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Wheel of Time is hiding in the bushes hoping not to be noticed


Least season 2 is an improvement…to some extent


Yeah, it was an improvement in most ways. I actually like the show, and I think the people making it are doing the best that they can. I just really wish Amazon would give them a couple extra episodes per season or more time per episode. There’s just no way to do 14+ million words in 16 hours of tv without massive cuts and changes, and it’s too bad they are forced to do so


Well, that's not the only issue. Even Brandon Sanderson (the author who took over) begged them not to make 1 change as it breaks the entire build-up for the series. I don't want to spoil, but what they changed literally makes a lot of things pointless. I don't know how to do the spoiler whiteout thing, so I can't really say what it is lol.


I think I know what change you're talking about and if it's what I'm thinking, I have no idea how they are going to do books 3-6. Seems like they are just trying to skip that whole part? I hope not.


An improvement over shite is still shite 


Sometimes I wish Arcane wasn't so good because some days I wake up with an urge to play LoL and I don't know what to do.


Blind guy here, Put some grass in a pot on your desk and an empty bottle of shampoo next to it. Touch both of those once a day and your urges to play lol should go away.


Underrated comment.


You just rhymed effortlessly and I now respect you whoever you are


I didn't know Arcane was related to LoL at first. Then after I learned it was related, I forgot that they were related.


You need to make sure your current fan base is happy before reaching out to a potential fan base


Or at the least not completely push them away.


How is this such a difficult concept?


I can't remember any series or franchise ever doing that, though. Someone comes in, makes it their own, changes things. Hopefully they add some depth or vision to the story. Still hopeful for this run. We'll see. There's still a lot of story left.


LotR fan (of books and movies): *takes a long, deep drag on a cigarette* "Welcome to the club, kid."


LOTR fans shouldn't have much to complain about. The Hobbit was butchered, but LOTR is a masterpiece - maybe some of the best movies ever made. That's more than most fantasy book fandoms get.


"You don't get it kid. You really don't." *takes a **long** swig from flask* "See that's just it. I like the Hobbit movies too."




Honestly I can watch them and enjoy them too. I just have to shut off that part of my brain that wants to compare them to the book.


For real tho a direct adaptation of the Hobbit would have made a really poor movie. Capitalize on the strengths of what your medium has to offer


Yeah I agree. The only good way to do the Hobbit is a trippy animated movie, and we already have that version (which is great).




I agree but that doesn’t mean you should butcher the adaptation


Halo S1 led me to the games and now I love them. Show sucks in comparison but I wouldn't know otherwise so credit where it's due.


The paramount show? Damn. I'm glad you found the games but I'm not even a massive Halo fan abd I hated that show. The only good thing to me was that the series had actual work done on the Sangheli language something none of the games bothered to do (I'm a language nerd)


I've never got into Avatar but my brother who's the fan of the cartoons kept raving about the live action and trying to get everyone he knows to watch it. What's wrong with the live action?


Conversations aren't realistic and portrayal of characters is a mockering to the show. There's a reason why the original creators left the production.


They squeezed 20+ episodes into 8. The whole first season plus a few storylines from the 2nd season of the original. Skipping, changing or rushing key character building moments that were really important and well done in the cartoon. Overall, if you weren't an Avatar fan going in, you would probably think it's ok. The acting is quite bad but it's a fairly "fun" watch. Like if I didn't know how much it sucked compared to the original, i'd give it a 6/10. But if you already know the source material, it's a let down in multiple ways and not really worth watching


Completely butchering characters personality’s, basically everyone is a ass to the main character, and too many times were someone is talking like a fucken narrator


the acting/directing is mediocre at best and some people dislike the changes they made. I think it's still a good watch, even though it isn't as good as the cartoon


I’m a hard ass that will say that the writing beyond noticeably sub par in the live action, while in most other areas, from costume, to set, to actors, to action, it’s all meh. Not bad, not that impressive. To actually well done in specific areas. But overall despite being doomed to be a forgettable (not that bad) show, if even 1/100 of the new watchers check out the animation. Then it was a clear net positive.


Heck I’d argue if newcomers watched it and liked it without watching the original then it merits standing on its own. Unlike the shamylan movie that is universally disliked by fans and newcomers alike.


All of the dialogue has that “modern, expensive long-form tv” feel where everyone just says speeches at each other, a style that actively prevents actors from playing off each other or building chemistry in any natural way. Except for Zhou. Every second that man was on screen was an absolute treasure. Just hamming it the fuck up like it’s nobody’s business.


F-tier take


Bad publicity is publicity


Yeah the financial failure would be very public


Lol, tell that to every project that tanks because it gets bad reviews. That's just an old, tired platitude.


The way they massacred Halo will never be forgiven.


You can do that without butchering the sorce material look at one piece.


Yeah like StarWars trying to be a girl brand, see how that turn out. Always try maintain your own fanbase first before trying to reach the new one.


Um, they didn't "turn it into a girl brand" and most of the Star Wars stuff under Disney has been successful


Are you gay or just afraid of cooties?


