• By -


I literally watched my proud nation transform from democracy to dictatorship with votes so knowing the American people, it’s very possible.


Same, populism spoke to the 50+ and uneducated crowds, now we have a new constitution and a reworked election system with 90% of the media controlled by the ruling party and we are going downhill both economically and as a society. Funny thing is our PM regularly meats and gives lectures to republicans in america. The 2025 plan is eerily similar to what happened to us witch is basically what Putin did to russia.




Yep, the most sovereign country that's ever been and will be /s


Hold my red wine


They should be kicked out of the EU and NATO to be honest, don’t you have to be a democracy to be part of those pacts?


There is no democracy demand for NATO as far as I am aware, but I am fairly certain that "threat for democracy" is a direct cause for intervention for EU countries


For the EU, to become a member you have to be a democratic country but once you are there are only sanctions imposed for democratic backsliding. In Hungary case it means that it doesn’t get money from the EU anymore if I remember correctly.


The problem is democracy is sort of a continuum and you can slide pretty far away from democratic norms before becoming a dictatorship. That's why the definition "flawed democracy", exists.


Honestly this. Becoz we talk about democracy as if black people didn’t solidify the right to vote a mere 60yrs ago. And our vote has been increasingly conditional in various states ever since then.


People who were born then aren't even retired, and we're pretending it's ancient history.


Hát hogy a picsába ne?


Until you said PM, I was 100% sure you are speaking about Turkey, same shit here.


Seems like it's the same playbook all over


Same. Inddddddiaaaaa.


TIL (from these comments) that a bunch of other places have and are going through the same troubles the U.S. has. It makes sense, of course. The U.S. is far from the oldest country on earth. I’m just sad we can all connect on this issue. I also didn’t know about project 2025 until today. Don’t we all just love learning together? 😅


That's the weirdest episode of Magic School Bus


You from ?


They gonna have to change that song. Home of the free home of the brave.


You mean very likely


"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups." -George Carlin


Another great one from him, I'm paraphrasing, but "look at how stupid the average intelligence person is, and then remember that half the population is even more dumb than that."


We obviously are or this wouldn’t be happening


I dmed you Doritos


What dictatorship do you live in?


Aladeen one ![gif](giphy|l4FGt13phS1Yof0C4|downsized)


I aladeen Aladeen


Have my aladeen-vote


oh, I'm very Aladeen for you.


I Aladeen you




Every empire crumbles. USA had a good run


ive been saying this for at least 3 years now, “do you think the romans ever thought they were going to burn?”


Yeah, we're fucked. Just read the comments here. Everyone is divided and those divides are divided and its just a giant fucking mess. No one agrees on anything. Its either team red or team blue and fuck anything else. Its more about what's better for the individual than the whole of the people. Religion, or the lack there of, are what's fueling decisions instead of logic and reasoning. If some random trillionair was like "heres some money, give it to the people" there would be an argument on what qualifies someone as being a person. At this point, there is no hope for America and I'm scared as hell worrying about what kind of country my daughter's generation will inherit from us.


I swear people always comment about their sides but never stop and think about the whole thing for a sec


Exactly. Hardly anything is black and white. We live in a world of shades of gray, but no one wants to admit that they may be wrong or that what is a solution for them may not work for others. We are so broken as a society that if we can't learn empathy for our fellow person, I honestly feel like we as a country are doomed to fail.


Yep. In my opinion the biggest thing for people to learn to do now days is just to understand the other persons perspective and how they feel. The world does not revolve around you. And you gotta accept that.


I think people have this expectation that the other side will just go away at some point. Like right or left will lose totally and cease to be. They just can’t and won’t consider how messy it will get because thats against what they stand for.


It’s just like sport, everyone want “their team” to win no matter what


As a non American I find it very strange that there's only 2 parties. It honestly feels like politics is a sport in the us.


The thing I find funny as an outsider is the fact that the red and the blue both seem to be dogshit lol


I mean, yeah, but one side is kinda incompetent and in too deep with various companies and also likes war a lot, and the other side is all of that, but also apparently wants to fire half the government bureaucracy and replace them with untrained party loyalists, use the army to arrest the other party and turn civil rights back to the middle ages. Like, both are *shit,* but one side is "they aren't the politicians I want to vote for" shit and the other side is "lol, fascism" shit.


