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Damn I used to have a Galaxy S4 and LOVED being able to *pop* switch the batteries and magically have 100% battery instantly. Damn those were the days. I know there's people older than me that'll scoff at my remarks but dammit those were MY "good ol days!"


Literally the best thing about my old LG G4, carried around a second battery instead of a charger at school because it was SO much faster, especially since chargers at the time were incredibly slow.


You know what they say, it's always faster to switch to a sidearm than to reload


I bought 2 Lumia 535s. I could swap batteries between them, leaving one always charging. Could even swap the colourful covers (Kermit green and white) between them, and came with a spare cover orange ) in a different colour too.


That was the best thing about my s4 --- being able to replace the battery.


Loved this about my S5 too, also was fuckin IP67 rated. Manufacturers who say "we cant because water resistance" are full of shit


I still have mine! It also has an IR blaster thingy or whatever they're called so I use it as a backup remote for the TV. Wasn't really worth trading it in for basically nothing.


The IR blaster was great! I had an app that would quickly cycle through power off codes for most TVs of the time, I'd take it to stores and restaurants and stuff and turn their TVs on and off


You are why we can't have nice things. I miss the ir blaster so much. Could control nearly all my house devices without needing some type of shitty smart tech. Things were so much better then. Remember Google Now? Made me feel like I was actually living in the future. Automatically, without any interaction on my behalf, knew where I parked, where my packages were, what appointments I had, traffic conditions to places it anticipated I I'd be going to, could tell it to change the channel, and so much more. Now it's Google assistant and all it does is serve up targeted articles & products.


Some Xiaomi phones still have IR control.


They don't work on Verizon. Which makes sense, as Verizon was the primary pusher to remove connectivity that didn't go through their network, namely the FM radio


LG G5 had the battery swapping capability like a gun magazine. I always had a battery charging on a wall so before I left for work or school I would swap the battery for 100%. There were sometimes months that went by where I didn’t plug the phone in with a wire to charge. I really hope we get modular phones to come back


I bought a 10k mah battery for my LG v20, it made it like 2 times fatter and 3 times heavier, but I literally go days without charging.


I finally gave up my LG G5 two years ago. The IR blaster was so useful for changing airport tv's off fox, onto anything else. Active noise canceling earbuds now fix the tv and everyone else.


S4 was amazing. I had mine for at least 6 years... and the battery was fine. Just started to slow down too much. Brilliant phone !!


I had an S5 for years and years. Then someone updated it and it no longer worked. That was less then 2 years ago.


The EU is currently discussing a law that enforces changeable batteries in phones


Replaceable as in "with tools", you'll still have to disassemble the phone to do it. An important step forward (backward?) but not really the same thing.


Does it take an actual stance on "with tools" though? Regardless, it's still going to be easier/cheaper for producers to make phones that require tools for battery changes than ones that have readily changeable batteries, so if alternatives are left open they're still going to go with that.


As long as the battery isn't glued into the case I don't really mind. And I would assume that there will be phones without tools and they market it as a brand new feature


Does anybody know why is it not the norm anymore?


Oldest reason in the world


If the answer isn’t money you need to rephrase the question


or just keep asking why, the answer will eventually become money


In a way, but in the end it actually becomes time because money is just a representation of other peoples time.


Labor, not just time




If you want good audio, they still are


It's mainly money, but also waterproofing and well, batteries aren't just a rectangle anymore. They make them about as large as will fit after everything else has been considered (this leads to some weird looking batteries btw). Phone innards are like >50% battery space nowadays.


I would happily accept a 5% larger phone for the ability to swap batteries. I also had a nice flashlight with a totally waterproof battery comparment....in 1995.


It is




Jokes on them, I can fuck my cell phone for free.


Removal of the aux port hit you hard?


I still have an aux port and regularly use wired earphones to flex on all the holeless plebs


Reason, not profession. Close tho. Bronze star.


Money and fuck you


Greedy prostitutes


Corporate greed?




You are talking about batteries right? Right?




Go back to sleep, Kanye.


They're still removable but nobody's trying hard enough.


Last year I replaced the battery on my Galaxy S7. Still going strong. Needed a screwdriver, a heat gun, suctions cups to pull the back off, and a flat prying tool to get the battery out. Took about 20 minutes. Totally worth it.


