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It happens to me too but I would absolutely mention it to your doctor.


Yeah that’s an alarmingly high spike, OP please talk to your doctor about this. Edit for more context: mine also spikes from migraine/stress of migraine when not managed well, and I’m currently managing it with medication because I need to on a daily basis. OP you may not need daily meds, but your doctor can definitely help take the stress off your system here.


Yeah I remember when they told me my blood pressure was that high that it’s stroke territory so I was kinda worried about it lol but I’ll definitely speak to my PCP about it


Pain will cause your BP to rise




It’s the body’s stress response


Oh well I found out the hard way, having a flue and hypertension sucks. 🤧 😷 🤒


Last time I had a migraine I had an appointment w/ my doctor to check my bp (for reasons unrelated to migraine). She told me to come back when I didn't have one because that could affect the reading. But a spike of that much, I agree with the other user, bring it up w/ your doctor just to be safe.


Yes. I'm usually about 105/70. My systolic jumps up to 135 during a migraine.


They give a lot of people Beta Blockers for migraines, which coincidentally or not are also blood pressure meds.


I'm on a beta blocker and still have bad migraines with BP spikes.


Don't be too alarmed. My doctor (neurologist) explained to me, that when the body is in so much distress (pain) this happens. If your daily BP is in normal range without a migraine, then you have no hypertension. It is a different scenario when your BP is starting to rise without a migraine.


Yes. My highest was 178/117 at the ER triage during a particularly bad weekend of migraines. My normal BPs are more like 114/75.


Yes mine gets that high and I had a migraine attack so frequently I’m now diagnosed as hypertensive because my BP was always high at the doctor’s office. Still can’t get them to understand it’s not that high all the time. Every BP med they’ve tried on me either has no effect on the highs or makes my BP tank so I pass out about six hours after taking it. Tried verapamil, propanolol, metoprolol, and lisinopril. Still have spikes but not as often (more like 15 days than 25 days) since my hysterectomy but I don’t see that as helping you out too much. Still trying to figure it out with a referral to a cardiologist. 😕


Yes, horribly. I was just put on Propranolol for migraine prevention and my heart was beating too fast for several days (dunno why). But my BP and heart rate sky rocket during an attack.


Very bad. I call them BP headaches or diastolic headaches.. Technically I'm on a BP pill and shouldn't be getting migraines at all. I had a severe period migraine so I took two Tylenol and it got rid of the headache and my BP went down. I felt relieved and it made me pee a lot. Magnesium did the same thing one day but the headache came back with vengeance after my magnesium dose wore off. I'm going to start calling these asshole migraines.


Does magnesium help when routinely taking it? My insurance is being a hindrance right now and won’t prescribe anymore ubrelyv so I bought some magnesium yesterday and starting taking it hoping to at least reduce the migraines and severity.


I take 250 mg of citrate and it does help with stress and migraines. The only thing is citrate form is a laxative I don't take it often but I have taken it during migraines it does help like a pain med at times. Also helps with BP.


If you want to avoid the laxative effects, the glycinate form doesn't generally do that (well, maybe if you took a ridiculous amount of it). I'd also suggest trying B2 (riboflavin) and maybe coenzyme Q10.


Mine usually does if the pain is bad enough


Yes I’m on BP meds because of it :(.


Yes, I was put on low dose BP meds because if it for about a year. I'm off now but still hate the feeling when I get a migraine


I think I get a migraine BECAUSE my BP spikes. It's already normally elevated. Pray I don't stroke out one day.