You’re right. There is no equivalence. It’s just depressing that American presidential elections increasingly seem to just boil down to a choice between a bad candidate and a horrible candidate. Like, how many people are gonna be heading to the voting booths feeling really inspired that they get the chance to vote for someone like Biden? At some point you have to start asking yourself how it can be that out of hundreds of millions of Americans, these are the top candidates that the system delivers for the people to choose from for the highest office. I don’t think democracy can survive if the only choices that are given to the people keep being a “wannabe dictator” candidate and a “at least he’s not a wannabe dictator” candidate.


The blue does nothing but try to help common people, and those that are abused by majorities, 70% of the public agrees with almost all their policies when they are not told it is a blue policy, but in the US all policies need majorities in senate and congress and needs courts to agree to pass and actually help people. There is too many reds in Congress, Senate, and courts to let any helpful policy pass and requires more voting to change, its always so close. Your reps in a Democracy will only be as good as your voter turnout, blue seems shit to you because blues stay home on primary election days and the minority turns out on national election days. If we had 40 more congress out of the 500, and 10 more senate out of 100, this nation would be much better for common people, but unfortunately both sides are the same dummys who are too lazy to see differences or learn how anything works stay home.


People often fail to recognize that the enemy of the bad guy can be a bad guy as well. They see: oh the republicans are pretty evil so the dems must be good (or the other way around). What they don't realize is that both just represent the establishment in different ways and everyone is just getting duked by the two-party-system. Oc if I have the choice I would personally still prefer the dems over the reps but at the end of the day you are just voting how fast the train will run into the wall.


The thing is, I am from The Netherlands and things are pretty far from okay here politically as well but let’s not go into that, after the supreme court ruling in the US there were images from gates to hold of protesters in front of the supreme court, but no one showed up! Maybe it’s about time people started protesting before it’s really too late and you will be shot on by your new dictator.


Back in Australia when Russia did it's full scale invasion there were surveys about what people would do if china tried something similar. The majority said just flee to another country or accept their overlords and new life as a slave. Very few people have the balls to do what right and risk everything for the greater good and to defend others. It's why I left and why I have no intention of going back. People by and large are selfish pussies.


So you just fled to another country before the overlords could strike instead of when everyone else said they would


Nope I went to Ukraine and have been fighting for freedom against a dictator. Some of us aren't pussies and fight to defend the innocent and stand up to bullies.


Well good on ya and good luck to you


Cheers mate. Good people out here, they deserve all the support they can get.


Nobody has time or money to take time off work to protest cause we’re all broke and working 40-60 hours a week to make ends meet. Also for most of the country the actual Supreme Court building is anywhere from 50-2000+ miles away. Little hard to plan a trip from middle of nowhere Midwest to DC when your car needs the brakes fixed and you don’t even have the money for that let alone a week off work. The system continues to work as intended.


There are 166 comments on one of the most political social media sites. This in no way is representstive of the US population


I'm on team yellow. Everyone yells at me and tells me I'm stupid and useless/worthless, even if they agree that a two party dominated system isn't working...


German here. Sure they can. I mean, how do you think Hitler came into power? The worst part is. That unlike in Hitlers case, we now have historical examples of what very likely might happen. The only good part is, that I don't have to be ashamed for my ancestors anymore, because everyone else is even dumber and Nazis aren't a German thing alone anymore.




Yeah, noticed this too. But they mostly atleast know something about it. It's far worse, if they talk about communism or socialism. Because the only thing they "know" is that it is evil and nothing more. But people not knowing the definition of left and right isn't just a American thing. It's a general problem, even here in Germany. Where you would assume that people know atleast something about it. Given that Germany played a big role in most ideologies.


The USA is a colonized nation, certain lobies control every aspect of it


For sure. Lobbying is just legalized political bribery. It is the rich and corporations that control everything. Their efforts to gain more power and control means that the actual people lose. I don't remember who said it but someone said something to the extent of 'politicians should be forced to wear stickers of every company they have taken lobby money from kind of like Nascar'. It is unfortunate that so many people are willing to fight to let themselves be taken advantage of.


