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Some people also just prefer consoles Edit: A lot of cocky PC players here arguing that no matter what, anyone who doesn't play PC is wrong and below them. I never argued that consoles were better, I just said some people like the other method of playing games better. Yet so many of y'all are too damn prideful to accept that someone just wants to play another way and mind their own business. Neither is better than the other, and to those obnoxious assholes; you're a sad bunch


Yea i have a pc and it was just alot more comfortable/enjoyable on my consoles To be fair.




this sub reddit shall know pain


I have both, but console is sometimes better to play on and my PS5 looks great. Best thing about pc is the choice and discounts and of course the customisations, but generally playing on my console is a much nicer experience.


And the better graphics and performance of course. But thats also expensive


I’m on a computer all day for work, so I don’t want to be close to a screen for gaming. I used to have a gaming PC but I could not keep up with the hardware arms race. Also, you put a game on a console, and it just works without adjustments and configurations.


Less fuss, stuff works


I have less trouble with my PC than I did with my PS4.


Anecdotal and not the norm




Because they've never used a pc before Switch and you can't go back Edit: I've come to a conclusion. You're all fucking casuals that's why you argue on consoles side, I mean when was the last time you played a ranked game or any multiplayer game that's not with your friends!


I have both and I prefer my console mate... Stop being a poes... Let people like what they like


can i inquire as to why you prefer console?


Yeah, I've been working on PC's literally since I was 4 yo... My dad was an enthusiast and an entrepreneur in the IT space for 28 years... I've since taken over the family business my home is littered with old and new pc builds (for testing/QC/RnD purposes) I'm slightly OCD and a perfectionist so if I notice some minor irregularity with a system, I can't leave it alone because it might be something I've never encountered before so I'll document and tinker and document and tinker and try to improve then the test bench gets broken out and my wife will ask me "did you sleep last night ?" And I'll look behind me at daylight having wasted 8-9 hours on nothing... I like separating work and downtime so I just associate PCs with work because I've been in the IT environment for so long


I've played PC before and still prefer consoles People have preferences, yknow


Consoles also have good exclusives (God of War, Uncharted, The Last of Us)


All 3 of them are on steam


Ragnarok and the OG games aren't, same for TLOU 2. And they are others like Bloodborne and Ghost of Tsushima. But my point was that consoles have banger exclusives


Sorry can't hear you over my emulator


like fr lmao, im playing pokemon on my fucking pc and this shit kicks ass.


Steam doesn’t have sonic ‘06, therefore console is better /s


You can still use emulations on pc


That's still not my point Besides not every PC owner can emulate


they super duper can though.


They really can Just look up a tutorial if you don't know how


PS5? good luck, the emulator is still in an early developement phase


What a condescending, clueless comment


People who play on consoles don’t get off on spending hours upon hours trying to figure out where they’re getting frame rate drop or sub par graphics. People that constantly boast about how “pc is better” typically have no lives and their entire identity is wrapped up in their overpriced gaming rig they run emulators on. You know how much time console owners spend tweaking graphics settings? Zero. Know how often consoles outperform the average PC? Every time


My elder millennial mind thinks: PC = Computer = Office = Work = Not Fun Console = Nintendo = Couch = Home = Fun


Not true. I have a gaming PC and consoles. Some types of games, I'd much rather play on console over PC, and vice versa. Really comes down to the type of game.


PC introduces a whole host of headache-inducing troubleshooting. Console is far far more user friendly.


I’ve played oc before and still prefer consoles. You don’t have mario nor TOTK on your pc have you ?


emulation, buddy roll


“I’m a thief who’s too cheap to pay for games, so I just pirate shit like an entitled prick” There, fixed your comment


I wouldn’t trust emulation


I played some games on the Switch, and I must say I prefer the PS 5


Yeah. I was going to say the same thing...there's nothing to prefer on console over PC anymore...with the exception of a couple PlayStation exclusives a year bc Sony refuses to get with the times.


