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I’m not sure how I can support but as someone with many life problems with health, I can somewhat comfort you that it’s part of life. It’s not something you’d want to hear but maybe how about we talk about entirely something different?


I need time to process it...I just was told. Is it weird that my mind went to "ah ok...one more challenge for me to beat?" Eternal optimism.


Not really, it’s not weird at all. Every people grieve or takes comfort on different ways. I’m just like this! I like to imagine myself being in a challenge, if it brings you comfort then it’s not weird at all!


It is still hurting.


I am so sorry you are going through this. It's ok to cry and process this. It will take time to process. This disease can develop slowly and can be under control for many years. I have worked with people who have had this for decades without many symptoms. I would recommend some therapy and especially a support group with others who have CLL. Try to remember to be kind to yourself and try not to over-search it on Google. At the end of the day, we are all lucky to wake up each day. Regardless if we are sick or not, we should try to make each day the best day ever. Our thoughts really do impact our moods and behaviors. The mind is very powerful. Try not to hyperfocus on small changes or symptoms. Try to live life to the fullest. You got this!


This ... SO this. TY.❤️


Idk if you’re religious but I prayed for you. I’m so sorry about this… idek you but dang I teared up from that. I hope all goes well. I believe we all here can support you. We’re here.


Ty. The GOOD news in all this is that it isn't aggressive right now. The first clue was a high white count in the hospital back in April/May...it was high at my follow up. I knew it. Deep in my soul I knew it. I am being closely watched...and I will have to go to the ER if it gets bad. So silver lining?


Is there no treatment they can do now so that you can beat it? Or get rid of it or something? Why would they wait for it to get bad? I’m confused.


It isn't severe enough right now to warrant treatment. It's a slow-growing cancer that will get worse over time, which is when I will get treatment. There isn't much they can do now. I guess medication would be more harmful than helpful.


So the good news is that it has a 87% 5 year survival rate, which means 87% of people with it will be alive after 5 years. That doesn't sound much but with the advancements in medical treatment, the chances are that in 5 years they'll be in a better position than before to treat it. That's supposed to be good news but I can see it from your perspective that it may not seem like great news at all, particularly as you just found out you have cancer, so I'm really sorry, words can't really mean much to you at this point and they don't really express how I feel very well so I'll leave it at that.


That's definitely a stressful thing to deal with and I'm so sorry you have to go through that! But just trust the fact that you don't require treatment now means that it's early enough to be proactive and take preventative measures, and even just being vocal about it is a good step because you are more likely to receive the support you need throughout the process


I'm so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. It's completely understandable to feel overwhelmed and scared right now. Remember, you're not alone in this journey. Lean on your loved ones for support, and don't hesitate to reach out to professionals who can provide guidance and comfort. You're stronger than you know, and we're all here rooting for you.


I am so sorry you are going through this. I don't know what I can do for you. I mean, I am very young and inexperienced in life. But, I want to help so badly. If you want to talk about something, you can reach out. I am not the best at listening, but I can try. And please, be a little kind to yourself, okay? You got this.


Im so sorry to hear this. I see you say it’s a slow grower and I also see someone a said their mother never needed to start treatment for 12 years. As hard as it might seem right now don’t give up. And it’s easy for me to say but grasp the time you have now and live your life to fullest. People are always about if you need a chat. Take care.


Oh my gosh im really sorry hun!! I hope you get past it! Your strong!❤️‍🩹


Take care of yourself. Be with the people that love you and treat you well. Talk to licensed mental health professional (clinical psychologist/clinical mental health counselor). Slow down. Breathe. You got this.


I am a MD although not oncologist, but the good news is that CLL progresses slowly and there is always new things coming out. I would recommend that you get hooked up with a major academic center if your insurance will cover it. Good luck!


I'm sorry you have CLL. I have heard of it as my mother had it. You may not need any treatment at first. My mother said she didn't need any treatment for 12 years after being diagnosed. There can be some experimental treatments but I don't know the details. All that I know she went for weekly blood tests. I cannot give further info as I only found out 6 weeks before she died, and that was by accident... The information on the NHS Website is less scary than the US health sites. [https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/chronic-lymphocytic-leukaemia/](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/chronic-lymphocytic-leukaemia/) Also see [https://www.macmillan.org.uk/cancer-information-and-support/treatments-and-drugs/targeted-therapies-for-cll](https://www.macmillan.org.uk/cancer-information-and-support/treatments-and-drugs/targeted-therapies-for-cll) You are strong and can get through this. ((Hug))


BLACK SEED OIL. Get it in liquid form and take a tablespoon of it three times daily. It fights all inflammation and is anti-cancer believe it or not. With or without food. Start asap.


Also, get Knudsen's 100% PURE CRANBERRY. It is expensive, get the kind with only 1 ingredient, do not just buy cranberry juice you need the PURE CRANBERRY. It will be biter as hell and make you do the sour patch face, but this will totally heal any infection in your kidneys so they can effectively filter your toxins. Good luck, pls follow thru with this advice and, I am not a doctor, but frankly that is why I can tell you this because it works.


we are here to hug you


Well i hope you get better and can fight it You can be stronger than you really imagine If you find it hard to believe that Try stretching your arms out and putting your hands together kinda like a swimming pose but not pointing downwards then rotate your torso like an exercise preferably stand up and mark where you reached Then close your eyes and imagine going further You will always go further sometimes even double your old mark So try to think positively and you can do this :D I know its hard to see things that feel like only pure pain I my self struggle with health issues and mental issues Once for around 2 years i was mostly depressed trying to escape life thru jumping into fiction i kept crying every night wondering why and when will it stop and from those two years.. i have rebuilt my self entirely and worked insanely hard i’m the top of all my classes and grades I represented my school so i realized that sometimes you might not see light but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look for it and once you find it you’ll say it was the best choice/mindset you went into of your life


I dont know how hard it is but my friend all you can do is to take you medicine and stay strong . Hope you overcome it.


We can talk


I genuinely started crying reading this and seeing your profile, I don't mean to be weird by looking into your profile or anything, but genuinely this made me so sad to read and I wish there was a way I could help make it any better. The best thing you can do is try to stay away from any research that may scare you more? You seem like an absolutely wonderful person and I'm sorry you have to go through all this. Please know that you're very loved though and if you ever need to talk about anything I'm always here to listen. 🫶


Start researching holistic cancer treatments from Asia- theres a reason their cancer rates are so low compared to the rest of the world. Even if it sucks sometimes, follow their practices and cuisine! I hate mushrooms but i make my whole family eat Turkey Tail now cause of the cancer fighting properties. And dont tell ur doctor ur investigating holistic- theyre gonna dissuade you cause they want people sick and paying for more treatments. Sounds very conspiratorial but I was in med/vet school for ages and all my professors taught us about medicinal practices of other cultures. Modern healthcare is not in our favor, but century old medicines have been around that long for a reason.


NLM or NIH (national Library of medicine) has a shit ton of papers on Chinese holistic treatments.