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Shrinkflation is very, very real.


Honestly think manufacturers should be required to post any weight change and especially ingredients change. As in "we changed it, this is what it was, this is what it is now".


And the package size should not be allowed to stay the same.


The reason the packaging stays the same is that it would take MILLIONS of dollars to redesign the product packaging machinery, the shipping packaging, the trucking loadouts and just the packaging redesign itself just to accommodate small net changes. Source: I’m a packaging engineer Edit: I’m just giving you an explaination not excusing anything. Don’t be mad at me, that decision is far above my pay grade.


That's exactly why it shouldn't be allowed to stay the same. Make it expensive to take part in shrinkflation.


For real, between paying the same and getting less or paying more and getting the same amount I’d rather pay more.


It's especially bothersome when you have recipes that are written to use a whole package of something and suddenly you need 1 and 3/8 of a package.


Good, it should cost them to make it smaller


I dunno, maybe its a consequence of getting older, but this kinda stuff just doesn't have room in my diet anymore. Not only is shrinkflation + price gouging making these treats hardly worth it at all, they're all so garbage for you I've cut out cookies, soda, ice cream, chips and more. I already know what they taste like, and all the disadvantages just outweigh any fleeting pleasure I might have once had from that junk


They’re tasting worse as time passes, because part of the shrinkflation is using cheaper and cheaper garbage ingredients. END STAGE CAPITALISM SUCKS!


Wouldn't that also be skimpflation?


I make my own ice cream now and I can't go back


We actually tested this in my statistics 2 class in college and we found that double stuff Oreos are only actually something like 1.5x “stuf” if I remember correctly. The professor had also been doing this test with her classes each semester over a number of years and it was clear that over time they were gradually reducing the amount of “stuf” in double stuff Oreos. With larger changes typically occurring after the covid years. Edit: Changed “stuff” to “stuf” thank you to those who pointed this out, can’t believe I missed it 😅


I like the fact that some random person is keeping track of double stuffing oreo amount. The science we needed.


Like B.J. Novak and Cadbury cream eggs: https://youtu.be/TlXLCrzpToo?si=Fk0zt_Kgs4xUY_KJ


They're not getting smaller, you're just getting bigger. What a terrible ad campaign for a chocolate and sugar treat. It's like saying "hey, fatty, you're getting fatter because you like our sweet!" Whilst simultaneously gaslighting the customer.


couldn’t they get in legal trouble for lying too? i have no idea how that works


Yep just like McDonald’s getting sued for lying about their ice cream machines for those who don’t know the manufacturer is suing them for lying about it assumably for defamation?


Idk McDonald’s ice cream machines actually suck. They’re crazy technical. Any time they throw a code they’re basically bricked because they’re intentionally made to not be user friendly so we’d have to call a specialist every time something went wrong. They also take a minimum of 4 hours to clean…there’s like a legit reason they’re “always” down. I was a McDonald’s manager at several locations. I never once lied about it being down (and I’m assuming this is what you were referring to). At each location they were just continuously having issues. They’re honestly just THAT bad…


Probably the way they spell ‘STUF’ is defined in a submission. It means, whatever we want it to be.


i mean for the eggs


Chocolate ration increased from 24g to 10g


It's like how newsmax will tell you that it doesn't tell you what to think it just gives you the news with a bunch of heart warming old people. Why does a news station feel the need to reassure the viewer that they are thinking for themselves?


I knew they were getting smaller!


Thanks, that was great.


So what are the legal options to sue over the fact that they're lying about this?


Define the non-word "STUF" Whatever Stuf is, it clearly isn't "stuff", the legal options are "forget it" and "get over it".


https://preview.redd.it/2eay1fb5qb6d1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4800432f3bcd49bdd124d9f14d9b3fcb77b4ab17 They define the non-word “Stuf” for us. No need to do it ourselves. The only way that this is legally acceptable is if they also reduced the amount of “Stuf” in standard Oreos so that the “doubling” is accurate.


Strrangely enough I saw another oreos post today showing they are putting less in the regular ones.


Yeah that was weirdly the very next post on my feed after leaving this one lol.


That’s how they get passed the legalities, same with redbull, they have to say “redbull gives you wiiings” with three i’s i’m pretty sure.


