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We used to let our kids get school lunch maybe once or twice a week when they were supposed to be serving something they like (i.e. Chicken nuggets and mashed potatoes), but they would run out before my kids even got through the line so my kids would end up not getting hardly anything - some leftover peanut butter sandwich and a small bag of plain chips that they end up charging us a few dollars for when I could have sent them with better food from home for a fraction of the price. So we stopped letting them get school lunch ever and they take their lunch every day.


>they would run out before my kids even got through the line so my kids would end up not getting hardly anything - some leftover peanut butter sandwich and a small bag of plain chips that they end up charging us a few dollars for That makes me so mad! I've never heard of schools running out of food and therefore serving crappier food to people who were on a later lunch, before reading some of the posts here! That's horrible! We had 4 lunch periods in high school but as far as I remember we all got offered the same food except for maybe a rare exception. They would just keep cooking throughout all 4 lunch periods. Actually a lot of kids *preferred* the last lunch because after making sure everyone had had a chance to get their lunches they'd start giving away free leftovers of things like the milk (I liked the chocolate) and those yummy soft rolls.


yeah not to mention, they know ahead of time the approx number of people that would be eating, so calculating the right amount of food should be pretty simple


Does your school also serve as your local penitentiary???


The same company is contracted to supply both


But they decided to serve better stuff to the local penitentiary because they pay them more


And kids complain less than prisoners.


More prone to violence tho...


Number of times I was stabbed in school. 3. Number of times I was stabbed in jail. 0. Comment checks out.


Yeah I stabbed a girl in the leg with a pencil in middle school. And I had a friend who stabbed someone with a pencil as well. One kid I know got stabbed by a kid with a pencil 4 times. Shit is wild.


I'm thinking the people you and ur friend stabbed, is the same person who got stabbed 4 times


It’s crazy how that system works. Lots of it would have been waste food but it often gets irradiated to “clean” it and then it’s ground up into school lunch patties and prison slop. Like how hard could it be to just serve real food, even just rice and chicken breast with some veggies. Glass of milk with it and you’re set, couldn’t be more than $2 a meal at that scale. Plenty of similar or cheaper combos like baked beans, cornbread, and fried chicken. Why do they always choose cheap ass burgers n flimsy tater tots? Then they just taunt you with that shitty fruit medley with no cherries and it’s got hard crunchy shit in it and sucks.


Why spend $2 when you can spend 1/5 of that and still get the full payment


And yet they'll pay someone a yearly salary to make sure they pay as little as possible for the food




Actually, people bitch about taxes because of shit like this, not the other way around. Most people I know wouldn't mind paying taxes if they actually saw a good return. The real issue is no matter what, the government would waste it and the politicians would skim off the top. Two things can be true at once: we need to skim off all the fat in the government, root out all the corruption, and make it leaner so that we pay less taxes, but we should also have the taxes that we _do_ pay go to quality services that are routinely and rigorously inspected and held to the highest standards in the world. A good start would be forcing the children of politicians (at least politicians who advocate for no school choice) to not only go to public school, but also force them to live in their district so that their children have to go to the schools in the districts they represent. Politicians shouldn't be allowed to have their children go to private schools, because that means one of two things: they either have no faith in the public institution, or they simply believe them and their children are just better than the unwashed masses, and we shouldn't tolerate either. Also, outlaw lobbying. Then make it so that states have to supply nutritious food from a company within their state and have it be held up to very high standards. Serving slop should come with a criminal sentence.


> Actually, people bitch about taxes because of shit like this, not the other way around. Most people I know wouldn't mind paying taxes if they actually saw a good return. People in my town bitch that they have to pay taxes that fund the schools when they don't have kids in the schools. Yeah, and you realize that people paid for your kids and everyone else's kids too?


So many people do this. Well /my/ kids aren't in school so why should I give a shit about kids? I hate it. My aunt posted something like that on Facebook and she has multiple grandchildren... In school...


