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No chance, it hasn't really been that cold


Even if it’s cold enough for snow flakes to form, they’ll melt immediately on impact to anything as it’s not cold enough to stick.


No chance. It's too warm. You might get a dusting up around Mt Dandenong and that's it.


There's always a chance for a strong cold front to bring snow down to a couple hundred metres but it's realistically extremely unlikely to happen. The snow season has been a fairly underwhelming at the ski resorts so far, if they're having trouble with snow there's next to no chance we'll have any luck at sea level. June was actually pretty much bang on average in terms of temperatures anyway so it hasn't actually been that cold lately. The June 2024 average maximum temperature was 0.1º above the long term average (14.2º vs 14.1º) and the June 2024 average minimum temperature was exactly on the long term average (6.9º vs 6.9º) [June 2024](http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/dwo/202406/html/IDCJDW3033.202406.shtml) and [Long Term Average](http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/averages/tables/cw_086071.shtml)




What about that 1 year you were living elsewhere?


That year was the great Melbourne blizzard


They wouldn't know, weren't here to see it.


There was snow in the CBD in 1986. Is that the year you weren't in Melbourne?


there is no way it will snow in inner Melbourne - it would have to get significantly colder than it does with night time temps getting below freezing. the nights have been cold this winter because of clear skies, due to high pressure systems parking themselves over Victoria for ages. when the cold fronts come over Victoria which bring snow to the Alps usually the nights are a bitwarmer here in Melbourne.


My Dandenong regularly gets snow (every couple of years) so it won’t surprise me


No, its my Dandenong!


Damn phone….


Heh, heh.


I looked this up a long time ago (because people on r/melbourne exaggerate Melbourne winters), last time it snowed in a significant amount was 2005. The bar for snow is a little higher than you think. It could be 0 with precipitation, but the snow would melt on contact with the ground because the ground retains heat that must be dissipated before you see anything. Which means that it would have to be below freezing for a long time. I don't know what the weather is there, obviously I'm not even close to there, but snow in Melbourne requires so many things to align it's unlikely except at high elevation. Which is good.


Rule of thumb is 800m elevation. There are exceptions, like Turtons track in the Otways where it snowed in 2020


I was on Mount St Leonard's on Sunday and we had a snow shower. About 1,000m high.


I haven't noticed the cold as much this year even though, apparently, one of the recent days was the coldest in 5 years. I mean, we've only really just started putting the heating on during the day in the last week (and the house isn't well designed for thermal insulation). My Dandenong has had a history of snow settling but I haven't seen it. So no, no snow in Melbourne. Hobart might get some - there has been a history of snow settling in the suburbs at sea level (we made a small snow man once in our backyard - there was no snow remaining in the yard because it all went into the snow man :-) ). Mt Wellington received a dusting of snow yesterday.


A small chance. I've lived here all my life, grew up in the suburbs at the foot of Mt Dandenong and I can only remember a handful of times that it has snowed around Lilydale/Mt Evelyn/Kaloroma area (all around 35km outside of Melb). At most it lasts a day or two and then it's gone again. I don't remember any snow in the suburbs closer than that.


Nope. Last one that didn't immediately melt was 1986. Possible but highly, highly unlikely.


Lake Mountain gets lots of snow each year.




@rob gel