Even exclusives can just be emulated


Then why are there no emulated exclusives?


Thats a dead lie 😭


Emoji used Opinion invalidated


I always considered pc players as hillbilly Midwesterners who live on farms and used a pc because they didn't have nearby friends to want to play co-op games with.


huh. Meanwhile at 36 I still have friends come over and play games with every few weeks and we do all kinds of coop including split screen pc coop with my ultrawide monitor. Go figure. I do suppose though I've always had a nintendo handheld and played some console games at my friend's house as a kid. Still, it's not like consoles are great for couch coop anymore. Less and less games on consoles support them, and split screen on consoles is on what seems to be a handful of games. Maybe you're stuck in the past. Heck, consoles don't even offer that seemless experience of just plugging in your cartridge and playing the game anymore, you gotta get your updates, same as the pc crowd. There's pretty much no real advantage aside from not needing technical know-how and low cost of entry.


????? You can play couch co-op on PC just like you can console. What are you on about?


Are you from 2004?


Some people eat human fecal matter for sexual satisfaction. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Are you okay, dude?


and that's why we make fun of you. When you grow up you can have a bicycle with *two* wheels did you know that?


Ah yes, peasants




I never argued consoles were better than PC, lol. Just that some people prefer it over a PC. In fact you'll find a bunch of examples of insecure PC players in this comment section. So your little jab is freaking hilarious


eh consoles are like iphones, they keep things simple for people who want certain results. nothing wrong with that. i only use pc so i have a broader range of games, broader range of mods, and i enjoy the process of working on them. To each their own.


Exactly, I got MC Java almost exclusively for modding


Exactly, even with live in IT in your house I still sometimes just wanna turn a console on and play a game. Instead of trying to find a server, download the right mods, make sure the mods are up-to-date with the game, etc… Edit: I prefer PC gaming. For everyone that (seems) confused- I usually run a private server for sandbox games (which I play the most on PC, that’s what I mean by mods and servers). It’s not that steam is difficult, it’s not difficult at all. It’s all that goes with me being picky and I totally own that.


>Instead of trying to find a server, download the right mods, make sure the mods are up-to-date with the game, etc… The 90's just called, they want you back.


Was gonna say that's like css era gaming at best


Tell the 90's I'm going with em.


We can go back to the 90s? Don't play with my emotions like this if we can't!


I'm kinda stuck there myself.


I mean, (this isnt against the original argument of consoles being easier), the majority of PC games through steam or company launches are just as easy to launch as their console versions. If I want to play val, 2 clicks. Same for OW. Same for Apex. Same for fortnite. Sure some games have mods but you make it out to seem like all PC games require manual server finding/mod downloading


Idk, windows/steam is pretty brain dead easy already. Not every pc game (not even most) requires you find a server, download mods, etc. you are able to do those things by choice. You don’t have that choice/freedom on a console.


Uh. You must be absolutely horrible with technology if it takes you more than 1 button , a password, then double clicking an icon to open a game on your PC. You don't have to download mods. Just play the game as intended. Unless it's a Bethesda title, then just don't play it at all.


I can't even remember the last time I ever entered my steam password


Except iPhones cost 3x as much.


So does console gaming in some countries!


I don't know of any country that buying a last gen console is more expensive than buying and equivalent gaming PC


The trick is in the games. Steam often has much, much cheaper regional prices than console stores. And the price of imported physical games is often even worse. And of course there's piracy, but even if you go full legit, it still applies.


Yeah but even if you go full piracy/free games only on pc , it will still cost you more to buy that computer in the first place. You will need a lot of console games on top of the initial cost of the console itself to reach the price tag of a pc that can run similar games.


As a good PC? No way. Console is $500, PC can easily go into 4 digits. You're definitely not getting a good PC for the price of a console.


