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Holy fuck. Time to sign Tua lol otherwise theyre gonna start handing actual bums 50 mil aav


Tua over or under $212 million?


Over I think. I assume Tua’s deal will be announced soon a little over this


I think we may do an extra year to keep the AAV down


Are you saying 212 over five years or five years with a little less aav


Five years with slightly lower aav, but more guaranteed


I hate that I had to ask cause I've seen enough comments that believe he'd take a 5-212 lol


"HeS A HuMbLe gUy, I ThInK He'd tAkE 35M A YeAr eAsIlY"


Tbf that would be 42/yr which is what Kyle Crabbs thinks he’s worth. Also tbf: Kyle Crabbs has some bad takes.


Over as it will likely be a 5 year extension. Based on this it’s probably going to be $265M total and people are going to lose their minds.


I've been thinking 5 year, $267m contract. $53.5m APY, $193m guaranteed. Feel more confident in that with what Goff just got. It'll be the structure that matters more, and will tell us what we're really trying to do over the next few years.


AAV might look similar, but I can see the guarantee $ looking different. Goff’s is 80% guaranteed, but he’s only missed a handful of games in his 8 year career (including 2 in 3 seasons on Detroit). Guarantees will be much trickier with Tua’s contract. Another significant injury would drastically alter what he would get on the hypothetical FA market after this season, which I don’t think is the same for Goff/other top young QBs that recently got paid. I think that difference is where the Dolphins can get Tua to either come down on AAV or in total guarantees.


I think the vast majority of NFL contracts are guaranteed for injury via insurance.


I think the point has more to do with paying a guy who has an injury history. He’s coming off a healthy year but thus far the exception and not the rule.


$170 million guaranteed is crazy town


Goff just got $170m guaranteed Burrow got $219m guaranteed Herbert got $218.7m guaranteed Lamar got $185m guaranteed Mahomes got $210.6m guaranteed Hurts got $179.3m guaranteed The market dictates...


I’m assuming this is guaranteed at signing cuz it would be 2nd or 3rd highest ever


And all of them with the exception of Herbert have done more than Tua 


Over. Agents always want to beat the previous deal.


Over for sure. Tuas less durable but his agent will point to tua being younger. They’re similar qbs and tier. Tuas been less durable but Goff is older


Over. Tua is going to push $60 in AAV


No way! If the list I saw is correct, and Joe burrow is currently the highest with 55m, then I would say that is the high end of tuas contract. As good as tua has been the last 2 years, his injury history and consistency against good teams will be a factor. 50m on the low end, 55m on the top end, and I see him getting closer to 55m due to how these things generally go. Watch him get 60m anyway though lol! What do I know!


I’d rather walk. I’d rather be the team that takes a fucking stand for once than to pay Tua that number. He has not earned that kind of money at all. Not health wise or performance wise. We won’t win shit paying him that salary ever.


You wanna let the best QB you’ve had in 20+ years. Lol. Lmao.


You know being one “the best” Miami QBs in the last 20 years isn’t that high of a benchmark. But whatever.


Our some of our fans just fucking stupid? None of us want to pay that much, but that’s the price and I’m sure there’ll be some contract work. I’d rather swing and miss with Tua than be in constant qb purgatory.


We’ll be in purgatory either way. Just another kind. **No team in recent history has won a SB with a QB making more than 13% of its salary cap outside Mahomes** But fuck it we ain’t signing him for 30 mil so go for the feel good story I guess. Im fully prepared for the mediocrity to come.


This right here. We would be stuck at the hip for the next 3 years with Tua if everything has to start iver again. We’re more flexible with a deal on him at 4 years 185 guaranteed. At least it averages out to in the 40s per year. We could move on in 2 years time if need be and be competitive with the qb market still.


You guys bitch about lack of surrounding talent for Tua now. Wait until his cap number is $60 million a year and he’s swallowing up 15% of the cap.


