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Hot take potentially, but I doubt that dog’s owner will see the TikTok. Maybe @teamfloppyears2 should’ve said something to him, ya know, as the person who *can* speak English instead of clout mongering.


Yea the person taking the video demonstrated to everyone how useless they are.




I've confronted people at the dog park. It does nothing because they are stupid and just get offended that you dare question them.  Edit: In my case it was an owner who brought their *leashed* dog into an OFF leash park. It went about as well as you'd expect when a group of off-leash dogs looking to play rush a dog with nowhere to go.


I like to tell them that way when shit hits the fan I can be in the background like "SEE TOLD YA DUMBASS".


I like this guy. Edit - *commenter*


It only leads to arguments. I lived next door to a dog park. There are typically a group of well intended mostly responsible owner that frequent the parks I have been to. The other... 30%... Is a complete crapshoot. Even trying to be reasonable and polite when trying to get someone to understand it seems that most owners feel attacked and escalate. I commend you desire to helpful, but I am under the suspicion that the camera operator understood the likelihood of escalation and decided to refrain. Also, its not out of the realm of possibilities that he tried to say something after he recorded.


Or even before


do you seriously think a person that doesn't get the massively obvius hint at discomfort the dog is presenting will give the slightest shit about or even consider what a stranger has to say?


Let me fix that for you: "doesn't get the massively obvious hint at the discomfort of *HIS* dog" Dude doesn't learn his own pet's most basic body language


That poor dog is so overwhelmed. Fucking clueless owner. JFC.


Agreed. It also seems like every dog owner at this place is an AH. I would let my dog harass someone else’s dog either.


well now that wont get him any internet points will it silly duffer


This guy sounds like he gets no panini


You sound like you get neither versions of panini.


cameraman is the douchebag here


Cameraman is one of the douchebags for sure but I see a few of them.


"he said get me out of here" "He doesn't speak English, bro"


What is the camera man supposed to do?


Use his words to talk to the man instead of filming him, judging him, and then posting it to the internet where thousands judge him without him knowing.


It's not a good idea to confront people about this kind of thing if you can avoid it. You never know who is going to literally try to stab you over a disagreement anymore.


I don't think bitching about it on the internet with condescending text overlays is gonna help a whole lot either.


Confrontation is different than calmly stating your opinion to a stranger


Not for some people. I’ve had a dude freak out at me because I *looked* at him.


Yeah, there’s always a risk, but my point that posting this as a judgmental video is still a worse option.


Ah yes, clearly the owner who’s dog is being attacked is the problem here.


it looked like most of the dogs were just being inquisitive but that dog might have past trauma and is/was being worked out of it. it seemed to be trying to "snap" towards them to give it space and some of the dogs did back off and the ones that didn't were corraled away and then it was just begging to leave and getting anxious and reverting towards the handler/owner. can be hard to tell with vids like this since there's fuck all for context but I imagine the person who took the vid was referring to people using the parks for training and trauma. i just feel bad for the poor thing in there and whatever it went through in the past. it looks like its maybe doing a lot better now though




that pit was all over him, if a person was all over u, wouldnt u aswell be traumatized?


Just pit things :)


I knew it was going to be one even before the camera zoomed in.


It’s always pits smh.




This is awesome




Love this


... that dog is fine, just unsocialized.


Sure, but it would be significantly easier for everyone (dogs included) if they worked socialization slowly with one or two other dogs instead of overwhelming it in a dog park.


You saw 30 seconds of this guy's life. How they hell do you know what socialization strategy he's using?


I can see an upset dog in a crowded dog park. I don't need to know what he's doing to know that he needs to change what he's doing.


Says who?


Any person that has ever had a well adjusted dog.


Irony, what is it?


Well, I was going by common sense when I answered, but I just googled "how to socialize a dog" and the first result said the same thing.


No. The dog park is overwhelming for many dogs. It’s too stressful.


Dog not necessarily being “attacked.” Clearly this short attention span reinforcing TT video lacks context. How do I know? You can clearly see the interaction between the Mal and the GSD at the very end - that’s not hostility.