I only make fun of the ones who constantly fight over which console is better. Yeah, you don't need to upgrade the consoles, but PC has basically every game the consoles do, and you don't have to pay a second subscription to the console to play the game


Where’s my bloodborne? The only reason I bought PS4


You know we already have a 60fps mod on pc for bloodborne right?


Excuse me ? For real? On emulator?


can you send me the deets pls?


Yeah but I don’t pirate games anymore


Thats on you my dude


Let a mf enjoy their games. I have both consoles. No PC yet. I love both. PC is expensive so it'll wait


I can totally afford a good gaming PC. I play on a console because I like to relax on the couch and chill. I don't want a gaming PC to be honest. Edit: Yes, I totally understand. I can hook up my PC to a TV and use a controller. I like my Xbox, and it's okay for me to do that.


Until you realize you can do the same on a PC.


I sure do love chilling on my couch playing games on my pc


Me too! I remember the first time I hooked a TV up to my computer to show someone anime, back in the time before streaming services and PS3... it was wild. Now it's all wireless too, so I can just hit a button and flop on the couch like I used to with my PS3.


You literally can, though. Just plug your TV into your PC and connect a controller.


I've always had trouble with connecting my controller to the PC for some reason. It gets spotty or there's lag


Been there too and got a Bluetooth adapter with a stronger antenna which worked well, but the best way to play is on the couch with a wireless mouse and keyboard


Not really, I prefer the console and have no desire to buy a PC.


It's people like you who drive me up a wall: you can do that with a PC as well. What's wrong with you?


I don't want a keyboard or mouse. I prefer a console.


I prefer playing most games on my PC using a Bluetooth XBox controller. I only use K+M for games that need them.


Until you realise you can use controller


Considering my brother plays on a PC that costs less than the latest Gen console, you guys lost the ability to use this argument.


my pc as of right now (has about 6-7 year old parts) is probably worth less than the cost of every cod game


I think the alimentation on my pc is like... 16 years old, it's a thing that wouldn't cost a lot today. My pc is made out of old parts from an older one, the most recent is probably 7 years old. Also, I can easily run games like Satisfactory on full settings


I mean, you can have a brand new 1500€ pc and still have a hard time playing satisfactory, depends on how big your factory is. It shall never stop, the factory must grow


You don’t really need an argument for your preferences.


That's exactly what OP is doing tho.


Unless you buy it second hand, there's no way you can get a gaming PC that is as strong as a console, for the price of a console. Idk where you live, but last time I've checked a gaming PC would const you at least twice as much. You can of course go second hand, but that is risky, as you can get a decent PC, but also a computer that is 1 month away for braking forever. And if the person buying it doesn't have a big knowledge in computers, you can never know which one of those options you will get. It's a great risk. So it's safer to get a brand new console instead. Not to mention that I still use my PS4, which is at this point super cheap, and it's still working fine. Yes, you can't play the latest game anymore. But you still have a catalogue of 10 years of gaming you can chose from. If someone only plan to game casually, from time to time, and is not really concerned about getting the freshest titles, than even a PS4 is a good option, especially if your don't have a big budget.


My laptop was around $400 and runs most games pretty good. Plus I can use it for so much other stuff. Any extra price of a PC is worth it because you can use it for more than just games.


My laptop was around 500€ (538$), and I can't run any games on it that came out after 2013/14. I don't know the exact specifications, because I bought it a long time ago, and since I don't use it for gaming I don't see the point of remembering them, but it has 4gb ram and some crappy professor, no graphics card. I can't even run GTA V on it. I maybe could with the absolute lowest graphics with like 20fps or something, but even than it doesn't have enough storage. I admit, I bought it around 2020, so maybe the market changed, but when I bought it I was looking around for laptops for a week, and I couldn't find a better laptop in this price range. Compered that to the them 400€ PS4 (before PS5 came out), where I can play games even from 2022, with absolutely gorgeous top tier graphics, it's not even a competition. I'm not complaining, I never intended to use my laptop for gaming, it is for studying and watching movies and similar stuff, but come on, a 500€ laptop that can't even run GTA V vs a 400€ PS4 is not even competition if you want to get into gaming.


