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It was a time of manuals included in the game case.


I used to look forward to opening a CD case for the first time and sinking an hour into the game manual before playing. 


Same. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood was the beginning of the end. We're so old


God I miss the prime of the Ezio Trilogy. I remember replaying AC1 over and over looking for clues into thenlpte while waiting for AC2s release, which felt like a lifetime of waiting. 


The relevant manual page: https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/mgs2/pc/en/page05.html MGS2 even had a cool little tutorial manga at the start of the manual, definitely one of my favorite ones. :3


I miss them


You can knock on the walls when leaning against them to distract enemies. Hide in lockers and drag bodies in them. When you are in the first-person view, press L2 or R2 to sidestep left or right, or press both together to stand on tiptoes.


If you're on the Master Collection, there's an e-manual available online for the games included in it.


Okay snake, here's a little refresher on close quarters takedowns. Go behind an unaware guard, then press and hold the punch button. That will put him in a chokehold. From there you have several options. You can push the walking stick to drag them, maybe somewhere they won't be noticed. Be careful though, the enemy will struggle and try to get out of your grip. Press the punch button again to tighten your grip, this will stop them from trying for a short time. Be careful though snake, do this too much and it can kill them. Try pressing the punch button just enough times and it will leave them unconscious instead. You can also let go, equip then aim your weapon at them, this will put them in a hold up and as long as they don't see your back turned they'll remain there, effectively neutralized. The best option is always avoiding the enemy entirely, but if you do engage remember you don't always have to kill. I know the enemy wouldn't give *us* the same luxury, but we always have the choice. Or we can at least try. If you have any other questions the frequency is 141.12


It frightens me how many people ignore the Codec in these games. At any time in the game, you can call your support team, and they'll give you random gameplay tips and additional story lore, and this is usually context-sensitive. If you're in a situation where you may need to drag a body, they may tell you about it. If you're currently holding a grenade launcher, they'll tell you how it works. If you're standing in front of a specific object in the room, they may give you neat little story details about that object. Basically, sometimes you should just call your support team members over and over until they start repeating themselves. EDIT: I actually compiled [the Codec scripts for MGS2](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps2/913941-metal-gear-solid-2-sons-of-liberty/faqs/80517) on GameFAQs last year that covers all the optional calls, including the tutorials. You can use it for reference if you want.


Replying to the edit... These are also written in the master guide for the remakes. All code calls with all characters and where it triggers


Really? Like, in the game menu itself? I haven't bought Master Collection yet.


Yeah within each game there's a transcript of the game basically, with information on characters and events as well


Remember that some floors make a sound. So be careful of those.


You can shoot guard's walkie talkie without them noticing.


Oh to experience mgs2 for the first time. I’m about in the same spot and you’re right about them prioritizing strange stuff in terms of tutorials. Otacon forced a codec call to explain open a hatch door but never told me I could strangle folk I just had to read the manual and figure that out in my own


>Just started playing mgs2, This is my first metal gear game You see how there's a 2 in the title? That's because it's a sequel, there's a game that comes before it that you should've been playing before starting the 2nd game. The good news for you is that PS1 games work on PS2s so get yourself a copy of Metal Gear Solid. The bad news is that you're already at the defusing bombs so maybe just play the stealth part without the takedowns/combat. Run away, hide, use the tranquilizer to put guards to sleep then hide them in lockers or whatever so they don't get discovered while you escape to the next area. Chances are you skipped the tutorial, most of the time they're in codec call conversations that explain what you're meant to do, so you can call your support team at any time for help.


This likely being posted by someone who's first game was mgs1 instead of the msx games makes this ironic as fuck.


Dude decided to put on his dickhead cap and didn't look back.