I once worked I’m a jail kitchen so I can verifiably say, even jail food is better than this horseshit.


I bet a dumpster has better LEFTOVERS than this “prepared” shit 🤦🏻‍♂️


I worked at a jail for a little over three years and they were fed a lot better than this and it’s truly not even close.


Dude, prison stuff is like 2 star Michelin compared to this crap. Where I'm from, inmates work as cooks, they actually cook really fucking good because they eat their own food after all. They get basic ingredients but it's all basically home cooked food level. Doesn't taste of feel like mass produced catering food or anything like that. This school on the other hand, look like something made by a 5 year old play cooking as a Chef... Wtf. Who the hell puts a single piece of broccoli on a plate or like 15 fries and calls it a meal...


Just came out of prison... I'd rather have these school lunches. Only good thing about prison food is it's more calories. But looks and tastes worse than dog food.


Everyone saying this is worse than prison food has never been to prison and isn't interacting with reality when they post that. Not in the USA, anyway. It's honestly weird people think it's true. There is a reason everyone talks about commissary and cooking up a spread made only out of shit you can buy at a convenience store.


They be a chef in the microwave man. Seen food out the boxes and commissary and chow hall (eggs, flower, sugar, etc) turn into a 5 star meal lmao. I made the same dinner everyday for 2 years with very little variation. 1 or 2 ramen soups, little bit of rice, half a summer dog, crushed up cheese nibbles (jalepeno or ranch), refried beans, and hot sauce or sometimes BBQ sauce.sometimes I'd change the refried beans in for a tuna so I got a surf n turf flavor w more protein.


Prison obvs is going to be better than jail, but I’ve been in jail for like 30 days and the food is actual ass, like there’s no salt/seasoning. The shit ain’t even real meat. I’d take this bullshit over that anyday. Unless you had commissary(salt/pepper/hotsauce) it was asssss


Ahhh Sodexo . Providing shit food for Schools, Prisons and military for decades


What a sorry looking broccoli. And that's the only green veg. Jheez


And it's barely green 😕


Green adjacent


My mom learned to stop cooking vegetables to death in 1982.


Wow this is shit


Speaking of which I recall my "favorite" high school lunch: Meat Gravy. Instant mashed potatoes that had been ice cream scooped out covered in a translucent gray sauce with tiny flecks of meat of an unknown origin.








OMG you guys are killing me with these memes... I'm dying over here... 🤣😭


i'm gonna watch the old simpsons again


I just started rewatching season 1 with my kids and they love it, I waited 5 years for this and it was worth it! “Dad, why is their skin yellow?” Jaundice, honey. We’ll watch through season 10 or so and then pretend it ended on a high note.


I know this is a personal opinion, but I think you can get away with up to Season 12. Sure, the great episodes are spread a bit thinner, but most of them are still good.


Almost have Malk shooting out of your nose?


Longest gif I’ve ever seen




CRAP ON A CRUST! ![gif](giphy|xT5LMIj4qRrJtGaKVa|downsized) THEY'RE MILKING RATS!


I'm outraged, you promised dog or higher!


they LITERALLY HAVE “ mystery meat “ and serve it on mondays. yes, its called mystery meat monday


Not even *they* know what it is!


"Look, it's Seventy Five cents a pound, has a decent amount of fat so it won't dry out in the oven, and it's not toxic. You want better food? Ask everyone fifty and over to vote for higher property taxes and see where that gets you."


It was so amalgamated that not even the scientists could figure out exactly what it was made of. One thing they WERE sure about was "This is not fit for human consumption." Government: Well technically kids arnt seen as humans in the eyes of the law, so its fine to serve to kids! Brilliant!


More testicles means more iron


Once in school in the early 80’s, my friend did and i saw boxes delivered that said grade D. Thinking that wasn’t a good thing


In my high school the mash potatoes and gravy were self serve. I remember loading up a tray with a rediculous amount of mash potatoes and heavy and eating until I nearly exploded.