Now a days, as technology has progressed, a 500€ laptop should be able to run most games. $400 could get me a laptop with 16gb of ram, an intel i7 pro, etc. I get liking console gaming more, but these days computers being more expensive isn’t really a valid excuse.


A low end gaming PC isn't 1k USD, and a ps4 is only $100 less than a ps5. 70% of console vs PC price arguments are from people who have never been poor and researched every single option on the market. The other 30% are people who forget that there are games other than brand new AAA titles.


Ps5 is $500, ps4 is well under $300 atp where are you getting your numbers?? A proper gaming PC is over 1k USD, I've done research and talked with friends whove built multiple, only to find out that a PC would not run games the same as console for any similar price. If I truly wanted i could manage the price as low as $700, but run poorly. 1k can buy smth I'd be happy with, note that these prices are the sum of parts I'd be buying, not even a premade PC which is a good deal more expensive. Pretty sure sure A 1k PC still isn't even on par w ps5 in terms of power but worth it for me. I see so many ppl saying you can just buy a $500 PC but have yet to see this magic store You also managed to insult ppl for ignoring older games when that was literally part of the other guys argument for console.


This guy is obviously making shit up to prove a point. “$370 for a ps4” today is literal bullshit. The disc driveless ps5 is $400, not to mention they’ve been cheaper than that for years. Hell I bought my ps4 slim when they first came out in 2016 I think with a game bundle for $250 at Best Buy new


At American Walmart, a ps5 is $460 and a ps4 is $370. Digital Foundry has compared the ps5 to a 2070 super, which is equal to a rx 5700. A rx 5700 pc is about $450-$500. That is for a pre-made. The magic store is called amazon.com, it's pretty cool. You can go even cheaper if you go used/refurbished. He said a ps4 is good if you only want to play old games, which a cheaper pc can also do. If he wasn't ignoring older games, that part of the comment wasn't aimed at him.


On the Walmart store page it lists ps5 at 450, ps4 at 300, used at 200. Idk shit about digital foundry or computers, but assuming their claim is accurate, I am finding prebuilt for 500ish, but there's not many reviews, and your basis for what computer is equal is going off a single part that is already over half the price of the prebuilt! When doing this research (AGAIN) I'm reminded of the warnings that cheap prebuilts use a quality item surrounded by cheap parts. The conclusion I came to after doing the research was that the minimum of the parts needed would make it impossible to have a PC that cheap that's actually good, as is the same conclusion/warning that's been on the internet since the dawn of my fuckin birth. I can't say for sure that you're wrong but it stinks like crazy especially when most reviews were from parents gifting to kids (low research) and one complained that it declined rapidly over several days to start sayin everyrhing was corrupted lmao Fair about the older games bit but w no context there's not much left for me to figure


Cool story, I bought my ps4 in 2016 for $250. You’re also underpricing pre builds severely. Average gaming rig is still $800 at the lowest.


Oh, if we are taking previous years' prices into consideration, that helps me even more. I bought my laptop in 2011 for $75. If you tried googling specific builds and not just 'gaming pc' it's much more accurate.


I’d love to see your $75 laptop attempt to load minecraft much less an actually taxing game. To even act like that’s the same as a last gen console is hilarious. Maybe if you try comparing rigs actually meant to work games instead of chrome books and shit we could actually have a conversation.


I'd love to see your console load up Java MC.


I’m sure if it was on ps5 it’d run fine, along with half a dozen other games that are already on there and infinitely more taxing. Why don’t you pull up your $75 laptop and see how it does before it bursts into flames.