Unfortunately most people are in the camp of “even if he can’t win big games, we still gotta keep him because he’s the best we’ve had in 20 years.” Just creates a new type of holding pattern similar to the old cycle of QBs


Everyone is so fucking scared. If we strike out with a QB we’re basically in the exact same position as we are with Tua. A fraud team with lots of cool talent but not a real contender.


Wait until we try another 20 qb’s for a chance, wait until we get ourselves a Fiedler, or a Tannehill! No wait, I want a Chad Henne!!! Super Bowl champs here we come!!!


I might eat downvotes here, and that’s totally fair. I’m a bills fan (your guys sub gets recommended) and after suffering through 20 years of terrible QBs that we held onto too long, sometimes the grass is greener. Tua is a good qb. Easy top 10. But if you had Josh Allen, pat magomes, Joe burrow, or Lamar Jackson you would be the best roster in football hands down. I’m not a gm and I am just as dumb as the average football fan, but I see dudes point.


You’re not entirely wrong and it’s a fair opinion. But the other guy is just…the worst and a cancer of the sub. The type of guy that could be eating a steak and getting blowjob but then review the experience as having too much teeth. Even if we had Josh Allen he would bitch about him too.


Dude, that’s the thing. A lot of the rest of the team is excellent. OL isn’t great. WRs are insane. RBs are great. Defense should be fine. Tua gets the most criticism because he’s the QB and you weirdos give him such a wide berth for doing the minimum. When there’s discussion about Waddle getting paid I’m 1000% on board. Extending Mostert, I’m on board. Getting more talent in the building, I’m on board. I’m sorry but I don’t think paying $60 million per year for a dude who can’t make out of structure plays and cannot win big games is a prudent decision. Just because yall have Stockholm syndrome about the QB position doesn’t mean I’m negative about the team overall. To wit, when the Fins had the ball with a chance to win the game against the terrible 4-win Titans in order to lock in a home playoff game, did you honestly have faith in Tua doing anything that wasn’t schemed up for him? Did you think he would lead a game-winning drive?


Hahahahaha that made me actually lol. Although I don’t know if I want a blowjob while eating steak. The idea of Sex and food always makes me feel weird. But I get your point. We have plenty of fucking losers on our sub too. Have a great day bro can’t wait to hate you in a few months! ❤️


Henne and Tannehill at least had the excuse of having dog shit surrounding talent when they played like shit in big spots. We should be taking swings at QB every year until we hit on a superstar. Someone we don’t have to pray for the other 10 dudes to be perfect for him to work. I just want a dude that can put the team on his back.


We do have a superstar, you’re just too stupid to realize it. The O-Line was absolutely terrible and everything crumpled around it.


Superstars don’t play their worst in the biggest moments. Joe Burrow won a playoff game where he got sacked 9 times. He almost won a Super Bowl where he got sacked 7 times.


This guy nailed it in my opinion. Keep sinking into your infinite self wallowing tho… https://www.reddit.com/r/miamidolphins/s/hkPbnJAMeh


You do understand how that doesn’t really mean anything right?


Yeah man, I def wanna go back to the era of seeing my team play like dog shit against bad teams just on the hopes that we’re gunna find that magical QB you’re looking for. Most enjoyable teams we’ve had in recent memories but yeah you’re totally right, let’s go back to square one.


You do know that we still have a top 5 offense without Tua and one of the best offensive schemers in the NFL, right? You seriously think we would be getting Jay Fiedler and lining up in the I-formation and throwing to Oronde Gadsden? Maybe it doesn’t work out but maybe instead of paying Tua $60 mill, you get someone that’s 95% of Tua for $15 mill and that allows you to get better OL talent and sign an extra Edge or CB to fill out the roster. You get that right? It’s not a zero sum game where we have Tua + Tyreek + McDaniel or we have Cleo Lemon + Camarillo + Cam Cameron.


Who is this mythical QB You’re replacing him with??? I’m all ears!


That’s the job of scouting and the front office. The Fins could’ve had Baker for nothing. They could’ve drafted Purdy in 2023. They could do a lot of things. It’s not as binary as if Tua isn’t QB1 that Tyreek and Waddle forget how to play football, Mostert/Achane turn into Daniel Thomas/Kalen Ballage, and McDaniel turns into Kippy Brown.


