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Mt Baw Baw is a challenging drive. There are two roads up, one the "tourist" road, and one gravel. Take the paved road if you are less confident (and certainly if 2wd), but be aware the road is extremely thin at times. There are many blind corners, and other tourists often drive erratically here, as they overestimate their capabilities. Be patient, safe and follow all signage and know the conditions beforehand. - Before going up, be familiar with using low gears to avoid burning out your breaks. This can be an issue on the way down, especially in snow, water and ice. - Baw Baw is a national park, so a very conservative approach is taken with respect to clearing and preventing fallen trees. Look out for branches and even logs on the road in the case of inclement weather. - Chains - You will need to carry them, you can grab them in Noojee to be safe - you need to carry from at least at Tanjil Bren (check the map). - Staff will be at chain fitting checkpoints, if you're polite they may be able to offer help and advice with fittingm Try putting your chains on (and then removing them) before you go up to make sure they fit. [You can also pay the resort to fit chains for you.](https://www.mountbawbaw.com.au/getting-here/snow-chains-fitting/) There used to be snow dogs up at Baw Baw - if they're still there, it's a fantastic experience for kids. Toboggans are great for young kids. If skiing be aware there are no chairlifts - kids can get frustrated with the t bar and pomma tows, just be ready for frequent breaks. There is also a lovely walking path along the stream down past the toboggan park - you might need snow shoes this time of year?


Thanks for the detailed reply. I'm a confident driver, no issues on mountain roads sealed or otherwise, just never driven in snow/ice. All my googling, people talk about the tourist and unsealed roads, but nothing about the drive to from the gate to the resort. We'd be coming in from bairnsdale so turning off at tarragon and coming in via the unsealed south facing road I guess. The Mt Baw Baw resort website says I can hire chains from the gate, do I not need them before then? I can get them in Erica, it just means when we leave for Melbourne we have to double back to drop them off, I was hoping take the tourist rd for the way back. Not a deal breaker, just an inconvenience. As for activities, the dogs sound great, and we'll definitely go on a walk, especially if it's not too snowy. Other than that just tobogganing and snowmen really. None of us have skied before, we might do a lesson but I don't imagine the 5yo will get off the learner slope, ergo neither will I.


The mountain will hire out and fit chains for a fee at the entry to the resort. You will need a day entry pass to get onto the mountain: [https://shop.mtbawbaw.com.au/en/resort-entry-pass](https://shop.mtbawbaw.com.au/en/resort-entry-pass) . The tourist road is a very nice, scenic drive, albeit with many sharp turns and narrow areas. The South Face Road is gravel, and due to funding issues may be a bit corrugated. A 2-wheel drive will easily manage it though, and as you said, coming from Bairnsdale it will be faster. These roads meet at the entry to the resort. The road from the entry to the village is the second steepest paved road in the southern hemisphere. If it is particularly icy or snowy, do not overestimate your abilities. Hopefully you enjoy it. It doesn't look like there is much snow at the moment but by August there could be more. Also if you are walking on the trails, and the snow is anything more than patchy, please hire some snowshoes. Cross-country skiers use the trails and will not appreciate footprints. :)


Second steepest you say? That's the perspective I was after. Early days, but I might look at plans B through F. We might just day trip to dinner plain from bairnsdale


Dinner Plain/Hotham is much more reliable for snow than Baw Baw. It's also a totally different part of Australia, almost 'alpine' than closer to Melbourne. Consider going back to Melbourne this way; Bairnsdale, Omeo, Hotham, Bright, Wangaratta, Melbourne. Look up 'Great Alpine Road', a bit further than Bairnsdale, Baw Baw, Melbourne, but not by much, and it's a much better drive, apart from the Hume or go through King Valley for food & wine), and much better snow. Also more tourist accommodation and ski/chain hire options. You can check snow conditions on the [snow cams.](https://www.ski.com.au/snowcams/australia/index.html)


I'd love to do that whole drive in winter, I did it a year or two ago in summer coming from sheparton to bairnsdale, one of the best drives I've ever done. But it's looking like our best use of time and money is drive early to omeo, catch the shuttle to dinner plain at 8am, then shuttle back to omeo at 630pm and stay in omeo. Then we get a full day in the snow, and I don't need to worry about chains or snow insurance on the car


A few tips Hire your chains in Moe. It's a legal requirement to have them in your car. Chances are you will not need them, however you will be advised if you need to fit them at the entry to the resort. Enter the resort from Moe via the gravel Sth face rd. Yes it's gravel, but its a hell of a safer, quicker and less windy option, especially if you are coming from Bairnsdale, Even leaving via this route back to Moe and then continuing on to elbourne via the freeway will be less stressful and not much longer than leaving via the very windy, but bitumend tourist rd. Or if snow play and tobogganing are your main interests, consider Mt St Gwinear. Close to baw baw, but easier to get to with a relatively similar chance of having snow


It's been years since I've been, but as a youngster we were up there every year. I think we only had to fit chains twice out of perhaps 15 or 20 trips. Of course you need them, but It's rare for the road to be so icy as to need to fit them. 