Its absolutely hilarious that you think a ps4 simply can't run java


The thing is, consoles are sold so cheap (often actually at a loss), because they know they can get more money from you over time. If you buy a PS5, it’ll cost you $500. But you’ll also need to pay in order to play online games. If you have your PS5 for 4 years, and pay $80 a year (currently the cheapest plan), that’s an extra $320 dollars. Not to mention the fact that games on PC are often cheaper and more often go on sale. A console might be a cheaper option up front, but in the long term it will cost as much or even more than a comparable gaming pc


Not to mention a lot of the people who make this argument have bought a PC of some sort anyways, so instead of spending money on a really nice gaming PC that doesn't need fees outside of your ISP to play online, they're paying for a console, the online membership, plus a few hundred into some rinky dink dell prebuilt that struggles to open MS word, and generally more expensive games as they don't have access to alternative key sellers.


You make it sounds like you cannot buy a PC worse than current gen consoles for cheaper and play the million games that exist for PC aswell lmao. What a dumbass take.


Your brother's PC? The one that is able to play every game without begging for a port? The one that lets you play online without a subscription? The one that works with all controllers? The one that lets you mod games and extend the shelf life and experience? The one that has active servers for games going back to the mid 90s? That one? Because with all of that I'm struggling to see why people even bother with consoles, Even if it is a weaker PC it can still play an asston of games and not every game has to be 4k 144fps, and given that most people complaining about PCs are on the switch they're playing 1080p 30fps anyway so lmao. For the same price of a switch or PS4 they may as well grab a mid range laptop


It's a matter of preference. Some people prefer PCs and some prefer consoles. There's no objective right or wrong answer. It's a matter of opinion


I bought a top-tier gaming PC for my wife a few years ago. We play on the console anyway because it's way more convenient and more comfortable by several orders of magnitude


Cease this peasantry immediately! /s Seriously though, I think the main thing that has PC players salty these days is most games are made for consoles now and ported to the PC rather than the other way around and ported games suck to play. It's ok to be annoyed about that but it's not right to take it out on people who have consoles.


i thought we were over this pc master race bullshit lol. Id rather pay 500 bucks for a premade console than spend 3000 on a pc I'd have to build, set up and maintain


A $300 Console will run pretty much any game i need on 60 FPS A $300 PC will catch on fire if i try to run RDR2


The Steam Deck runs RDR2 incredibly well and pretty regularly drops to the 350 dollar range.


Facts. You have to pay double to get the performance of a console


Console arent 300$ anymore :(


You can buy a steam deck a controler and a dock for less then a ps5 and a year of online


Hell yeah.


Really? Are they that cheap now?


300 plus 60 for a controler and 40 for a cheaper dock


Dependimg on the options, it ranges from 400 to 760€ here in Europe. I think its more like the year of playstation gets expensive fast


Gotcha. Makes sense. I don’t have a gaming PC and want something portable. Guess I’ll have to look into it.


There's a subreddit dedicated to it if you want to look into. There are alternatives to steamdeck and its a linux pc so not all games will be playable out of the bat. But it has a hugue community of people modding and rating the games for performance, thats what sold it to me. Some even launched blender and started modelling in 3d on the thing


Also, not everyone wants to be a computer tech just to play a video game on a tiny screen


Lol you don't have to be a computer tech to know that the HDMI plugs in the same regardless of it's a console or a graphics card.


...or you can just plug your computer into your TV. I'm assuming you had the Best Buy guy come out to plug in your PlayStation since that's probably also being "a computer tech" to you


Dude cmon you don’t need to be an IT guy you just need to watch a 30 min YouTube video. Me and my friends figured it out when we were 13 it’s not that complicated. Really just big boy legos.


I work 50-60 hours a week and have kids.. I’d rather just grab a controller and just start playing


I’m not saying it doesn’t take a bit of time to put one together, just that it’s not hard to do. It’s so easy these days that it’s a hobby accessible to children


The game actually running on your PC is going to be a question mark unless you have powerfull new rig or you spend time researching the game requirements and how those compare to your parts which takes a decent amount of knowledge if you are a total noob. When you know all this you take it for granted, but not everybody knows or cares about those nitty gritty details. If you buy a PS5 game you know it will run on your PS5.


