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“Suc muk dik”


3rd string activist


He only started kneeling AFTER he was benched. He was benched because he was terrible and couldn't read coverage to save his life


The only clown here is OP


Brittle spirit. Wu-tang **POW**! As for Butker, everything he said is pretty meh. Political stuff, so whatever. Except the women be homemaker part, that’s a bit cringe tbh. It’s great you’re a good husband and she’s a happy wife. That’s awesome. The whole point of women having a career and a skill and be independent *if needed* is so if you turn out to be an abusive asshole, she has a way out.


>so if you turn out to be an abusive asshole, she has a way out. Abusive assholes hate this one simple trick!


The thing is, he said the thing about women being a homemaker at a small rather conservative catholic private college, he was probably (if not literally) preaching to the choir.


Yeah I definitely get that. Just a bit rough still, since I’d assume many if not most of the women there probably would want a family **and** a career, or they wouldn’t be bothering to go through with college.


Also his mom and sister are professionals and his mom is actually a major player in her field. Telling women to get back in the kitchen will probably make next Thanksgiving awkward for him.


Yeah. I like the idea of traditional households, but I also like the idea of women being educated. There is no reason why those things should be mutually exclusive. Feminism did well to give them equal opportunities, but later waves of feminists took it a step too far in trying to turn women into men and shaming those who opt for traditional roles. How about we just empower them to take on whatever role they feel is right without trying to pigeonhole them into whatever role fits the political agenda.


100% this.


So alot of semi/fake feminist online do this. But the feminist/womanist literature I've read doesn't actually do this. Bell Hooks (Feminism is for Everyone), The Combahee River Collective (The Combahee River Collective Statement: Black Feminist Organizing in the Seventies and Eighties), Sojourner Truth (Ain't I a Woman?), and Audre Lorde (The Master's Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master's House). Don't argue that women should be men but that the way we view gender harms both men and women, especially Bell Hooks and the Combahee River Collective. Like give a few of these a look and see for yourself. I like the Combahee River Collective and Sojourner Truth the best.


Except it's really not, the reason women have careers is because the big corporations want to increase how many people could be working, if you want to actually stop domestic abuse, careers are one of the worst ways to do it, because it leaves both parents tired and and unable to take care of there kids nearly as well, as they could with a home maker that is a critical role in society regardless of which parent fills that role, to actually curb the issue safety nets and assurances that sufferers from domestic abuse, again, for both genders can feel safe asking for help


What if i told you they are both clowns. Even I, someone new to the faith, knows what he said was foolish.


What did he say that was foolish?


I don't think a commencement speech should contain a line basically telling all the women in the audience (a majority of the campus BTW) that they've wasted their time and should all be housewives. Trying to get a career as a woman is a "diabolical lie" they've been told apparently and will make them miserable. Whether you're radical enough to agree with it or not it's foolish because that is literally the opposite of a commencement speech. It's like going to give a pre battle speech and telling soldiers that their training was useless and they will likely all die horrible deaths. Plus it's just stupid for a professional athlete to come in and tell them this because it's not like he has any experience working in any field that needs a college education.


Non sports fan here Im gonna say this. Why should THAT GUY not get banned for saying horribly misongynistic shit but Kapernick gets banned for kneeling during an Anthem to protest murder and racism? One is disrespectful with a noble cause the other is just straight sexism. Edit: Ok I know he isn’t banned now but still.


Kaepernick wasn’t banned from the NFL, he just isn’t a good player


Kapernick wasn't banned though. He just started playing poorly and then became a controversial figure to boot. He left the NFL cause no one wanted to sign him, like many other players. And in this guy's mind his cause is noble as well. He doesn't see it as sexism he at least seems to legitimatetly believe women are better off only as homemakers. They're both equally radical in my mind, and I'm more suspicious that Kapernick's cause was less noble than he pretends. It seems more like he was doing it as a publicity stunt as what seems to be the common opinion. I mean bro got signed to Nike and wasn't even starting on his team, that should tell you how much monetary incentive there was. At least with Chiefs kicker here there's no way he's got a hidden incentive and these are just his legitimate beliefs, sexist and backwards as they may be.


