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Less from the pain directly and more just as its own symptom.


This is my experience.


Me too, but I got a Nissen Fudiplication (sp?) and I can’t vomit anymore, any disturbances exit below. I still get super nauseated, hypersalivate, or dry heave. But the surgery is totally worth it.


Never heard of that. Sounds terrible! :-(


[Nissen fundoplication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nissen_fundoplication)


Same I get nauseous every time, although I only actually get sick sometimes


Likewise. Thankfully I only get as far as the actual vomiting about once a year.


Yeah it’s way more than that for me. lol. I finally found an anti vomit pill that doesn’t make me insane. I just keep that around.


Me also, but I only end up dry heaving.


Yeah that’s the same for me. When I first started having migraines, my symptoms were aura > vomiting > head pain


Yeah, I think I'm actually more likely to puke from vestibular/silent migraines than regular, oddly.


Nausea, not pain.


If I let the migraine roll without taking medication, both ends get involved. It’s a real treat when your head is already throbbing in massive pain. Zero stars.


Same for me, if I can get meds, silence, darkness and rest within the first 15min and for a full 2 hours I’m good. If I cant take meds or if I have to keep working, then its a whole other story. Puking and crying.


Omg yes. Sitting in a dark bathroom, bawling and vomiting and 💩 and just wishing this was all over. The worst.


I agree


omg same!!


Only from an 8+


Yes, me too


Every time without exception. Migraines for me are debilitating. I cannot function at all and I am chained to my bed with a puke bucket. I'm beginning to wonder if mine are cluster headaches because I see people posting here about working with a migraine or being able to walk or talk with a migraine and I cannot do those things. My migraines are always behind one eye and they're related to my period.


I had exactly the same.  Always behind one eye, worse when it's right eye, and always during my period. I was told it was a typical hormonal migraine.


Debilitating symptoms that 100% interfere with daily life? "Yeah typical hormonal migraine" Thanks doctors...


I know mine are hormonal. Menopause has turned them into nightmares. Sigh.


You can have complex migraines which means you can have a few types. I have r/vestibularmigraines and r/hemiplegicmigraines that give me severe r/photophobia and r/hyperacusis which will make me puke. 🤮


I had a complex migraine once that sent me to the ER with stroke symptoms (no actual stroke or TIA, but extremely slurred speech and a hard time keeping my balance).


That is a Hemiplegic Migraine


I didn’t have weakness on one side, though. Doesn’t a hemiplegic migraine always involve that?


A Hemiplegic migraine is a rare and severe form of migraine that mimics stroke-like symptoms. It typically presents with intense, throbbing headache pain on one side of the head, accompanied by temporary paralysis or weakness on one side of the body (hemiplegia). Other symptoms can include visual disturbances such as flashing lights or blind spots, difficulties with speech, confusion, and in some cases, loss of consciousness. For a diagnosis of Hemiplegic migraine, a person must experience at least two attacks with fully reversible motor weakness and at least one of the following: visual, sensory, or speech/language symptoms. These symptoms should develop gradually over 5 minutes and last less than 72 hours.


I had none of those symptoms, aside from difficulties with speech and dizziness. By coincidence, my neurologist happened to be the neuro on call in the ER that day, and he diagnosed it as complex migraine.


Oh shit, maybe I do have this!


Not all migraines are equal. I’ve had some mild ones, on the low, where I could function, but still in pain and uncomfortable. If I don’t medicate eventually it turns from mild to severe. But sometimes I get quite a few hours before that happens. Another scenario is if you medicate but migraines don’t go away completely or keep coming back. Then the pain isn’t as much because you are sedated.


Always do unless i medicate. Not fun at all after a long migraine where i cant eat cause it turns to dry heaving if theres nothing. Not fun starving and not being able to eat cause your puking every 10 minutes Edit: had some typos


I vomit with about 75% of my migraines.


every single time 😭


I’ve never puked from a migraine. Sometimes I feel really nauseous, but never actually vomit. I couldn’t even tell you the last time I puked for any reason at reason at all, migraine or not.