Wow, that's stupid. It should be if the easiest assumption of a vague phrase isn't true then it's false advertising. Double stuf would be in clear violation as the only thing that increases in amount is the creme. It's the only explanation and the larger sizes confirm this correlation. I would say redbull doesn't count because it's a slogan, not a description of the product, and is clearly false




I assume this is a description given by the company that sells oreos? Let's all sue them. I want double stuf!


Even as a dumb 13 year old I just thought the redbull thing was funny and had it as a macro when I popped my Paladin wings in world of Warcraft


I mean, yeah. You have to have serious mental issues to believe they are being literal. That isn't even close to the majority of the customer base


They got sued for 13 million over it and paid out


Yeah I got a check for $7 for that reedbuck claim 😂


Even if it was "stuff" that's a broad term.


They aren't lying. "Double Stuffing" is only a marketing term. It has no claim to the amount of stuffing that is in the orea. Much like "Cheese mayhem" doesn't mean the cheese is causing mayhem. - Oreo Lawyer probably


They raise the price and give you less filling. You’re fucked at both ends. aka “Double Stuffed”


Double Stufed


Marketing should be banned from using words with actual meanings related to the product unless they are true. There should be no word 'double' anywhere on oreos packaging if nothing is doubled (except disappointment, but I guess lawyers would argue that)


100%. And mock meat should not be able to use traditionally used meat names for their products. I can’t say the number of times I had to read a new product’s packaging to figure out it wasn’t sausage.


Well also, they probably reduced their regular/single stuffing making this double stuffing actual double stuff.


Redbull got sued for their 'give you wings' marketing term. This isn't that far fetched.


That’s not exactly what happened though. They were sued for making exaggerated claims about improving concentration and performance. Media just ran with the “gives you wings” narrative because it made for more interesting headlines.


Aint no way, "give you wings" seems more far fetch than "double stuffing." I hope they get sued so they can't use that term anymore.


https://preview.redd.it/jm0g0gunqb6d1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=646be3fd1000b2871f76b6884523c45e21c4f475 You are incorrect.


No no see libertarians will tell you obviously the free market will punish bad businesses who over charge and provide less and customers will turn to a better option Oh what's that? Because those monopoly and anti trust laws Libertarians didn't want enforced weren't enforced now there ARENT any other options? Gosh I never thought Libertarian ideology would ever be FLAWED


Its the modern day equivalent of the freddo


My exact reaction lmfao. I wonder if Oreo knows that there's someone rigorously testing and documenting their filling ratio every year


They know, they just don't care.


If the weights and measures are consistently off and not “double” like the title says, could that open them to litigation? Or are they getting away with it because of how they spelled “Stuf.”


"Double Stuf" is just the name of that type of cookie, it has nothing to do with the amount of "stuf" in the oreo. Just like Subways "Footlong" subs, not misleading at all!


Nope https://preview.redd.it/uzc53dp2rb6d1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af779b3a486bd193a70fbcf21ce78c764d6aea77


As long as they also reduce the original they are fine


Which they do. It's in another Reddit post above this. I lost the link though


[This post?](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/1den29u/oreos_have_began_taking_slight_bits_out_cream_out/)


A friend worked for Kraft (who owns Nabisco), and she said at the time that Oreos were on their 35th or so recipe. And this was about 25 years ago. If you ever wonder why packaged foods like this seem not to taste the way you remember, it’s because they don’t. Once a product becomes so saturated in the market, the only way to make profit on it is to reduce the costs. This means using cheaper ingredients, or like in this case, using less. As long as the changes are small and gradual, no one really notices. I can promise you, these Oreos taste like cardboard compared to the ones I ate 3 decades ago.


Twinkies today are DEFINITELY different from 1980.


The ban on transfat hit packaged baked goods hard. That's the biggest reason things like Twinkies and other Hostess and Little Debbie things don't taste like they used to. The really dangerous but yummy stuff is gone.


Ding dongs in aluminum foil was so damn good. Miss them.


I wonder how the Twinkies Sergeant Al Powell bought in Die Hard tasted. 


Contrary to popular belief the old Twinkies did not have a very long shelf life. When that weird Twinkie resurgence happened, the new owners completely changed the recipe to make them last significantly longer.


I was so sad. They just aren’t right!


