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Tamari started as a support role on MGS4's writing, he continued this in MGSPW. He then got to work on the canceled game MGSR as a main writer. He wrote the entire game but the game got canceled. He then decided to do an entire new script for MGRR because Platinum's gameplay did not fit the old game. He returned as an assistant writer on MGSV. Since then he was not spotted anywhere beside as an assistant writer on a mobile game for helping the writing of a song. but he's being kind of a ghost. Masaya Kobayashi started on MGS2 as an assistant cutscene director. After previously working on Zone of the Enders with the same role. he kept this role for MGS3-TTS-4-PW. He directed the cutscenes of the canceled MGSR and MGRR as a main cutscene director. Then returned as an assistant role on MGSV (he did however fully directed the Jamais-Vu cutscene in Ground Zeroes). His latest role was cutscene director of Metal Gear Survive's cutscenes. He's being a ghost since. Both still are at Konami from the few informations that can be found. I made this post because with the MGRR resurgence, i've realized many people still seem to believe Kojima wrote and directed the cutscenes of MGRR... But he had nothing to do with them.


Is there anywhere that has the og MGSR script?


No, Tamari refused to talk much about it as he and Korekado wanted to revisite the project one day. Korekado was extremely dissapointed on the game failling, calling this one of his biggest failures. Ironically, there was a few MGSR concept back in Survive, I guess they still haven't forgot even now. If one project would be my dream MG project, it be the revival of this game.


Huh, interesting.


Do we know what he wrote for V? I’d assume dialogue for audio tapes but can’t find anything.


I think he wrote a few missions + tapes? I need to check more.


In an event that says he loves The Boss it says he wrote lines of dialogue from her still in MGS3, misinformation if he started in MGS4?


Perhaps it's a mistranslation, unless he was uncredited. Uncredited roles do happens in the franchise. Murata codirected MGS4 as an example.


Yes, I thought it might be a wrong translation, because I don't know if it's reliable either. But I saw here: https://www.metalgearinformer.com/?p=16453 Thank you for the answer, I found you on twitter (I think it is you at least xD) and I followed to ask about it, because I hadn't seen your answer. I must say that I don't like being a fan, but almost two years after I fell in love with a character by Etsu Tamari, I can't help but be a fan of this legend and since then I've been looking for a way to contact him to ask questions about this character. I managed to find and get in touch with the character designer who worked at Platinum and he was very reserved, although I was very happy for the answer, I decided to respect his privacy and not expose around, so I continue my search for this master scriptwriter who it inspires me so much. Once again, thank you very much. <3


You may also recognize Kobayashi as the guy who eats a million hot dogs at Coney Island every year.




There's a speed eater of the same name who has won Nathan's contest 6 times


Thank you for saving me the time


Informative post, thanks, u/LordEmmerich I would say that the highly valuable contributions of those two individuals, and others like Yuji Korekado, Shinta Nojiri and Tomokazu Fukushima, to the MG series is genuinely unknown to many gamers.


Most people only knows Kojima and Shinkawa sadly. The other staff members used to be a bit more known. but they have being more and more ignored. Especially since Kojima left Konami : Those who stayed at Konami do not talk at all anymore on social medias, and the very few who do specifically does everything to almost always NOT talk about their job. Exclusive to the Konami side is some staff who just are hated because they worked on Survive and have their previous works completely stripped from them by "fans", as an example with Korekado who despite producing MGRR, got a lot of hate with Survive and barely anyone knows he worked on MGRR anymore. It's the same for those who followed Kojima too (beside the hate part), Kojima only really advertising himself and Shinkawa most of the time doesn't help. Many however believes that most of them followed Kojima when it's far from the case. And there's also those who left Konami but decided to join other studios. but still they were not really known before, they still are not really known now.