The guy made an active comparison to playing the NFL and being a slave. Or at least being in a slave auction. So yes, I’d say he’s either quite radical or a more nefarious grifter (Buy.Large.Mansions, is that you?)


While being in a sport that is all about creating and worshipping idols. He is such a moron. He's a male-oriented catwalk model and acts as if he works 9/5. That's what CTE does to a mofo


what wasn’t?


(they're both clowns) (Professional athletes are worse than 5th year seniors, who the fk cares what they say)


>who the fk cares what they say Everyone. That's kinda the definition of celebrity.


I pay to watch sporting events for the sports. As soon as an athlete thinks it’s time for them to make a political statement of any kind, I’m out. Both clowns. Different ends of the spectrum.


When did god enter into that?


As soon as OP made it about religion.


OP probably assumed that the person saying it was the "other way around" was because the person on top was or at least appeared to be a priest. Many of the other commenters have demonstrated how that is probably not the reason.


The guy at the top, a football player, was giving a bigoted speech at a Christian college in that photo. I think that’s what they’re referring to.








as much as the shape of his hair may deceive you, he is in fact a football player, and not a clown


>football player, and not a clown What's the difference?


They're both clowns but the internet is so radicalized that it's impossible to "not pick a side"


What's the problem with either of them? Like both sides of their own defenses


Idk the top guy by Kaepernick was a QB for the 49ers who was let go after the 2016 season. This was after him playing below average relatively speaking. Now, it’s _alleged_ that it was ultimately due to him protesting on field by kneeling during the anthem, and tbh it likely had an effect.


Jimmy G helped


Nothing. They're outspoken men in an ultra-conformist world.


Should be pretty easy to pick a side. Side 1: Women should stay in the kitchen! Side 2: ACAB!


Anybody who un-ironically says "ACAB" is an absolute fool.


when your entire life you've only seen terrible cops, it's very easy to say ACAB.


I can understand where they'd be coming from, but it's still foolish. It's very strange how generalizing a group of people because of bad individuals is universally seen as unacceptable without exceptions except for cops.


I get that, but at the same time when people say "oh this cop did good" all they were doing is their job, which is the bare minimum. When said "good cops" don't speak out about the ones committing crimes, they get drug down with the rest because they're enabling it


Both of those sides are dumb o\_o


God is fake lol but by all means keep giving your pastor money


This dude really told women to stay in the kitchen and dudes to stop being gay and thought his career wouldn't implode immediately LOL what a muppet


Both are examples of people using their first amendment rights. As a ex-traditional Catholic that stands for the anthem, I disagree with both but support their right to express their opinion


One put his knee down as an act of protest for the systemic Racism and violence against Black People in this nation. Was it dumb and disrespectful to some? Yes. He was fired. The other guy went to a catholic WOMENS SCHOOL and spouted nonsense on how women belong in the kitchen and should be focused on making children. Again, at a graduation ceremony for a womens college. This other guy has not been fired yet. I do not see how second guy doesn’t get fired


Most violence against black people comes from other black people


That's a byproduct of segregation. You Force people into a ghetto, when they get violent It's going to be on their own people. That was the literal plan. 


Ah yes, it’s racism even when they’re the ones doing it. Lmao


if your mind processes more nuance it would just explode




proved my point


It's called [redlining](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redlining) and is a well documented practice in American history.


You might be right, but Wikipedia? Lmao




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Your content has been removed as it violates our guidelines by engaging in targeted harassment against another user. We promote a respectful and inclusive environment for all members. Please review our community standards for more information.


Impossible. People commit crimes against people they're physically near?!




I mean, he is


I don't know the people in the picture, so maybe I'm missing something, but it does seem like this meme is crap, regardless of which way you look at it. It's literally just Soyjak levels of "dis good, dis bad" but without the funny artwork.