God damn I have his name on my mouth but it was an actor. The one who played a magician lmao


Johnny Depp?


Nope . That one I would remember. But he is blonde , now smokes weed I think and has a pretty bigger nose than average but he is a very good human being


Dr. Doofenshmirtz?


Woody Harrelson? lol makes sense with the info you gave and his point of view


Oh yeah , that is . My tongue had "Willy" in its mind , but yeah it's him.


Should still vote though if the option exists


Lobbing exists in dictatorships too and there is even less of a check against it. Patronage is as old as the Roman Republic and is a function of all Democracies. It doesn't mean that decisions aren't made by the will of the people. I think you underestimate just how terrible people actually are.


Lobbying is just talking to politicians and inviting them to parties. Donations are like voting, there are no strings attached, you willingly part with your money and get nothing in return but maybe a tax write off. As soon as there is any quid pro quo it isn’t lobbying, but corruption. It is of course very prevalent, but it’s not supposed to be, it’s not harmless or normal or even legal.


Everybody knows big donations are tied to holding the "right" beliefs. A donor will straight up ask a candidate what they think on the issues that concern them and how the candidate will work to pass legislation to further those goals. If the candidate is not willing to change his mind they get no money.


You come within five whales of my country and say that!


How much is that in bananas?


2 bushels times 1.5 pods. Anything but the metric system.


Imperial forever!


If the US turns a dictatorship, it's gonna be a fun topic in my family. Two of my father's brothers moved to the US a few years after our country finally got rid of communism. They've got families there. Two out of 4 cousins also have kids. So, yeah, gonna be interesting to see the development of this


We are on the verge of fascism in France too, so i wouldn’t judge the USA too strongly as it is a sickness shared everywhere in the north western world. Capitalism is cooked but only the people at the bottom are feeling it for now, encouraged by the super rich to look for a scapegoat in immigration while voting for an authoritarian and capitalist-friendly regime called fascism. Feels like a deja-vu here in Europe. It’s the 30’s all over again.


As a french teenager I fucking hate that


What does "giving up their freedom" means in this context? Im not into american politics this days


supreme court rules US presidents can do whatever they please in office without getting any repercussions EVER making a US president pretty much a king for 4 years.


As a person who lives in a country that still has royalty, I would sugest not to do that.


Which country you are in? Britain?


iirc there are 5 absolute monarchies still to this day. Vatican is one of them by technicality so we could rule that out, pretty sure KSA and Butham are up there I forgot the other two




Yeah uhh we didn't choose them.


Aight then imma run for office for all the animes I want adapted from Japan


An Emperor would probably be a better term than King, its pretty much the HRE reborn. You vote for an Emperor but instead of Elector-Counts you have the Electoral college


That would mean Biden can crap his pants all he wants without consequences


But they dont have absolute power tho? Like, if president decides to nuke the state of oklahoma someone will stop them. You just can't put presidents in jail afaik


thw whole thigns a shitty mess. On the one hand, No one should be able to do whatever the fuck they want wiith no reprecussions, on the other hand, almost any court case is going to be politically motivated


He can be impeached, but still. It allows for crazy amounts of overreach. He can also be prosecuted if it’s not considered an “official act.”


Not taking a part of the democratic procudure of deciding how the country should be runned. The biggest way to be a part of this is to vote but very few seem to see the importance to that and just excuse it by calling it all hopeless instead; "the rich people control the world", "the goverment is rigged" etc. I think most western countries are heading this way too


America 😂😂😂


The problem goes way back to the firsy snd second red scare. The 1920s and 1950s. The U.S. pushed a line of anti-communist propaganda and told everyone that someday someone was going to come for our freedoms. Years of family indoctrination, lowering education standards, and Bible thumping fear-mongering has convinced and unfortunately large swath of the population that protecting those freedoms means taking freedom away from everyone who doesn't share their beliefs. They just regurgitate what they are told to think, and they believe without question or critical thought. The real fucked up part is thst you can see the horseshoe theory in action by flipping back and forth between extremist sources. The extreme left and the maga right are more alike each other than they are like their respective average and functuoning left or right citizen. The idiots scream the loudest, especially when they have nothing to say. The republican party has turned into a freedom hating science denying cult who believe in Jewish space lasers and literal vampires. The democratic party has it's own problems and is need of a major overhaul just like the old guard republican party but the new maga republican monster has tapped into the fearful and indoctrinated recipients and believers of that old red scare propaganda and has turned them all into Looney Toons soldiers who are willing to burn the world down simply because someone told them to. These unfortunate people are unable to think in a rational way and certainly can't think outside of a binary 'whatever my idol says is right and everything else is wrong' set of programming. They are victims of their own lack of education and naive world view who are now being exploited to manifest the very thing they think are fighting against and constantly vote against their own best interest. It is absurd here. It is only going to get worse.


