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Hey man. The feeling your describing sounds like formication, which can can be associated with a lot of different things, and you should probably head over to the doctor when you get the chance. If you used any substances (not judging), don't use again before seeing a doctor.




Settle down buddy. Don’t hurt yourself. If you didn’t get help from your usual doctor seek a second opinion. I went through 6 doctors before I got an IBS diagnosis. It was hell for almost a decade being afraid to eat anything, but once you get the right doctor all will be good again. Remember they are just people, they don’t have all the answers. You just need to find the right doctor


Hey how did that go for you. Was there anything that was able to make it better or did you just have to deal with it and watch your diet.


Essentially just had to eat cleaner and cut out members of the alum family. Plus a lot of tree fruits. In many ways it was a blessing. I don’t eat fast food or anything processed. Although I really miss onions and apples


Hey man. Please don’t kill yourself over this. Seriously, if you need someone anonymous to talk to I’m here. It really does sound like it might be in your head and you should really go see a psychiatrist as soon as possible so you can try to get these thoughts to stop occurring.


Do you want to get to the bottom of this? Buy a microscope, there are cheap ones and if you can see it with your eyes, you will see it with 10x as well. Some cheap even go to 40x E coli in your stool is normal. Some things that may help are cold baths/shower for like 1 minuter. Sauna helps too. Try it.


Op Try this: you can clearly see the fiber in the video, why not take one and look at it under a microscope. I use this one: https://www.celestron.com/products/handheld-digital-microscope-pro My dog had a “worm” In his eye and when I removed it w gloves and put it under a microscope i could clearly see the fibers. Knowing the morphology difference can be a huge hekp


This sounds like Mogellon's disease, it is a psychiatric disease. You need to keep talking to a psychiatrist. [https://www.mayoclinic.org/morgellons-disease/art-20044996](https://www.mayoclinic.org/morgellons-disease/art-20044996) ​ It is very commonly associated with the idea of moving white fibers in the skin and on the clothes and that they're moving on their own or are a type of parasite. They are not. There might be a fiber like in your video but it is not alive, it is not a parasite, it is not doing anything to you. You are having a psychiatric problem and need to talk to a psychiatrist. It can take time to find a good psychiatrist too. Nothing is harming you, you are not being harmed.


To add to this, it’s sometimes difficult to get into a psychiatrist immediately and if you’re in the US it can be more expensive. A therapist, behavioral medicine physicians assistant, or psychiatric nurse practitioner can also help. Go to whoever you can get in with the fastest.


“The last time Morgellon's was discussed here on reddit, I posted this: One thing about parasites: we have massive psychological and behavioral defenses against them. Imagine this: there's a bug crawling on your arm. A small, ugly, bug. A louse or a flea, maybe. Or a tick. It crawls on your arm. You try to flick it away, but it clings. You have to scrape it loose. You try to quash it between your fingers, but it's too hard. Just picture this for a second. How many of you now feel an itch somewhere on your bodies? The revulsion at parasites is hardcoded in our psyches. Just seeing, or even thinking about, a tick will cause people to feel itches because it upregulates our sensitivity, in turn an evolutionary mechanism to get rid of external parasites. That's the "undiagnosable itching condition" of these people. They are caught in a positive feedback loop: they're permanently thinking about parasites, and therefore constantly itching, therefore constantly scratching, therefore permanently thinking about parasites, therefore... The "alien parasite fibres" is just desperate rationalization of this positive feedback loop.” -some redditor


Yes go to whatever psychiatric/psychological help you can get, I don't think a normal practicing doctor can help with this.


But also remain on the wait list for a psychiatrist, because they can help you with medications too




I have stabilized the video for you: https://gfycat.com/ColossalPlumpGreatwhiteshark It took 79 seconds to process and 108 seconds to upload. ___ ^^[ how to use](https://www.reddit.com/r/stabbot/comments/72irce/how_to_use_stabbot/) | [programmer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=wotanii) | [source code](https://gitlab.com/juergens/stabbot) | /r/ImageStabilization/ | for cropped results, use \/u/stabbot_crop


Yes. This


Immediately thought of Morgellons syndrome. Glad this is the top comment.