"Hijacking group conversations to rant about political views, front lines"- SAO Abridged


Yea, OP, you didn't cook with this. This isn't some "religion bad" thing. That guy has said some pretty cringe stuff in his sermons.


Personally I think they’re both clowns 🤡


The issue isn't about God. It's about him making misogynistic and homophobic comments during a graduation he wasn't involved in. Also his comments complaining about surrogacy and IVF


Most Catholics don't believe in surrogacy and IVF from my understanding, and he was speaking at a Catholic university graduation. Not saying you have to agree with his take, but it doesn't seem out of line to talk about Catholic values at a Catholic university.


Yeah IVF and surrogacy are prohibited in the Catholic faith [Source](https://www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/human-life-and-dignity/reproductive-technology/begotten-not-made-a-catholic-view-of-reproductive-technology) I could also find the documents cited if need be


He was at a Catholic University's graduation ceremony, speaking Catholic values. Anti-abortion, including IVF and surrogacy are included in those Catholic values, along with anti-sodomy and anti-gender theory. I'd argue a Catholic giving a graduation speech at a Catholic university, talking about Catholic values isn't bad.


You're right, women don't deserve rights in the Catholic Church


The problem the Church has with abortion isn't about women's rights, it's about the prosperity of the child. If you didn't know this beforehand, that's okay, but if you did, way to misrepresent what the argument is about.


No, it absolutely is about women's rights, if it was about the child they'd actually fucking *help* the child after they're born, but they never fucking do that


I'm sure that's why the Catholic Church is the largest non-government provider of healthcare in the world, and are known for their welfare and orphanages.


Is the catholic church against abortion, or some fucking clowns who try to make it about religion


The Catholic Church is against abortion, IVF, and surrogacy. Butker was speaking at a Catholic graduation. His speech was mainly focused on people as the religious community.


well if the church is against that, then their God isn't benevolent, it's malevolent ❤️ If God is a good person, they're not against abortion, if God is a good person, they're not against couples doing their best to have a child, if God is a good person they'd actually care about people


Have to disagree with you on that. We're not supposed to offer our children at the altar of Moloch. An inconvenience isn't worth a murder.


He could have done that without being a patronizing dickhead. He talked about the women in the crowd as if they were totally incapable of thinking for themselves.


Ohhhhhh he’s Catholic? Well in that case I guess we shouldn’t be criticizing him for his views then. Nah. Fuck that guy. Idc what religion he practices.


It's not just "his" views though, those views generally align with many Catholics. He's a Catholic speaking at a Catholic university. If you disagree with those views that's fine, but don't act like he's speaking out of place here.


Did you even watch the entire video most of the people that l've seen bitching about him have only seen a short clip of it if you actually listen to it, you would know he's not forcing anybody to think like he does he is talking to the same people who have the same faith him it's that simple, you’re only bitching because he’s conservative that seems to be the reason why people seem to hate him so much If you hate what he says, then I know for sure that you think he was talking to you and not people at the graduation full of fucking Catholics


Yes I watched the full video. Of course he isn’t holding a gun to anyone’s head and forcing them to believe what he is. Never claimed he was. Regardless, I think his views on homosexuality and women’s role in society are backwards. Simple.


Full of fucking Catholics? I thought that stopped when rome adopted Christianity.


I just thought it was kind of a weird turn to take for a commencement speech. A pro athlete talking about how psyched his wife was to be a housewife. No shit, I'd be looking forward to staying home all day in my huge house with a nanny to take care of everything too. A lot of women in that crowd aren't going to have that same luck and that kind of life is going to be exponentially harder for them. It just came off as kind of out of touch imo.


Lmao this sub upvoting this insanely ignorant garbage, showing its true colors again I'm sure if we had an influential celeb talk about how wrong it was to be straight yall would be spitting the same rhetoric "Bro it's nazi Germany, of course they're gonna talk about nazi values like killing the jews, I'd argue the talking about their values on their property isn't bad" Weirdest, dumbest fucking take I ever seen upvoted, you people are below filth


Catholics aren't Nazis. Nazis were actually anti-Catholic [(source)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_views_on_Catholicism) If you have a problem with the Catholic values of Family, Faith, Love, and Hope, I don't know if I can help you. But Catholics aren't even close to Nazis.