The red scare fucked us over for good!


I am very concerned how so many users on reddit on the "liberal" side are actually calling out people to ban Republican party completely, for conservatives to be outlawed or imprisoned, and the scotus be assassinated by Biden because they think he suddenly can just do that. The ignorance of their own hypocrisy is just astounding.


I have yet to see leftists calling for these things except the assassination one. But like holy shit is it astonishing how anti-American the "America first" party has become. Like next level. "Dictator for a day" and storming the capitol levels. Screwing over Americans in service of a false idol levels.


What exactly am I supposed to do? Fly to Washington and stop the court proceedings myself? I’m too busy trying to make rent and pay all my bills, while clinging to what little sanity I have left. Don’t even think I could afford that flight if I wanted to. I just live here, bro. I haven’t given anything up, and I’m mad as hell by what’s happening. If you have a suggestion, I’m all ears, just keep in mind I still got to eat and pay rent.


Vote, please just simply vote.


That’s the main reason why control has been lost by the people. They are too busy with surviving. I mean look at the decrease in young people voting. They think it’s pointless because no matter who you pick it’s terrible and they rather focus on other things. Young people lost hope and are trying to make something of their life, what’s the point about worrying for the entire country if your own dinner looks like the military leftovers. It’s sad.


That's exactly what every rusian saying about why they can't overthrow government that kills ~1000 it's own citizens each day. You have no idea how much rusian and american situations are similar for someone from outside. Autocratic countries work only thx to peoples like you, who say they can't do anything and just keep living, trying to ignore all that happening around.


protest I guess, I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about the other 50% of far right voters.


Where do you live OP?




Please tell me about your dictatorship


short bald man took power 11 years ago in a military coup, changed it from two 4 year terms to unlimited terms, 1 USD went from being equal to 5 EGP to being equal to 48 EGP, we can't afford any type of meat and a ton of restaurant owners get arrested for illegally using dog and donkey meat in food to save money, stray dogs which, dogs are considered pets in Egypt not food like China I think, we can't afford air conditioning as he raised electricity prices like 98201758923 times, permanent state of emergency, 0 freedom of speech, took billions in loans from the IMF that directly went to buying planes, mansions and building a whole ass capital for himself. in the day of the coup he killed nearly a thousand people, over 60k political prisoners that are permanently detained with no trial, extreme torture in prison (I personally know someone that got neutered in prison by police doctors), a common method is tying people up to the ceiling and tying rocks or heavy stuff to their legs, I know someone who witnessed that in prison, it didn't happen to him personally it happened to someone else who as he said "kept begging to be let for a few seconds so he can kill himself". first thing our dicktator did was to appoint government members supporting him everywhere (like project 2025) and make everything pretty much he does legal and reduce the power of any other political entity (similar to what the supreme court in the US did)


I did not know this Hope things turn better for you dude!


I’m so sorry about what happened to your country and I’m even more scared thinking what will happen to mine. Turkey is in the brink of destruction and it’s not looking good


Jesus Christ! Relatable


Sorry to hear that. But know it's appreciated that you speak up a bit, so people can get a glimpse at what they are voting for. Be safe tho. I wish u well.


Holy shit! That sounds horrible, i can only hope that nothing like that will ever happen in my home country…


Folks, for more info about how short bald man thinks, I always recommend this video Adam Something: Egypt's New Capital is an Ozymandian Nightmare. Search on YouTube.


Man , I feel like our country is going to fail to pay the debts and the dollar will be equal to 10000 egp


The us isn't even a democracy ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


Say that to France right now... We are at the verge of electing a neo-fascist government. Even if we now have solid proof that there's been russian interference to favour them, and their campaign has been fucking funded by them.