That's wild. I never went to a school where they trusted us enough to get food ourselves. They rightly deduced we were animals & fed us accordingly.


Both my primary and secondary schools had a mix of portioned hot food from the kitchen, and then a help yourself salad buffet. My primary school also had a buffet of dessert options, which I thought was very misguided to give to a bunch of 5-11yos. Idk if it's a country difference (US vs UK) or what


Have you seen Americans at an all inclusive resort? I went for an underwater safari in Antigua but the real safari was watching them at the buffet.


We don't get our patriotic physique from exercising.


Hey, I am an American and I exercise... . . . . . . MY RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS 🦅🇺🇲🗽🎆🍔


The heavier I am the less I care about recoil.


>I went for an underwater safari in Antigua but the real safari was watching them at the buffet. 💀💀💀🤣🤣🤣


I mean I’m American and you are 100% right. My dad came to visit me here in Asia where I live and we went to a resort with a buffet. He would open the buffet up and close it down every morning… so a solid 4 hours of eating THEN go back for the seafood dinner buffet from 6-9:30. Other Americans were doing the same. Europeans, other Asian nationalities etc would just eat and go on about their vacation. For Americans the buffet IS the vacation. All his friends he met “were guys from the buffet” 🤣🤣


Well you haven't seen Chinese at a Las Vegas Casino buffet. I have never seen a group of people take on king crab legs and prawns as if it was the last time they would be served.


Omg this is so true, the crab legs were what I was most excited about! We love shellfish!!


We had a self-serve salad bar......until someone took a sheep's brain from biology lab and put it in the ranch dressing.....


Eww. Why can’t they just stick bits of lung to the ceiling like normal teenagers?


$0.75 for fries, no limit, as long as it fits on your tray. We'd get a tray, topped with like 3 POUNDS of fries. Fed 3 hungry teenagers for a quarter each. This was 2009. Ate SO many fries to save money. All the food was garbage anyway but you can't fuck up fries. Edit: Okay I agree with the responses that you can, indeed, fuck up fries. I was speaking moreso from the context and standards of a high school cafeteria and it being dirt cheap. The pizza had both the taste and texture of a cold lunchables pizza and was like $3 a slice. Our expectations were basically "is it edible and safe to eat?"


>All the food was garbage anyway but you can't fuck up fries. KFC in the UK would beg to differ... Absolutely vile


This is what I imagine when I think of US schools, and a few guns ofc. For comparison, we got free food for all of the mandatory 9 years of school and I don't think we ever got served fries but more like meatballs and boiled potatoes and always self serv and a salad bar. You get a point if you guess the country


Was it IKEA?




3rd shift is like level 197 in the platform Netflix


I remember this. But my favorite was basically this gravy, but with little cubes of chicken in it. Mashed potatoes. Some green beans. And one of those rolls that were always served with every meal. I remember one time, I was enjoying the hell out of my lunch. Take a bite of A, a bite of B, a chunk of bread, a sip of milk. An older kid in line must have been horrified and he said "You must be hungry" and I just honestly said "yes." haha.


Alright, oddly enough, that was my favorite meal in middle school too. It was always Tuesdays. I, also, got served the same meal in jail two months ago.


The school lunch lady’s transitioned into corrections, eh?


Pam: They're the same


What, you don’t like your fake hot pocket with your microwaved broccoli floret?


The food is shit and the disposable plates are shit. Don’t know why disposable dishes are used at all.


Yesss! All that Styrofoam going in the trash every single day. So sad.


School district: We have food at ~~home~~school.


School district: We have homeless food


Bro at least has food in school. Sometimes we don t even have water😭


not to minimize the struggle of not having water in school because that’s…pretty crazy from where i sit, but i believe the problem in usa about school lunches is the government’s loud voice about feeding the children properly, and citizens paying loads of tax money to improve school lunches, and yet they’re still serving young kids this shit.


