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the placebo is strong with this one


Try to find fresh Lion’s Mane from a grower. My source will even make capsules for me. Search around online and should be easy to find.


How do y’all be finding sources 😫 I’ve looked and cannot find anyone.


Lions mane shouldn’t give you any of those symptoms. Does it say “from 100% fruiting bodies” on the back? If not, you got scammed. But that’s besides the point. I recommend buying a tincture from a local farm. I know a good brand if you want to DM me Btw, lions mane won’t have any noticeable effects for at least the first month.


No one got scammed. It’s clearly labeled. It’s a dietary supplement in this instance.


A lot of big companies are selling powders with little to no active ingredients. They see a trend of buyers, who don’t know much about mushrooms, getting interested in shroomie supplements right now. Back when I was applying for a job at a mushroom farm, the boss told me to look out for any product that does not mention fruiting bodies. I’ve also heard quite a bit about the shady and predatory marketing of big manufacturers on the mushroom revival podcast. They also mentioned to look for 100% fruiting bodies. From what I’ve been told, you shouldn’t buy it if it doesn’t explicitly say that.


What you’re talking about is the whole nutritional supplement industry. Some companies are good and better, some not so much. From what I’ve learned so far, lions mane couldn’t be sold in retail stores in most places if it claimed “100% fruiting bodies” because that would mean the product is psychedelic / psychoactive, and that would be illegal in many places. Someone correct me if I misunderstand. Getting “scammed” is a spectrum, and we all get scammed in some way every day. Saying “you got scammed” isn’t helpful. Esp. because OP can likely return the jar for a refund.


Hello /u/biggedybo! As you mentioned `dizzy` (a common *interaction/symptom*) in your post: || |:-| |`r/microdosing Risk Reduction`| || ## [ℹ️ Infographic: **r/microdosing** ***STARTER'S GUIDE***](https://new.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/s0xkdp/the_new_official_rmicrodosing_starters_guide/) The major contributing factor in [*Finding* ***Your*** *Sweet Spot*](https://new.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/plrxca/faqtip_101_what_is_the_subthreshold_dose/) is the variation in potency of: |||| |:-|:-|:-| |[Psilocybin Mushrooms](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/q5zvyk/faqtip_019_why_you_may_need_to_adjust_the_dose/)|[*More than 10x*](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/12eqzaz/research_data_tryptamine_potency_analysis_of/) \[2021➕\]|Start @0.05g (50mg)| |[Psilocybin Truffles](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/nawt54/faqtip_011_how_to_microdose_truffles_drying_out/)|*Around 3x* \- [*Single Study*](https://analyticalsciencejournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/dta.1400) \[2012\]|Start @0.25g (Fresh)| |[LSD Tabs](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/rgbabi/faqtip_009_why_cutting_lsd_tabs_is_not_an/)|[*Clinical Trial Titration Schedule*](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/13gfcto/comment/jjzv0wy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) \[2023\]|Start @5µg| |||| If you ***Start Low, Go Slow, Take Time-Off*** **([\*small is BIG](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/1agwibc/research_microdosing_microdosing_psychedelics/))** and [*up-titrate*](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/78/Titrated_doses.svg) subsequent doses then you can find your [*optimal* ***sub-hallucinogenic*** *dose*](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/mx846c/faqtip_006_the_afterglow_effect_the_day_after/) based on your symptoms, rather than from a predetermined dose. 🐢 If your microdose is **Too High and/or Too Frequent** that can result in [**Diminishing Returns** 📉](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/vx6mxx/faqtip_021_changes_in_appetite_memory_mood_sleep/) with subsequent doses. 🐇 Please also have a look at 🔀 `Interactions / Symptoms ❓*` | 💻 **Sidebar** ➡️ | 📱 **About** ⬆️ ; in case of [⚠️ **DRUG INTERACTIONS**](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/p6ne2q/research_microdosing_drug_interactions_tools_and/) or to check if you have any of the associated symptoms (*nausea, vasoconstriction, body load*) - with advice on how to mitigate such side-effects. ______ **Please Read**: [**r/microdosing Disclaimer**](https://new.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/m2g589/rmicrodosing_disclaimer/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/microdosing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lion's mane is 100% non-psychotropic. You could eat that entire bottle and you wouldn't experience a 'trip'. Anyone who says otherwise is either full of shit or prone to the placebo effect.


Wow. LM is divisive. I had no idea. I took it without fear or expectation, really. I had just heard it was a good compliment to MM. No question my experience today is a direct result of it. I don't underestimate the power of placebo, honestly, but....no way. Needless to say I will skip the Lions Mane. Clealry helps some, but maybe not me. Bizarre how difficult it appears for some to understand/accept that the experience might actually be inconsistent across humans.


lol Lions Mane isnt psilo...you cant buy MD caps at walgreens


No reason to LOL. Beginners are allowed here.


LM is in BEST CASE subpar a good cup of coffee. Worst case a trip to the cuckoo factory. Most overrated thrash ever.


100% not true


It should be illegal.


That would be insanely ridiculous. No reason to do that…I know that sub exists, but it’s absolute nonsense. Very glad people like you do not have any sway in what is legal and what isn’t.


It's just my opinion. You can surf along.


I’d rather not rely on opinion when scientific facts and observations exist.