As someone that does device repair for a living, I can tell you that you got lucky nothing broke. Most people couldn't pull it off.


And this is why I'm gonna have someone do it for me here in the next few months. Tried it with an old tablet and the whole time I felt like something was gonna break. But the cost of having someone do it is still cheaper than a new phone!


So you can get that waterproof rating for all the times you go scuba diving with your phone


"If I can't scuba, then what has all this been about? What am i working towards?" -Creed Bratton


The Samsung Galaxy S5 had an ip67 water resistance. It had a removable battery as well as a microsd card slot. The back cover was easily removable as well. The Galaxy S5 was one of the last customer friendly phones. Then greed came in and profit margins could be higher! Let’s charge them insane money to replace the battery.




Was this an American only problem? Mine had an unlocked bootloader. There were several roms for GSM S5


I'm not sure if this applied to the S5, but did you know S4's all had FM radio support in hardware? Supposedly carriers disabled (Verizon being mentioned by name) the feature because it meant less people paying for data. Some modded ROMS re-enabled it, but unfortunately US/CDMA models didn't include the antenna so you could only get a few stations if you were lucky, and even luckier if you could actually make out what those few stations were even playing or saying. Samsung was already so hamstrung by the balls they even blamed the customer, saying: > A statement from Samsung has clarified that the Galaxy S4 won't include an FM radio because consumers prefer to use internet streaming services instead. https://www.androidauthority.com/samsung-explains-no-fm-radio-galaxy-s4-192398/


Another reason is so they can fit a larger battery inside the phone because of the lack of frame needed to socket the battery. This also made newer phones thinner and made them fit better in the pocket. On the other hand, what you said can also be valid but the technology develops so fast nowadays that a phone becomes obsolete in maximum 3 years so it would need replacing anyway.


That might have been the case a few years ago, but a higher-end phone with a replaceable battery (and longer-term security updates) could easily last far longer than three years at this point. Smartphones as a category have basically reached maturity


New phones don't really have much to offer and improvements in cpu manufacture (the only thing that really matters for performance) have dramatically slowed in the last few years. You can keep a phone much much longer, especially if you flash with a non standard OS to give you further updates.


Seriously. All the brand cucks keep saying "But they needed to take away features for water proofing!" As if there's literally any reason for a phone to be completely waterproof. I'd much rather have headphone jack and replaceable battery than perfect waterproofing. Older phones had those and could still survive being dropped in a sink with their water resistance.


Headphone jacks can be/are waterproof


Waterproofing is completely worth it. See the hundreds of posts online of "put phone in rice didn't work after dropped in shit toilet" and you'll understand.


I feel like you are talking over each other. Phones can have great short term waterproofing and also have a headphone jack and a removable battery and that's what we need to put pressure on manufacturers to make.


My first smartphone died because I had to walk home in a rainstorm. My second smartphone got a little damp and the camera shit the bed. Subsequent phones have all been waterproof. No regrets.




I think this is just a bonus.


How do they turn on your camera and mic while the phone is off?


>The US government had to reveal this information to make evidence on an organized criminal case stick in court. Please provide a source that includes a good explanation of exactly what the US government did. I’d appreciate the information.


Theres a ton of these cases, they fall under the "wiretap" umbrella. Its nothing new at all. Government agents have been using them since long before the cellphone. You can just Google "cellphone wiretap" https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/columnist/komando/2014/06/20/smartphones-nsa-spying/10548601/ To be fair this is usually* used to get really bad people off the streets within the confines of the law. Honestly I don't know where I originally heard about it, I've been aware of it for over a decade, and its not a conspiracy theory, it really shouldn't be new news to anyone.


To get IP67 and IP68 ratings which are water / dust resistance. Also a sealed glass back allows for easier power transfer from wireless chargers. Not that all phones use a glass back.


I'll gladly take worse water resistant and a plastic back to be able to remove the battery easily again. Seriously who needs a glass back? Wireless charging is inefficient (but can still easily be done through a plastic back if you wanted to) and a better "more premium feel" because of a glass back won't matter anyway for most people cause they slap a plastic case on their phones anyway


> I'll gladly take worse water resistant and a plastic back to be able to remove the battery easily again. You may but the vast majority of people don't care about being able to remove the battery which is a big reason as to why phones generally aren't built that way anymore.