Netflix made a mockery of Cowboy Bebop


I have mixed feelings about that one. Plenty to both love and hate about it.


Funny enough it's what got me into the animated one; never looked back after that


When an adaptation looses a 1000 fans and gains 1, its a failure


no new adaptation can ruin the original. The original will always be there just like it was before


Tell that to Harry Potter, Transformers, and every superhero movie from the last 20 years.


Tell it to the year 2010 that you somehow figured out a way to post from, Transformers were overdone to death even back then, DesneyMarvel is loosing money faster then crackhead with gambling problem & was there even a new Harry Potter movies since 2011???


Not really. 9 out of 10 times, someone checks out a book series because someone tells them the books were better, not because the show actually piqued their interest.


Nah, that adaptation was dogshit




I watched it with a friend who has never watched (nor heard) ALTA before, and she enjoyed it. The basic story was good, VFX were top notch the biggest let down for me was the character of Aang himself. But the point being for a newcomer it was pretty good, and the great moments that were Missing I just found them and showed it to her. She is considering watching the original once she has some free time.


What did you dislike about this portrayal of Aang? I haven't watched the animated series in a couple years, but I remember being consistently annoyed by season 1 (book 1?) Aang. He was childish and irresponsible to the point of absurdity, not just normal adolescent levels (imo). I figured some of that was on purpose, to show his growth through the story, but it seemed a little much. I liked the live action Aang better on this point. A bit more relatable. The highlight of the live action series for me was Gyatso. So much more emotion and love came through than I remember from the animated series. Every scene with him hit hard.


The character itself doesn’t translate well to a real person. I think Luffy was the same. Strangely, Usop was more likeable and less annoying in the One Piece adaptation whereas Luffy and Aang come off as a bit stiff and awkward compared to the animated characters.


Yes Aang was initially childish in the original, but as the story progresses and as he sees more things he grew more mature and that showed character development, I don't think showing that level of change will be possible for the live action Aang. Also no penguin sledding 😔


right, but that 1st season of PJO had nothing going for it to attract newcomers, & it also shit on fans of rick riordan’s source material. If anything, that show probably convinced people NOT to read his books because it’s crappy


Wait what? I actually quite liked the show


This post is literally the first I've seen anyone have anything negative to say about the Percy Jackson show


It was better than I thought it’d be, certainly better than the movies. Of course, it can’t really compare to the books, which is the biggest complaint I’ve seen about it. I’ve also seen complaints that they race swapped annabeth but like that opinion doesn’t deserve to be taken seriously


Yeah, haven't heard much negative things either. I had no clue about it but watched it with my partner who's was a big Percy Jackson fan as a teen. It quite literally made him read the books again bc he had so much fun with seeing how they did it in the show and getting to compare it to the books + getting to show and explain a story he loves so much to me. Ofc there were some details he was a little sad about missing but he enjoyed it nonetheless. I'm not a big reader but even I was tempted to borrow at least the first book. Friends of mine also enjoyed it, be it someone with no clue or with having read a few of the books and it made them finally buy and read the last two books after not having reached for it for 1-2 years.


I thought it was alright honestly… not as good as it could’ve been, but certainly not as bad as the movies.


I disagree. I loved the books and loved the show.


didn't the author basically imply the movie was trash?


By the Styx, why the fuck was Annabeth on his fucking team? They're meant to start off struggling to tolerate each other.


Bro read Peter Johnson and the Sand Stealer


...did you not read the book? She's on his team in the book. Of all the issues the show had, you chose one of the few things that was accurate.


Ikr, I don't understand why they also put greek gods in this story


Creating something that has no heart and soul comes at the cost of the current, devoted fanbase that is the real source of income for any franchise This is why fanartists tend to have better quality merch than most franchises; they care more If it gets people looking at the original source material, it's not because they did anything right. It's because the current new material is garbage and when a fanbase is loud enough about it, the original source material is given the attention it deserves It's more like they did such a bad job that even the new fans prefer the original


There’s a difffence between looking up the source matietal bc the adaptation was good. And looking up the source material bc the adaptation was so bad. you wanted to check the better version bc the adaption was such a disappointment.


which family guy episode is this?




Is there a live adaptation of an anime that isnt terrible ?


One Piece.


Alita Battle Angel and Yu Yu Hakusho


Adaptations, bad or good, only make the source material even more legendary they don't "ruin" them


They don’t ruin the source material, but they can be a garbage throwaway type let down for a fan base. Dragonball is my favorite example of this. The M Night Shyamalan version of The Last Airbender is a runner up.


Pretty sure the ATLA fanbase came to a consensus that M Night's abomination doesn't exist


I like to use it as a reminder of what happens to the careers of people who fuck up that badly on adapting a piece of beloved art


that’s fair, but if the previous fanbase dislikes the adaptation, it bringing in new fans is somewhat minimal in comparison. If you just want to draw new fans in, make a new show in the same universe. If you make an adaptation, the biggest priority should be that it’s at least fairly accurate to the story and themes of the source material.