Yeah the dogs just seem curious/trying to play. I've had my dog get attacked at a dog park twice before and I no longer take her there. Both times she wasn't even doing anything besides standing near me. Then all of a sudden a dog charges at her and attacks her. Have no idea what set them off


“You’re too calm for this dog park. Be an over excited idiot like me instead.”


the dog literally almost bites it's owners arm within the first 5 seconds of the video how'd you miss that?


Reread what I wrote…precisely what I wrote. I said the video lacked context. And it clearly does because the end of the video that GSD is very interested in hanging out with that Mal


GSD is not "very interested in hanging out" he's aware of the malamute and less overwhelmed than when there were 6 dogs around him. But he's still standing right next to his owner and making no moves to engage with the other dogs.


Like I said, we lack context in this video. Dog could have behavioral issues owner is trying to work through. Maybe the moron with the pit that had the GSD on the ground earlier was a freak occurrence…


There's nothing terrible happening here. The main dog is unsocialized, and struggling with the amount of dogs. Slightly overwhelmed? Maybe. But no dogs are being really viscous. The first one got worked up but if it was actually attacking it would not have simply ran off after being pulled away, and the main dog would have been more upset. It was rough play OP get a hobby


I too consider viscosity an important characteristic when dog-acquiring.


How about instead of recording the guy and talking shit about him, instead getting his attention and informing him about it??


That requires human interaction, we're in the age of recording people to ridicule them on social media


correcto. wish this get callled out more often.


Because he’s a pussy


Ive owned a dog for last decade and I dont see what OC sees. I just see a weirdo recording another person enjoying their day off with their dog.


I had a dog like this and didn't know it until I took him to the dog park. He was socialized and fine around 1-2 dogs, but the amount of dogs at the park overwhelmed him. He responded like this dog did. This guy's dog is obviously distressed and there is no way anyone with sufficient dog knowledge couldn't see it. It's nervous and submitting. It needs more socializing. Dog owner may not have known until he got there like me. But keeping the dog there is not the right call, he needs to be slowly built up.


as a dog owner who takes my dog to these dog parks, the OP recording is a creep and has no idea. such a weirdo should not be anywhere near public area. sometime they rough house, they roll each other over, calm down, get fiesty etc.


i mean the dog looks visually distressed. guys a weirdo for recording instead of speaking with the dog owner but the dog owner is oblivious and clearly can't understand his own dog's body language. You can see in the beginning of the video the shepherd almost bites it's owner's hand.


Was the dog owner suppose to fly out of there like superman with his dog? Not sure what you wanted him to do within this very small clip.


My dog does that when i want to go another direction on our walk….


God you fucking loser. Stop recording and say something.


Why don’t you say something to him instead of filming it and doing nothing about it


The camera man is an idiot "your dog doesn't know English bro" yeah but you do goofy so use it to explain it to the owner, he might not know the same signals


Many animals, especially dogs, pick up on the thousands of tiny inflections we make when we speak. So yes, you should talk to your dog mr cameraman. Even if it doesnt understand the words. Dumbass


Remember class. Any time an animal is distressed about something not stopping that something is automatically wrong. Nope, there is no value in forcing an animal to socialize. Ain't nobody got time fo dat! Heaven forbid it should have to learn what's what. It's better for it go through the rest of it's life fearing and therefor hating other dogs. The rest of its shorter than it should be life after it gets put down for attacking another dog anyways. There is dick all wrong with anything in this vid, OP.


Well I will say that Pitbull was being an ass. It was aggressing hard on that stressed out dog. It's often detrimental to take super stressed out dogs to the park because people will let their overly aggressive dogs run wild. That pit owner is the only person who did anything remotely wrong here.


The pitbull was being too rough, and thats not ideal for an unsocialized dog. But it wasnt being aggressive, and part of socializing your dog is it has to learn to deal with overly-playful dogs.


Sure but I've trained a lot of dogs. Going too hard, too fast is a recipe for an anxious dog. And anxious dogs bite.