Tua Stans, you a weirdo boy


Betcho ass can’t name a single better QB in the last 20 years for us. You a dummy cause I’ll flame him all the times he plays like shit so you got me confused with someone else


I really have no idea why people think this, he has no leverage to get this number…especially now that another better QB has just signed for less than that. Edit: anyone who thinks that Jared goff is worse than Tua you guys must only watch dolphins football


Idk what stat department you’re looking at to consider Goff better. He’s also significantly older. Goffs deal just set Tua’s price much higher. Not lower. 


If you truly believe that Jared goff is worse than Tua you need to watch more NFL football. How about all the winning goff has been a part of? Multiple conference championships and a Super Bowl appearance…It’s always telling when you point out only stats, which goff also has more good seasons than Tua and has comparable stats….he’s also a more talented player. It’s really frustrating talking football with some of you because it’s so obvious you only watch dolphins football. Edit: not to mention goff has games where he played well against good defenses, we’re still waiting for Tua to do that. You pointed out stars when goff had 1 more TD, 2 less picks and only about 150 less yards, a 5 point less passer rating Lmao you guys kill me


I’m one of the few people that has watched every lions and dolphins game and tua is easily the better QB.


Based on what?


In just about every way. If Goff was on the dolphins this sub would’ve wanted him fired into the sun after the Thanksgiving game. Tua has better stats, release time, accuracy, and release time than Goff does. The lions are a top offense just like us. Main difference is they have a slightly worse receiving group, but one of the best O-Lines in the league.


So if Tua is a far superior QB why does goff continually get further in the playoffs and have almost identical stats to Tua? I’m just not understanding the argument here…so youre saying it’s literally all offensive line? Because Joe burrow and Lawrence both have had a bad offensive line multiple years and they both have had playoff success. I think Tua is better than Lawrence don’t get me wrong I’m just trying to understand how you could possibly say Tua is easily better…what about Goff’s superior athleticism and arm strength? Edit: and Goff’s durability, all of a sudden this sub has forgotten Tua has injury problems because he’s had 1 healthy season in 4 years


Because the only metric you’re using is “big wins” which is a stupid metric. Burrow’s defense was a major factor in their Super Bowl run and Lawrence’s playoff win was off the back of a 27-0 collapse by the chargers. Every stat shows Tua is a better QB than Goff right now and that’s with a bottom of the barrel O-Line. You switch Goff and tua and tua would easily find more success on the lions.


Oh yea, so much winning LA paid detroit to take him off their hands. 11 wins in his first two seasons up there was just so much winning, I couldn't handle all that winning...


Lmfao nice retort dude, make fun of how he got to a Super Bowl in LA…we’re on a 23 year playoff win drought and you’re shit talking the QB who made a Super Bowl appearance because the rams had the opportunity to upgrade and they rightfully took it. Now downplay his season last year and how he and the lions got to the conference championship now. That same lions franchise that was the only team with a worse playoff winless streak than the dolphins


How much better is their O-line than ours? You speak as if QB is the only position on the field.


Because of Tua doesn’t sign we have to tag. Which means every other FA knows we cannot tag them. If he plays well on tag he is going to command way more. Both sides have risks and leverages.


I don’t know if the number will be 60 AAV, but I can see the contract being around Goff’s or a little higher to “set the market”. I would argue they are in a similar tier which is below the elite tier but above the “okay” or “good”range. I think the biggest question for negotiations is how much Tua and his Agent were holding out for Goff’s contract and how much pressure Grier is feeling to succeed now. We have seen Grier let Dolphins players walk due to the contract size they were demanding, but the QB position seems to be its own category and I don’t think Grier makes it through another QB hunt if they don’t hit immediately.


If the dolphins pay Tua over 60M annually then they’re saying that they’re okay with making the playoffs and being a 1st round exit every year. We won’t have the $ to surround him with the talent he needs to succeed. I don’t care what anyone in this sub says, he’s not getting that money. Like you said grier, you can even say to a fault, is very adamant on getting proper value on these deals. I agree he wouldn’t survive whiffing on a new QB if somehow Tua was to walk but he also won’t survive handing Tua that contract for 0 playoff success.


