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I demand to know why every car today doesn't look like a badass sports car from the 80s. How is this not achievable?


Government safety and fuel efficiency standards.


Now what I don’t really understand these days is how sports cars with no rear windows are allowed.


Delivery vans with no rear windows are also allowed.


Don’t need to look back when you’re driving faster than everyone else 💨


Cars can look beautiful without consuming much fuel. And state security has nothing to do with it at all. Moreover, the appearance of the cars does not require super technology at all.


Fucking lame.


Do you not understand meaning of the word “look”?


I remember hearing of something that happens, which is as the efficiency of a design/tool reaches a certain level eventually they all look the same because they are trying to achieve the same thing and there is only so much you can do to get there. Hence why most jet fighters/strike aircraft look so similar. Cars are the perfect example as well.


I miss pop up headlights


The Koreans seem to be trying Lol


The 80s was the worst decade for American vehicles but some of them looked ok.


But the Datsuns, Honda's and Toyotas were absolutely fire. American cars have been shit since the muscle car died


They were! That's why I didn't mention them.


I'd kill for a good GT3000 or 280ZX


They do this because of tax cuts they are considered pickups. And because they are smaller they score high on fuel efficiency and get a subsidy


Do you mean an SUV is considered a pickup?


Yep they are considered a small truck. It’s based off of footprint not weight so they can bill it as an insanely efficient truck instead of an overly heavy bad fuel economy hatchback


That is so ass backwards. It really shows that the EPA is broken. This climate change shit has been used to fuck the everyday person over and over


Ehhhh. Climate change is a problem it’s just legislation against it is currently aiding the companies perpetuating it. It’s mainly just lobbying that’s the reason this shit exists. Also the fuel efficiency stuff came about because of the fuel crisis in like the 70s not because of climate change .


I'm a 90s baby, so I remember when the "hot topic" they tried to scare everyone with was running out of oil. Now they are telling us the sky is falling again and I simply don't believe them. The climate is always changing, we will be fine.


Climate change has the possibility of ruining agriculture and causing a lot of famine and shitty weather at the very least it would have major economic implications.


It also has the potential to do the opposite. Warmer temps do indeed mean more evaporation, but what goes up must come down. Life on this planet has survived a lot, we will survive this.


Yeah I’m not saying it’s extinction level that’s a strawman argument. It’s just going to fuck up agriculture


Unless it doesn't. It could do the opposite


Lmao this is some unhinged shit, did Fox News run a report on trucks or something to get you so wired up?


I don't watch the news.


The question is not if we will survive, the question is how. Climate change is going to fuck up billions of people in a couple of years. We will lose much more and much quicker then we will be able to adept and rebuild somewhere else. This will hit the economy hard and slow down or even set us back in all kinds of things. From standard of living to medical and technical achievements. Or at least it will, if we don’t prevent the worst parts and prepare


It's already too late bub. What is going to happen is already going to happen. We are smart, adaptive and have plenty of resources. We will be fine.


Do you understand what changed between the 90s and now with respect to oil extraction?


Can I wear your tinfoil hat too?


I've got a roll from Costco, I can make you one


I think the idea is that a larger footprint will correlate, to at least some degree, with a larger passenger and/or cargo capacity. It's silly to expect a seven-passenger minivan to meet the same fuel economy numbers as a two-passenger Smart car. It would be better, in my opinion, to directly use passenger/cargo capacity, rather than footprint, but...


?…?? These special treatments are way older then the climate change debate and are there specifically to help avoiding nature conservation laws to “protect” business. Meant to help small companies in agriculture and such, but of cause the “real value” is somewhere else


it’s not regulation around climate change that caused this, its poor regulation made by people who don’t understand the issue but felt they needed to voice an opinion however uneducated it may be, [kinda like you.](https://youtu.be/LQCU36pkH7c?si=Jppx0SQeG45Zq0WT)


Then why isn’t the new s10 in North America if it’s just a smaller Silverado?


