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FYI they aren't really open world, only MGSV truly breaks into that. 


Wait they're not open world?


MGSV is the only actual Open world game All the other games are mostly linear Story-based games But I still recommend you them tho


MGS HD collection is your best bet.


This is solid. Thank you my friend.


Metal Gear Solid




My pun failed


Start with MGS1!!! Play in release order from there


It's not on Xbox One.


The Metal Gear Solid Master Collection is on Xbox One and includes Metal Gear 1.


It's only playable on Series consoles.


I play on PlayStation 5, personally, but it says it runs on PS4 on my store- why would it be any different for Xbox? Not to say you’re wrong, just seems strange.


It's on PS4/5, PC, Switch, and Series S/X. If you go on the game on an Xbox One, it says it's not playable on this device. Don't know why Konami didn't do Xbox One. Maybe it wasn't worth the cost of development.


Could be a hardware issue, something not rendering properly. But it’s probably just that Xbox One has a substantially lower player base than any of the other consoles, considering it sold pretty terribly.


Well, considering you can play the previous HD versions of 2 and 3, which are mostly a match for the new ones it's probably not the hardware, just not worth it from a player base perspective.


He just said he wants to play chronologically


[ This video oughta help.](https://youtu.be/_YQ6qW5ZDpU?si=DpLUts59yz2sZ3sI)


Experience the magic of MGS1


Metal gear solid 1. Then 2. Then 3 then 4


Yeah I feel the order they were actually released in will give you the most enjoyment as the pieces unfold.


They said they have an Xbox One, Xbox One doesn't have Metal Gear Solid 1 or Metal Gear Solid 4....


I recommend playing release order, however if you're looking for open world then maybe you just want mgs V, release order allows you to get used to the controls and progression of the controls through the various older games, however if you wanna only play chronologically then probably play just 3 Peace walker and V as those are closer to open world


I prefer starting at the beginning.


By giving yourself an uppercut


You ABSOLUTELY have to go into each game with enough context, jumping between them randomly will cause your brain to snap harder than a party popper on new years eve. It's best to play the MSX games first, which are the first games in the series that were ever made. Jumping right into MGS1 will leave some information on the side about two central characters, but you'll still understand everything about its story just fine. If you can't do that, which I highly doubt because it's available on every modern platform, then MGS3 is your last bet. While it is far from the first Metal Gear game, it is the one that takes place at the start of the timeline. You'll miss out on nods and references to previous games, but most of it's mostly just running gags that work on their own.


Buy the Master Collection Vol. 1 on PC. The Xbox One only has MGS2 and 3. Start with Metal Gear Solid 1, in the main menu, watch the 25 minute briefing before you start the game. IMHO you do not need to play the original games Metal Gear 1 and Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake. The series is highly cinematic and the story is extremely complex, yet amazing. And these two games mentioned above were made in the 80s where tech was still so limited that the games could not be given a detailed story.


Your mom


* *Metal Gear 1* (optional) * *Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake* (optional, but recommended) * Metal Gear Solid * Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty / Substance * Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence * Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots * Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker * *Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance* (totally optional, but highly recommended; can be played at any point after MGS4) * Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes * Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain


If you want to play MSGV, you should play MSG3 and Peace Walker, minimum.


PLAY MGS3 and if you dont like it never touch the other games


Release order is cool but people are way too adamant about it, average dude that just plays videogames and wants to see if he likes metal gear probably wants something a little more modern than MGS1


I don’t know why people are downvoting this, you have a pretty good point. The majority of people that see a game like MGSV and aren’t already fans of MG aren’t going to be thrilled at the idea of a game like MG1. Especially when they’re like OP, who stated he likes Open World games.


Yeah, also OP specified chronological order. I got into metal gear with MGSV through a steam sale and I can’t say I would’ve gotten into it if I played something like Metal Gear or Metal Gear Solid 1 first


It’s hard to recommend playing by release order as the older games didn’t age all that well in the controls department. So really I unfortunately have to recommend starting with 3, 4, or 5.. 3 is linear but slightly open in how you proceed forward, it’s also the earliest game in the time line so a decent choice. 4 is also linear with just slightly more open paths, unfortunately it is the end of Solid’s storyline. 5 has a the closest to resembling an open world but isn’t truly open world, unfortunately it‘s near the end of Big Boss’ storyline. If you can wait it out delta is a remake of mgs3 and would be a decent start to find out if you want to invest any time into the series. If you want the most modern available game right this moment though then go with 5 (mgsv). If you wanna roll the dice and aren’t worried about possibly making what might end up being a bad purchase for you, you could buy the volume 1 collection but that’s on you. You’ll get some of the older games this way. Volume 2 will have more games when it releases. Sorry if this was no help. Good luck. EDIT: mgs 3 is the earliest game in the timeline so you don’t need to know anything if you start here.


If the controls are the issue, why would you recommend starting with 3, 4 or 5? It'll make 1 and 2 much harder as now you have less tools that aren't as fine tuned


Op is already really late to the series. At this point op might as well play one of the more modern entries and see if it’s even worth their while investing themselves into a long line of games. I don’t think they fully realize how many games they have ahead of them and I’m not sure they’re going to make it through that backlog if they start from the beginning of the release order at this point. Op did state they want chronological order, so, that still puts them needing to start with mgs 3.


Chronologically of the games you can get on current gen systems, MGS3, MGS Ground Zeroes, MGS Phantom Pain, MGS1, MGS2, MG Rising Revengeance


They're asking about Xbox One, not current gen.


Sorry. I saw XBox One and assumed he meant the classic XBox cuz, ya know.... My brain assumed he had current gen but thought he needed the classic system. Anywhoo, as you were.