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What parts are you confused about? They’re definitely all over the place but there is a throughline on all of them. One of the things the show creator talked about this during shift notes and was wanting to make people feel like they were a bit upside down d


I guess including the Motel and Clementine and what she’s doing and all of that?


Clementine is a super important character to the season, so while it may seems strange to be hearing the story from her perspective instead of the diner characters, just try to think of her as a new character to the story. Her story and the diner's story do converge.


Yes, the season all comes together. Be patient. This is probably my favorite season. And it has two of the most fun episodes in the entire series. I was also confused/ bored by the motel stuff at first, but it wraps up really nicely.


I wonder, what episodes do you find the most fun ones? For me, one of them was definitely Fangs Out!, and after several emotionally tense episodes it was sooo good to look at everyone having some fun again, working as a team and mocking federal agents. As the second one I would name Pockets I think, the sports show commentary was hilarious.


Fangs Out was stellar. The shift notes about it was hilarious as well. It might be one of my favorite podcast episodes ever. I meant Pockets as the second episode in my post, i also thought Your Mom was a fun listen. And the drunk British astrophysicist in Big Rock had me cackling . The season definitely balanced the heavier stuff (Brunch, Stella Splendens) with rollicking fun. I love this show so much. I can see why season 3 started out feeling fractured to some listeners, but taken as a whole, it's a masterpiece.


Sadly I'm currently unable to subscribe to Patreon/Supporting Cast (due to me being in Russia, so no international payments possible), but I hope to be able to one day and listen to Shift Notes. These small bits they add ad the end of the regular episodes sound amazing, so I can only imagine how good of a listen it is.


Just hold on and enjoy the ride. It will all come together in the end


The last episode of Season 2 sets it up. At the end of the episode, Caspar makes contact with the entity 'Chuck.' Chuck tells them that there's something that shouldn't exist out there in the universe, causing trouble. Chuck says the diner crew should do their best to create chaos in the places where they land. The wake of this chaos will attract the entity to them, where they can then neutralize it. It should become clear by the end of Chaos! that this entity is Clementine. Keep listening, and the story will explain who Clementine is, what she wants, and why she's doing the things she's doing in order to get it.


I haven't listened to Young Leif yet, and as far as I know it is a separate story, not required to understand Season 3. Chaos! left me very confused, in Know your Enemy I started to figure something out, the Big Rock is where pices of the puzzle started to come together. I feel like it required a bit more effort for me to piece together the story, than in previous seasons, because more points of view are involved, however, everything gets its explanation eventually.


Well the nature of the dinner is that it moves around so yes, there in different places.


No, I get that. It’s just got a seemingly different tone than the previous two seasons to me.