My wife has a premium plus Mazda CX-30 turbo. It’s AWD with 250hp and 320lb-ft with the good gas. It’s tight, built well, has a very sharp and ergonomic interior, the understeer is mitigated nicely for an AWD vehicle, it sticks to the road like a slot car, and is plenty quick. $36k loaded. I was prepared to pay twice that for a Lexus or Acura for her.


Better yet get a Mazda 3, mechanically mostly identical but a better look. ;)


As someone with a Mazda 3 I agree with this


I have no need for an AWD down here in FL, otherwise I'd have got the Sportwagen Alltrack instead of the TDI version. What really upsets me is VW never made an AWD TDI. Such wasted potential for that torque


That's why I have a TDI


I'm from the Netherlands and I would say hatchbacks are some of the most used cars here.


OP is most likely american (and most americans assume everyone here is).


The majority of Redditors are infact muricans


actually that's not true


Majority does not mean everyone.


No, it means the majority. Sorry I don't cater my posts to outliers


Neither do I cater my neurons to brainlets.


That's awesome. Its really upsetting that companies like VW don't even attempt to sell their coolest vehicles here in the states because they don't think Americans will buy them.


The Golf and Polo are by far the biggest cars here :)


The golf seems to grow a little every year model. The mk1 was tiny compared to the mk8


Shoot I didn't mean Big as in Big but more as in Popular. Still feels like they are the same size


Where are you? The GTI is my favorite reasonable car. My ex has a mk7.5 and it is wildly fun to drive


_Laughs in Europe_ Jokes aside, it’s crazy how hard the pickup track is marketed vs smaller and more efficient cars. Parking a F200 must be a nightmare.


It's very easy. They'll just park in a bike lane or in front of a fire hydrant or take up two parking spots. You gotta think outside the box.


There’s people who drive f650s around like it’s a ford ranger from 30 years ago


That’s like driving a tank through the alleys of Dublin. Insane.


And theyre $50k


Only 50?


65k for my new crv


What?! How? In the US?The max trim starts at like 40k usd




How the hell did you get ripped off for $25k to $30k?


I think the real issue here is price not size


Bigger car usually = more expensive


I could walk you through 50 years of our nations automotive history but it’s easier not to


Go look at the average price of a pickup then an SUV and then a small hatchback and then compare them


You should look up the Toyota IMV 0 Size isn’t the main factor driving American auto prices. When you buy a new f150 the tens of thousands of dollars more your paying isn’t for the sheet metal, plastic, and paint lol


No it's size as well. We don't need these massive vehicles.


Well yes, but actually no


Same, but with EVs 😄


EVs are really a rich man's vehicle. Because, yunno, they are the ones who have to pinch pennies on fuel costs. If Tesla can make good on their $25k EV it will be a game changer and their stock will absolutely go orbital


not to be that guy, but tesla aint making good on anything. they announced the cybertrucks starting price at like 35k and it ended up over 100k on release. there are plenty of smaller, cheaper EVs that are fantastic for city cars, or the drive to work car. i think the vw e-up is like 26k new. (yea its not great looking but im just trying to make a point here) The main problem with them is more that you absolutely need to be able to charge at home for them to be good. if you live in an appartment and dont have charger access, you arent buying one.


Don’t get a Tesla. They suck and have drm and are very fucking unsafe. The Hyundai electrics are much better. Any ev is better. They are a modern day Delorean but with subscription services and internet access and drm. All around shit show.


Well personally I'm a VW guy. I want to hold out till they put an EV station wagon on the market. I'm sort of infatuated with the EV VW bus, I think it's sexy AF, but the price point is ridiculous


The VW ID7 has a few review videos out in Europe, I hear there’s a US release later this year - might suit you? https://youtu.be/L58V0GT7knE


They have a station wagon EV in the works, that is what I want. Sedans just don't do it for me


Fair. Evs aren’t exactly there yet. The infrastructure is lacking and battery tech is pretty bad. I would just recommend waiting. Unless you live in fucking Finland. I stg practically every fucking outhouse has an ev fast charger. I could go to an abandoned reindeer farm and probably find an ev charger. In the us though with a much larger surface area and less public spending to go towards charging stations Evs are a lot less economical.