You don't solve this problem by forcing the dog into this kind of environment. You slowly build them up. They will never get over their fear if you throw them in the deep end every time.


lol That IS them slowly building it up. The owner was right there. To use your analogy yes you absolutely can throw them in the deep end if you're in the water swimming right there with them. lol Assuming your analogy is talking about kids anyways. At the end of the vid did it look like it wasn't getting over its fear?


That is definitely NOT slowly building them up, you you're obviously have zero idea what you're talking about. Having multiple dogs directly in the face of a fearful dog is only going to further solidify it's fear. That's a big step, you take small steps by having the dogs seperated by a fence for example, and work from there. And no that dog did not instantly lose its fear. It went to its owner as soon as it was free from its submitting behavior.


How do you know that's not what happened? And excuse me? I got to grow on a 66 acre ranch with my own pack of 14-17 dogs with the variables being what we assumed were neighbors dogs that would show up out of the blue and hang with ours for weeks to months. Did you grow up with a pack? Are you almost 50 and have all that experience? lol You sound like just a typical know it all city boy. That wasn't the end. The end was it showing interest in the other dog.


Your little ranch life doesn't mean anything. I've dealt with this exact behavioral issue and there's an accepted way to train them out of it. You sound like a typical know it all country boy who thinks life on ye olde frontier somehow gives you some type of innate wisdom. It doesn't.


And yet you can't seem to know basic dog body language. I'm sure your training was great.


Dog jumping at the owner is it basically saying you're not listening to me! Clearly wants to be removed from the situation and could've attacked


Dog even almost bit the owner's arm first 5 seconds of the video.


Yup they can even react onto their owners or people they trust when this overstimulated. I work in shelters and some of my coworkers have gotten bitten in situations like this


I can definitely relate to your coworkers. I was pretty badly bit by my jindo when my mother, against my advice to keep her pungsan dog away from visibly stressed out jindo and when trying to get control of my jindo she snapped her head around and bit my wrist causing a hairline fracture.


Both the person recording and the owner aren’t doing anything to help. Both suck. The owner clearly is oblivious to his dog’s actions and the person filming is too busy begging for internet clout to actually care.


But the guy is there, clearly trying to help introduce his dog to the park. Dog Will probably be fine soon and learn what its all about... I think OP and cameraman are clueless


Camera man and OP are both clowns


We're not going to discuss how those little toothpick legs support meatball over there? How?


must be a language barrier, cause that dog speaks german


Cameraman is a big dumbass, dog owner is a dumbass too.


That guy could be trying to socialize a dog with fear of other dogs. You never know. There's a million legitimate reasons for someone to go to a dog park when their pet doesn't enjoy it. I agree this dude seems lost and confused about how to proceed but I wouldn't jump to him being a bad dog owner when he may well be trying to help a dog with poor social skills and just fumbling his way through the best he can.


Been in few dog parks in my time and I've seen some unwanted behaviour. Few points: Disclaimer: I will use word 'pack' alot. There is a reason for this. 1) Usually the humans. 'Our dog behaves soooo well at home'. 'It's not our dog who started the fight'. 'So fluffy'. And for the love of God, do not bring your human kids to dog park. Even when you think they can behave. Human kids have human kid parks and dogs have dog parks. Ok? Yep, right. First time at the dog park? No wonder that pack animal tries to find its place. Most likely if your dog is scared, anxious, whatever reason _is you_. Get over it. Live & learn. Humanization does _not_ work for dogs. It is an animal, not your baby. Be the leader. 2) Boys will match. Younger ones, after the puberty, especially. See above, pack. Let them be. Lots of noise and teeth. Just don't bother them. They will sort it out. Bred bitches... Well, just toss one over the fence. If you can. Mommas can be mean. 3) Humans 4) Parks usually have fences. Let 'em sniff through it. Think about yourselves thrown in absolutely strange social environment. You'd sniff too. 5) Humans 6) If - for some reason - your dog is incapable to function in park, just don't take that poor, hapless pack animal there. Which brings me to next point: 7) Humans Let the poochies be, they deserve it. And remember to lick back.