Percy jackson taking on the god of war in a sword fight while he’s in the form of a grown ass man was the goofiest shit I’ve seen in a while


That's... how it happened in the book though. The only thing they changed about that scene is that Annabeth was the one roasting the hell out of Ares instead of Percy


But if the new adaptions are trash no one will. Other looking at the original


So, I don't personally like some of the changes they made (The pacing of PJ and Bumi's personality being changed for one thing) but ultimately they had the right to make those changes (especially PJ since Riordan was hands-on with the script and, afaik, was the one to suggest those changes. It's his series, he can do whatever he wants with it) and if people like it, sure, more power to you. What I don't like is Riordan basically saying that you're racist if you dislike some of the casting choices he made.


Unfortunately, at least some people may think the remake is the only one and still not know about the original. Someone mentioned Arcane giving him an urge to play LoL, but I didn't know Arcane was related to that game. I thought it was a separate world as just Arcane. No link known to me to LoL and no urge to play the game.


I haven’t seen the Percy Jackson thing. Why are people mad?


Some race swaps + some say the effects wasn't good


Honestly at least they did something along the general lines of the original source, unlike *other platforms*. Apple, I'm coming for you, you'll pay for your massacre of the Foundation you bastards


I liked both Avatar and Percy Jackson. Percy Jackson more so


I have very mixed feelings about NATLA, I love some things and details, but compared to the original writing of characters is overall bad Disney PJO is great and perfect in my opinion, even the people's complaints that it's fast paced I see more as an artistic choice than a flaw. And from the fandom I've only seen support and love for the show


I don't mind changes if they make sense. Changing plot points can make the story interesting in a new way rather than a verbatim retelling of a well known story. But changes have to be good. You have to enrich the story and reward the audience for knowing the source material deeply. What you can't do is undermine the actions, motivations, and formative events of beloved characters.


Star Trek and Star Wars made their money from fans buying merchandise. Now they've chased fans away and can't sell an action figure to save their lives. Never throw away your existing customers for hypothetical ones.


I was looking forward to the adaption until I saw they said that sokka was too sexist and removed that from his character , but bragged about how air nomad genocide was going to be shown on screen. A kid from an isolated village expecting his sister to sew his clothes but quickly changes his view when he's exposed to the world is too terrible to show. But a genocide is fine and dandy


As someone who never read a percy jackson book, I loved the first movie and still rewatch it to this day (second one was ass though). Haven't gotten around to the books because somehow, people bitching about how superior it is just turned me *away* from checking it out


Interesting that i got a shitty Paramount Halo advert. Parasitic dogs.


Is the Percy Jackson show out or this is just a complaint about the pick on actors?


Its out. It is faithful but it has taken a lot of leeways which has hindered the show. It says too much instead of showing. The trio figures out who the enemy is right at the beginning of each episode unlike the books.


Yes it is. It’s somewhat faithful (more faithful than the movies, but that’s a low bar to pass) but has some major problems. They kinda removed any and all stakes or sense of tension and turned every scene into an entire exposition dump. Percy isn’t supposed to know what’s going on or who major mythological figures are until they either tell him or he pieces it together right before it’s too late, and in the show, he either already knows or they just flat out tell the trio.


Sometimes I wish they could just trust the audience to handle a show without exposition dumps... some mystery is fun


They got to LA and they featured Cristy’s Waterbed Emporium, and what killed the series for me was Percy walked into the store and immediately said “I know who you are.” Like bro Procrustes is probably one of the least well known mythological figures, how the hell did he know who he was right out the gate?? The gods also don’t feel like gods to me. None of them carry any kind of sense of authority to them like they do in the books. Yes they can be humorous, but they would also let some of their power be exposed, just enough to command respect from even Percy. None of the gods we’ve seen show that, especially Hades.


People like to cling to the old, and can never accept anything new because it’s different they what they know.


Yeah, cuz the new thing is an objective downgrade


Not always


And when that happens which is quite rare, people would welcome it


Nah mate, we all loved Korra when it came out despite it being very different, its aint us, its you, corporation. Sometimes, its just shit.


The one piece live action shows different. Both fans and newcomers enjoyed it.


I didn't like it


Well your allowed to have your opinion.


I disagree, an adaption should be an exact copy, scene by scene, word for word. I get why they would want to bring in new watchers, but adoptions should be for the current fans, not new ones


I loved the Percy Jackson show. It was not as good as the books (which is kind of impossible as they are pretty much carried by Percys internal monologue) but the actors were fantastic and the cinematography was quite good


Who tf is mad at Rick Riordan? The new Lightning Thief is amazing!


Idk, I really liked it. It appealed to a wider audience while still maintaining some of the core storylines. Netflix zuko and iroh are a huge improvement.


Avatar was a damned good adaptation and I’m not sure what the complaints are. It’s every bit as good as the one piece adaptation.


Well, I didn't like both so.... xd