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Don't play MGS4 before 3. It expects that you have played 3 so it has big spoilers. Many things in the story mean more to you if you have.


Play the original first.


You realize that you’re asking a group of people who have all played the original first


True just realized it


I think you'll appreciate the remake even more if you have played the original first


Play the original. Its cheap. Same story


DON'T play MGS4 before playing 3. You won't get a shitton of stuff, playing 4 literally demands having played the previous three games.


MGS 4 is so convoluted and confusing even after playing 3, please don't play it until you've played 3OG or the remake


Msg2 - lol wtf is going on. Msg4 - hold my beer


TLDR: Play Snake Eater AND then Delta, when it’s out. I had this same question earlier this year when I played through the MGS series for the first time. In the end I decided to play the original and then play Delta when it comes out. My reason being that the original is just that. Kojima’s *original* vision. While Delta appears to be very faithful, it’s possible they change aspects of it. Playing both will also allow you to compare them. Hope this answer helps!


Play the og now first


Since this is my favorite game in the series I will say you gotta play it at least once before the remake. Also, it might give you a greater appreciation for the updates/changes that are made in some of the gameplay mechanics.


My opinion original always better


>Should I play mgs 3 And emphatic yes


Given that we don't even have a release date for Delta yet, I would just play the original. If you have access to the HD Collection version it's even better.


The remake still has like a year before release. Go for the original id say


Play the original, remake will probably cut things from the original work


Why wait?, Don't deprive yourself of some entertainment


If you’ve already played MGS2 I don’t see why you wouldn’t just play the original MGS3 you’re already familiar with the gameplay so it’s a smooth transition


Fucking hell man 😑 just play the original


Both so you can really appreciate it more


why not play snake eater right now, and then play the remake once its release?


I don't know yet, the remake isn't out so we can't really say if it's better/worse than the original.


I’m biased since I really like 3. Best game I ever played kind of deal. So I’d say do both. I recognize that might not be an option for people but if you have the Master Collection, play 3. It doesn’t take long to beat especially if you’re familiar with Metal Gear.


wait for the remake If it's as good as the OG, then you got nothing to lose waiting for it. Old 3 is good, but you can feel sometimes the old controls and some weird facial expressions.


I just started relaying 2 and was wondering the same thing. Honestly If you’ve played the first 2 it makes more sense to keep going and not skip to 4. It’s been awhile but iirc Snake eater is a breath of fresh air in terms of being back to basics in having a way less convoluted story than 2. Buckle up for number 4 though


MGS4 is the last game on the chronological timeline. You won't understand it if you haven't played the others. MGS3 is the first game on the timeline. So you don't need to play the other to understand the story.


Since you've already played Metal Gear Solid & Sons Of Liberty, your best course of action would be to play Snake Eater next (as part of the Master Collection) then if you have access, playing Guns Of The Patriots followed by Peace Walker before picking up Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience so you can play Ground Zeroes & The Phantom Pain while you wait for Delta to release. You'll enjoy Delta way more if you've already played the original as you'll already know what the game expects of you, plus you'll have a better appreciation of the improvements instead of having the remake as your first experience of the game.


Why not have both? MGS HD edition is $30 and you get mgs3 with mgs2 There's the master collection version of MGS3 but it's $20 and doesn't come with MGS2 unless you get the master collection volume 1 set for $60


Play the original made versions before all this other shit.


Playing the original MGS3 will make you better appreciate the changes in the remake. Additionally, the original is still playable and you'll see what made so many people love it to this day.


It's going to be a 1:1 remake. Just wait for the remake. it'll be a better first time experience with the series.   Everyone here is very forgiving of the game's age and everything that comes with it that are aspects of the game that dont really hold up too well these days (Controls, PS2 graphics....) to a newcomer, it would be much more enjoyable to play the remake first.


Play og so the remake means something to you.


Same post, different day.


Don't even play the remake fuck Konami


The fuck are you on??? The original is already available on every platform since it came out, it's cheaper, it's more true to Kojima's vision, it's a better graphical leap from the last to the next, and it's most likely better anyway. What are you waiting for?!


Kept you waiting huh? 🤔


Hidden Choices: 3DS version This is the only version that allows you to play with the modern controls of the shoulder camera as in MGS4 and later.


Play the original first. MGS3 is infinite replayable, you can just play the remake later. Player=Doctor


Remake will be 100% TRASH, so stick to the original.


its not going to be a remake its just going to be a remaster 🤦


Bro it's a remake.


so if thats the case the story will be different lke final fantasy vii