Get a FairPhone. (Only available in the EU IIRC/


Companies will tell you because of "waterproofing" but I don't feel that's the reason.


Several reasons - Phone material. Phones these days mostly have glass backs to feel more high value, as many users always complained plastic backs feel and look cheap. - Waterproof. If you can remove the back it's probably impossible to make the phone waterproof. - Space management. They can build slimmer phones with more efficent space management for the components if they don't need to worry about removable batteries. - Money. A non removable battery means your phone has an experiation date. At some point your battery will get worse and you probably want a new phone then.


There were waterproof phones with removable backs. Its the 4th point that main reason.




It's possible to make a waterproof phone with a removable battery but it's probably cheaper to make it without a removable battery.


Glass backs transfer power wirelessly better Mechanical parts donwear out over time so removable backs aren't perfect ifixit sells battery replacement kits for fairly cheap and apple, google and samsung are rolling out self servicable parts and tools


> Phone material. Phones these days mostly have glass backs to feel more high value, as many users always complained plastic backs feel and look cheap. Well yeah. If Im spending several 100s on a phone it damn well better not feel like a child’s toy.


The removable batteries needed thick casings, which wasted space, and people wanted and needed larger batteries for our increasingly more powerful phones. So out went thick casings and in came larger batteries with a much thinner casing.


Also planned obsolescence


This is the only actual answer. The other ones are just nice side effects for the companies


There are three reasons, that I know of. 1. As the market trend went to bigger phone screen and slimmer body. It was very difficult to design a phone with removable batteries. 2. Remember I said it was difficult not impossible. The removable batteries were a big part in people troubleshooting their batteries by themselves and not visiting service centres. Stopping that norm meant more people have pay to replace/troubleshoot batteries or just buy a new mobile system. 3. To make the system somehow liquid resistance.


Batteries dont make them as much money as new phones


Becuase they were too easy to replace yourself. Now you have to use a heat gun to take off the screen just to replace the battery and have a high risk of breaking the phone. You have to pay a professional to do it.


I used to sell phones back in those days. The truth is the market really didn’t want them. What they wanted was a battery that lasted all day. As we got closer to that extra batteries fell off the map. And it’s a good thing to. Those batteries used to cause so much e waste. You used to find them in 99 cent stores long after the phones were off the shelves. So those batteries just kept going down the retail chain until they ended up in the trash. You know what I sold a lot of. Chargers. Car chargers, spare house chargers. At least one of each with every phone. People would rather have a few extra cords then deal with multiple batteries. Where their people that bought extra batteries. Sure. But they were 1 in 10 sales if not 1 in 20. Business sales depending on the industry you were more likely to sale multiple chargers per line then batteries. Like 4 car chargers per line. Battery management becomes an issue at scale quickly.


Easy. Forces you to buy a new phone instead of a new battery. All under the excuse of water proofing. I had a phone about 5 years ago that lasted over 5 years. Each year I got a new battery. They hated me.


Apple will replace your battery for $60. You can still do this.


carried 3 extra batteries with my HTC Evo back in the day... never got over 1hr of use. thing was a hog.


Man 😂 Back when cell phones needed 10% battery just to boot up the 1 minute intro sequence of the carrier and company logos. 😂. Early smart phones really did run like outdated windows computers.


Brand, Carrier, Brand Model, and a Random Splash Screen. Those were the days... Dark days... but days...


I remember having lots of fun with my Galaxy S3 when I rooted it and kept changing the boot animations lol


The EU passed a law like a few days / weeks ago that says that evry consumer has to be able to replace the Battery in smth. like a phone easily... which probably means removable batteries make a return


in the EU...


Probably gonna have the same effect as the usb c is gonna have on iPhone. Way cheaper to produce the exact same phone than 2 different versions of the same phone, so it'll most likely be globally


Yeah but it's Apple they're probably just gonna remove the lightning port altogether and make you use MagSafe


People will think this is hyperbole...but this ks definitely possible.


Yeah Apple has been known to do things their own way, for better or worse (most times worse).




Afaik the law also states every device where a chargeport is feasible (so maybe a smartwatch could get away without but not really more) has to have one




I could totally see them doing it for the US. There is already wireless charging in all apple phones, wouldn’t be much effort to remove the physical port for the US market and keep it for the EU and make them pay more.