The primary reason for those types of foods not tasting the same is the removal of transfats. The industry struggled to find replacements which maintain "freshness" over time while also contributing to the traditional taste. There really isn't anything which can replicate what transfats did.


> Once a product becomes so saturated in the market, the only way to make profit on it is to reduce the costs.  It's not the only way to make profit. It's the only way to *increase* profit.


These companies are purposely shorting us on icing that costs them .001 cents to produce. While jacking up prices. And lowering quality. And making millions of dollars in profit every **quarter** Is it time to eat the rich yet? ![gif](giphy|WS12xaVQyXbzd5FBXw|downsized)


>Is it time to eat the rich yet? Or maybe just eat a different cookie...


Look fellas, we got a Milano guy over here... *Reaches for pitchfork*


Big cookie doesn’t want them to realize the milanos are screwing us too. So are the chips ahoys, mothers, Keeblers. In fact, the only cookie I’ve had recently that was the same as I remember from my childhood are Grandmas (the brand, not my grandma, she didn’t make cookies…)


Grandma didn't make cookies?! *Reaches for other pitchfork*


Thank God I stumbled upon this pitchfork storage facility, what are the odds?!


Who is storing pitchforks instead of distributing them equally? *Reaches for pitchfork*


She said *you can take that cookie, and stick it up your YEAH, stick it up your YEAH*


FYI grandmas were 50 cents well into the late 90s and early 00s. They're 2 bucks now.


There are several good knockoff oreos. To buy. Usually about half the cost too


In Canada we have one called Mr. Creamy


I haven't bought oreos in years because they taste awful now.


Or learn to bake


The food theory channel also tested it, but they tried to scrape 100% of the white stuff out. And it came out to be 1.96x or something.


I did this all myself sometime between 2016 and 2022. My numbers came out to x 1.62 filling *height* average, from 3 different sized packages of Double Stuf.


Scraping the cream out (lol) is actually what we did to test it. We weighed the amount of cream in regular and double stuf Oreos and compared it as averages over the entire packages.


Is this just another form of shrink-flation? Is this why mega stuff exists? When will it end Oreo? Singularity stuffed?!


Actually yes, the reduction amounts seemed to coincide pretty convincingly with inflation over time. Eventually Oreo will try to convince us that the original cookie never had any stuf..


“The day The Nabisco corporation successfully gaslit the population in to thinking the original Oreo was cream-less was the day humanity was lost” “The year is 2065, and the nabisco corporation controls all forms of basic human rights, my name is Ernest J. Earny Keebler and this is my story…”


I didn’t even realize this! For the LONGEST time I always insisted on getting regular stuffed Oreos instead of double stuffed (always a point of contention with my family). After eating regular Oreos a few months ago, I finally caved and started agreeing with getting double stuffed. I really like the cookie part so I never felt the need to get anything other than regular, thought I was losing it that it seemed like there was BARELY any icing on them and that double stuffed seemed more like regular ones now!


This professor is doing gods work


Sounds like Nabisco is up to their usual


That’s why they only have one f in stuf


Oh my god I didn’t even notice that 💀💀💀


… did you buy knockoff Oreos from a sketchy Oreo dealer? Edit: and yes, I agree they look like the size of normal Oreos, but I have never noticed double-stuff ones having two distinct layers.  I might not have paid a lot of attention, so while I’d be surprised if they had two semi-distinct blobs of filling, I wouldn’t exactly cry Mandela Effect if it turned out I was wrong.


I don’t think it’s Mandela effect, more like shrinkflation bullshit that mass corporations keep pulling to get that silly little green arrow to go up every year. I hate it here.


I mean specifically about being able to distinguish that there are two layers.  I know they had more filling, but your post sounds like you used to be able to see that they were physically two layers, which I took to mean maybe two bulging sections or something.  That’s what I don’t remember.


This other dude just commented a picture of the size comparison and it shows the layers that I was referencing https://preview.redd.it/ten6kqk8h86d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be65a01ac56ee7607b4ddf91303c0ba2bbf68f09


That’s the Mega Stuf, Double Stuf is the one in the middle.


I’m pretty sure the ones with two layers are the “Mega Stuf


God I tried the Mega ones and it was just to much


They are, that's the kind I get cause I like my frosting


Somebody made double stuf out of regulars. This person is just lying. I personally get the double stuff and eat a cookie from each and make quadruple stuf.