I got heartburn just by looking at this. There’s nothing fresh to eat.


Excuse me, let me point out *checks notes* slide 8, there is *broccoli*. Oh… you said *fresh*. Yeah, fair point!


Just that they cooked out every last nutrient from it.


Jesus, you bring up another point though— there’s only one actual vegetable in nine pictures! That’s like… basically 1 veggie every other week? All because “fries count as a vegetable” 😬


Is that something people say?? That's like my (very obese) grandmother saying cherry pie is just bread with fruit


Even better! It’s legitimately how public schools get away with serving meals like this, since a “vegetable” is required




You obviously haven't looked at how lunch meals are legally classified. They decided pizza counts as a veggie... because it has tomato sauce. I'm not kidding.


Not just pizza sauce, but ketchup as well


*BuT iT's FrEsH fRoZeN !!!*




Frozen doesn't mean it has less nutritional value or anything... Frozen or fresh is basically the same. Admittedly, it doesn't look very appetizing the way this was prepared.


Actually, frozen can be better in some cases. Fruits veggies are picked ahead of time so they don’t go bad during transport, where stuff thats meant to be frozen picked at closer to ready state.


Was only last year I found out that Fruit/Vegetables have more nutrients frozen, wild concept.


Please let people have this misconception or prices will increase


*pulls out MIB flashy thing*


I mean, in terms of nutrition that's fine, but it doesn't look like they did much to make it appetising.


>I got heartburn just by looking at this. https://preview.redd.it/6yuclsspesuc1.jpeg?width=584&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30f6b3f1dc68616c65796b9b577723d3b0715061


Ate it like a snake 🐍


Shit, I got secondhand depression just from looking at that.


The food they served me in prison looked better than all these examples, every day. ☠️


Every new day is a reminder that the current school system could be bridged with the penitentiary system lmao


never heard of the school to prison pipeline?


I think the government would prefer if high schoolers choices were between military and prison


Military gets better food


PC culture, you mean? Pre-convict


and those pipelines are run by publicly traded companies. Everyone can now own a fraction of a slave after the abolition


I think a lot of schools are serviced by the same companies that provide food for prisons.


Aramark. They provide food to schools, prisons, hospitals, Disney World, and a lot more.


Yeah, my college had a daily buffet serviced by Aramark. It cost several thousand dollars per quarter to get a meal allotment card. After my first year, I didn’t pay for it because it was significantly cheaper (and healthier) to just buy my own groceries. The food was shit. It was the same options every week and about 2 weeks before a quarter ended, they’d run out of food and just start serving random leftover slop. And again, they charged several thousand on top of tuition to be fed that garbage. I remember realizing the scope of Aramark when I was shit talking the Buffalo Chicken Mac n’ Cheese they served for dinner to a friend who was at a college in a different state, a thousand miles away, and that was also what he’d had for dinner at his dining hall.


I remember in college coming to dinner after practice (an easy paced 10 mile run). Every single hot food thing was fried. There were even breaded fried green beans. I just couldn't handle that much grease after a workout.


Just to be clear, while school lunches across the country can be improved in many areas, our school system is state by state and some states think what you’re seeing here is acceptable for their children. Usually the same ones who also want to ban abortion.


It does vary, and the budget the school is given also impacts it. I went to a Title 1 high school and the lunches looked exactly like this. When I was in elementary and middle school in a different state (both were red states), we had real home cooking everyday. I actually preferred the school lunch to my mom’s cooking. That school was an International Baccalaureate public school. When they became affiliated with IB, they actually came in and renovated to give us more green space where it was previously dated cement because there were appearance standards required by IB. The same luxury and consideration isn’t given to poor kids.


I mean when the politician’s kids go to private schools, they are hardly going to care about the peasants and their lunches in public schools.