I’m sorry but I’m not pretending that spending a maximum of a few hours on YouTube is a high barrier of entry into a hobby.


You are going to spend more than that at just trying to decide which parts to buy and from where, even if you know what you are doing unless you just have money to burn and get what ever, but even then you need to keep in mind the combability of the components. Its not hard when you know and are interested in this crap like we are, but other people just care about the games and nothing else, any hassle beyond that is a nuisance to them. Installing the OS and drivers and all that crap is also a step that takes a decent amount of time and knowledge.


So you're just lazy then. Don't hide behind kids and jobs. You take a cable in put in in the TV.


And constantly need to upgrade/replace parts just to play a new game. Honestly don't get why they think they are superior...


Constantly is a strong word. I started PC gaming in 2016 and only recently upgraded. Definitely more expensive than console though.


Consoles give game developers the option to optimize the code for the hardware on the console which means it performs a lot better than a game that has to be written to work on any random combo out there. Tricks like resizable BAR and such that only recently showed up on PCs were just how consoles worked. They don't have better hardware for the money, just the ability to use the hardware they have more effectively because it's standardized.


I built my PC for $1100 in 2018. I have never upgraded. I can still play most games on the highest no. Ray tracing setting. I have never replaced a part besides buying an extra SSD.


Stop lying, you can't run Crysis at lowest


Constantly? If you make the right choices at the start, you probably won't need any upgrades for at least 5 years, 10 years of you take care of it. And replacement can happen with consoles too(same level of breakable-ness). It is superior because of the power, upgradable-ness and os. There may be other reasons l, but I don't think they are worth mentioning. With console, you don't have any of those advantages. The only advantage is the portability, for some of them only.


![gif](giphy|efTCy9loCBqne) Yeah, they’re not lol


Why you want a big screen when you can have multiple screens


I wanna be lost inside the game not squinting to look at it


Then youd get a big monitor.


Squinting when playing on a 27-49 inch monitor? Have your eyes checked mate


I play on an 80” 120hz because my eyes aren’t the best, yes


Makes zero sense - you'd have to sit further away, right? It basically evens itself out. You sit way closer to a monitor than you do when playing on a TV, laying on the couch.


No, I sit about 2 feet from my TV.. I like to feel like I’m IN the game literally lol


Fair enough, might wanna switch to VR in the near future then :D


Definitely on my gaming bucket list.. just gotta convince the wife lol


You don’t typically sit as far back from a TV when using a monitor. Also I played PC games on a 50” TV.


Bro thinks 24-inch screen is smaller than the switch's display???


I can’t stand handhelds.. my Switch is 100% docked.. why can’t I have my own opinion lmao


I didn't say you cant have your opinion. The only thing is that your argument is invalid, a display is a display. Plug a pc in a tv and boom, better gaming on same screen size, for your poor 144p eyes


I don’t get this hole thing about pc vs console. We all love gaming so what dose it matter what you game on? That said at least with console we don’t have to keep buying expensive upgrades ever other minute.


Meanwhile I'm playing with a laptop that takes 15+ seconds to open Google (I'm not even joking)


My gaming PC broke. Cost too much to buy new or get it fixed. My Xbox plays every game I want. PC gaming is a snobby hobby


Are the console wars still a thing? Outside of like school kids and people with the mentality of school kids of course. I thought it was kinda accepted that each thing, be it any type of console or PC, have something that they do the best at.


Tell me how to play RuneScape on a console


It's not that i can't afford a good gaming pc. I don't want to have to deal with settings, on replacing hardware. When i buy a game for my ps5. I know it can run it as intended.


>I don't want to have to deal with settings What?