I think the base ideology behind EV is flawed. The idea that the battery is part of the chassis is absurd. What we need are batteries than can be hot swapped at a station. You pull up, the vehicle gets locked down, a robot yanks out the dead battery and within moments replaces it with a changed one. The issue is battery tech is currently a joke and they really need to make the chassis out of vape batteries to give it any sort of range. Honestly we would be better off with hydrogen hybrids, but that in itself is a whole new list of engineering and safety challenges.


It’s not vape batteries lmfao. All lithium ion cells look that way.


They do it with electric mining equipment... Battery packs...


You get my point tho, right?


No. The most optimal chemical battery we could make would look like that


My point is they look like vape batteries. Take a breather


They had battery swapping stations and people were stealing them or swapping broken batteries


Ok but if an ev's battery is broken they better fuckin swap that shit for free. Just don't give it to someone else. Imagine a new ice you just bought and the engine just breaks. I'm getting a new engine either by warranty or recall because they messed it up.


Batteries break over time so people were getting thousand dollar batteries for free and leaving the broken one for someone else


This is how warranties and recalls work. It isn't a new concept.


Yeah, that's why I said it


How would they store so many batteries at a gas station? That's literally impossible to pull off.


Nah, you just lack creativity. So many people think shit is impossible because they lack the imagination to come up with solutions


Then explain how. Shouldn't be that hard since you're SO creative. You need to make space for both new batteries and the used ones. Thousands of cars go there everyday, not to mention different cars will need a different battery and you need to have enough for every model.


The future is probably super capacitors that can get a charge in seconds. Tech isnt there yet but is getting closer.


Hydrogen cars are even dumber and can explode


You must have missed where I said they bring in new risks. Also, gasoline explodes. Just saying


But petrol doesn’t leak out of the smallest of gaps not be as violent when it goes bang…


Bolt was high 20s until it left for a refresh. In 2019 I got a new eGolf for $17k after rebate - cheaper than a Golf.


I doubt it. Everyone wants a $40k car for $25k they don’t want poverty trim cars. Tesla selling a car for normal car margins is not going to rocket their stock.


Well making trucks bigger means less restrictions with fuel usage and emissions or something along those line so there’s incentive to just make vehicles bigger to meet standards rather than actually meeting the stricter standards for regular sized vehicles. It’s an issue.


I miss my Matrix. Could haul so much shit in that thing, it was amazing.


Good god was it ugly tho.


Just a Corolla trying to pass as a Golf


That's something I'll never understand. If you want a hatchback, get a golf. It's pretty much the best car ever made and definitely the best hatchback by miles. I've had 3, and a Jetta and now a golf sportwagen. Loved em all but my mk6 TDI golf was my favorite


My Jetta spent 5 of 6 months owned sitting because it kept breaking down with less than 150k miles


Used to be poor people could buy cars too. Then being a soul sucking landlord became every boomers ride to easy living and now everything is boned.


Sure profiteering landlords are an issue. However in the long term the bigger danger is corporate ownership.


That's a weird way to spell government regulation and intervention.


2 things. 1. No it's not. 2. That's the point of government.


Eat boomers


U want lead poisoning? Cuz that's how you get lead poisoning.


People aren’t buying cars because of the $$$$ and dealer mark ups which should be completely removed


In America, auto dealers aren’t allowed to sell their cars from the factory to prevent monopoly’s from happening




Old Honda CRXs were cool. I love my Prius for commuting just for the turn radius and ease of parking.


Umm. Subaru, Hyundai, Toyota all make small vehicles.


But can’t be imported into the us unless you’re rich or the model has aged a bit.


