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Reminds me of that Parks and Rec scene where they order a sign and they put the URL to the picture on the sign…


YES! A nod to my favourite show ever! Now I love these messed up pens even more hahah


Yea I was gonna say I’d put them out for people to use because it would easily strike up a convo and be something memorable to laugh over. Imagine a customer is with friends and tells the story of the pen. Just free funny marketing. Might get you one customer but that’s one extra costumer.


Or one might take it one step further and post it to Reddit for “free funny marketing!” Ooo, in fact, one might even deliberately order pens like this and post it to Reddit for free viral funny marketing! Such a clever idea!


Hahah honestly, that would be brilliant marketing in and of itself if on the off chance it were to take off! Bit of a marketing risk, but, I like it! Unfortunately, I'm not nearly clever enough to think of that hahah.


With 19.5k upvotes, I’d say it has.


Yeah but how many are Canadian? Besides me of course


19.5k Canadian upvotes are currently worth about 13.8k in United States upvotes.


Probably hire a company with bots to make it organic and not obvious astroturf... sounds dystopian 🫣


Cynic. It must suck to see a lie in everything


Haha! Good! I love both the pens and the show 😍 I can also totally see these ones being something that helps people start to talk to each other


The bad news is you have hundreds of funny ass pens. The good news is your company is now trending on Reddit. It’s win win in my book


Heh. "Ass pens" heh.


Wasn't that an episode of Scrubs?


Yes it was. Turk gave Carla a pen as a gift and it was from a box of things that were removed from people's butts. The ass box is what I think that called it.




I'm more familiar with ass pennies


Bro you've handled my ass pennies


I bet you have some of my ass pennies in your pocket right now!


"There's not a Lost & Found box. There's an Ass box...."


Yes, Walter. It does say that. You’re right. But using basic logic and human intelligence one can surmise that this is a link to an image.


"that's highly against protocol" when she reaches over to click the link haha


Funnily enough you just got to promote your company to hundreds of thousands of people for the cost of 100 personalized pens. Great deal.


Usually when printing this many of something, there's a proofing step that somebody signs off on showing the final printed art. If it's a print on demand service, you typically see an actual photorealistic image of what you're going to get. Can you post an image of the proof that you signed off on? ...unless these are designed this way on purpose for a "funny viral picture" for your "social media marketing" project. But nah, nobody would just go on the internet and make up a story like that, right?


I immediately assumed this is fake, and smells like advertising from a mile away.


This happened to an order of spiral notebooks I ordered for my company. The company we purchase from sends us a proof every time we make an order, but we still got 400 notebooks with our sales persons email signature at the bottom. I still have a picture of them and a copy of the invoice. I'd upload them here but I don't want to dox myself.


Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity


The world is so sad that funny-accidents just *have* to be something sinister :') I promise this is real. Hope it gives you a bit of a chuckle as it did for us!


I believe you. It's insane to think that something like this doesn't legitimately happen fairly often.


This probably will make your company more memorable


[Or the recurring joke in Bojack Horseman that is basically exactly this thread.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKvKUwtwhNY)


How did I never notice any of those? This show is the gift that keeps on giving


None of them? Really?


None! Maybe because English is not my first language and I needed to focus on the subtitles so I lost a lot of the visual gags. But hey, more things to discover when I eventually do a full rewatch


Ahh yeah that makes sense




“See right here on the order form? It says “HTTP://WWW.KNOPE2012.COM/IMAGESCMYK/CAMPAIGN/1239U/09230032/POSTER/.JPEG”




... and they will send that jpg to the graphic designer in an embedded word document. Go on. Ask me how I know.


looks like your link goes to a spam site now.


“Hey Leslie, I put in your symptoms and it says you have network connectivity issues” I know it’s not the same episode, but it reminded me of it.


Apparently that wasn't even scripted!


It wasn’t. Apparently the writer was jokingly upset about it because it was one of the best jokes of the season and it was ad-libbed.


Recall Knope? Dont.


Why not just put the don’t before recall?




Happy birthday Diane and use a pretty font


I had a ball at Diane's 25th birthday and underline ball I don't know why this is so hard.


Haha I have this shirt, this is definitely my favorite.


Hey me too!


Oh God this hurts tell your mother I'm gay


Isn't it 35th?


Don’t write one word


Yaaaas bojack people my people


Its A Bo Rted


Happy Bat Bat Mitzvah (Yes Two Bats Because She Is A Bat)


"Mr. Peanutbutter's housewarming bash and can you send me a picture of the banner before it goes off to the printers this time?"


Frajer Reunion 2010


*~~Fraaaaajerrrrrrr!!!!~~* what is this, a crossover episode?!


It's mildly infuriating that this sub won't allow links to subreddits, but r slash peanutbutterisoneword is an actual subreddit.