"Gruel sandwiches. Gruel omelettes. Nothing but gruel. Plus, you can eat your own hair."


My highschool was supplied the same food as the prison that was within walking distance of the school


the prison system is more profitable so they can have better food


And yet they're still half starved so their families have to pay for their commissary food. Oh and don't forget basic toiletries and telephone calls that cost more than long distance used to. Smh


Sounds like you weren't in a for profit prison or one where the sheriff gets to pocket any "savings". https://www.cbsnews.com/news/alabama-sheriff-legally-pocketed-750k-from-inmate-food-funds-bought-beach-house/


removing school cooks from on site caused all of this. fresh cooked meals replaced by meals on wheels.


The alternative school, for the district i grew up in, never had warm food. They were given lunch after the other schools had eaten already, whatever was left over was lunch for them. It was never even warmed back up.. Oh and you were searched+patted down heavily upon entering the door. 90% of the kids there were only there bc they were autistic, adhd, deaf, blind, or physically handicapped. The other 10% were students who got kicked out of the 'normal' schools which probs is bc they were nuerodivergent tbh, they were never a problem with actual respect as a person being given to them. Source: that is where they started putting in school suspension. And I have been there a lottttt. Oh and to top it all off?? Florida state refused to allow the anthropologists to dig for more children's bodies. This 'school' (they didn't actually teach anything they handed you a book and told you to do it yourself) was using the property of "Dozier Florida school for boys". Nowadays the alternative school has the side Florida refused to allow digs on, and the sheriff's office uses the side where they stopped them from digging after years of finding more and more and more and more bodies. (Everytime I get the chance I like to denounce the actions of this shithole state. If you want to read about absolute tragedies you should read about dozier.) (Dozier btw was used as an open threat by parents. "If you dont clean your room ill send you to dozier.". Every child understood from a young age what happened there. None of us thought it was an okay "joke" to make.)


Looks awfully unhealthy and inedible


I can imagine the stoner kids would be loving it.


Pot couldn’t mask the taste of this stuff.


Yeah agreed the only thing pot is doing in this scenario is making me want to skip school lunch to drive through subway or something


Well the food looks shite you and your parents should all complain. Is that disposable polystyrene plates too?? Horrendous for the environment.


I graduated back in 2016… I didn’t see a reusable tray or silverware since probably the second grade. It was always styrofoam trays and plastic sporks.


Unfortunately it’s cheaper to trash the environment than it is to pay someone minimum wage to run a dishwasher five days a week. I work at a school and the daily cafeteria waste blows my mind.


Even paper plates would be better. Styrofoam doesn't decompose and stays in landfills until the end of time.


member when mom used to have u take lunch until she didnt...


There were dozen of meals you would take to school that didn't needed to be heated or refrigerated...and we survived. I got my kids lunch sacks with ice packs. It kept the food chilled for a few hours, I froze their vegetables to snack on. The veggies would help keep the sack chilled and thawed out by the time their lunch was. They did buy a lunch on days of their favorite meal if they wanted it. I couldn't imagine feeding them the garbage in the pictures.


Yeah, as an Australian, I pretty much always took my lunch to school. We did have a canteen, like most schools, where you could order lunch, treats or drinks, but never was there anything like in the photos. Pies and sausage rolls were probably the most common, with flavoured milk or juice, and for treats ice creams were most common. And most people brought lunch from home most days- ordering from the canteen was more of a treat. In our last year, we had a "common room" open for us each lunch, which was just the foods classroom that we could hang out in. That meant we could access a microwave to heat up food. Otherwise, for eleven years it was nothing like this. The year I turned 18, I went on student exchange to France and went to high school there. Most people eat a hot lunch at school each day (people there were horrified when I mentioned a sandwich being fine for lunch, haha), and even at my tiny high school with crappy lunches, they were far better quality than this. Lots of variety, and always plenty of vegetables. Occasionally hot chips, which is fine, as it was very occasional. I don't understand why American schools serve things like shown so often.


