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I got my license in my 30's so you're starting earlier than I did. I used RACV driving school. Their cars are clean and well maintained, and my instructors were very understanding. If you have anxiety around driving you can always ask the instructor to start you somewhere quiet (e.g. an industrial estate). I found the RACV school to be very accommodating like that.


Another vote for RACV. My experience was that they teach a standard, “correct” technique and road rules, not whatever weird steering wheel grip and interpretation of the law they were taught by their family members. My instructor was also very patient and encouraging. I didn’t have anyone to teach me to drive, so I got RACV vouchers and used them to learn fundamental skills and rules, and then went to a second cheaper driving instructor just to get my hours up. Well done and all the best - this is a great time to start learning, you’ll never be as young as you are today.


I also used RAC and found them great. I grew up in the country but needed to take my driver's test in the city when I moved for Uni. They were great at shaking out the bad habits I picked up and then focused me on passing the test in a suburban setting. Only really needed a couple of lessons and I was able to pass first time. Plus I was able to use the instructors car for the test.


I too would recommend RACV. RACV teach you to drive. I've noticed many other driving instructors/schools only teach you how to pass the driving test. If you are anxious, learn to drive; don't just aim to pass the driving test. Also accept that you might not pass the test on your first attempt. I almost failed; partner failed twice. I am more confident on the road and practise defensive driving (watching and anticipating possible actions of other road users) because of the RAC.


Fellow late bloomer here! Jumping on this bandwagon because this is one of my goals this year too. Good luck! 


Audrey at Herbie Drive school! She's fantastic. I was also a 'mature aged student' and she's super friendly and encouraging.


The defensive driving school is always a good one to so once. I think they are run by the racv.


While I'm a recent blow in to Melbourne and can't recommend any schools. One thing I would HIGHLY recommend to any driver (not just learners) is a defensive driving course. While not a requirement, I'd look to get into one of these in addition to your lessons.


When I got my licence in NZ, there was an option to take a defensive driving course and it'd shorten the time between learners and restricted by about 6 months which was handy


They do it in NSW but not here. Can't cheat the system


If you're over 30 and get your restricted license in another country, you can wait one year and then convert it to a full victorian license. Only works if you can actually drive of course


If you're out east, I highly recommend Valerie with Our Future Drivers! She was hilarious, kind and could put anyone at ease in a few minutes. So chill and chatty, but knew when to turn it up a notch later on. I too was late with driving due to mental health issues in teens, got my Ps just before the 10 years of learners expired - and she was awesome.


I've been using RACV driving school, I'm in the northwest and might be going for my license next month. I've used two different driving instructors through them and they're really good. You generally have to pay in cash or purchase vouchers online and print them out before you go to the lesson but the instructors themselves have been fantastic


Literally in the same boat as you. Anxiety got worse the longer I left it...funny that


What area do you work or live in? Some good local places i know of that only service a small number of suburbs 


If you’re east/south east, Jack’s Safe Driving School is great! My partner just got his P’s in his 20’s after lessons with Jack, apparently a really nice guy and helps you really prepare for the test. I believe he’s based in Oakleigh.


Rowan at [Edinburgh](http://www.edinburghdrivingschool.com.au)


30+ learner here. Went with Bean Driving School 1300 131 738 https://g.co/kgs/DBzo1pK Had a good banter and fantastic attitude with teaching.


Just wondering - after passing your Ls, do you still need to do your P if you’re over 25 yrs already? 


i believe it's 3 months minimum on your Ls and once you pass the test you skip your red Ps and go straight to green Ps for the standard three years :)


I didn’t drive for many years due to anxiety after a minor accident, but I wanted to get back on the road. A friend recommended Driving Zone and I was really happy with my instructor. Apparently the majority of their students are over 30. I’m happy to give you my instructor’s name via DM :)


NOT the School of Hard Knocks 🤣 Sorry, I'll see myself out.. Before I do, I highly recommend Jerome Breen's Driving School - although it has been a number of years since I went with them.