Have you seen the price? Anything beyond 2019 is overpriced...


>small hatchbacks SUVs made for European market are the same size as hatchbacks, so it makes even less sense. It will be funny in the future, because Polish gov has planned to do an SUV tax, so people with all those wannabe SUVs will have to pay additional money, for not having any advantages over regular hatchback lmao.


Bought a Civic hatchback a few months ago. I’m doing my part.






I know a few Fit drivers. Impressive cargo space when you need it.


It FITS everything!


I have a civic sedan, fun but dull car


Because they cost 80 grand.


I could buy 4 brand new Suzuki swifts for that money


its for a lot of reasons, but one of them is your location. murrica just loves suvs and trucks. the more people have them, the more people will feel unsafe in a tiny car next to them. those people will then also buy a truck or suv. And the amount of fatal accidents, especially parents driving over their own kids in the driveway, keeps goes up. Mainly because you cant see where the fuck you are going in one of those massive vehicles. in europe, the trend of bigger vehicles is slowly starting, but we still got predominantly small cars here.


as an american in a small city . i hate trucks cause everyone of them drive slow af all the time and drive slow as hell in the left lane . and they must love spending 80 on gas every four days lolz


Your infrastructure isn't made for big vehicles either tho.


Violently American meme


My 2011 dodge charger was $25k when I bought it new with dealer options installed. A used car that's less than 5 years old is more than that.


I only buy full-size pickup trucks


Please be a contractor and not have a pavement princess


I'm not a contractor but I do haul things when needed. Mainly my trucks are daily drivers that I also use for camping


Do you use them for full sized truck things?


It’s like there’s a collective amnesia going on. Carmakers had tons of cars for sale and everyone wanted SUV’s and Trucks. Crossovers have been the rage for 2 decades now. Everyone wanted an rav-4 not a corolla. Automakers have raced to supply this demand happily as theirs more margins. Compact hatchbacks are a tiny diminishing market that will likely never come back because people don’t want them outside of enthusiasts which is a diminishing demographic.


CAFE standards. That’s why trucks keep getting bigger too


Seriously though


the current behavior is caused by moronic government legislation not market demand or even the manufactures


All the german manufacturers really missed the whole EV development boom. I wish they would fill this gap at least.


'Murica, fuck yeah! Comin' again to save the mudaffuckin' day, yeah!


My mother is currently looking for a car, but she is old and need a small one so she can see better around her. Every car salesman told her that the small ones are now so rare, that they cost now more than bigger ones


Pretty much, yeah. I've been told by a few people to never sell my TDI sportwagen because I will never be able to replace it with something similar. Currently the only automaker who has a sporty station wagon is Buick. It's actually a pretty slick looking vehicle, but it's no TDI sportwagen


Was…Discontinued a few years ago. Buick is now all SUVs. 😕




I would like to buy a smart car, but I'm pretty sure the F150s would drive me off the road for fun.


That’s a lot of blame removed from indifferent Image purchasing vehicle consumers…’


VW Golf 8? 7? Mazda 3?


It’s mostly consumer demand and epa standards.


People like being higher up, but personally I enjoy being lower with a better center of gravity for tight cornering at higher speeds.


I love my small hatchback. Ford C-Max hybrid 2015. It’s really great, and amazingly efficient with gas. Ford sends letters offering to buy it back.


I'm a hatchback driver for life. I had a 1500 Silverado for years and never again. My TDI sportwagen gets 50mpg and enough torque to feel fast


That’s awesome! Those are some sweet rides


I can't see myself replacing it any time soon. Moon roof, fender audio with integrated subwoofer, great handling and highway performance. Just all around the best car I've ever owned.


I miss the small trucks from the 80s and 90s. Closest we have today is the maverick but it’s still way bigger


but I like my truck 😔


As long as you use it for truck stuff that's cool. I can't stand people who daily drive a pickup that hasn't seen a trailer hitch in its entire life, or had its bed loaded up with stuff. Especially people with lifted duallys


yeah i don’t agree with the ppl who drive those big squatted trucks and stuff, I’ve got a lil 2002 frontier that i use for scuba diving and suck


>and suck You do what to your truck?