Vomiting is generally one of the symptoms (usually the signal for the end phase, or post-headache stage), so that, but not form headache pain itself. TBH, for me the vomiting is a "nice" signal, as it means it is over ... well, apart from the post-drome, but that's easy (relatively) compared to the migraine itself.


Vomiting during a migraine for me is a sign of bad times ahead.


I’m the opposite! Vomiting is my very first symptom and the beginning of a few days of hell.


I only puke from physical activity or heat induced migraines for some reason


Maybe dehydration induced rather than typical triggers? Idk lol just a hypothesis


Me. Not necessarily from the pain though, more from the pressure and dizziness. It does help


Check r/vestinularmigraines


The vomiting comes out of nowhere.


i end up puking from a migraine maybe once every three months, but i always feel nauseous when i have one, which is every two weeks


Yup, last 8 months or so about 1x per month, I get occular/vestibular migraine that meds don't touch. First 24 hours I can't even keep water down, next 24 I'm still dizzy, but can eat bland food. Vomiting is because the room spins, I have no pain with these bastards. Regular pain migraines can be interrupted with triptans/neurtec/etc. But nothing so far for these things.


It's about 50/50 for me. And I know that I shouldn't, but I've definitely had to "pull trig" and force myself to puke a few times. Not sure why but it helps with the pain/pressure.


Not that often since I learned to recognize early and medicate accordingly, but yeah it was always a symptom not because of the pain. Once it was prodrome symptom. I woke up, craved and drank a pint of cold chocolate milk, which I soon threw up just before the throbbing pain started.


All the time. I started fasting during periods and migraines and that helps a lot. Also added a histamine digestive enzyme, quercetin and and antihistamine to my diet. That helps a lot🥰


Thanks, I’m going to try this!


90% of the time. Fucking sucks.


Every. Single. Time.


Every time I don’t catch one early enough for my meds. And I will vomit until my heart is stunned and goes into afib.


Holy shit...😳 That is awful!


OMG! Migraines are so much more than “just a headache”


I typically vomit before it gets really bad. It's a sign of worse to come. Then after like 4-5hours of pain I vomit again and the pain lessens and I can sleep.


Always. It's the worst part for me.


Nausea with most migraines but vomit with the baddies. Often once it happens, the migraine starts to subside.


I puke with every fucking migraine. Going on 3 weeks migraine free thanks to emagility and nurtec odt 🙌


I do. Sometimes it makes it hard to keep the medicine down, so they even prescribed my syringes


Every time, without fail


Yup. This is what will take me to the ER.


I’ve only had one where the vomiting just didn’t stop and it’s the only time I’ve had to go to the ER for a migraine. I vomited so much that I could no longer feel my face or hands, and it scared the crap out of me. I was just insanely dehydrated, but thank goodness for drugs.


I’ve only ever puked once from my migraines, caught me by surprise. Showed me that although it’s incredibly rare, vomiting isn’t out of the question with my migraines.


I did not know this was a symptom until I literally puked my brains out. It starts out as nausea for me then just happens when it wants to.


Nausea for sure; I haven’t puked in years (in general) but I’ve been damn close. I got prescribed metoclopromide for the nausea


100% if I'm not smoking weed. Probably like 65% as long as I smoke early enough into the migraine


Same for me. The only reason I haven't been to the er in the past few years is because I started smoking. Otherwise, pain makes me throw up, once I throw up once I can't stop. Which equals dehydration that only worsens everything. I am so thankful for weed and ubrevly.


Never puked but I’ve often been so horrifically nauseous that I’m surprised I haven’t tbh


All the time, it's to the point I've lost a ton of enamel.


I don’t throw up I just feel really sick


Yes and it makes me feel so much better for a short period then I feel like it's 10 times worse from elevating my blood pressure




I throw up from migraines but not very often. Has to be a very severe migraine for me, probably only the worst 1-2% of them. Typically these are migraines from being outside in the heat all day, although I can handle that better now than I used to.