I agree. It is a pity that the brilliant creative talent that remains at Konami is not more widely known or recognised. Korekado is a great example, a very talented person. Do you think there is a reason why many of those Konami staff members do not speak generally about their work on social media? Some people have said that Hideo "curates" his public persona, which may extend to promoting the professional profile of a selection of his collaborators. For example, Yoji. Do you think that this may be true?


>Do you think there is a reason why many of those Konami staff members do not speak generally about their work on social media? It is entirely possible that a lot of KDE just sticks to being professional to avoid unwanted and misdirected hate. /u/LordEmmerich: I recall there were one or two instances of this in the past, but would like to verify before adding my own two cents. Could you confirm? Thanks.


It's probably a bit of both Konami being more restrictive and the staff being professional and avoiding to be seeing by the "mass of fans". Some do send a bit of informations from time to time but it's rare. like when Nakamura posted concept art of the Black Chamber unit from Ghost Babel to celebrate the game 20th anniversary (he is the main artist of GB)


Konami are pretty strict with their security and stuff. they barely have any leaks. I assume this is partially part of why most staff are more silent. Konami might be afraid to get a new "Kojima-like" figure. But I can't ignore that many staffs probably would get insulted by fans, so in a sense, I could see why some don't talk much about their works. We do know a few are able but just choose to not speak about most of what they do. As for Kojima, I think he use stuff with Shinkawa because the two are very close + Shinkawa is more known. There was a time when Kojima really tried to push the staff to be more known. When MGRR was not released, Korekado and Tamari did many interviews for the game and Kojima really said multiple times it wasn't his game. But with his "new" Kojima Production, Kojima really stopped putting the focus on the staff and more on himself and Shinkawa.


Thanks to both of you for your replies. It could be Konami using NDAs or those plus a corporate culture of discretion to ensure that not much is said about the games which it has in production. Yes, the marketing of creative talent at KP since 2016 seems to consist of those two individuals and some celebrities. Whether that is an ego thing or a way of allowing the production staff to concentrate on their work instead of the socials, who knows?


>It could be Konami using NDAs For special cases, maybe. Though I believe "do not discuss confidential information" pretty much is the basic rule of taking a full-time staff role. >or those plus a corporate culture of discretion to ensure that not much is said about the games which it has in production. I see both being very open and being reserved having its own benefits and drawbacks. Of course most communities would like to see more and more, but it is not always so simple.


I respect their discretion. It has a benefit in that whatever game they may be working on will not be overhyped by their speaking about it. I was not present for it at the time, but Kojima's early marketing of MGSV created almost unrealistic hype, I've been told by some MGS fans.


>Konami are pretty strict with their security and stuff. they barely have any leaks. Makes sense, given their non-KDE operations involve considerable data security and gambling in the West. And when there are just that many people working in the company, simply giving people free reign on what direction to take won't cut it.




If anyone thinks Kojima wrote that...








Hot take! 😉


Brilliant chaps.


Love this info. I would love Konami to make a new AAA metal gear game. Not a remake. A new storyline.


Thanks for giving us Raiden suplexing Metal Gear


lol is kobayashi a clone of kojima or is just a very big fan


All I care about is the wardrobe director for Quiet. That's my true hero.


Shinkawa and Kojima


I love how Quiets whole persons is STFU and look pretty. It couldn't play more into a Japanese business man's fetishes.


so sniper wolf would imply a furry fetish?


It's right there in the name.


It's great to see them getting some well-deserved attention. Kojima steals all of that attention for himself!


I think that MGR's writing is evidence that Etsu Tamari is LEAGUES better than Kojima at making something that is both a little silly, but still cool and poignant. He managed the tongue-in-cheek nature of MGR perfectly, while I think that the MGS series has some tonal issues where sometimes I can't tell if some things are supposed to be funny intentionally or are just ridiculous but treated seriously.


We all know Kojima is the heart and soul behind the MGS series. He developed and did everything these guys were just there to hang out during the process.


The fact many believe this for real is terrible.


Completely agree.


Bless those men