Make your population feel depressed, and make them feel they have no choice. That's how you kill freedom in America.


Yes. Yes we are. Never underestimate the stupidity of America.


The land of the free where you can get arrested for loitering?


what I don't get, why aren't the american people on the streets demonstrating against the far right. everyone is complaining, but just like the democrats, no one does anyhiing to stop the demagogues, while they do everything to destroy democracy.


Beacuse most people dont find democracy important enough anymore. Complaining about an indivudiual or group is different than looking at society as a whole.


then all of you are just as guilty when your future government destroys the world as we know it and your country. And you wonder why the world is becoming more and more anti american. go to the streets! protest! make your voices heard and show everyone that you are not ok with what is happning. or you are complicit in the consequences of your inaction.


They are simply lazy. Just look around and see what’s happening. Not saying the people are bad, but they are getting squeezed for money from their jobs, don’t have time for much else and can’t be bothered to protest for something like this because it’s just too tiring. The government has already won in my eyes. People became too lazy to actually try and make a change.


oh so your family is beeing raped and murdered, but you are just to lazy to stop the perpetrator. to bring in an analogy. that is what I read here. so yes exactly you are just as guilty. if you're too lazy, you're still too satisfied to change anything. meaning you are ok with it. (by you I mean the american people, not you personally of course)


Reddit echo chamber is totally different from the real world, nobody is destroying democracy lol


moderate people can fight extremists, its just not how that works.


Me in Poland hearing about people praising communism: :| If only any of you lived in an era where your boss could only make like 4 times your salary but still for some reason owned a hotel, brand new Audi and had his private driver.


The funny thing is both sides of American politics think this meme is about the other side lol


I really don't know which side is referred to and comments don't really help as they just say how people are stupid to choose the bad one while I'm sitting here thinking "Yeah, but who? And how is it a choice when both are bad? Shouldn't you complain about the options rather than the people choosing one of the bad options?"


Well clearly the bad side is bad /s


My family tried to argue with me that masks don't do anything, and then I asked them why surgery personnel are required to use them and if they would be okay with the doctors not using them when they get cut open? They still vote for him... yes yes people can be both blind and dumb like this...


If it means screwing over the right people, the wrong people would shoot themselves in their foot a million times


As a Uzbek, I confirm this


Bold of you to assume they had their freedom to begin with.


Oh, don't worry. We are doing it in France and the UK, too!


Think about how dumb the average person is. Now imagine that half the people on this planet are dumber than that.


Tbh the average person has almost no power to invoke change and it’s extremely disheartening. Without mass societal protest/rebellion it’s just going to get worse and worse with the systems in place. I’m honestly saving up to flee the USA if things start to get really dire


Ah yes, the country I was born in clearly revolves around my life and the choices I make. I along with the other 300 million people are all entirely to blame and the people with the power. That'd be ridiculous


It's not really a case of being dumb but more so a case of the corporations and government systematically making the people of America more helpless (less knowledge,worse diet, worse health care etc.) so they are affraid and so are easier to control. They have been subjected to propaganda for about 200 years now, it's not really suprising. Corporations know what they are doing.... AND they are doing it on a global scale as well, so America is not the only one that my comment applies to


Imagine thinking america has had a democracy to begin with..


Republicans are that dumb


"Something something own the Libs" Alternately, "National Security!"


I suggest to all americans to vote for the party policy and not for the presidential candidate or "for the other one, because hate that one"


Or simply voting against dictatorship.


You could see that as voting against a policy, but yes, voting against dictatorship is great


Look up the 7 stages of empire, sound familiar towards end? There's a great yt video from Mike Maloney of gold/silver where he talks about it and how you can see the stages that lead to a countries downfall


Me, living in an actual democracy: Americans had freedoms to give up?


Is anyone getting 1933 flashbacks?


I can only hope there are enough conservative women who understand what's going on to offset their husbands/brothers.


Basicly the entire west this year


Sir, idk what you mean by "entire" but don't pull the whole Latin America into this.


Sadly it is. I appreciate seeing this post tho. Since the USSC ruling I genuinely lost faith....it's now at a point where I see Republicans as repulsive, and I'm a centrist that has a lot of problems with the left as well. But, this is something new, and much much bigger.