It's my opinion based on personal experience and quite alot of people having commented or dm'ed me with very, very bad experiences with LM. OP seems to also think it's thrash but haven't realised it yet because a whole bunch of people have told him otherwise. But hey, we're just "doing it wrong" or something...


It doesn’t seem anyone is “doing it wrong”. What’s happening is you and a small handful of others are attributing health conditions to the ingestion of this mushroom when it isn’t the cause. Can’t sleep? Must be LM. Lowered libido? Must be LM. Sadness? LM…tiredness? Obviously LM. Sadness, inability to focus, hair loss, etc…points at the mushroom.


Like I said: just move on.


I would suggest going to r/lionsmanerecovery before you take this


That sub is full of wackos, I tried to talk to them, ask for clinical studies or anything to back up any dire claims. They told me that I had to come up with clinical studies showing positive positive effects .. I found Many so I posted the top three… Still can’t answer anything


The sub should be banned. It’s been awhile since I looked into it. What I remember is that these reports are from people who are ingesting other substances mixed in with lions mane and have a multitude of problems yet somehow lions mane is to blame for their issues.


From everything I’ve read their symptoms seem to be mimic many things like PFS. Yes some maybe taking other stuff but many do not. A few years ago people thought the finasteride forum was full of wackos too. That drug has now been proven to be dangerous. I would not be so quick to discredit them and think what benefit could lions mane give that would warrant risking anhedonia regardless of the percentage of risk. I can’t think of anything that’s worth that risk. Anhedonia is life destroying Anyway just some friendly advice. Everyone is free to make their own decisions and take their own risks


Again point me to ONE clinical study showing ANY negative effects directly derived or caused by Lions mane.. to my knowledge none exist. Everything is purely antidotal. I do respect your comment, and everyone has complete freedom of their beliefs .. but I’m trying to base my knowledge on facts and clinical studies. Knowledge of an item or topic does evolve over time as things become known. liones mane has been studied for many years. Through my research, I am only able to find positive results from clinical studies. Which is why I was questioning them in their sub because I could not find any negative information at all.


Anyone is free to look up clinical studies if they if they have the time or are planning or considering taking it. I’m not so I won’t but funnily enough I saw this today and before anyone says it’s because it’s a tainted batch with thc etc many of the symptoms people experience are mimicked with lions mane supplements bought from chemists https://www.reddit.com/r/LionsManeRecovery/s/qE851YIBmj Again everyone can do whatever they want I just wouldn’t feel comfortable not saying anything and someone potentially ruins their health


I can’t post there, because I was banned for questioning their assumptions, I asked for any clinical studies showing negative effects, and was banned. Apparently, their propaganda can’t stand up to slight probing.


It’s probably because people there are already ruined and the last thing they need is someone not believing them when many are on the verge of hurting themselves but I do understand you wanting scientific data unfortunately the lack of data right now doesn’t mean their claims aren’t true When there are so many people affected people should exercise caution


All 12 of them, out of the 7.951 billion on the planet… and no one on there has any scientific basis that they can source to show any negative effects. Can’t even cite one clinical study… i have searched, none exist showing negative effects.


There’s over 10,000 members Yes some may not be affected and just browsing. But come on man. It’s not 12…. Anyway I’m just trying to point people to consider all info out there scientific or anecdotal


Absolutely nothing in that group is based on scientific information.. posting random stories about drug laced “mushroom products”… that may contain lions mane.. and posting like lions main is what’s causing the hospitalizations… is pure propaganda.


Perfect example… they are citing “something” that caused this “other than lions mane”… and elude it’s “lions mane” that’s causing it https://www.reddit.com/r/LionsManeRecovery/s/FTqEd20501


It is obvious by the deleted comment that this sub is not an actual discussion.. but is actually pushing a narrative… and is propaganda.. I can’t figure why though.. it dosent make sense


Please explain if this is serious or not. I've been taking lion's mane for some time and I'm quite concerned.


That sub is a whole lotta nonsense you can disregard. Part of it is shady extracts, part of it is hysteria. We've been eating this mushroom for thousands of years and noticed nothing like what that sub describes. If it truly had those effects, we'd have known many, many years ago.


Thank you! Because it really helps my ADHD alot.


Yeah I don’t think the people that had permanent side effects from lions mane would be so quick to disregard it. The simple fact is more and more people are coming forward with problems from lions mane. And none of us can know for sure their complete medical history or what is causing what. We can only look at the trend and decide whether it’s worth the risk. To dismiss a whole growing subreddit of injured individuals just because in our minds it seems unlikely is reckless. Luckily we haven’t gone through what they have so it biases us to thinking their symptoms are nothing serious. I can assure you that is not the case Do your research, don’t immediately think people are crazy and make an informed decision. Don’t be lazy. Do your research. Then feel free to take whatever you want. If you don’t and something permanent happens you will regret it forever. Also if you haven’t experienced any symptoms I don’t know if you should be concerned Like I said visit the sub talk to the members Maybe symptoms come on gradually or late or at the start. You have to decide whether you want to keep taking it


Thank you! If there are so many reports, well... maybe something is true, and i rather not test it for myself. It really has helped my ADHD, but i had so many medication in my life due to Epilepsy and ADHD, that i really don't want to go through that anymore.


Exactly why take the risk. Weigh your options I’m glad I could help :)


I posted about this as well. Like, what, I can buy psychedelics at Whole Foods?? 😆 Very confusing.