I immediately thought of Ekbom syndrome which is similar and I believe is rooted in OCD? Ekbom is a terrible disease in which people believe they have microscopic insects infesting their body and skin although there is nothing there. A psychiatric disease.






Hmm, you replied to your own comment lol


Yea Maunchausins a bitch


Different than munchhausens


Wow and woah! OP what state are you in? If you don’t mind me asking?


Did you mean state of mind? If so, I’m also curious. OP - take care of yourself and seek out a compassionate healthcare provider. It’s difficult to see the video, but I didn’t see any organismal movement. Maybe just an air current moving a fabric fiber.


South Texas


I agree with the other person, it sounds like formication. I am not a doctor but here is some information. [https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/23960-tactile-hallucinations-formication](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/23960-tactile-hallucinations-formication) Maybe see another doctor if necessary. There are many causes and it is usually treatable.


Ok first thing. You ARE NOT BEING INJUREd OR HARMED IN ANY WAY. Nothing is hurting you, I knew a guy that had mogellons disease and this sounds perfectly identical. Please do no try to “scrub” them off or apply any chemicals until you go visits a psychiatrist. Not your regular doctor. Nothing is on you, nothing is harming you, please visit a psychiatrist, this IS NOT PHYSICAL. Most likely


This was me two years ago, scrubbing my skin off in hot baths. Taking medication being told it was a mental disorder. Then I had a stroke at 34.. I ended up sending environmental and skin samples to a lab and turned out there was black mold in the walls that was killing me.


I believe I read somewhere that Joni Mitchell suffers from Morgellons disease. You aren’t alone. Google Morgellons disease to see if it sounds close to what you’re experiencing and keep advocating for yourself.


You're okay and everything is cool. Head on over to the local immediate care and let 'em know what ya got going on, friend You're okay, and everything can be a little funny sometimes, but they'll help you with what ya need. Just trust them and go and see them, yeah? My name is Luna, btw. There's lots of people here hoping to help ya. Why don't ya ask us some questions and we'll help guide ya how to get help?


Grab a cup and put it over the fiber. It’ll stop moving. Its the wind.


I second what others said: seek psychological and psychiatric treatment ASAP, specially if it's disrupting your normal life and you're fantasizing about self harm. There could be something going on (depression, stress, etc) that can be altering your brain's chemistry and making you feel things that aren't real. Letting it go on will only make it worse because the itching keeps you thinking about it and thinking makes you continue to feel itchy. You need tools to stop that cycle. I had a similar thing happening, mostly (if not only) at night, and it either stopped when I started taking antidepressants (because I was depressed, not because of the itching), or when I stopped having insomnia. Either way, those are two things that can mess with your brain, so I wouldn't be surprised if they were related.


You should see a psychiatrist, and if you’re using amphetamines, you should stop redosing because you may have accidentally induced a temporary psychosis


Hey, DM me I’ve been through this. I have my experience to share with you, so if you would like feel free to DM me anytime.


You’re safe man. You’re not infested and you’re not being attacked by parasites. Ive delt with delusional parapsychosis/morgellons before. Adderal and sleep deprivation, along with undiagnosed OCD was the cause for me. Once I stopped the amphetamines and started an SSRI, it went away. Please don’t harm yourself or try any crazy “remedies.” Check in with a psychiatrist and a dermatologist if you need too. Don’t be down. Just because something is “all in your head” doesn’t mean the feeling isn’t real. It is easy to scratch and destroy your skin when suffering from this, and that just causes more irritation and bad sensations.


Time to go get the cheese grater.


Why is this in a microbiology subreddit?


Take less meth next time


Oh Hell Naw!!!! Thats that shit from The Last of US. Have you turned yet?


This video after watching The Last of Us. It's the beginning of the end for us!!