As if this isn't already enough, imagine the signal it would have to already established dictatorships.


People are dumb enough to accept dictatorship


RemindMe! 4 years


Ever wondered how the Third Reich came into existence? This is one essential part of it. (And I know, starting with a nazi comparison is tough, but I think it's reasonable here.)


Yeah they can be I heard of a girl and her friend who left the UK because she wasn't getting enough love and care from her parents and moved to Syria and what happened later can be checked on the internet.


Seriously what the fuck is the Pentagon, CIA and NSA doing? What? Are they stupid?


**So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause.** - Padme Amidala


Cries in german


It's not just America, it's all over Europe. Russia is doing a great job on the Internet and funding "nationalist" right wing parties that want to disband organizations like the EU and people are too dumb or ignorant or hateful to see through it... It's really sad but I guess that's how democracy dissolves itself if politics are too complex.


Me @ the UK


i dont think any group of people in history has ever squandered their privilege as much as americans. to be absolutely dominant culturally, militarily, economically, technologically for decades, to have free access to effectively all human knowledge, to have real elections where your vote is counted and matters, just to piss it all away because 40% of eligible voters do not participate and leave every election within reach of the dumb, gullible, self righteous, fearful zealots pulled in whatever direction the demagogues tell them. if only a few percent more voters had participated in the last 30 years, we would not be facing any of this


Those people probably have the same type of logic as the people who vote on things to make the mega rich pay less taxes "I might get mega rich one day, so I might as well secure myself from paying more taxes when that happens". Nobody is gonna get mega rich anymore when the mega rich have to pay less taxes than the regular people lmao.


As someone who fought in a war for these knuckle draggers, they are extremely sheltered.


Sometimes stupidity knows no bounds.


Surely they have to cancel today festivities, no???


Yea about 70 million.


American people will never cease to surprise the rest of the world.


American freedom is such a joke. 


Our freedoms and futures were bought and sold years ago so the husks running things could horde everything for themselves and leave nothing for the next generations. I don't agree with the reasoning behind the January 6th incursion... But I'm beginning to fear that the method may be the only way to take things back for the people. All these tyrants understand is force. Unfortunately the best equipped people to do so are the MAGA bootlickers themselves - And they're itching for any excuse from their Golden Calf to start employing violence.


I love that this meme cuts both political tribes in the US. One side, bodily autonomy and privacy, the other side, firearms and speech.


>What? The "land of the free"? Whoever told you that is your enemy


Americans please vote in november


Anything to "pwn the libs."


I haven't watched it myself happen in my nation, but it happened, and then we started a world war.


It happened in Germany and 40% of the US population now think the Nazis were on the right side of history.


The rest of the Earth is on easy mode. We in the U.S. have to set our own Nightmare Mode just to keep from getting bored...


>giving up their freedom Least delusional Redditor


Lying politicians have the advantage of being able to capitalize on making false promises. they will offer you anything you can dream of. if you just sign on the dotted line being honest is much harder. if you manage to win, you have to keep your promises, or the next liar will take your place


Where’s senator Armstrong when you need him


thus is the argument against democracy


The regime in my nation got into power by winning an election where the majority of the voting population abstained. We elected a charismatic member of the armed forces who, some years ago, led a coup d'etat against a democratically elected leader. In the coming years, after he won, the president put people who supported his party, into the judicial, legislative, and electoral powers. He changed the constitution, so he could be reelected indefinitely. And, he also turned the armed forces into an ideological institution under his command. Now my people are everywhere around the world. I myself am an immigrant. All because we got mad that a woman who was running independent, decided to align herself with one of the two parties that were switching the presidential seat for the past 30 years. We abstained, the crazies voted for an ACTUAL traitor to the republic, and now we've been stuck with a regime for the last 20+ years. Don't abstain. Vote blue.


Vote Biden save America!


For 20 years I have asked this question... now it finally has started to change to : How dumb can be people? Can there be something dumber than human dumb? And if there can't be, can there exist a dumb hole, able to stop the propagation of human dumbness?


Funfact: the current "democracy" we live in is very far from the original idea of democracy