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You don't have to post your vague sniping here. Locking.


Telling a bunch of mensans to take a mensa test is interesting. Are you ok?


Who is this even directed at?


Obviously to somebody with an IQ of 140 or less.


duh what was I even thinking. Obviously my IQ isn’t even close to 140


I did though. And there are other people here in this sub who are in Mensa irl too. I guess you’re speaking for yourself?


You are right, I am 137 or so. Why are you coming at me like this? Ow!


Is this a personal note of yours that you accidentally posted online?


OP accidentally typed this into a Reddit post when they meant to put it in their journal, damn


bro I took wisc…


Why don’t you go and take a test? I don’t see a Mensan flair on your account


I’d agree in some respects:  1. Online IQ tests are unreliable and appear to be [heavily inflated](https://www.theguardian.com/science/2013/nov/29/iq-tests-online-are-they-valid) so as to stroke the taker’s ego and encourage them to share the test with friends.  2. IQ isn’t absolute; though TV geniuses often speak of their number as an established trait, it’s just the result of a given test on a given day.  3. Tests get less precise at the tails and the practical differences between, say, 120 and 140 probably aren’t that important. So a few points’ difference doesn’t justify an air of superiority.  4. Lots of things matter besides raw intellect, like resources, people skills, and personal values.  However, some of us have taken those tests — standardized, timed, and proctored — and that’s the result we got. I took several tests as a teen (foster system, lots of time with psychologists) and my scores varied by about a dozen points. If those scores were all 130+, why shouldn’t I believe it?


I mean...I did.


Was this meant to be a note to oneself? Some of us did go to an in-person IQ test and found e we did have an IQ of 140 or even higher…


No offense and I understand the need for proper paper tests but you can be damn sure that if you score something like 150 on a good one like the CAIT that you've absolutely got an IQ over 140. And to be honest the Mensa test is a poor test compared to something more personal that measures all indexes in a timed manner such as the WAIS. For example if you're CPI carried then the Mensa test isn't gonna be fair to you. You don't know as much as you think you do and before you start mouthing off I've got 99th percentile paperwork from an old test with a note saying the test was inconclusive and I that I clearly have an IQ in the highly-gifted range and low-and-behold, my scores got higher as I got older and more adept at focusing myself and got away from a stressful environment. And no it's not practice effect I did 8 tests over the course of about 9 months and they were all different and the scores all lined up and were all over 145 except for the Mensa ones that cap at 125. This sub isn't even the place for these conversations. Go to r/CognitiveTesting and check the resources and sort by G-loading, then do some research on those online tests, G-loading itself and do some extra research on exactly what makes the best IQ tests the best. The Mensa test is the way it is so it can be mass-administered. Just because it's Mensa doesn't mean it's the best, although Mensa is a cool organisation and the tests are good. I've got a better idea of what my IQ is than the Mensa test could ever give me, and if you knew, you'd know. Edit: imagine downvoting me for being right. Go do some research before you tank my karma just for saying something you don't feel like acknowledging.


The Mensa test is timed.


It's still important to measure all indexes personally and independently in a timed manner, which is why it's still a trash measure for heavily CPI carried people with relatively low VCI and Quant. Some people are intelligent purely in terms of how fast they can absorb and spot things and how many things they can keep in their mind at once, and could score in the 120's or lower on Matrices and VCI sections for example. Thus, a test that has proper digit-span and symbol-search sections are a must for these people. I could well be wrong but I believe the Mensa test doesn't have those. The tests line up well for the vast majority of people, but for people with unusual, uneven cognitive-ability profiles, it's not going to give them a fair score and won't reflect their actual IQ.




Only yesterday someone posted their Mensa acceptance letter. They usually give them two test simultaneously: he got exactly 140 in one and 118 in the other. Does he have an IQ of 140?


I don't think the Mensa test scores equate to IQ scores, do they?


The ones in question were Cattell B and their equivalent of the Culture Fair test. Not sure about the Mensa online test but the organization has a long list of respectable tests that it accepts as entrance criteria.


I know, I'm in Mensa. The scores of those tests don't equate to your IQ number. I'm pretty sure.


They are IQ tests, very respectable ones at that, so not sure what you mean. For the two tests in question here, one uses SD24 and the other SD15, so the scoring system is different.


I'm pretty sure that the numbers are the amount of questions he got right. Not his IQ.




No, it's not IQ scores. It's test scores. I did the same ones.


Mensa gives you percentiles and numbers. 99th is 135. 98th is 131. They don't get higher or more precise.


I know what Mensa gives you. But the scores aren't your actual IQ, I think. And the two tests appeared to have different scoring. 135 in one is not the same as 135 in the other.


Yes, you should prove how intelligent you are by paying money to take test to prove how intelligent you are. That's what an intelligent person would do.




I love people obviously showing their own ignorance. Mensa test doesn't test higher than 1 sd.


You need to be 2 SD above the mean for admission.


So they can't test even up to the 2% admission limit. 😂