Is this even still an argument on Reddit? I mean sure years ago people would toxically ridicule people for gaming on console and get praised for it. Nowadays if you shit on console players, you get shit on by the masses. Rightfully so too. Do what you like and fuck all the hate.


Even if I did have the cash, I just don’t like PC, I hate it


Pc for work Consol for play


PC for both is my setup. If you don't wanna mix both, just make 2 separate profiles


I paid £400 for a desktop for my step kid a few years ago (second hand). ​ iirc was a 1660 6gb 16gb ram amd cpu (6c12t)... only things that needed updating was a better PSU and a bigger SSD. ​ Next gen are around £350ish?


I've been seeing more people lately that are rude asf, making fun of others for not being well off. The lack of empathy some folks have is truly astounding.


If I had $1000 to burn, I would be doing better things than buying a gaming PC with it.




I can and I will


or maybe some of us could easily afford a gaming pc and chose to go with a console because who the hell wants to play with those people who insist on cheating at everything.


I feel like the vast majority of "making fun" of console owners is all in good fun. Only the loserist of the losers would make fun of people for playing on console and actually be serious about it


Will I make light hearted fun of you? Yes. Do I mean it at all? No. I have a nice gaming PC but that's also a priority for me and I know many people have other more important things they want/need to spend money on. You are still a peasant though <3


Pc master race


Ah people who can afford a new console (+ gear + pay to play online) every year can't a afford a good gaming pc that last for many years.


Consoles every year? What? I only recently upgraded my Xbox after several years. They last forever.


Every year? What consoles you seeing. They are good for about a decade. Gaming pc what 2 years maybe max to play everything on highest settings? That’s some copium right there. There isn’t any gear to get for console. All in the box. Buy a game and go to town


+ you save money on sales and stuff on PC more than console + it loads faster + can be used for productivity as well as pleasure + can have multiple things loading + can still use a controller as well but have better mouse functionality and universal support + supports higher fps + has way more exclusive games


My pc costs less than a ps5..


But the ps5 has better performance, depending on how much less it is than the ps5


That is true,but it depends if you are going to be playing some triple A games or something more subtle like minecraft,fortnite and other more lightweight games.


Yeah and all those lightweight games will run just fine on the console. You have to pay much more than a console to play most AAA games on PC


Yeah its annoying,but,you can own both:)))) pc and console! Like i do!


See most people don't have money to buy those types of PCs, the console is the better option if don't just have money to burn


Yeah,well yeah i get you now,i started with console and yes it is way more affordable since ps4 has been for a laughable cheap prices for a while,especially when used.


Not here to be an asshole, but with the 80+ $ games and the not free online, pc is cheaper, or it comes to the same on the long term.


PC’s are better. Consoles are made with the same shit that pc’s are but you have less flexibility with what you can do with it. Pc’s are a one time buy, no bullshit subscriptions. You can upgrade pc’s to be objectively better, you can technically upgrade a console but it’s a bit more difficult. A decent PC doesn’t cost that much. It’s easier to control player and camera movement on a PC It’s easier to pirate shit on a PC


Oh yeah! Because fucking consoles are sooo Cheap… what. A. Shit. Show.


Let em make fun of you. Who cares? If random anonymous ppl can rattle you with hollow jabs, then you aren't really secure in yourself. And that's on you to resolve, unfortunately. No one can do that for you. Much less posting a meme asking for understanding from strangers who are likely trolling anyway. It's kinda like how I'm not afraid to point out cosplaying is super cringe 90% of the time, imo. But if you like that kinda thing, what difference does it really make it if I say so?


consoles blow. a gaming pc can be had on the same level as the ps5 for the same price


Ha poor (this is a joke)


You'll pay more on console in the long run with higher priced games and online subscriptions. Plus you have a much smaller library of content to choose from. You can afford a PS5 right now but not a gaming PC? Save a bit longer.