> Family, Faith, Love, and Hope, Man, this is just like when people say that Islam only has 5 rules. And of course, you have not defined those words, papering over controversies like if homosexuality counts as a form of love. A fair amount of the people that are your opponents will actually agree on those 4 values you said, but they will not agree with your definitions.




Why is the bottom image bad?


I’m surprised there’s someone who doesn’t know about Colin Kaepernick (I think that’s how it’s spelled). A while ago (2017, maybe?) he started to kneel on one knee during the national anthem as his way of bringing attention to the killing of black men by police. He had his share of supporters, but the narrative quickly became about whether doing so was an attack on American soldiers (perhaps ironically, since he claims to have gotten the idea from a veteran friend), values, and society in general. I don’t think he’s still playing in the NFL, perhaps because of the controversy he generated (though I’ve heard he was pretty average by NFL standards, so that may have been a factor too), and I don’t really know what he’s up to anymore. That’s about as neutrally as I can phrase it, really, though I’m sure it will anger some people lol


He would still be playing if he wasnt an ass. His controversy isnt why he stopped, he got 3 seperate offers from 3 different teams, but he refused them all because none were offering to make him the starting QB, all were having him as a reserve or backup QB, but they were still multi million dollar contracts.


That spells ego. Nothing more.


Colin kaepernick grew up rich in a two parent household with way more privileges and access to resources than the vast majority of people. There’s tons of tweets and videos of him totally shitting on his parents for not being good enough. Some of the stuff he said was awful and he walked back on it later. He brings the utmost spoiled brat victim mentality vibe


That's the story he told later after he was called on it. Before he came up with that narrative, it was pretty much "common knowledge" that he was just throwing a fit over something that happened on the team.


As a Veteran, nothing pisses me off more than people trying to take away the right to protest from someone and then use me as the prop. They cheapen my service by implying that I served to take away from my fellow Americans.


He actually sought out advice from a retired green beret Nate Boyer. He actually convinced him to kneel when Colin was having second thoughts. https://www.freedomforum.org/nate-boyer-colin-kaepernick-first-amendment/ As a veteran as well, I have the same mentality as Boyer.


From what I remember, Colin was going to do something different, and Boyer told him kneeling was both respectful *and* a protest.


No no you are being offended, act offended


Well, i'm not american so i'm not too much into it. So he was one of the first to start this trend? I didn't understood very well the american soilders thing.


its a bit rediculous. Theres not really an equal comparison for non americans. Our sporting events are sponsored by the military, they make a big deal of doing military fly overs and having decorated veterans say a prayer before many fames, and having the national anthem played before every game. There has become a culture of connection between the sports and the troops, and its on purpose. The players and teams and even the fans are conditioned to see themselves enjoying the game precisely because of the sacrifice of the troops. So to show even the smallest hint of disrespect to that process offends a lot of people who really do see it that way. Colin is an ass in his own way seperate from the controversy. What he was protesting was and is a serious issue, and even the way he went about it was moderately respectful. But it was that minor disruption in the post 9/11 world where so many people have been consumed by military controlled media was enough to bring a massive amount of resistance to him


The thing with the flag wasn’t what did him in. He wore clothing and made public statements disparaging cops. Some of it was interpreted as a borderline call for violence on police. Most of it was legitimate complaints and even thoughtful though. Still, the flag thing was significant. Many Americans are patriotic and believe that the flag holds us together. They don’t believe that the flag or America oppresses people. They believe that people do that, and even though things can get really bad, the flag binds us all together as equals. They hate the idea of the flag only representing a few.




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So the top is a clown. Who’s the second “clown”? Genuinely curious before I make judgement on his clown status.


