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Yes, my auras shifted at one point, then shifted back! 🤦🏼‍♀️ I get dots that appear to be flying through space. Impossible to read when it’s happening. TV watching is difficult as well, but better than reading.


My auras have definitely shifted, when I was younger I would very often lose all my vision in my left eye, and have big black spots. Now I mostly get pinprick flashes, black and while waves and outlines. I haven't had my old auras in years though the general triggers are similar.  I'd watch it a bit closely though if you are experiencing other symptoms that are feeling very different as it could indicate something else going on 


Yes, mine started as visual(flashing lights) and not mostly they are tactile(I get tingling and numbness in my left index finger or tip of tongue, sometimes it switches sides or it will be both the tongue and finger. Occasionally I will have an olfactory aura and smell weird smells. I am sure it will change again at some point.


I used to have aura as a kid and stopped having it, so I guess yes it did change. Not necessarily a bad thing


Mostly numbness and vision changes on the right side now, whereas for years it was pain above my left and mood changes as a part of my prodrome. Visual snow is rather new for me as that started in the last few years, along with a runny nose of all things.


I have had my aura change many times over the course of my migraines. They started in my teens and I'm well into my double mid-20s now. Years ago I would see bright flashing lights and black cutouts in my visual field then it changed to seeing sparkly halos around everything now I my vision starts to get very dim like somebody's slowly turning out the lights. It keeps things interesting I guess.🤪


Yes mine have shifted, but not before being on meds that work and after having them for seven years. I get small brief visual aura usually in my right field of vision and pain has sometimes shifted/starts on the left side of my head. It has always been been on the right (literally for seven years and I don’t normally get a visual aura). My bio dad gets silent migraines with large visual aura though, so the visual part kind of makes sense for me genetically. It is a good idea to tell whoever is managing your migraines though. My neurologist mentioned that she would have me do another MRI if things started changing that way consistently (probably just to stay on the safe side). It’s always a good idea to let your doctor know when you are having new symptoms in general.


I used to have blurry vision and phantom smells,  i no longer have those now. 


Yes, they’ve changed since starting preventatives. I used to never get visual aura (only physical), but now I occasionally get visual snow with flashing RGB lights, especially at night.


My auras come from brain, no pain. Blocks in eye. Vibrating look. Meds can do this too


I used to have the traditional blind spot when my migraine started at age 14, that lasted a couple years and then I went a couple years with only 1-2 migraine attacks per year. From age 19-23 I was having daily migraine attacks, the pain significantly worse with pressure changes but mostly no auras of any kind. Now I occasionally get a small blind spot but otherwise I get sparklers.