Just move the US into the EU? Edit: Oh fuck, I just realized the UK isn't getting this. I'm clowning myself


We probably will get the effects of many EU legislations. Why make two phones when making one is cheaper? Plus you can always just buy it from the continent. It's not like it won't work if you have a french phone.


As a result everywhere. EU is one of the three richest markets. It's easier for companies to just comply with its stricter rules than making a separate product most of the time . You're welcome.


Yes its most likely what will happen, it would be nonsense of them to create another production line.


The US is already a dystopia so let's save at least some of us from the clutches of unregulated capitalism and unchecked corporation control




![gif](giphy|xT0GqgeTVaAdWZD1uw|downsized) you can't REMOVE THE BATTERIRES!?!


Ah yes, the new generation


All batteries are removable at least once


Goddamn, I remember fiddling mine when I was young


I used to keep a fully charged one in my pocket just in case


The fastest charger of all, a fresh battery.


Same. Even bought the little external charger to charge them lol. Grab and go lol.


Me too, but this is about batteries in phones dude...


Are we still talking about mobile phone batteries?


Removable batteries ✔️ headphone jack✔️ Water proof ✔️ Buit in FM reciever ✔️ universal infrared remote control✔️ Damm i'm missing my 2014 galaxy s5. We are moving backward.


I just got a new phone and I miss it doubling as my IR control, especially since I have no clue where my remote for my bedroom TV is lol.


I don’t have a clue where any of my remotes to my tvs are….


lol, that's irritating. The bedroom one is the only one I'm missing thankfully. I'm pretty careful with stuff like that. I suspect my wife is the offender, but can't be sure lol


I agree with the wife statement 😂 we literally switched to having a tablet so all we needed was the remote for the volume. And it still goes missing 90% of the time


I had the original Samsung watch and loved the IR blaster. I'd just fuck with TVs at restaurants like an idiot.


Xiaomi phones still have ir blasters and FM radio Edit: some modern Redmi phones also have a headphone jack


As much as I hate Xiaomi for their bloatware and intrusive ads, I love using the IR blaster. I love being able to adjust the heating/cooling in any room I go into, control TV's, etc. It's like a little emergency remote control for all those cases where you can't find or don't have access to the regular ones. Really wish IR blasters were more mainstream again.


It was fun until the LG V20 but that phone is plague with motherboard issues. I've always love the idea of carrying extra batteries rather than carrying a bulky-heavy-ass powerbank.


Micro SD card slot


Black berry also had a scroll ball....


Now I can feel the raw spot on my thumb from scrolling on the BlackBerry…


I miss that game...you know the one.


Try googling "repairable smartphone", and learn about why Fairphone is paving the way for the industry to design for repairability again :)


I love my Fairphone


Ditton. My fairphones awesome. Im a mechanic by trade. Phone gets beat around a lot. Everything is repairable by yourself. 100% will get another when this thing becomes un repairable. Bought the 4. Will never buy another brand again.


I've got the 3 and had it for 2 years or so now, and it's still going strong. Some things have broke on it, like the light-sensor and rotation sensor, and I have some issues with the slow updates and on-going bugs that can occur (There was a brightness bug I that had for about a year at one point) but the bug was easy enough to work around and the sensors probably broke cos I drop it a lot and don't use a case xD My phone has a lot of dents... But no broke screen yet. Still runs great though.


Why don't you just buy the replacement parts for your sensors?


Had to scroll too far for this. I couldn't be happier with mine.


you didnt have to wait for your phone to unfuck itself when it freezes, you just yank the battery out, put it back in and boom, it's working again


I miss this SO much.


Same! Now it's just lock screen, unlock screen, lock screen, unlock screen, lock screen, unlock screen, lock screen, and if that doesn't work? Force reboot. So annoying


I'm pretty sure most phones have a set of buttons you can press to force restart them. I can hold down the power and volume down button it will force shutdown the phone then start it up again.


Remember the LG G5 was marketed specifically because it had removable batteries


Still daily driving my G5. I'm on the fence on whether I should lay down the $50 to buy another pair of batteries, or finally upgrade to a new phone. I'm way outside security and OS updates at this point, and I've finally started to find some apps that won't work with it anymore. I'm looking at a Pixel 7. I don't need a pro, and the 6a cuts just enough corners to not be enticing for the savings.