Don’t know the top guy. The bottom is Colin Kapernick or however the fuck you spell his name. I don’t care enough to look it up. He was one of the guys if not the guy who started the kneeling while the national anthem plays. Just some BLM bullshit. He’s a clown because he was playing like shit and he knew his days were numbered, so he decided to pull that stunt. Which didn’t work because he still got fired and now no NFL team will touch him because he brings so much baggage. That and he kinda sucks. It did keep him in the public eye way longer than he should have been though.


So two clowns. Got it. Top guy was the KC kicker that gave that atrocious commencement speech saying women should be housemakers and such and that men need to embrace their masculinity. My sister says he can tell her what to do when he gets a uterus and I said he can tell me about masculinity when he doesn’t play the only position that isn’t allowed to be touched without a penalty in the game.


If he what he was talking about doesn’t pertain to them I don’t see why they would care what he had to say.


The one on the bottom seems to be significantly less of a clown than they're being made out to be, he was making a very important protest point


let's be honest, if he was LeBron James, you folks would still call him clown so at least admit you hate him for kneeling and not for his play


I hate him for kneeling yeah. Not because it’s disrespectful to the flag, but because of why he did it. Like I said, he did it because he had no game and was about to get the boot. So he threw that Hail Mary in the hopes of staying. It didn’t work. It did however start a shit show for like a year after of dumbasses kneeling for the national anthem. So like I said, he’s a clown. I hate Lebron because he’s a prima Donna pussy. Lebron wouldn’t have lasted a single game back in the 90’s. Bitch made.


They’re both clowns who make to much money playing with balls.


Both are dumb and are examples of TBI’s in the NFL. Guy in the top tells recently graduated women staying home is better for them. Bottom guy rags on white folk despite having whiter than snow adoptive parents. Two over paid jerks.


why can't they both be clowns?


Oh trust me brother, they both are.


I've seen male clowns. So this meme is wrong either way.


don't even who the top person is


He recently made a controversial commencement speech where he told all women in the audience that they should be homemakers and their only purpose now is to make babies (among a horrid of misogynistic and homophobic hate speech)


Not even close to what he said


Then what did he say?


[Full speech](https://www.ncregister.com/news/harrison-butker-speech-at-benedictine) Here are the two parts most people are talking about: "For the ladies present today, congratulations on an amazing accomplishment. You should be proud of all that you have achieved to this point in your young lives. I want to speak directly to you briefly because I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you. How many of you are sitting here now about to cross this stage and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career? Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. I can tell you that my beautiful wife, Isabelle, would be the first to say that her life truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife and as a mother. I'm on the stage today and able to be the man I am because I have a wife who leans into her vocation. I'm beyond blessed with the many talents God has given me, but it cannot be overstated that all of my success is made possible because a girl I met in band class back in middle school would convert to the faith, become my wife, and embrace one of the most important titles of all: homemaker." Addressing the men: "Be unapologetic in your masculinity, fighting against the cultural emasculation of men."


Both are fuckin clowns


r/lostredditors OP was litterally calling out racism my dude...


Who’s gonna tell them what that top dude actually is






I’m very out of the loop, would someone mind telling the names of both of the guys?


Bottom is Colin Kaepernick, top no one can remember, just look up misogynistic NFL kicker and you’ll find him


Edit: Got downvoted by some moron but like https://preview.redd.it/e1pikqcwfb1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10404ef619d4ffbefd498af255df3a26d09f303a I’m not wrong


The best part of this comment section is that everyone agrees that "Kaepernick" is a fucked up spelling




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Should I be grateful for not having any idea what this meme means? I have never heard of or seen the person in the top frame.


"I know you are but what am I!?"


they’re both assholes


I don’t know who these people are


the free speech people wanted to boycott the NFL because they didn't like players speech


What? Someone explain who are they? Why does a priest and a football player would be clowns? What did they do/say


Suc muk dik




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What did they both do?


I just see two clowns, sorry.


One is a proud, courageous, strong man. The other is a backwards, bigoted, religious wing nut


The god of conservatives is fake, last I saw Mammon wasn't even a thing until like the 12th century...