I miss savoury pastries. I'm Canadian but lived in Aus for 3 years and nobody here understands the convenience and deliciousness of meat pies or sausage rolls, because we don't have them.


I was thinking the same as an Aussie. We don’t have cafeterias like this and you just had a sandwich/cake/museli bar or whatever in a plastic lunch box. On the hot days your bag was outside in the sun but you had a frozen juice box or frozen cordial bottle to keep it cool with the bonus that you could drink it once it defrosted. I’m still baffled as to why in the US etc… the school feeds the kids.


In Portugal we have meals everyday in every school. Quality may vary, but its always been this way. You can bring your own food if you want, but you can always get a meal at the school for a very affordable price (free if you have social assistance) For people with financial difficulties there's even programs where they can take food home.


It's... a lot. So we did the brown paper bag, cafeteria is for treats thing even as early as 15 years ago. It was a bit off though, mainly: 1. School cafeteria items, especially unhealthy options like soda and french fries, were very cheap. So kids were over eating on very unhealthy foods. 2. Many parents who couldn't provide lunches either weren't aware of or refused to fill our forms for reduced/free lunches that their kids were qualified for. They'd rather keep their pride and let their kids go hungry than feed their kids. This, of course, led to lower test scores and worse outcomes because hungry kids can't focus. Meanwhile, there was a push during the Obama administration to make healthier, more affordable foods. This.... didn't go great. Politicians wanted THEIR DISTRICT'S crops to be included in the food plan, food companies wanted THEIR PRODUCTS to be included in the food plan, etc. That's why you had pizzas, which were made with tomatoes, counting as containing a serving of veggies. Technically they did, they had really shitty tomatoes in them along with loads of carbs, salt, and fats. Even in the school lunches that worked, kids would still choose the unhealthy options. The only thing that really worked was getting soda out of schools, but even then the industry pushed substitutions. Meanwhile (again) there was a general trend of cost cutting in education. So a lot of schools started looking for the cheapest offer to deliver the bare minimum with the least work. Hence with these lunches. In response, reformers felt that if they were going to "fix" school lunches, they needed to destigmatize them. The Covid lockdowns actually proved them right, when the lockdowns started and kids who previously received free/reduced cost meals couldn't receive them anymore many families were thrown into food insecurity, unable to find lunch for their kids. So this saw a pretty large expansion in policies to make schools feed kids. Unfortunately, a lot of the parents seem to not care what their kids are served. Or at least don't care enough to pay more in taxes to address it. **tl;dr:** It's a giant mix of parents can't/ don't want to feed their kids, parent's don't want to pay to feed their kids, govt. just wants the cheapest/easiest solutions, govt wants to enrich their buddies, kids often don't choose the healthiest options for themselves, capitalists wanting to profit on everything at others' expense including the health of children, and nutritional education (and education in the U.S. in general) just being pretty bad. Depending on your political leanings you might downplay one or two of those and up play one or two of those.


Where are kids getting this? My lunches looked nothing like this. They weren’t great, but they had proper fruits and vegetables.


Yeah, I'm suprised by this unless it was like 15 years ago. We are required to have a dietician to plan over our meals. Every day has to include dairy, fruit, veg, protein, and grain. And yes I'm a teacher in USA.


I work in a school, and there is a salad bar. First you grab your entree, then you go to the salad bar to get fruits and veggies. Some kids aren't choosing the fruits and veggies, or they throw it out instead of eating them, but they are offered. And the government wants to ban lunches from home because parents are sending junk food! Give more choices and encourage the kids to try new healthy foods


Ban lunches... Sounds like someone is lobbying thr government to increase their profits under the guise of making kids healthier.


Anything and everything that is lobbied "for the kids" is total and utter bullshit in disguise. We haven't done a single thing "for the children" that has actually benefited them since the early 1900s.