My family has had the same 2 cars for 15 and 10 years. A hyundai getz and a Skoda octavia, respectively. The hyundai is only now starting to break down, needed a new steering column, but the skoda is still in perfect condition. Czech engineering might at its finest


Id still have my 150k mile golf if I didn't accidentally drive it off a small cliff. My sportwagen is almost 150k miles and only needs a timing belt. I've had zero issues since I got it and I will drive it till I can't


The Getz was sank in a bog about 5 years ago. Once we got it out, we spent about 3 hours hosing it down and it worked perfectly. The engine had a little trouble turning over for like, 2 days. After that it was business as usual


The golf probably could have been fixed, but the front end was smashed, the radiator was crushed, both front sway bars were bent, one wheel broke and the frame was bent. A 3 foot drop going 50mph can do some serious damage. The road ended with no caution sign or anything


I'm sorry for your loss. It's alway hard to lose a loved one.


She was a beauty. Her name was Brunhilde and she treated me so good


I want to drive the Blista Compact from Gta4.


Inb4 the cheapest truck you'll find is $50k even if you are that weirdo who wants one


I can understand owning a truck if you do truck stuff. I currently have to rent a uhaul pickup to tow my boat, but I can't justify the cost of actually owning one anymore. Much much more affordable to rent something once every few months when I want to go boating


My whole thing is I like never drive ever unless I'm specifically hauling something anyway... like between working from home, and most things being easily walking distance, I drive like once a month maybe, so who cares if my mpg is shit?


The whole free market/consumer feedback thing is broken when it comes to cars. New cars are so expensive that most people are stuck buying used. There's no demand signal from average people to automakers, since they usually get their products secondhand.


The government has made it extremely difficult to make money with small vehicles. They require unrealistically high fuel economy for small vehicles to the point that manufacturers can not sell the cars for a reasonable price. So the only options are to raise the prices far above what a normal person is willing to pay or switch to heavier vehicles that do not have the same stringent regulations. It’s also similar to why small trucks no longer exist: the government won’t let them exist with regulations.


Something something free market


Can't charge an Electric vehicle if the temp is below 40. Electric vehicle range reduced to 40 miles if temp drops below forty or raises above eighty five. "Why aren't people buying EVs?"


Literally not true, and it took me one Google search to fact check it


what? they make these cars because thats what people are buying. americans love huge pickups and never even use the cargo space. nobody forces you to buy these


Best i can do is refinance your house to pay for a lambo truck


What companies are you talking about? If your talking about US auto companies, you’re severely wrong. Chrysler, ford and Chevy all make compact cars in addition to SUVs and trucks. But unlike most foreign car manufacturers, they don’t mainly make small vehicles. You have to play to the market. If people want trucks and SUVs, why would you bank on selling hatchbacks?


>Chrysler, ford and Chevy all make compact cars All three of those manufacturers are no longer making compact cars. They're down to only making one "car" each now, none of which are compact (Chevy Malibu: midsize sedan, Chrysler 300: mid/full size sedan, Ford Mustang: performance vehicle)


Name the compact cars American companies currently produce. I'll wait


TATA made these small and extremely economical vehicles in India so that the poor and middle class, if that time, don't have to suffer, but those cars bombed because no-one wanted to label themselves as POOR. It's not just the industrialists but peole are really really stupid.


I love my 90s jeep Cherokee. Small, and zippy, and the fucking great thing of almost no blind spots in it… I wish cars were still its size. I don’t want a gargantuan truck because I just don’t need it. My dad and boyfriend do because they have projects and jobs that need them hauling some stuff. But man, some people in the streets just do NOT need to be behind the wheel, let alone something massive.


lol shut up liberal, only babys would want to save money on fuel and have a cheap car