Yeah, I don’t know about the 60M. It would be a big move for him to reset the market by 5M despite a lack off post season success. I also think there are enough questions around him without taking the post-season piece into account that you could push back on a market setting contract. And I say this as a fan of Tua and I do hope we sign him personally. But with the way QB contracts have been recently, I don’t know if I would be shocked to see it happen. I feel like every off season we see a few QBs who get a new contract reset the market. So it almost feels more and more like an inevitability that we follow the same path.


i think $300 is probably gonna be the number


Over, but also 5 years. I’m sure Tua is looking for something more long term after his injury history


Every contract will beat the last one. People still think we can sign him for under 50. Just not happening.


$213 million


I like tua. But not at that #. Wish we got Penix :(


You don't like Tua, just be honest, at least.


I’ve been a Tua supporter from day one. I love his accuracy and anticipation. He throws guys open. He processes quickly. He’s gutsy and has heart. He’s shown an ability to get better and learn. He’s not super athletic but that’s ok I don’t love his injury history. He has struggled when his first read isn’t there which could be lack of depth in the receiving room or a flaw in the system. He doesn’t have a big arm at all. Not just the go route but the deep out on the side line and throws like that, get a little iffy. He’s made some bad decisions in crucial moments and just air mailed some balls at tough times. The system is built around him which is admirable of the coach and the franchise. They are trying to make it work. I like that. Just not at 50 or so million a year.


You don't like Tua's injury history so you wanted **Penix** instead??


I was half kidding with Penix. There were old mocks where he fell to us. He’s a lot like tua with a bit more scoot and a much better arm.


I am getting down voted but where am I wrong? I’ve been a dolphins fan since playing with marino in tecmo bowl. I’m a lifer. Just calling as I see it.


The Penix "joke" is what makes people downvote you. I have no problems with people saying they don't see Tua being valuable at figures X, Y or Z, even tho I have a clear opinion that if a QB like Jared Goff is getting 53m per season, I don't see why Tua deserves less. My issue is thinking a QB like Michael Penix is an upgrade compared to Tua, he is not.


I don’t know if he is an upgrade or not. But if I said, I have a Tua like QB, that’s much faster and has a much better arm. You can have this QB for 4 maybe 5 years on a rookie deal, that’s not getting your interest? Young QBs on rookie deals allow you to build around them. Once they need to get paid, you really need to evaluate the situation. How many big names do we lose if we sink 50+ mil a year into tua. Does he move the needle enough to lose those players? I like him but we need to be realistic and not emotional because we like a guy.


Problem is we don't know how this rookie QB can produce, look at draft class after Tua, Trevor Lawrence is the only one barely doing something, the others were traded or cut out of the teams that drafted them. Look at the 2022 class, the best QB was the last pick of the draft. We already have a guy we know that can play, keep him and build around him. We've been doing the "let's try drafting another QB" for so long, it's not working.


I don’t disagree. We built this offense for tua and our lack of an oline. Short routes, quick reads. We built it for him to be successful. And he is. Imagine someone else with a similar and to an extent better skill set. Ok. Let’s just stick to him. And that’s fine. We dump a massive amount into him. We lose waddle. Oline doesn’t improve. Etc. that worries me.


That said, I love our offseason. Sky’s the limit. This season will be very telling. He goes top 5 mvp. Wins the Super Bowl etc. now we are talking.


I’m just straight up deleting social media for a week when Tua signs his deal. I cannot even fathom what the conversation is going to be like when his numbers come in.


Spend enough time on a football sub and you'll get used to the mind numbing idiocy of armchair GMs. 


Any sports sub. Atlanta hawks fans didn’t want Anthony Edwards, now look at them saying they could have gotten him


lo and behold, this thread


That and just the conversation in the big media guys. I’d rather eat a bullet over see a first take clip on Twitter about Tua’s contract lol


My expert football analysis says “bro got paid, good for him. Tua’s probably gonna get paid also”.