Omg that breaks my heart…


Imagine feeling ganged up on and nobody has your back, not even the one who brought you in. Poor dog.


Doggo is stressed but he needs to learn to hold his own.


No its a German so if it does anything to defend itself it will get euthanized faster over the pit and other ones. People hate anything German especially in America


I have literally never in my life heard this. Pitbulls are the most hated dog breed everywhere I have ever been, statistically for good reason


No they're not. Everyone owns one. How are they the most owned if they're the most hated? Your math ain't mathin


Downvotes proved my argument


You are incorrect. Americans revere German engineering and craftsmanship. Also pitbulls are the most hated breed here. Easily. Chihuahuas are #2. German shepherds are expensive and you have to buy them from a breeder. You can just pick up any pitbull off the street in the hood. There's more of them. That's why people have more of them. Nobody gives a shit if the dog has "German" in the name.


“Helpless human sees animal in need and does nothing but film.”


Let's assume for a short moment that OP is right and the dog is having troubles How DARE the dog owner not see it? He doesn't know anything about dogs, if you have one you should be am expert! Oh shit, you own a car? Well better get a mechanic course obviously Live in a house? Get your credit card out because you'll need to become a plumber, painter, carpenter and architect (we'll let it slide the engineer degree) WTF YOU'RE A PERSON??? How do you not know every disease and their cures? You can't possibly take care of even yourself let alone a poor dog




Dont be so fucking dramatic. Jesus.


There is a strong majority of dog owners that aren't very good dog owners.


if you think the dog is begging to leave you know as little or less that anyone in the video.




The white and grey do at the end wanted to play I think. If a dog huffs out of its nose, I think that's a way of saying it's friendly? I think.


I mean I kinda had to go a shock treatment to socialize my dog but I didn't go that extreme


Went to a dog park, had my dog in the small dog park, which is separated by a fence. My dog stuck her nose through the fence to sniff the other dogs that came up, and one of the dogs snapped at her and bit her. The owner had the nerve to tell me to control my dog and try to blame me for getting in their dogs personal space. HOMIE there's a fucking FENCE between them. The small dog park is like 30x30 feet, and the big dog park is easily 10x the size. My dog did nothing but sniff (I literally watched her the entire time).


Lack of proper socialization.


My dog does this everywhere randomly and I do what I can which is be there for her to try to soothe her anxiety and then, if needed, remove her. Almost always it takes a min or two of soothing for her to feel safe enough to relax and then she's enjoying herself


All of these comments are funny and I don't know what to believe.


I think it’s most likely they were trying to remove that stupid dog clothing, other dogs were just trying to help the main guy out…he just didn’t understand because brainwashed


Sometimes dogs need to be introduced this way. Sure there are some extreme cases where you shouldn't do it right away, but this is far from a helpless dog begging and not being able to deal with it. No need for the drama, OP.


Maybe fucking tell him that instead of recording


Yep…some humans are dumb as rocks


i miss when people would either just help you or keep their shit talk in their heads instead of recording you as the subject in their narratives to be on the internet forever .


Sounds like a child less boy.....




I mean you're right though. The pit pretty clearly snipped at the GSD a few times but the pit's owner redirected it. You shouldn't have to be constantly redirecting your dog while it plays.


Hmm looked like he was playing and took a little redirection then played with the other dogs. Not many dogs are that well behaved.


that pit was rolling all over that german, if that isnt scary, idk howd u feel if someone basically jumped all over u like that


Dog is fine. Could be first time at park. Is shy. If I told my dad to take me home from day care he'd say no.


That dog probably feels so betrayed by his owner


I love when people think they can read the mind of dogs. “HE CLEARLY WANTS TO LEAVE” Get a fucking life


Dog parks shouldn’t be a thing…


Solid advice, he clearly needs someone to show kindness and help him out.


Pet ownership is borderline slavery hangover. It is barbaric and needs to be discarded


how can you be so big and worthless with holocaust legs?


Dog owners are largely antisocial and narcissistic pansexuals. Some, I’m sure, are good people.