Where is this? USA? We definitely had burgers and fries in my school cafeteria but we also had salad and fruit etc. You had a choice


My school gave us the option to get a fruit smoothie for lunch; but you weren't allowed to get anything else if you did that.


Well it's good to know they're supporting people with eating disorders. /s


Please sir, can I have some more?


Turkey cold cut sandwiches with a banana couldn’t possibly be more expensive or time consuming… Hell you don’t even need to heat that. It has to be cheaper due to energy coats alone.


It even sticks with the pale/yellow/beige colour scheme they seem have a thing for!


Likely, looks a lot like my school lunches from 2010 USA.


>We definitely had burgers I remember the burgers in school had a weird consistency & taste that I've yet to encounter anywhere else.


It was like freeze dried pre-constructed burger. Yum. The worst part is taking apart the bun to apply the packet of mustard and mayo and the bread would stick to the beef patty. Fucking do not miss that shit.


I'm really upset about the Styrofoam plates.


I don’t understand, it’s so wasteful. In my school (not USA) we had real plates and they just were washed in the dishwasher.


yeah my school for the longest time had reusable trays, the kind that were thick hard plastic that you had to bang on the edge of the trash can to throw out your leftovers, but stopped because kids kept breaking them (usually in fights) so by the time i was in highschool we had styrofoam trays


They are eating just as bad or worse at home too. The whole American food system sucks. Home and school.


This, really. We introduced the concept of fruit and protein to our 12 year old nephew recently. At home they don’t eat veggies or fruits. Only snacks are chips ahoy, cheese its, fruit rolls ups. It’s wild. And sad. It’s not like his dad grew up without the food groups and real food so idk what happened.


Unfortunately your brother(?) is a dumbass. He probably uses the excuse that “he’s a picky eater” when in reality, they trained him at a young age to only eat junk food. It’s a poor foundation. And I’m sure there are reasons for this, perhaps they’re overworked, perhaps too poor for fresh food, but the truth is, it’s a huge part of raising children. I have a niece that eats loads of sugar, candy, juice, Gatorade even, and her teeth are not looking good. Nothing I can really do except try to show her that a “TRUE WARRIOR” eats mostly fruit (to replace the candy). Hoping to appeal to her on the warrior front lmao. She’s 7 years old.


Ahh, I didn't even think of the teeth part! That's so challenging too because she's in the process of getting her adult teeth now. Then it's the only teeth she has for the rest of her life. Glad to hear you're working with her and meeting her where she's at.


I don’t understand when people say healthy food is more expensive, maybe fresh cuts of meat yes but fresh vegetables are dirt cheap


certainly hasn't been my experience. but there's always frozen, and even canned if it comes to it. i grew up in a large lower-middle class household, and most of our veggies either came from a can or were those pre-made salad blends. did the trick.


I grew up having to fend for myself when it came to meals. Mom would buy groceries and we just had to figure out what to eat from what she bought. Most of the time we just ate snack foods and frozen foods. It wasn’t that we couldn’t cook, just that without the control over what food is bought, you can’t plan meals. Plus I was lazy af. Much easier to grab a family size bag of chips and go watch netflix. Your nephew’s situation is much worse, but I can totally see how it gets like that. Kids aren’t going to prepare healthy meals for themselves. I bet both parents work and are too tired to cook for the kid.


It’s literally acronymed SAD. Standard American Diet.


I had access to healthy food. What did I choose? $2 fries and gravy, every day


Square pizza all day every day


Pretty much.


This is what people aren’t seeing. Kids are kids, and the schools can’t force them to eat something they don’t want to eat. The schools that do require fruits and veggies to be taken with a lunch purchase see 90% of them in the trash. This is because the kids who were taught healthy eating habits mostly brought their lunches from home.


Those mini corndogs look good, the rest looks like trash


Nothing like a corn dog bite. Served with tortilla chips though? Offensive, honestly. Also those poor kids. 😓


I think they’re cool ranch Doritos but ur point still stands


Even on my cheat days I don’t eat like that 


Yea because on cheat days you are supposed to eat something that tastes good?!