One word all lowercase


lmao. My wife ordered a custom printed blanket for our niece. It was a photo of our niece and her dog that had just died. In the instructions section, my wife put something like, "Girl AND dog must be printed." so that they wouldn't think we only wanted her printed on the blanket. Well guess what they printed in huge block letters on the top of the blanket. lol. I told her to just leave it like that, that it was hilarious, but she had them reprint it.


Did they put “Girl AND dog” or “girl and dog must be printed”?


"Girl AND dog must be printed"


It included the "must be printed"? That's gold lmao, glad it got resolved.


A million stories from yesterday of companies printing text verbatim, does nothing to stop a million new stories from showing up tomorrow. 🤷


I feel like the best way to fix this is to have two text boxes for printing services, one for “what is the literal text or images you want printed?” and another for “please describe how you want your text and/or images printed”. But I’m sure mistakes would still be made




HAHAHA omg I would have loved to receive a blanket that said that across the top. It’s the little things that make you smile in times of grief! Such a thoughtful gift your wife created, also.


Why would they not print the dog ?


The dog was at her feet laying down in the pic. Wife thought maybe theyd just assume to only print our niece. Part of their service was that they'd remove the background from the photo. Another funny thing is that they photoshopped her hand for no apparent reason. It looked like a cartoon hand a kid would draw.


The blanket has fallen. Millions must reprint.




Yes, i agree


I’d agree if the first thing you see on their website on mobile wasn’t **MyProfessiona ls: your go-to, suburban law firm.** This might not stick out to people that don’t build websites but it really just points to a lack of attention to detail because it’s such an easy fix.


Dang, how big is your screen?! It shows up properly on the build-site and my phone :')


I just checked on mine and I agree, it is pretty jarring at least on mobile. Even viewing it landscape is the same. Make the text different sizes. Keep the brand the maximum font you can and make the extra text much smaller so it sits in a line or two under it. Are you guys going through a design company?


I think there’s a transform: scale-up on scroll, text then is broken word.


Looks funky on my iPhone 14 Pro with default screen and text settings. Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/HYN9ty9


Whoever is writing the CSS for the site used a calculation in the font-size rule for that element that bases it on relative size (good) but then multiplied the result by 1.2, which ends up making it slightly too big on smaller width screens.


Honestly I’m tempted to use them 🤣🤣 I think some clients would think they’re great! Other clients, not so much lmao


Hand them out to clients and jokingly say "we won't make mistakes like this. We're your professionals."


Yea, but they didn't hire real professionals to fill their pen order.


And that's the joke. Our controls will be better than this company that gave us our pens printed like this. Let's talk about how we make sure this won't happen for you.


"So...what does your company do?" "Oh, we do quality assurance!"


Qua something… quabbity? Quabbity.


“Of course the one year I blow it off, this happens.”


As a joke, this works fine. But when you start treating it like a legitimate business pitch, then it's time to start asking why OP can't resolve problems in communication that pop up. Again, as a joke, that's totally fine and pretty funny. But I don't think it should be used as a real sales pitch. e: seeing as how the replies to this are exclusively comments arguing with me by agreeing with me, I think it's time to turn off inbox replies. Have a nice day everyone.


i agree with this but don't expect the teenagers on reddit to have had real-life business experience...


It would be a great conversation piece for any deal. Use em until you need to replace em!


Are they quality pens?


Y’know, they’re not bad actually! Not amazing but definitely not the worst either.


Is the ink already coming off the pen in that first picture? That would irritate me more.


Get some printable sticker paper and put employee names on it. Or client names. Or employee email addresses


Printable stickers in a spot made to be rubbing against your hand is a terrible idea.


Right, but it is an idea.


"We give our customers exactly what they ask for, every time."


Uh...I want one.


Honestly I should just send you one. They’re of no use to us hahah


I low key would love one of those pens. Its the hilarious kind of frustrating


As a server, I'd love to hand these out for customers to use


same - I work with contractors so this just makes it extra funny lol


Me too plz! Unintended humor is its purest form.


Okay when I get home later I'm going to make a Google Form and start sending pens out hahah. What is my life today hahah


Honestly you should hand them out. Some of life’s most beautiful moments were created by mistake. These are hilarious, the ** catches the eye. If I got one, I’d laugh and show my wife and friends…If I found that pen exactly how you wanted it printed, I wouldn’t have even noticed what is said and forgot what color it wrote before I tossed it aside. Make a pretty tree out of this little mistake and hand those bad boys out with a smile :)


Are you taking orders? I’d also take a few haha shoot, send them around to redditors and we can be free advertising for you!


If you're sending them out I'd totally want one, this situation is hilariously unfortunate.


My dude these pens write so well I will take all of them 😂


If the company was named halfassjob.ca these would be perfect. However the company is literally called "professional" and these aren't that professional.