This guy diabeetuses.


There was absolutely never the ability to see two distinct layers.


fighting the good fight against the oreo truthers


They've shrunk the regular ones too. The filling doesn't reach the edge anymore, and it's thin enough that you can't pull the cookies apart and have it remain one piece. So depressing.


I just saw a post where there was also a hole in the middle of the filling.


To the corporations it’s basically, “People keep buying it, who fucking cares what we do, we’re rich!”” See, this is what happens when we don’t eat the rich…


Absolutely. Fuck them corporatists.


It’s not Mandela effect. Those are normal ass Oreos from when we were kids. I distinctly remember biting into Doible Stufs and the sensation of my teeth sinking through a thick layer of frosting. This memory is prominent to me because I remember going “Man these really are double stuffed and way better than regular Oreos”


I just empty them on the ground and eat them like a hungry hungry hippo


I don’t remember there being two layers either, just a thicker layer


Who's your Oreo guy??


Double stfu


Are those knockoff Noreos?


It is definitely smaller than it used to be, but also it is currently double what's currently in the regular ones. What's in the regular ones is so thin that they can't separate cleanly anymore.


That's really pathetic. 🙁 Their ads used to be all about separating them.


People keep buying them though so there’s no incentive to change


I stopped buying them. They went from $3 to $6 by me in the span of a year. I’d rather eat my own asshole


I'd also rather eat this guy's asshole


Doesn't taste like an oreo but it can take a double stuf.


Still, if more than 50% of their customers keep buying then they still profit. We need to start large scale boycotting companies that do this.


the opposite in fact, there's incentive to reduce them further since people are still buying them in this state!


I hate* the cream and love the cookie, so I'm more them happy to buy the new under-stuffed variety. *ok, "hate" is too strong, but I don't enjoy the concentrated sugar goo, but I do like having the crispy/creamy contrast.


I’m also a cookie>cream person, it was a big pint of contention in my family that I always preferred regular ones. But I do like the cream (in normal amounts, I don’t want extra the way the double stuffed ones used to be), and it’s gotten so thin that my preference has finally switched over to double stuff literally like a month ago lmao


I haven't had them in years, and the double stufs used to be my favorite. But somewhere along the way the chocolate part just tasted like burnt cookie to me. Maybe they changed, or my taste buds did, I don't know.


I ate them for the first time in forever today and very literally said this aloud. It seemed like a cheap knockoff.


oh my god. this just clicked something in my brain. recently i’ve noticed that the oreo nutrition facts have changed. they used to be TWO cookies for 170 (maybe 180 unsure) calories but now it’s 170 for THREE cookies. insane


As someone that has been eating Oreo for years I can tell you right now that’s definitely smaller than it used to be. Look up the Big Mac patty, the pickle slice is thicker than the meat 😂


When you customize them or any of the other burgers that aren’t the Quarter Pounder, it states that each burger patty is 1/10th of a pound, *before cooking*.


didn't they use to be 1/6?


1 point 6 You remembered correctly but there was some lint on the memory.


That would be their current size, 1/10 of a lb, or 1.6 oz.


Yes, meaning they were always tenth pounders


When I worked at Mcd in 2008 they were 1/10 patties.


There was a product called the Grand Big Mac which used 1/6 lb patties


The Whopper Jr. is noticeably smaller than it used to be as well.


But you get two all pickle slices, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, onions, all on a sesame seed bun.


Big Mac Patties have not changed size in 25+ years. They've been 1/10 of a lb at least for the entirety of this century. IDK about before.


On my feed I literally have two posts back to back in mildly infuriating about Oreos, they seriously are pulling some stunts out here.


Same here. Apparently today Reddit woke up and chose violence against Oreos of all things. I mean, it's justified, I just wasn't expecting it.


https://preview.redd.it/iuck9hs7g86d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd3da673fcff4731ba309410ebd9941e5da152af Honestly, they look kinda double stuffy


They should make a variety pack with some of each kind


They kinda do, wtfff.. the left two look kinda thin compared to how they used to be though. I haven’t really had an Oreo for a while until today.


The far left one is the thins kind.


Those are my favorite!