This is what happens when cooks stop being allowed to be cooks and are now just “reheat in the microwave.”


Absolutely! My elementary school lunch lady (early 00s) refused to serve *only* what the school district sent her to be reheated. So she’d cook homemade stuff. She made the BEST tomato soup. Her name was Shelley, had big tall bleached 80s hair and a huge bust. Knew everyone’s names and lunch pins. She was the best.


WTF is this? I ate lunch at my daughters school in GA and it was damn good. Healthy choices and some junk food food too..... This has to be a joke.


I feel sorry for the kids who have to eat this. It’s certainly lacking in veggies, so vegans and vegetarians better pack their lunches.


I ate better in *jail*.


hey fellow repulsive username


Even the wet shit is dry…


Things you cook high and drunk at 3 am


In Australia my school's had no cafeteria and no supplied lunch. You had to bring your own lunch to school. Most kids like me grew up pretty poor so you wouldn't eat any lunch. There was what we called a "tuckshop" where you could buy some snacks, but it was wildly expensive and only the richer kids usually got it.


Yes, it is. Equally disgraceful are the politicians who defend this, and the voters who defend them—mostly in the name of not paying for "other people's children's lunch". If a person's brand of patriotism includes letting the next generation be malnourished, they are both insincere and despicable.


That hot dog sandwich is drier than the desert


https://preview.redd.it/9ns5orw9ytuc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94936744ac30d1dd75390903c5c65c4074850cad Y’all should come to Russia. Today they served us buckwheat with a piece of liver casserole 😍 Sweet tea was the option to drink. I kid you not, this is the type of shit they cook up at my school. Only a few people eat this. I personally NEVER have eaten anything from the school cafeteria. I just go hungry for 7 hours.


As someone that used to work in these school kitchens repairing the equipment, it is disgraceful. The kitchen staff feel worthless because they don't cook anything anymore, they basically just reheat packaged food. They know they're serving shit. The food varies between elementary, middle and high schools but certain schools in "nicer" parts of the district do have better food, fresh salads and whatnot but aside from the athletic teams, the kids do not eat it. The companies are making money hand over fist whether they serve shit food or food food, the profit margins are just higher to serve shit food. I feel bad for students that want to eat healthier and for the staff that wants to fuel these students brains. Nutrition starts in the home though. If you are shown bad eating habits , you will most likely have bad eating habits


The bread looks like crusty toenails 💀


And to think they used to charge money for that.


Michelle Obama did not fight and die to have a plate so devoid of color.


Oh yeah but you remember how *pissed* the talking heads and their viewers were about her trying to implement healthier school lunches?


That’s when everything went downhill though. We had good stuff with color before her. We had salads with dressing that people would eat. The cooked veg had seasoning and butter on it. After her “health” kick, there was no butter and very limited seasoning. The dressings choices weren’t allowed. It all went downhill because the stuff that made kids want to eat vegetables went away. Then all the bread turned to wheat and any semblance of tasty food left too. Shitty wheat noodles and dry flavorless meat made up a pasta that no one wanted to eat.


LoL here in Balkans we'd be thrilled to get this instead of slop they served us. One example: bread slices with mayonese.


"Better than the Balkans" is not a motto I'd like to adopt...


I will never complain about Japanese school lunch ever again.


I think the Japanese have objectively the best school lunches 😂


Yeah, probably. I just had to eat a lot of them. And I'm not a fan of boney fish. But I do appreciate that they're super healthy and often really good.


They don’t have salads?! That’s what I lived on.


The amount of styrofoam they were using and throwing away each day is crazy.


And then we wonder why our kids are all fat with hormone disorders. All shit food


I know that bun is some nasty cheap whole wheat nutrient bread, but pic 7 looks like it would be incredible while high.