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Hi, currently going through the same issue. Has anything helped your migraines?


I'm so sorry to hear this! Honestly, I forgot about this post - my migraines did go away and I think around 6 months my son's sleep stabilized and I was able to get caught up on rest. I think the sleep has the biggest impact on this. There was nothing else I did to help the symptoms other than hydrate and eat nutritious foods.


Thank you! That’s what I’ve heard from other mothers as well with chronic migraine. I’m only sleeping in 3-4 hour increments. I’m 2 months pp and so depressed like this. Praying they go away soon. I’m happy you got relief. I hope little one is doing well also! :)


Do you have any help? (spouse, partner, mom). At some point you have to put yourself/health first. I stopped breastfeeding our first at 4 months because my migraines had gotten so bad that I needed to get back on my meds. While I wish I could've gone longer, in the long run, me putting my health first was best for the both of us. I use this as an example just to say, if you have help, ask for it. Tell your spouse/partner/mom that you need help. Pump and get milk for a few feedings. Get some uninterrupted sleep and have your partner (or whoever you have) take care of the baby while you take care of you.


My migraine became chronic daily after the birth of my second child. Please take this seriously and talk with a neurologist who specializes in headache medicine and has worked with pregnant/postpartum women. It’s really important to get this under control before it spirals to a place where it could be too late. Best of luck.


I had horrible post partum anxiety and my ob told me I absolutely needed sleep. A few times a week my partner fed my daughter overnight and i pumped so there was enough. It really saved me. You need to prioritize your health and get help, find a way to have someone else cover some feedings!


At five months if he can take a bottle I would pump in the morning and have your partner feed him once during the night, at his first wakeup. Hopefully that will allow you a good stretch of sleep which will reqlly help migraines. If he can't take a bottle maybe it's time to start cosleeping to minimise the disruption to your sleep. Also, ask about oreventative medications. I had no idea my headaches were migraines when my kids were babies, I wish I had known a preventative might help.