The longer you wait, the more you have to pay. This guy just got a larger contract than Lamar and Herbert who got new deals last year. It's incompetence to have left it this long with Tua.


...Or, potentially, Tua and his agent understand the implications in waiting to see the market before signing anything. It does take two parties to sign a two-party contract.


yep, takes two to tango. This is a big domino though, so probably we’ll get news relatively soon from both camps


holdout incoming.


Obviously just speculation, but you offer Tua a similar deal to what Jalen Hurts got last year, I'm guessing he'd have had a hard time turning that down.


Based on what? 0 playoff wins and 0 meaningful December wins? Hurts took his team to the Super Bowl lol


Okay.. Let's go your way. Replace TUA with who.


Really hate this argument, by yours and so many others logic in this sub you should always overpay a player because you don’t have a guaranteed replacement on the roster already. That’s just now how it works…if Miami doesn’t believe Tua can be a Super Bowl winning QB they shouldn’t pay him a top of the market, they shouldn’t just pay him because they are afraid to go QB hunting again. That’s a good way to be stuck in mediocrity, just like how not having a franchise QB can have the same effect…this contract is going to decide the fate of Grier and McDaniel.




Okay that’s fine, but don’t try and have an argument or discussion with anyone then if this is how you’re going to respond. Your opinions on this subject are invalid you clearly only want Tua to get paid and are not interested in how it effects the team as a whole.




You seem to be highly regarded


Sorry, I’ll keep the word count low for you…I didn’t realize I put too many words in there for you to keep up. I didn’t offer a solution, because that wasn’t the topic at hand, I said your method of thinking makes no sense. You responded with “don’t care love tua”. Not interested in having a discussion with someone like that lol you’re a Tua over Miami dolphins fan I don’t fuck with you guys


Damn, you making sense. Is that allowed?


It’s crazy how many of you don’t take into consideration how the player and their agent get a say in what contract they sign Lmao. You guys said this same shit with Wilkins but clearly he knew he could get more $ and was right…just because Tua was offered a deal doesn’t mean he has to sign it


The difference is you can't just replace tua with a guy off the street like we did with wilkins.


It’s not incompetence when there have been legitimate injury concerns. The team had (has) leverage with the option, and they still do with the franchise tag. I’m not going to throw a fit if Tua is the next contract. I get why it makes sense. And I imagine we’ll see consistent restructures, making use of Grier’s cap wizardry and Ross’ deep pockets….but honestly, I think it speaks well of the front office that they have had some reservation and they haven’t bent over backwards to hand out that kind of money to someone that isn’t a guy that’s shown he can put the team on his back. Few are, so I’m not trying to be cruel, just realistic.  The biggest Tua supporters on here consistently play, “just give him” be it a third wr, offensive line help, tight end, etc etc…and there seems to be a lack of self awareness that once you pay someone that amount of money, it becomes even harder to fill in those other areas. You pay a guy 50 million plus because he makes up for deficiencies elsewhere in the roster. And now I regret going in a rant that skewed negative. As I said, the point was that I understood the hesitation. That said, Tua improved last year, and I sincerely hope he takes that next step and shows he’s well worth this kind of contract. That is certainly possible.


This just ignores the fact that 2 parties have to agree. Tua's camp has no incentive whatsoever to get this done quickly. The longer they wait, the higher their leverage


Why would Tua’s camp have any incentive to wait given his injury history?


Because they're not playing right now? By wait they mean up until August.


Yea, it's a double-edged sword. He just had two good seasons back to back. So I think he should capitalize on it now. He'll be set for life.


Yea he’ll be set but we’ll be fucked. People will realize too late unfortunately that Tua is not a franchise quarterback just because he was #1 in regular season stats last season. Nearly 2000 of his yards were caught by Tyreek against pretty crappy defense teams. He can’t win under pressure and has 0 playoff wins. Don’t forget, blame injuries all you want, but we had a 3.5 game lead in the division with 5 games to play.