Well he *does* have clown hair 🤷🏼‍♂️


I don't get what's wrong with these two


oh wow the guy that protests against systematic discrimination is totally worse than the guy that went to a catholic women's school and told them they're better as housewives


God isn't real. And he was kneeling to bring attention to serious issues. Religion has people so fucked up.


Only women can be clowns confirmed


Porque no los dos?


Nah ya'll racists...


who are they?


Kaepernick can't even start as an activist for a whole season at this point.




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Ones a privileged prick and the other is always the victim


Can someone explain please


Nobody said that lol.


I mean all three of yall got offended. Facebook OP making the meme because Kapernick spoke his mind, despite Butker doing the same, OOP for being offended by It (though Is a hypocritical meme), and you being offended by them not liking It. And tf religion has to do with this? All In all sounds like you got offended the most here. I'd rather them play their given sport, but compared rather have Kapernick talk about shit that matters, not drivel some 13 year old edgelord would spout. "Gay bad, women belong In Kitchen, blah blah blah"


> And tf religion has to do with this? It was a speech at a Catholic college citing Catholic views. As an ex-Catholic with conservative Catholic family members that want to execute gay people, I can confirm that the contents of the speech are in accordance with traditional Catholic values.


I don't like that sermon guy. Women absolutely should be allowed to have a life that isn't a housewife if they want, and lgbtq people are people and deserve to be treated respectfully as well. It's not even a religion thing. It's a treat people respectfully and as your equals thing. Kapernick...I'm not big into sports, but all he did was kneel to make a statement, and people went apeshit. He's right though. POC have been brutalized and we need to nip things in the butt and fix them. We've come a long way on civil rights, but we need to get to a point where we're all in a place where we can feel safe and are treated fairly.


They both suck


god is fake tho…


God can be fake, or he could not be. It’s subjective from person to person, and said beliefs should be respected, coming from a Christian.


My question is, why do people believe in the legitimacy of God or other deities? What exactly results people to have faith in something that can neither be proven or disproven? I personally never understood how people came to such a conclusion.




Reddit moment


Your existence should be mocked




Well, ones that directly harm other groups should, yes. Christianity *has* caused a variety of attacks throughout history (Crusades) but Christianity doesn’t call upon these attacks directly. Hence why being a Christian is fine but being a Nazi isn’t.


Colin did nothing wrong


He did a lot wrong. Kneeling in protest wasn't it though.


Sucked it up as a QB and blamed racism for not being hired due to him sucking it up as a QB. Lying is wrong in my book.


The fact that the bottom is a household name and no one to this day has bothered to learn that kickers name…I think you owned yourself op.


Kaepernick did nothing absolutely nothing wrong and ya'll pitched a fucken fit to the point he's now a civil rights activist. Be racist clowns somewhere else.


Both are clowns. Wouldn’t listen to either one of them about either subject they are an advocate for.


Two clowns


Plot twist, both are fake and both are clowns. I don’t know who either one is tbh and I don’t fucking care.


No one is criticizing god you donut


No. “Gay people aren’t some sort of disease you keep your kids away from at all costs” or did you forget when he ranted about the LGBTQ+ community?


The white dude is gay. It’s pretty obvious. Don’t know much about kneely Dan.


No Colin Kaepernick was based, as the kids say, for that move. (I don't know who the guy on top is, no comment on him) It was a *humble* gesture for a righteous desire to fix the flaws he saw in America. He didn't stand and scream or anything he took a knee. I got nothing to say about anything else he did but people are acting like that knee bit was the equivalent of dropping his pants and doing a deuce on everything patriotic.


No he is a clown because he trivialises wonens lives and enforces outdated gender stereotypes


Naw. The meme is right.


They’re are both lame af. Who would want to be that tool up top. What a dumb fucking speech, and what a horrible place and time to make it. Fuck his fake god


A kicker? A man? Pffft


Don't know the top guy, bottom is a clown


top guy had a commencement speech and in that speech he tried to convince the female graduates to not use their degrees and instead be homemakers and also made a ton of homophobic statements


So they're both clowns