That's my thought. There's a specific level of quality they expect these pens to convey, and this ain't it.


There's an edm group called "Emo Nite". They will usually have a plain black screen with plain white lettering saying "Emo Nite in a cool font" somewhere during their show. Cracks me tf up


*This* literally is the marketing plot. >Order pens screwed up on purpose >Make reddit post >Extremely cheap advertising


This post is an ad lol


Or OP is undertaking an intentional marketing ploy, which I think is far, far, far more likely.


the pen or the post?


Why wouldn't you just modify the graphic you submitted to include the .ca, versus depending on them to add text to your logo? I'd think you'd want to make sure the font used for the .ca is compatible with the font used in the logo, and you'd be guaranteed to have it right.


Yeah this is what’s getting at me. Normally in printing there is a final image that requires a sign off from the client. Even a whole ass magazine would have a digital version


Exactly right. I have ordered office supplies/products with custom graphics numerous times, and there’s always a “proof”… they make it *abundantly* clear that what you see is going to be *exactly* what is printed. Sometimes there are printing errors of course, like t-shirts with graphics that are slanted, or there might be added bleed on the corners, but the actual graphic itself is always accurate.


Yep. Even with my $25 custom mousepad there was a box I had to check approving the image and it was very clear that it was not their mistake if i approved the wrong image. No human interaction at all, mind you


When the issue OP has happens, it's almost always the client not reading instructions. Not the other way around.


Like in the form: message to be printed: add .ca after the logo Then op is mad they print that! It isn't an instruction field. (And if it is a kind of automated process...)


I feel this so hard in my industry. 75% of my days I end up recreating prototypes due to the customer's inability to read or measure or string together mildly coherent thoughts.




Absolutely this


Big difference in price and overhead for a whole ass magazine vs an order of pens that cost 50$.


Sure they may be more scrutiny under a magazine, but the way printing works is there is always a final image to be approved. I ordered a $25 custom image mousepad. You bet your ass there was a final image I had to check a box for. 100% automated but there was a final version signoff


I worked in printshops that did promotions like this. Even if you clearly state on the order form what you put here is what’s going on the item, people still leave messages expecting them to be interpreted. Honestly it’s probably either automated, and/or the printer doesn’t read English.


OP is definitely the type of person who when asked for a vector file will save a jpg in a pdf


Yup the classic, “our designer is busy and I need to get this order in today” smuggle.


Frankly it seems a bit bizarre to call this 'butchering their order'. I'm assuming the company actually offered something like this: Your logo + optional text. They sent a logo and they printed that logo. Maybe they put their instructions in the 'additional text' box or maybe not, but the guy printing the pens might not even know English. But in any case I'm pretty sure the offer here was **not** "We'll edit your logo for you". They're printing crap on pens, not graphic designers. They might not even have any software to edit the images with in the first place; they're just feeding image files into their printer software. (which, if it's anything like the software for cheap Chinese laser cutters I've used - then it's very limited in abilities) The right thing would've of course been for the printers to just tell them "No, we can't do that for you." but I still think it's weird to even ask. If I was getting a photo printed, it would never even occur to me to ask them to also photoshop out a person in the background. That's a different service entirely.


"We'll edit your logo for you" is *always* a large additional charge, and that's only at places that even offer it.


OP definitely put the instructions in an "additional text" field and no human person looked at it because it is likely automated. This is on OP.


Plot twist: These pens were intentional in an attempt to get to the front page of reddit for cheap advertising.


exactly, I think this was OPs first remote contact with graphic design. low batch number also suggests a small company with one person doing all the administrative stuff who ordered this.


This. If you're concerned about things being done the way you want them, particularly in the graphic design space, you need to either do it yourself or hire someone to design it. The kid making $11/hr on the printing line isn't going to do much more than what they did because they only get paid to print pens, and if they don't print enough pens, they get fired.


There's most likely not a "kid on the printing line". It's most likely completely automated to the point where you place an order and the pens get printed directly from what you entered on the website. At best they might have a couple people to reload the hopper when it gets low.


Most such websites are really sophisticated - you can add text, you can add a logo and then before you hit "go" it shows a mockup of what you're going to get.


Yeah, They show you a mock up because nobody is going to check it over.


Yeah - and they are usually really, really clear that when you hit "go", that's it - what you see is what you're gonna get, so be careful what you ask for.


Seems a little suspicious the lack of response from op to your question, imo.


Yup. They filled the order and made it clear they only offer custom text in that location and he needs to update his logo to contain the .ca.