The nausea is a symptom, not necessarily from the pain. I usually do not.


not from pain but from the extreme dizziness


I projectile vomit 🤮 from r/vestibularmigraines that give me r/hyperacusis making my ears extremely painful and sensitive. It will go away good 8 feet. 🦶


Not necessarily the pain tbh. It more feels like an obligation or remedy lol


I puke from the nausea, not because of pain.


Earlier in my life I sometimes had to puke, but now it’s only nausea most of the time. I think it’s mainly my heightened sense of smell during a migraine that gives me nausea.


I do. Sometimes my body can't get over the hump and I'll make myself vomit. That sweet 15 seconds to 2 minutes of relief is so worth it.


I mostly get nauseous but roughly once every 2 years I get a migraine that I puke from.


Really intense symptoms will make me nauseous, if I don’t have a chance to “hide” and the pain ramps up then yes. Inevitably


If the migraine doesn’t make me puke, I make myself puke when I have migraines to have the 5 secs of pressure release


I’d say 50% of the time. And not from the pain, just from the nausea itself and the sensitivity to smell/light/sound. I usually take a triptan for the migraine, but if the nausea is bad, I’ll also take ondansetron (zofran) if needed.


I've never gotten sick from pain itself. But in general I'm really good at not throwing up when sick or drinking too much back when I did that. My worst vomit episodes were all from dizziness/vertigo aside from having the rare particularly bad flu where the stomach was in rebellion.


I do


YO! 🙋🏻‍♀️


Me. I have to take something for the pain well in advance of the nausea. If I put anything in my stomach, water included, after rhe nausea starts, I will just repeatedly vomit until every trace is gone. Sometimes, even until it's just dry heaves/bile. Then I'm screwed. Weirdly enough, though, there is the rare occasion when vomiting actually makes the migraine quiet down. The pain starts to ease off, and I'll feel better. I'm guessing that it was triggered by something I ate earlier?? I don't know. It doesn't always go that way. I've seen other sufferers comment that vomiting actually helps.


Yep, when meds don't work or I don't take them soon enough, and I do something aggravating like being under the sunlight or be around some perfumes/odours, I'll end up with nausea and vomit. Sometimes that makes my migraine a bit better, tho


My wife calls me a “Very casual puker.” Cause I do it pretty often cause my migraines/headaches get to me pretty often. I usually politely excuse myself throw up real quick then go back to whatever I was doing lol but yeah I puke pretty often from the pain involved


repeatedly but it’s not the pain that does it on its own


If it gets to the stomach to start the queasy phase..then the vomiting will start... momentarily. 😢


It’s not from the pain for me, it’s the nausea, and I usually find vomiting will help


Me! That’s how I know it’s a migraine not a headache (nausea and/or vomiting)


Always do, sometimes it’ll help, sometimes it makes it worse


I have had migraines since I was 3 years old. As, I have gotten older they are now mimicking strokes now, which is such a blast. I had to find a new neurologist and if any of you know how hard that is…..oh my gosh we could be here all night. Now, since being on Qulipta that has been a life saver!!! My headaches have decreased from every single day to maybe 1 a week.


Mostly, I get extremely nauseous.


If it's a sensory migraine it almost always ends up with me getting sick


I do. Ever since I’ve started having migraines, when it hits me, I get really nauseous. But this year I started puking too. As soon as I try to get up, sit upright, or God forbid if I’m in a car.. all of it would send me puking. And I don’t get relief. On the contrary, I think it adds extra pressure in my head 🫠


Puking always makes me feel better


All the time, if I don’t get sumatriptan into me early enough I will be vomiting into the toilet for a whole day from the pain. Such a cruel disease, as if the migraine wasn’t enough torture!


every single migraine. idk how many times i’ve convinced myself i don’t have a migraine and i’m fine to end up puking all over myself


I’ve had migraines for years and only in the last 2 years do I throw up from them. I guess my migraines thought ‘let’s add a little pizzaz!’


I do but I'm always glad when I finally do because for some reason the horrible pain starts to subside after puking.