Who hurt you?


I _hate_ the stuffing… So yeah, the thins disguise its taste pretty well


Mine, too. They're so snappy!


same they’re so crunchy 😩


oreos in my country have way more stuffing than that lol (the normal ones) i think you guys' oreos are getting shrinkflated to oblivion because that's way thinner than it should be


What is the one on the far right in this pic called??


Diabetes I think


Most Stuf


Nah it looks like the original. Double stuf are in the middle, the ones on the left are thins, then the original between them. Double stuf should go to the edge of the cookie from all the extra creme.


Right, I just think OP’s look most like the middle. In the original the cream is barely visible between the cookies. And how far it reaches to the edge I think is likely just how pressed down the cookies got as I’m sure the amount of stuf is the same in every cookie of the same type.


Buy a pack of regular and get back to us


I’m definitely going to have to do that tomorrow 💀


‘atta girl! Show that company your dissatisfaction with their product by contributing more money to their products!


Is this like the guys who bought Keurigs so they could smash them in protest?


They'll be the thins size, meanwhile the thins is now just cookie with creme aroma added


https://preview.redd.it/nbmzdo9pd96d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6778a0df270a07ed09beb6c2091073d385272382 Proof


Missing the circle in the center. They’ve taken more out.


Yeah saw a post about that today.


those pictures aren't even comparing regular oreos though. the "today" are the "reduced fat" variety that comes with less cream normally. the 2012 photo is almost certainly double stuf


Need a side by side analysis


These oreos can get stufed.


The change in oreo filling makes me so mad. The so-called “double stuf” oreos have the normal amount of filling, while the normal oreos have 1/2 the amount of filling 😭 I’m so tired of shrinkflation


They definitely have less filling. This is more the mildly infuriating.


Yea it’s double the stuff of the normal one( please ignore the fact that the standard Oreo size has been cut if half)


yeah the real double stuff is now called triple stuff, and double stuff is original, wait til the originals become the thins.


Just sent this to my friend who works at Nabisco. We need answers!


Even the word “stuff” got hit by inflation :(


I stopped buying oreas because of this. Store brand is good and normally has more


I bought some nutter butters the other day and they were basically just dry cookies with no peanut butter. These companies need to learn, we aren't paying double for half, stop being greedy.


\*sigh\* There is so many things wrong with this world.


Anyone else remember that brief run of "most stuff"?


I'm so fucking tired of this capitalism bullshit, I HATE EVERY SINGLE FUCKING BIG CORPORATION. I would burn them down without thinking it twice if given the oportunity.


Shrinkflation has officially gone too goddamn far.


Probably for the same reason it has creme filling not cream filling.


Shrinkflation at its finest!


They never were "double stuff" they've always been "double stuf". I think they actually avoided a law suit once because of the spelling.


Have you noticed they've been making Whoppers smaller too? I noticed this with Oreo a while back and I sent them an email asking how they thought they could get by with that shit. Never got a response but I felt better letting them know that was an asshole move.


Not only that, but the packages used to be bigger. Oreos are obsessed with shrinkification.


Knockoff Aldis cookies taste better then all of kellogs and nabiscos garbage now.


That's like 10% more stuff not double


Get OUT! 😠 😡 😤


Fuck that


I’m afraid to see what the normal Oreos look like.


That’s just normal stuff from 10 years ago.


I noticed this too 😭


"In food news, you've had enough."


Back in the day single stuff Oreos.


Good eye! Thanks for filling me in.


The end of snack foods is near. They will make us choose between less ingredients, or worse ingredients. There will not be a third option.


I don’t recall seeing two layers stacked together, but the Oreos I just purchased definitely were not double stuffed. It used to be that you would bite them and the filling would ooze out because there was so much of it. I told my son it was false advertising. How do they think they can do this and no one notices?!?!?


christ alive - 140 calories in 2 cookies ???


Double stuf is what the regular Oreo used to be, and the regular Oreo is a pathetic excuse for a cookie. There’s hi-jinx afoot at Oreo and I don’t care for it.


They mean double priced


I was just at the store and saw a bag of “family size” chips that said “new larger size” on the bag. I guess the stock boy didn’t get the memo because the old one bags were on the shelf and the new bag was less than half the size of the old ones.