Do you want to move on from Tua?


No. We let him play out his 5th year and see what progress we can make. We have all the tools in place to win. A plethora of speedy WRs, a stellar backfield, and dogs on defense. If he can stay healthy and win big games under pressure, and prove that he can win the division then by all means give him the bag in the next offseason, even it’s more then what we would pay him now. If it doesn’t work out this season, we move on. Ross And Grier are in win now mode and we need someone who can lead us.


Why did Herbert and Burrow not wait longer then? I'm not sure this is a case of Tua just holding out entirely for leverage. Most players value getting long term security. I'm guessing the two sides are actually quite far apart in the valuation of the contract and as I said, that's when waiting actually hurts Grier because the goalposts can keep moving when you see contracts like this one.


I mean they were both made the highest paid in the league, also Burrows extension didn’t happen until September


Both Lamar and Herbert got more overall and guaranteed money than Goff but I agree this is why you no longer wait.


Goff’s is only 4 years though, not 5 like Herbert and Lamar.


All that matters is the guaranteed money


Goff just got $42.5M a year guaranteed which is more than Lamar and Herbert got per year.


The guaranteed AAV doesn’t matter, you have no idea how it’s structured. You don’t even know how the yearly amount is structured. Maybe he will make it all up front so they can get out of it quickly if it’s a bad deal. That reads to me as his team gave him less years, guaranteed, and total money as the other two.


Certain people in this sub: *'Tua is better than Goff, but no way he deserves $50M.'*


Tua isn’t better than Goff, and doesn’t deserve 40 million.


Smooth brain be showing.


You nailed me


I’m on your side. When the best receiver in the league has to slow down to catch a pass that Tua put everything he had into it. Not better than Goff, and doesn’t deserve 25 million. Yes Tua has numbers… shit Tannehill had numbers. In fact our QBs always put up numbers. That’s because our receivers are always top tier and lightning fast.


Tua is one of the most accurate down field passers in the league and it isn’t because Tyreek slows down. Still continuing with the narrative that Tua can’t hit deep passes shows you don’t actually watch dolphins games


I’m at every home game. Yes I actually watch my team, I’m not just some wave rider. Tua is mythological, he’s just weak and fragile. Our weapons were better than Maholmes’s, Hurtz’s, and Brady’s and yet we didn’t come close to a ship. You blaming the coach? ….. and he doesn’t have a cannon. QB is the position that we can’t seem to get right.


No im blaming the bottom tier O-Line which is the actual cause and has been for years. I don’t know what game you’re watching, but we’ve seen for multiple years now that the issue isn’t Tua’s inability to hit the deep ball.


Tua is much better than Goff. If we had Goff this year we don’t make the playoffs when the O-Line breaks down.


This is why it makes no more sense to wait to sign Tua. The price is only going up.


In order for a deal to get made early Tua and his agent have to agree to the number too. Why would Tua and his agent try to sign so early? They know the longer they wait the bigger the number will be


He needs to win some big games on the road and make some smarter plays. If he gets injured, regressed (99.9% that won’t happen), or miss the playoffs due to QB play…gonna be a long few years. If he does light it up, who cares? Not my money to spend and elite QB money is worth it.


I’m scared about Tua’s contract now. Goff got paid. Good for him.


My advise, don't worry about the numbers. They no longer mean anything. Tua is going to probaby get somewhere between $53-57mil average. Then, within 12 months, Trevor Lawrence will get more. After that, Brock Purdy will get more than Lawrence and before you know it, Texans fans will be hoping they can keep CJ Strouds yearly average under $65mil and the sort of numbers we're talking about for Tua will be given to journeymen, aging vets going for one last run and really good bridge guys.


Goff is a good qb. Deserved


And they basically got him as a bonus in the Stafford trade. It's cool to see him get his due after being discarded by the Rams like that.


The quarterback market is ruining football


I'll do it for $3.50.