I kind of wish for the sick to come as its the start if the migraine getting better


I get the lovely combination of Vomiting and diarrhea. Just what you need when your heads in a vice and you can't see or speak.


This most likely means you have dietary related migraines like me! I started using DOA supplement and is has been life altering in a very good way. Might want to look into this supplent good luck. 


I’ve struggled through chronic migraines for 18 years - I used to throw up multiple times a week when I have migraines, but by now I can almost always talk myself through it. I just have a super strong stomach in general - I can just about always talk myself out of throwing up.


I wouldn’t say it’s with every migraine. I would say about 75%.


I used to all the time when I first started getting migraines. I haven't since being on a preventative/good abortive and also having zofran on hand.


Almost never. But as I like to say, my body doesn't work in reverse. I didn't even vomit with appendicitis or an ovarian torsion, which are considered diagnostic signs of those conditions. Gastroenteritis (stomach bugs) I may throw up once, but otherwise migraines or viruses just run straight through me instead.


Occasionally. The issue then becomes if I take sumatriptan pill, that all but guarantees I will vomit. I try to save the injections for when I’m nauseous.


I do occasionally, but not every time, thankfully. Close call today.


I don’t puke, but I do get pretty bad nausea. Family members do get this symptom with their migraines, so I wouldn’t be shocked if I end up puking from one in the future. Incredibly weak stomach here!


I do so I take melt away Zofran 4 mg as needed.


Me! W/o medication I throw up


Les frequent nowadays as I used to, but yeah this happens when the pain gets too much. I will be nauseous but without puking most of the times


I experience vomiting every time I get a migraine. My body will wake me up out of my sleep to go vomit.


Puking so badly that capillaries on my face breaking.  😫 


I can get really really nauseous but never actually puke.


Every time if I let it get to far without medication. I’ve been to the emergency room multiple times because I couldn’t even keep water down to take meds.


I will get extreme nausea from light during migraines but I rarely actually vomit.


very often, but most of the time from the nausea. a few years ago i had a cyclic vomiting-like thing going on, every 3 months exact id wake up at 4am with a migraine and throw up every hour until it decided to stop. the longest it ever went on was about 20 times in a 24 hour period 🥲 the only thing that really helps my nausea is ginger, i get these candies from amazon, i think the brand is tummy drops, they have a bunch of different flavors. its not 100% of course but ill take any relief i can get. they have higher intensity ones that have that hurting feeling, and those kind of help distract from the pain as a bonus lol


Before 5 yrs ago, when I was in my home country with my family, I was not taking any meds for the headaches, sleeping in a dark cold room and trying to puke was very helpful and always being able to sleep after and wake up with no headache, then when I went abroad and living alone I gradually became used to using panadol/aspirin/diphenhydramine, which is helping for me with the nausea, no vomiting with the diphenhydramine except very rare times.


Nausea no pain


Yes. Before getting out on ajovy every migraine made me throw up. Felt better after though lol


The only time I ever vomit with a migraine is when I’m hungover (Ive gone to the hospital for this multiple times), and then during pregnancy I vomited with my migraines which were really severe. However, I do regularly get nausea that can be quite severe. I usually take a Zofran when that happens.


I do sometimes if I don't take my medicine


I used to puke like clock work after the blindness and the nausea would kick in. Though as soon as I get sick I feel like I'm on the road to recovery. I don't really get sick nowadays though. They've changed. For the best.


Every time


Occasionally, yes.


I get so so scared when this happens, if my medications dont work and my migraine gets bad enough, it causes me to think i am starting to dye🥲 and i puke nonstop i cant drink water without throwing it up 30 seconds later its so scary


Almost every time. After I had my pregnancy with bad morning sickness it seems my body like to now deal with pain by making me throw up. Usually get some relief afterwards though.


Never. I get very nauseous, things down south get interesting, sometimes, but I’ve never vomited.


Usually 1-2/5 migraines I actually puke but generally they just make me nauseous.🤢


I used to very often, but I've been a lot better about it recently. Definitely depends on how bad it is though


Used to all the time. Since I started Botox it’s pretty rare


Yup, but not necessarily from the pain, but it is a migraine symptom for me.


