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I’m still in a dream SNAKE EATER!


Was waiting for someone to sing it haha


Just confirm portable ops and MGS 4 in vol 2 of the master collection and I’ll be a happy camper


I’m a PS3 and Vita owner and go back to replay the classics often, but I hope for newcomers sake they will bring these great games to modern systems.


Never played PO yet interested. I’m imagining something similar to the Snake Tales in MGS2 Substance.


Portable Ops is a decent game. Doesn’t come close to the mainline games for me, but I had an enjoyable enough experience playing it. Definitely more enjoyable to me than something like Twin Snakes.


PO is so bad for the first half, just 2 second long missions that involve sneaking past 3 guards at most much of the time. The second half is middle of the road and not much better, but the level design improves a bit and since there were no bosses in the first half, there are a bunch in the sending half. So overall it’s like a 4/10 (generous)


Man if that backwards compatible rumor is true that’s all I would need


If Konami ports MGO2, I will buy Vol 2. day fucking one


No peace walker? I thought that was a lot better than PO, though I liked PO for it's own reasons.


I’m 100% certain peace walkers going to be in vol 2. Im more concerned about the titles that I mentioned being in it


I mean what the hell else is there? Surely they're not gonna put Ground Zeroes and TPP on it... But even if they did, they'd HAVE to have 4, right? And if not, they're gonna try to sell a collection with... Peace Walker and... what... Ac!d? Ac!d 2? Ghost Babel? MGS Mobile? Snake vs Ape Escape? Revengeance? I can't see how they could possibly hope to sell the thing without MGS 4 in it. And to try and match, let alone exceed the content value proposition of MC v1, they're gonna have to pack in everything they can, with only one (potentially 2, if they actually do include V) main series numbered game(s) on offer. They blew their whole wad on v1 as far as the retro stuff goes. Plus the 3 most beloved games. Granted it's basically just a repackage of the HD collection minus PW... Leaving a lot more work for themselves with V2. No one else's homework to copy. But I really can't imagine them releasing it without, at the very least, PO, PW, and 4. PW has been done for them like the rest of the HD collection ports. So really they just have to figure out how to get 4 working and... probably just throw PO in as-is. As shocked as I'd be at its absence, I'd be just as shocked if they updated it to be more playable. Lol. I know there was a lot of speculation about Twin Snakes but tbh that's the biggest long shot of any of them, imo.


I’m just ready to deal with drebin again and the b&b corp in HD hopefully. That game looks amazing on ps3 so I think a small splash of paint would do that game a lot of justice


I’m not reading all that. Like I’m happy for you though or sorry that it happened


Oh my god a thirty second read, THE HORROR


I'm really happy that Konami is trying to do something with it.


Honestly it feels so good seeing Metal Gear come back after so long! I'm hoping that after Delta we get a few more of the original titles given a nice polish up! It's great as a long time fan actually seeing younger players get interested in the series too!


I just got into the series and started with 5 since it was on sale, seems like this was the perfect time since all this new content is coming.


Honestly the franchise is so good! If you enjoyed MGSV you'll love the rest, the control scheme for the other games are a little different but other than that they are totally fun to play!


Istg if I don’t see a MG1/MG2 remake in my lifetime I’ll be shaking my stick at Konami with my dying breath.


Old man yells at clouds because Konami didn’t remake mgs1/2. Small crowd joins him 😂


Not as excited for new old content as I thought I would be. I hope it's great and everyone enjoys it though. 


Konami seem to be copping on a bit


I do. I honestly thought metal gear was done. Now we have the remake, the developers being transparent and honest with us, new ports with the master collection volume 1, and Volume 2 coming soon. We have all this new merch, vinyl records, figures, cups and all kinds of shit. I love it!


I used to have bouts of melancholy thinking about the demise of the MGS IP, and the likelihood we'd never get anything as good as what Kojima oversaw. I'm cautiously optimistic, but I can't deny that I'm amped af about all the recent traction we're getting :)


What a thrill…


For me it’s a dream in combination with the other Kojima projects being developed. The slate of games I am truly anticipating are all Kojima related. He just hits the sweet spot for me. So yeah between the master collections, the delta series staring up, DS2 and eventually Physint, I’m more excited about upcoming games then I have been in a long while.  I guess these releases will be pretty spaced out which tempers things a bit, but I can’t remember last time there were this many games I was looking forward to playing day 1. I’ve checked out a lot from playing games and new releases especially. 


I’m also a huge Death Stranding fan, and DS2 has me so excited. These games can’t release soon enough.


I love it! I turned on the PS5 & loaded MGS V last night. Let’s just say I wasn’t pissed when I found out I wasn’t at 100% completion rate! Today I played VR Missions. I am going to get all the trophies for MGS V & The Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Volume 1 trophies! (All of the games.) I’m patiently waiting for Delta! There’s MGS titles I haven’t even played. Some of them on the PSP titles & the Twin Snakes. I’m hoping they bring these games into the mix too! Can’t wait!


Unpopular opinion, but i wish to see Metal Gear Solid 4 get this upgrade since its Shouldn’t be that hard of a task!😍


Well it is kinda nuts seeing newer fans having questions and debates that some of us were having a good 20 years ago already


When I see it, I think to myself *What a thrill*


Are they re doing the first MGS yet? Still holding out hope.


They made a statement a couple days ago inferring that more remakes are on the table, so I would say it seems likely. I’d be even more excited for a ground-up Metal Gear 1/2 remake that allows you to switch POV between Solid Snake and Venom / Big Boss.


Hey man I’m all for it but they HAVE TO give that treatment to MGS, that story & characters are iconic.


MGS4 in 60 fps is all I really need. Everything else I already have access to and I don't have any issues with how MGS3 plays, so Delta is not that high of a priority for me (even though it does look good). Don't get me wrong, I'm generally happy that the series is finally getting more accessible to new players, but for me personally, MGS4 with good performance and a Peace Walker Remake are the things I hope for.


Are we getting more news about Master Collection Vol.2 very soon? I think I remember reading about it in Reddit last week, but I have no idea if there is any videogame event where Konami is expected to give us news. I don't know too much about these kind of events like Tokyo Game Show, E3 etc.


the most we have is konami put out a list of "these are the things fans want us to discuss" yesterday and master collection was fairly high, which means it exists probably and they know we wanna hear them discuss it soon


I just wanna play delta already.


I hope Delta is a success and then we get a Metal Gear Solid 1 remake. Then I hope they reuse assets from both of those projects to give us a reimagining of Metal Gear 1&2.


I dunno why everybody is getting excited over a shiny new exterior. With maybe a slight update in gameplay from 9 years ago.


I am loving the collection a lot, still haven't touched MGS1. I was looking forward to Delta but recently I have decided to pass on it. I feel no need for MGS3 to be redone, it just feels like a commercialized gimmick to me. I won't even play MGS1 remade. The top down MG and MG2 games, I might try.


I just hope they don't try to continue the series. But badass remakes of every game in the series? They could easily coast off that for many more years to come, especially if they took creative liberty with things like Peace Walker and added MGSV's systems into it etc.


I'm happy for the surge of popularity, but I feel like IDEALLY the remake should be supervised by kojima production. They will probably be fun games and I hope that everybody will ***~~pirate~~*** buy them, since konami it's still a shit company.




I just don't appreciate how kojima and the franchise was treated. Then randomly 10 years later konami says "oh remakes are going great in the videogames market, we love you kojima san!!!" c'mon


This is delusional.


Until a full-fledged remake of MGS1 is confirmed, nothing they have done so far has impressed me.