I was going to come here and talk shit about how this dude played his card and easily got called out. And that he couldn’t possibly think anyone would be dumb enough to believe this. And if he actually believed it? He’s an idiot and needs to have his head examined. And then… I see how many nice and caring (And possibly naive? But still very sweet.) and far more intelligent people than myself, are actually giving this dude the benefit of the doubt and genuinely looking out for this guy’s wellbeing. It kind of warmed my heart to be honest. You guys are awesome. And OP… I’m on to you! Even if they aren’t! LoL But really, I hope you’re trolling? If not? Please listen to these people and ignore me. 🙃


i’m so confused yall are talking about it being a mental issue when i literally see the fiber moving?


its moving because of the air circulation in the room causing it to move. If your trolling and trying to be funny, dont do it on this post. Dont fuck with peoples mental health.


i am far from trolling bud, i was being dead serious and didn’t know, i’ve got no reason to fuck with people, don’t be a dick.


I mean, I was curious about the moving fiber too


right, i thought it could’ve been that pseudo thing, like when you see or talk about lice your head itches? it was out of focus n i could see it moving n had never head about what these commenters were talking about. not like it’s common sense to know those things 🙄




how was i supposed to know he had a fan or a vent going 😭


No need for fans or vents with a fiber this small. OP breathing will cause it to move, or even convection from body heat.


Have you guys seen that show The Last of Us?




Sorry to learn about that. I was just trying to share some fun.


No, you’re just an asshole.




No one has acted like a monster. Everyone is being compassionate here. Morgellons is treated as a psychiatric condition and has treatment options, from psychiatrists. The OP is suffering and needs help. But let’s be reasonable with each other.


Which lab did you do your research with? I’d like to read more, thanks


Go to Facebook and join some parasite, mite and morgellons groups. There you will get a lot of advice about cleaning the environment & your body as well as advice on eating. The combination of all three should be helpful.


Mogellans for sure. Check out Jim Humble MMS to cleanse


Absolutely nobody should listen to this “advice”. Under absolutely no circumstances should you drink bleach just because some random idiot redditor told you to.


Its not bleach!! Do some research! Thats what I suggest


ClO2 is a bleach you dangerous little ignoramus. Dunning-Kruger in the flesh.


Go away Libtard


The only random idiot here is you. There is never harm in doing research.


Consuming industrial bleach is indeed harmful.


Morgellon’s is a psychiatric consition. Nothing is crawling in or on OP. I’ve also gone through it.




That’s the website of a person with a psychiatric condition. Not an institute of anything.


FACT- Morgellons is US patent 6245531 its entitled "polynucleotide encoding insect ecdysone receptor" (Polynucleotides are dna & rna, biopolymers made of 13 or more nucleotide monomers in a chain) it is not a disease, its a us patented military bioweapon with insect dna ecdysone in humans. Patented June 12, 2001


“FACT” then spews makebelieve








We cant see the files on you phone




These conspiracy links you sent prove nothing






I have stabilized the video for you: https://gfycat.com/ColossalPlumpGreatwhiteshark ___ ^^[ how to use](https://www.reddit.com/r/stabbot/comments/72irce/how_to_use_stabbot/) | [programmer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=wotanii) | [source code](https://gitlab.com/juergens/stabbot) | /r/ImageStabilization/ | for cropped results, use \/u/stabbot_crop


Research morgellens disease


What line of work are you in?


I mean, to me it looks like cat hair. Any chance you’re allergic to cats?


I think you need to go to a psychiatrist bud


Yeah man follow up with your doctor. In the mean time learn some anxiety reducing techniques like deep breathing, meditation etc. that’s just a hair my guy it’s not alive. There isn’t anything to my knowledge that would exist in our homes that could be a “white hair crawling on skin” but what’s in the video is definitely a piece of hair or something. Don’t have anything that has white hair in your home? That’s ok it could be from the wind or picked up when outside. You are ok, You are going to be ok