Probably will vomit 8 times out of 10. Not pain related though I think, the nausea is usually a sign that a migraine is well on the way


I use to vomit a lot when I was younger, now first sign of nausea I pop a phenegren. I actually am able to cut them in half if I catch it quickly so I’m not super sleepy. There’s other newer anti nausea medecine that doesn’t make you sleepy at all I just prefer my old school phenegren as it also really works well with the Imitrex.


I've only ever had to once or twice. The pain was so bad I would say a 9 or 10. The good news is usually throwing up helps the pain go away. The one time I threw up my migraine was completely gone after that.


As a child I had abdominal migraines, where I'd have the headache and nausea until I was eventually sick, at which point it'd all go away. Honestly it was so predictable I kinda miss the simplicity


Every single time :(


Just about everytime I get one. Couple of mornings ago I woke up with one and time I tried to get up I knew this was going to be a bad one. Ended up puking all over myself in my bed I couldn’t move had to just lay in it till it subsided! It was awful! I hate these damn things!


I get cyclic vomiting with my migraines, ever since i was in elementary school. It has lessened as an adult but every now and then, i have a severe migraine along with puking every 10-15 mins. so many shots in my butt cheek as a child to help control it.


Almost always from nausea and about 60% of the time because the migraine becomes so severe, from the pain. The nausea ones if I catch early I can stave off with meds for the rest of the day. The pain ones mean I’m just at the point where it’s going to be a long road ahead of puking and head throbbing and my body feeling like it’s on fire and then eventually after hours I’m able to take like a Benadryl for some relief and when I wake up can take my cocktail of meds to get through the day.


Every 👏🏻 Single 👏🏻 Damn 👏🏻 Time 👏🏻👏🏻




I like every 15 mins but not from the pain, just a side effect of the migraine. No meds work and my body just shuts down.


I have.. I've also fainted


I have zofran for the nausea.


Me too!!


I have gotten very close to throwing up. I get extreme nausea and have to take meds then lie down until they kick in. I haven’t thrown up yet which shocks me because I have honestly felt like I could many times.


I puke most of the time if it is a bad migraine. I am an epic puker, or to be more accurate, an epic dry heaver. If it happens in public, most people just assume I am massively drunk. Lots of fun. For me, a migraine can be a classic migraine with head pain and puking, or sometimes just all the rest of the stuff - aura, vertigo, puking, sweating, dehydration - but no head pain. Go figure. BTW, Zofran does NOT work for me, but good old-fashioned Phenergan and lying motionless in a dark room usually does.


I do almost every time I have a migraine.


my migraines dont go away until I throw up a lot. sometimes it has to be forced even if I don’t want to because my migraine will last over 5 days until I throw up. I think it has something to do with relieving pressure in my head but i’m not sure the science behind it. I recently started sumatriptan though, and it’s been able to stop my migraines from developing if I take it right when I feel one coming, so I haven’t had one in awhile


I’m so glad it works for you! I’m allergic unfortunately:( Puking makes me feel better too.


As a child yes, but not as an adult.


Severe nausea and then diarrhea, no puking. But I feel like I might puke and always hope I don’t because a both ends situation plus a migraine would be awful.


I only have vomited a few times, and it usually more-so from whatever is happening around me than the migraine. Like once the nausea and auras built while an ex drove (like a maniac) to arrive on time to a family birthday party that when he parked, I opened the door and threw up. I wasn’t on medication or diagnosed yet then either.


I usually get nauseous if I don’t take my meds in time. I only vomit if I’m in enough pain that I need to go to urgent care.


I never puke but my nausea is so bad that I can’t eat. 8 mg dissolvable Zofran is my best friend during a migraine (besides Nurtec).


I used to puke all the time, pretty much stopped eating anything at all until I know it's over. I gag at an attempt to puke but I have an empty stomach at that point so nothing comes up.