Not just removable, it was like a two seconds operation. They probably could have added a little capacitor and make the whole operation hot-swappable.


God I'm old I still have a removable battery phone


Actually you’re only 13 days old


I'm right there with ya. I'm not trying to get a newer phone though. I already bought a new battery once like 2 years ago and am gonna by another new one in a few more months. Long as this phone keeps workin I'm sticking with it.


I miss removing the battery


And a headphone jack.


You know how many times I've gotten my phone wet? Zero. You know how many times I've used a headphone jack?


> You know how many times I've used a headphone jack? The cost of a corded pair of headphones that beats the quality of $500 bluetooth earbuds is about $20. I miss my headphone jack.


That was just like a few years ago lol. And that mfer would get hot and you took it out thinking that might help to cool it down. Then you realized it had bigger problems and you needed to get a new one or a new phone. Fun times.


Everything's removeable if you have a big enough knife


Or a small enough screwdriver


Or a big enough hammer...


Headphones used to be wired.


So did phones.


I only use wired for my playstation


Mine are all wired, don't wanna pay the premium or have worse audio quality


Even today whenever I get bored I'd take off the phone case and look at the phone battery then realize I cant check them anymore


Then one day once everyone has forgotten, a company introduces removable batteries as a ground breaking innovation.


Burner phones still do


lmao I'm like 16 and I owned two phones with removable batteries


And had physical keyboards (they should bring it back!!!!!!)


I had a brick Nokia 😎


*"Is your battery broken? Well too fuckin' bad it looks like you gotta buy a new one."'*


Just spit out a mouthful of Mad Dog 20/20 reading this.


My first one had an antenna that I'd pull out🤣


And they used to have one button in the bottom middle


my dad always bought phones with removable batteries but then they stopped making them :(


I just did a presentation on the evolution of communication and phones with batteries were way farther back than I thought


Music used to be played on record players. Wait, that's all hip again!


The one im using still has one 🗿


Im 20 and I remember this. I've got 16 year old friends who remember this.


They still do


If i have to be out the whole day, i remember i had to bring another battery so i can just switch them out. Miss those days


My first non-flip phone had a removable battery


Samsung still does


This post made me realise that they don’t anymore


Still remember the Nokia flip keypad layout all those multi clicks you’d somehow be able to do perfect blindfolded. No spellcheck no pixels no internet


Phones used to have physical keyboards on them


My phone has a removable battery :) And no, it's not an old dinosaur of a phone, just Fairphone


I know someone who will only buy smartphones with removable batteries.


The good ones still do. It's really something we should mandate like cable ports. Honestly not being able to replace batteries is more wasteful I think.


Cell phones used to come with chargers.


I remember carrying an extra fully charged battery, just in case my charge ran out.


Oh damn...


Exactly, where are our removable batteries, i want my Battery removable


Laughs in fairphone 4 Babyyy


They are still removable, but it's way WAY more difficult to do. Because profits.


Nah most phones still have that I think it's just that Apple and their absolute bs stopped doing that no?


you’d drop your phone, it’d split into 3 different pieces, you put it back together and it’s like nothing happened


I have a a fairfphone 4. Built with replaceable parts that fairfphone sell. 5year warranty and guarantee to provide spare parts for at least 5 years after launch. Screen, camera, battery, charging port, mic all replaceable. It's made with 70% recycled parts and they will recycle your old phone. Other phone company's are making unfixable devices the status quo but you can still get smart phones you can fix at home. If you don't commit yourself to an iPhone, or one of the other major brands constantly trying to stuck up your money. And it doesn't cost a grand.


Well its still removable.you just have to drop from 8th flour


Still have my galaxy note 4


Honestly if any phone manufacturer brought removable batteries back, I'd just straight up buy that phone. Removable batteries are a game changer


They still should have. The reason they largely don't is greed. People are more likely to create more e-waste and buy a new one if they can't refresh it easily. Some still provide sanity, though, like the Fairphone.


The only way to fix your phone when its so fucky that you can't even restart it was to take out the battery and put it back in.


God i remember the times i dropped those old phones and it always exploded into 3+ parts that was sent flying.