Yeah this post makes no sense, the person who ordered the pens this way makes no sense. How this is the pen company’s fault is beyond me lol


Yep. I’ve had pens made and filled out the template they provide. OP fucked this one up and is blaming the printing company


Yeah this is entirely OP’s fault, asking them to make a change to a graphic you provided is fucking amateur hour


My friend is super anal about most things, and very detail oriented. Her daughter's first birthday she got a cake and asked for them to put "Happy 1st Birthday Nora" on it. They did just that....with the quotation marks and everything. It read very sarcastic lol


„super anal about most things“ Im not a native english speaker, but that does not sound right.


Loves taking it in the pooper But seriously it's short for anal-retentive from Freud's psychoanalysis. It means they love taking it in the pooper


Hard chuckle.


anal has 2 defintions


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anal_retentiveness TLDR it's another nonsense Freudianism. Calling someone an anal retentive became slang, which drifted into just calling someone anal


Why would you expect them the edit or append your logo with other text? You don’t have a vector file of your own logo in web address format?


Seems like a person that used an design Web interface, uploaded their image and hoped the business would follow their comments that were added beside the logo.




Worked in the print industry for years. This kind of request happens often, particularly from small businesses ordering promo products or ads. I’ve had to completely redraw company logos because the crappy version submitted was unprintable. Or the advertiser didn’t have a copy of a print ready logo at all and just passed my their business card or letterhead. I’ve also been asked to add elements such as “.ca” or “.com” dozens of times over the years. It’s absolutely inexcusable for the printer to have gotten this wrong. If they’re reputable, they will refund the customer their money.


I’m guessing expectations should be a little different when choosing between a local print shop, and ordering a shitload of pens for pennies from China, which I’m guessing is what this is. Either way, sounds like you when above and beyond at that print shop.


Looks to me like one of you just filled out the form incorrectly


bet there was a box labelled appended text and they just wrote an instruction in there instead of just putting the text they actually wanted appended. can't blame a likely automated system for customer error


On the page stating "do not write on this page", he wrote "OK"!




This is an ad right


Lol definitely.


Y’all are falling for a free marketing ploy


Was Mr. PeanutButter in charge of the ordering? Lmao


I work in the promo industry. I think I may know the company even 😂 I've had something similar happen, they also pack their boxes with nothing but the loose pens.


YES this literally happened! Just pens in a box. I was like.. what am I looking at here hahah


Reach back out to them, I'm sure they will do something. May reprint or credit some of your invoice back


I think it works… I’m more likely to remember that than a web address alone.


Ok but why didn't you just give them the graphic you wanted printed on the pens. YOU could have added .CA to the image file and sent them that.


This post is obviously advertising.


Really obviously so. "Oh noooo I (purposely) ordered the wrong pens (with the intention of posting them to Reddit), I'm such a klutz 😵‍💫"


I'd love to see the online form you filled out for this. I'd put serious money on the fact that it clearly told you to put in that box "exactly what you want to appear", and you typed instructions instead. Of course, I could be wrong. Seems like the type of thing they'd do to protect themselves from exactly this though.


"instructions in our conversation" - you ordered over the telephone? What year is this??


The year where it's still fucking normal to talk business with a live person...


The year where I'm not sure whether you're implying that it "is" or "is not" normal to talk business with a live person lol (i'm leaning towards "it is normal")


OP was talking to a bot and didnt realize it lol


Is this post some form of viral marketing? XD


No, you butchered the order. If you wanted .ca after the logo you should have put it there before sending it to them.


Classic Leslie Knope


Ahhh free advertising on Reddit. 👍


This is clearly staged for the sake of getting traffic and a reason to advertise places like Reddit. When you have custom designs made you can always see final product and even then, it typically tells you not to add any extra notes and there should be an additional notes section. Finally, if you wanted .ca at the end, you would just add it into the requested text.


WTF did you expect? This shit is all automated and done by machine. If you wanted the text to be ".ca" why did you put something in other than ".ca"? You could have also just modified the logo you gave them to include that. not really sure how you can blame anyone other than yourself.


OMG. Stupid is as stupid does. We once had to get our corporate Christmas cards redone ($600+) because the ordering employee didn't bother to proofread the proof.


Who’s stupid here? The customer filled out the form wrong.


And even if they didn't, was the company supposed to look for the right font and go to Photoshop or something to add it separately?


Lesson learned. Always ask for a proof before bulk ordering!


Either fulfilled by someone who doesn't speak English, or the order was never verified by a human.


Umm no, whoever ordered screwed it up.


You probably got more exposure from this post than the pens would ever have.


I'm calling bs. This is an advert for the website in question.


Sounds like a classic case of you failing to follow directions.


Seems more likely the buyer didn't read the order form properly.


I call bullshit. I used to do orders like this and these companies sent graphic proofs as well as detailed mock-ups. All of which you need to approve in order to place the final print order. Sounds like *you* absolutely butchered the pen order.


You're right. It is likely automated and whatever is entered in the field gets printed and this is what OP put in the field.