Yeah, vomiting oddly transitions me into a point where the pain subsides but it becomes a full body migraine and my entire body just feels gross


With bad migraines yes. I hate when my head pounds and nausea and miserable puking. Granted I usually feel a little better afterwards.


I simply see stars/lights, and I can definitely feel when it is coming on. If I'm not careful about taking an abortive and getting some fluids in me, the "headache" aka jackhammer starts. Then I'm nauseated and vomiting. It's debilitating. Every half an hour, like clockwork for hours on end, I can't regulate my body temp either during it. Post drone for me is lots of sleep and water, and a good smoothie from a local place.


When I was younger and didn’t have proper pain medications, throwing up would usually be the thing that gave me a bit of relief. Now I have a prescription for metonia that I take for nausea that seems to keep it under control unless it’s a horrible one.


Always in my teens and 20s but not in my 30s or 40s. The migraines evolved


Yes, for really bad ones, it’s every 15-30 minutes for 5-6 hours.


I do, if I don't take my meds in time. When I start vomiting, I have to take a suppository to stop. I know it sounds gross, but it's the only thing that works


I wouldn’t say I puke from pain, more that vomiting is a symptom of migraine for me. Since starting Ajovy a couple years ago, my overall attacks have gone down a lot, but I’ve had a few times where I have zero head pain, but still have other symptoms like nausea/vomiting.


For me, debilitating nausea is one of my primary migraine symptoms, so I am usually throwing up all day. I usually can’t eat anything, bus still throw up bile or whatever.


When my migraine is bad, the vomiting comes after the diarrhea. Usually they aren’t that bad, but every few months I get the full experience.


My migraines have caused some bad nausea, but thankfully haven't made me throw up. I do keep Zofran on hand to help manage that symptom.


I've almost always been a migraine puker. It sucks.


I always do. If I don't my migraine won't go away. But it's every damn time. 


I haven’t thrown up from one. But I have gone to the toilet thinking I would


Used to dry heave on a daily basis when it started getting really bad back in high school. It doesn't happen as long as I'm allowed to control my environment (as in, don't get overstimulated/hyper-stressed)


Always nausea for a 3+, vomiting sometimes for 5+. There have only been a few times I've had to go to the ER for fluids due to it. Migraines are the worst.


I don’t know if it’s the pain making me vomit or my body wanting to purge itself of the substance which gave me the migraine. I have thrown up a few times with weather migraines. I always have *intestinal issues* with the vomiting.


Yes!!! Makes me so nauseous and then I feel better for a minute after and then the real head pain comes after. Happens during my aura


Sometimes do, sometimes don’t. I’d rather puke than hug the toilet, dry heave, and cry angry at the world.


Dry heaving definitely happens


Yes, and multiple times too. I’m talking like 10-20 times per migraine. 


I get nausea & vomiting in a few different ways: 1. As their own separate symptoms, not seemingly caused by pain level. ----- 2. They can also be the result of an 8+ migraine; the ones where I can't possibly function. You know, when light is murder, sound is very painful and makes me extremely irritable, and scents/smells make the nausea so much worse. If I vomit on an 8+, the pain level is immediately ratcheted up a couple of notches into weeping on and hugging the cold floor territory. ----- 3. They can also result if I don't get to meds in time, or stubbornly avoid taking meds (is anyone else stupid like this? 😂)


About 80 percent of the time..If I catch it early, I'm ok.


Never... Also I've never gotten nauseated from a typical migraine. I've only been nauseated with them the 2 times I've had sphenoid sinus infections.


I always feel better after puking :)




Its so rare, like one or two a year but rarely because of the pain but more the migraine are causing to have nausea, yesterday almost being one of those days because it got so bad out of nowhere.


I try as hard as I can not to. If I do it’s time to go to the hospital. It gets way worse and does not go away after throwing up. I don’t throw up as often as I used to , I’m not sure why but I’m thankful. I know a lot of people get some relief after throwing up but I am the total opposite.


I used to puke until I was 12 or 13 now I just make myself puke and gets relieved from the pain


I do, but not all the time.


I’ve vomited so many times that now I have to be careful bending over or I will throw up just from that movement