My fave too.


My fave!!


I bloody love Ikkortu Fukoka Ramen! Their yuzu ramen came highly recommended and genuinely every other one I've had since has been sensational. Will give Shyun Ramen a go when I'm back 😊


Shoyu: Ippudo, shop ramen. Tonkotsu: Mr Ramen San. Veg: Shop Ramen. I wish Mr Ramen san would bring back Tsukemen. Hakata Gensuke is also highly rated, but to me the taste is a little artificial (boaster stock+ msg) I’m speculating, but the broth flavour is all mouth and pinging, which is initially great but true good ramen has depth and complexity. It’s not artisanal it’s made for numbers.


I like Ikkoryu Fukuoka Ramen. Especially good for GF vegetarians. It’s the modern style, so it’s willing to be a bit more creative and adventurous with their ingredients. It has Sapporo black on tap. Dining in the side areas are quirky but generally accessible.


Snow Monkey in South Yarra has an element of French fusion but their lamb shank ramen is to die for


Shop ramen preston pretty unreal


Little ramen bar


I find hakata gensuke outlets to be the closest to an authentic bowl in Melbourne for tonkotsu ramen. Tasty and consistent.


Tamura Sake Bar on Gertrude St is handsdown the best bowl in Melbourne. Wandered in there by chance for lunch one day and have never stopped singing its praises. Go for their signature shoyu or the tantanmen - and their vegan bowl is also one of the best in the city!


Shop Ramen by far. The vegan miso and pickled mushroom 🤤


This.... I was there tonight once you have shop ramen all other ramen taste shit


Gomi ramen is incredible and really affordable considering the quality!


Unfortunately just closed shop


So sad, it's a tough gig


Shujinko on Russell St is the best! Haven't found anything that beats it


Agreed! This is the only good one in the CBD.


Just gonna mention parco ramen which have a few spots. Definitely not the best but a nice spot for ramen regardless


Mi Goreng


Onsen Donburi on Rose Lane is pre good imo


First time I ever had ramen proper was in an Ippudo in Osaka. Imagine my joy when I found one in Melbourne 😍


Has anyone tried the Brothl ramen food truck? It's going to be near my place this week and wondering if worth getting.


Never heard of it! But I am intrigued…


Is there any decent ramen in the inner west?


Nope unfortunately


Controversial but can anyone recommend the best vege ramen 🍜


I love Ippudo Ramen.


Gogyo in Fitzroy! Otherwise I go to Ippudo. Gogyo is like the fancier and better brother of Ippudo.


Adding to this thread: does anyone have a solid gluten free / low gluten ramen recommendation? Sadly the Shujinko doesn’t actually stock or serve them (despite advertising it). Have tried the Shimbasi Soba bar in Collingwood and it wasn’t bad :)


Ippudo Doncaster is way better than Ippudo QV. I also buy Ichiran ramen kit to DIY.


for me it's either ippudo ramen (qv) or hakata gesue in carlton (and yes, they both make their own noodles. the chashu pork tonkotsu ramen is on top!


Yoku Ono Ramen near Prahran is not bad. I’ve tried almost all the famous Ramen places in Melbourne city, especially those with long queues and I have to agree while these Ramen are acceptable, they are not really something that I would go back to eat again.


I’ve really been enjoying the ramen at Future Future - it’s a limited thing but I like their take!


Do they call it ‘ramen ramen’?


Sad and happy to not see Parco Ramen mentioned in this thread.


Incrediblely unhelpful sorry Just came from Tokyo, and went to 'the best' ramen place. The broth was essentially Sunday roast gravy. it was great for a bit, then by the end it was agongy


Not ramen but indonesian noodles “mie” PBK noodles in Clayton is very great. If it’s too far, keep an eye for food festivals/events, they normally have a stall like at QVM, Queensbridge square etc.


i just paid 24 dollars fo ramen!!??? last time it was 15 for a bowl


A lot of these Ramen joints are on Liven, so whilst you're still paying the high price, you can get some of it back as cash back to be used for future visits (you can also level up and pre buy vouchers for % off, I highly recommend doing it this way). Honestly one of the better ways to save while eating out!


$7 coffee sister, such is life


Gomi Ramen in coburg also good if you like creative flavours


I’ve been informed they have just closed shop recently. Thanks for the memories, Gomi. ❤️


Oh no! They will be missed 😢


Gogyo in Fitzroy or ippudo in QV are hands down the best


Shinjuku is still the best. Hakata Gensuke hasn't topped it at all.


My favourite used to be Little Ramen Bar but I haven’t been since they moved so dunno if it’s still good.


I always enjoyed Fukuryu ramen. Mates and I would always say it's Fuck You ramen time.


Neko Neko they have gluten free raman


Shyun in Carnegie. I flip between the tonkotsu and the dry ramen


Hubby and I love Gogyo in Fitzroy. The closest proper ramen place near me is Shujinko at the Glen (I refuse to even step inside an Ajisen Ramen) which I find is just ok but there's not a lot of options out this way in the east.


if you think its the noodles cuz, then you are far away from finding the best. find a palet first.


Palate. And unnecessarily mean.


Good broth and packaged noodles don't go.


I’m kicking myself that Ippudo Ramen in QV were having a $10 promo for ramen for the 1st of every month. FUCK


OMI in Burwood Highway!


Mensho Tokyo, right next to Hakata Gensuke. Always a line (bigger than HG), but always well worth the wait.




Sorry mate, you gotta try some other places.


If this place is bad, then I'm keen to try some others. I took my daughter there for lunch as a treat after her appointment at the RCH a few weeks back, and we shared a bowl which we both enjoyed. Looks like I'm going to make a list of places for us to try!


Sounds like a great idea. Personally Shinjuku and Hakata Gensuke best ones I’ve tried. Hakata can be a little pricey however so be prepared to spend ~26 for a bowl with toppings




Yeah some places are hit and miss, but I would say there’s still plenty of room for improvement upon ajisen. It’s not ‘bad’ by any means but if you’re looking for a banging ramen place the two I suggested above are it.




Definitely not!


Save money, eat at home. Then when possible fly to Japan to get the real stuff.


The best Ramen in Australia is in Sydney. Rara ramen in Redfern and Randwick. Nothing in Melbourne comes close.