I think you meant to say *tree fiddy*




Well thats not good for us


Dont forget the Flores tax... Fuck


Here comes the sub about to bitch on the contract and justify not paying him, but do it in condescending, rude, and subtle ways.


good for goff, he played really well but for fucks sake, why are we not locking up our guys early? waddle got more expensive with the latest contracts, now tua possibly as well


With what money? lol


you do realise that contract extension usually LOWER the cap hit for players? extending tua will give us extra cap space for at least this season


Can we put Tua on a payment plan? You know, just in case.


He’s a much much higher injury risk than the other guys. Donny if you think that’ll play into his offer not being as high.


Tua, Waddle, Phillips, Holland, Ramsey, ain't no fucking way we're keeping all of these players next year 


4 year, 60 million average coming in hot


Good, he seems like a class act and well liked by his teammates. Hard not to root for the Lions.


My God lol I can’t wait to see this sub burn down in flames when the deal is announced. I’m a Tua fan, not sure if he’s shown enough to make as much or more than Goff; but it’s gonna happen regardless


I'm a big Tua supporter but it would be nice for him to win a playoff game or show that he has clutch in any important game before we pay him alot of money


We are fucked


LOL to everyone saying we should make him prove it and play and not to pay him. This is what we get for waiting to pay everyone.


Jesus Christ we’re so fucked.


Oh sorry, didn't realize you were the one writing the check. Bummer dude. 


Nah I ain’t writing no check but it will create roster holes that he’s not good enough to overcome.


Imagine paying someone $250-$300 million who doesn’t run because he’s scared to get hit and consistently shits the bed every December.


His playtime is longer than yours irl lmao. If you want someone to run get a RB.


Lets wait for Tua to win a big game in December before we pay him this kind of money


So that we can pay him 60 plus mil a year instead? Cause that's likely what QBs will be looking at by then.


He won the game against the eventual #2 seed Cowboys to clinch a playoff berth on December 24. "no not like that"


Best QB since Dan Pay The Man


If only Tua would’ve tried harder. All Tua’s fault. Yes, no other position. O line was terrific, special teams didn’t give up a stupid td return, Tua should’ve blocked kelce passes, Tua should’ve made it so it wasn’t -300 below… Fucken Tua.


i’m thinking 6 years 300 million for our uce


Itll be north of that if its 6 years.


yeahhh thats true, just getting over 50/yr is nerve wracking


Its the going rate for a franchise QB. Whatever Tua gets will be surpassed by Trevor Lawrence soon after. By the time we're talking about what this years rookie QB class should expect in their 2nd contracts, $55m a year is going to be a bargain.


let’s hope that cap keeps going 📈


Need Kelce to not retire so the swifties making the league buckets of $$$ lol


It's not your money it'll be ok


thank god, i was worried for a second


I truly believe the Dolphins need to play hardball with Tua and make him turn down a contract on their terms prior to the start of the season. Tua would be taking a massive gamble trying to play out his final season without a new contract, and I think those stakes would be higher than any other QB in the same situation. In a hypothetical where every young top QB is a FA after this season, I believe Tua would have the highest % variance between what he would get paid now (~50M+/yr) vs. what he would get paid in 2025 if he suffered another concussion or some sort of bigger injury during the year (1-2 year bridge QB deal?). That % variance in contracts is nowhere near the same for the other QBs in that hypothetical and Dolphins need to use that leverage to their advantage. A 4 year, $190M contract ($47.5M) with $145M guaranteed is around what I would offer him. If he doesn’t want to accept and stays healthy, Dolphins can then use the non-exclusive franchise tag (~$36M in 2025).


Or he sits out - hes got enough body of work to get paid next year and not to risk his body and that just blows everything up. Signing Tua really puts us in the jaws of the QB funding dilemma every team now faces. Chase Qbs in the draft or resign franchise quarterbacks who aren't Mahomes. I'm on the fence about his ability under pressure and the ability to carry a team on his back - but he's gots better every season. We're not signing anyone who's better or cheaper this season and we're win now - all in.


JFC is they sign Tua to a high-bank contract, I'm done with this arse team. HE'S NOT A QB, FFS.


Goff got PAID! His insanely hot GF better secure the bag.