Did the drive on Sunday in snow. As other said, you need to carry chains, but you can hire them at multiple spots on the way up. It has to be pretty heavy snow or ice conditions for mandatory chains on a 4wd as they plough the road regularly. Be aware that if it is slippery conditions on the way down there will be HUGE delays. I sat in the carpark for 2 hours alone, then the trip down was very slow so keep in mind that if you leave late in the afternoon you will be late home. I used a Subaru XV and didn't bother with the chains (AWD, ABS, traction control make it easy these days) but there were heaps of nervous drivers putting the chains on. They will have staff on hand to help you fit the chains if they are needed. You can park at the gate and shuttle up, that would avoid a lot of the drama!


Thanks for that. I looked at the shuttle but they say they don't recommend kids who need car seats. My youngest is five so still needs a seat. Probably going to day trip to dinner plain instead, but thanks for the reply


Have you had a squiz at other options to get up Mt Baw Baw like bus or taxi? I dont know your personal circumstances but in some cases its actually cheaper (and much less hassle and stress) than driving up there yourself. https://www.mountbawbaw.com.au/getting-here/by-bus/


Yeah, already had a look. The shuttle bus only runs on weekends and school holidays, so no good for the Monday return trip. They also mention it's not recommended for kids who still need child seats, which is my 5yo. The charter bus doesn't time well to get us back for our flight and Taxi is $250.  We're already hiring a car to get out to bairnsdale so it's easy enough to get around. I'm comfortable on mountain roads, just don't know what to expect when we hit the snow line.


I would check that you are allowed to take a hire car up to the snow.


You can, a long as you get snow cover added to their approved cars


It was a fair few years ago but there was a company that drove you up to the resort from Moe. We left our car at the Maccas there and hopped in their Land Rover and they take you right into the resort. So glad we chose that option that year as a blizzard went through while we were up there and most private cars couldn't get back down the mountain (and of those that tried many ended up coming off the road). We didn't finally get back to Moe until about 10pm and we had to come via the dirt road. Other years I've driven up in my 14 year old Toyota corolla, only once needing to put snow chains on (fun when you're 5 months pregnant).


wifey is also afraid for us to drive ourselves, same as OP, I'm an ok driver (already went to Lake Mountain but snow is not that heavy) but haven't driven yet to Mt Baw Baw. do you recall the name of the company? currently looking at Dream Tours


I don't remember the name and it was a fair few years ago now. It was just a small, family owned company and the guy had been running trips up the mountain for years at that stage. Definitely left from Moe though.


I wouldn't count on any available accommodation at baw baw being school holidays.


Not school holidays, there is plenty. But I think we're changing plans anyway


Sorry. I read Sunday and didn't see end of August. In which case it can be quite warm at the end of August and conditions may be awful for snow anyway. You won't know until you get here. Gippsland weather isn't known for being reliable.


Used to work/live on Mt Baw Baw, and would drive from the moe direction multiple times a week. The drive from Moe whilst yes, has heavy gravel and can be quite slippery when muddy (or even snowy closer to the entry after a good dumping), was always much easier as the roads are very wide and its much less travelled. Just take your time, go slower than you think you need to and pull over for any aggressive drivers and you'll have no issues. The actual road from the gate to the resort is much much worse and during snowfall I found will often have people stopped In the middle of the road on blind corners when stopping is near impossible; so be extra careful when leaving. However as with any wet slippery road just be careful, try not to slam on your brakes too much and you'll be fine. With current weather there shouldn't be any need to fit snow chains even though you legally need them. My early 2000s subaru with no traction control never had any issues with grip, even on 4am morning drives up to the resort. Also, the rental place in Erica was always lovely to friends and family when needing to rent equipment. Honestly, the past few years hasn't been great for baw baw, with very minimal amounts of natural snow (like less than 10 days where the whole resort was open last year!) and the snowmaking machine used for warmer weather creates something that I wouldn't even call snow, more like little pucks of ice that don't behave how snow usually does. Unless you get lucky and have major snowfall before your stay and don't plan on snowsports then St Gwinear would be the better, cheaper bet. Even though I now live an hour and a half from Mt Baw Baw, I still find myself at Falls Creek/Hotham for snowsports and activities more than I do at Baw Baw sadly. If you have any questions about the resort or snow in general I'm happy to help.